let toggle_action children =
Mpresentation.Maction ([None, "actiontype", "toggle"], children)
-type child_pos = [ `None | `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
+type child_pos = [ `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
let pp_assoc =
let add_parens child_prec child_assoc child_pos curr_prec t =
if is_atomic t then t
- else if child_prec < curr_prec
- || (child_prec = curr_prec &&
- child_assoc = Gramext.LeftA &&
- child_pos <> `Left)
- || (child_prec = curr_prec &&
- child_assoc = Gramext.RightA &&
- child_pos <> `Right)
+ else if child_prec >= 0
+ && (child_prec < curr_prec
+ || (child_prec = curr_prec &&
+ child_assoc = Gramext.LeftA &&
+ child_pos = `Right)
+ || (child_prec = curr_prec &&
+ child_assoc = Gramext.RightA &&
+ child_pos = `Left))
then (* parens should be added *)
+(* (prerr_endline "adding parens";
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "child_prec = %d\nchild_assoc = %s\nchild_pos = %s\ncurr_prec= %d"
+ child_prec (pp_assoc child_assoc) (CicNotationPp.pp_pos
+ child_pos) curr_prec); *)
match t with
| Mpresentation.Mobject (_, box) ->
mpres_of_box (Box.H ([], [ open_box_paren; box; closed_box_paren ]))
prerr_endline ("unexpected ast: " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
assert false
and aux_attributes xmlattrs mathonly xref pos prec t =
+ let reset = ref false in
let new_level = ref None in
let new_xref = ref [] in
let new_xmlattrs = ref [] in
let new_pos = ref pos in
+ let reinit = ref false in
let rec aux_attribute =
| A.AttributedTerm (attr, t) ->
(match attr with
| `Loc _
| `Raw _ -> ()
+ | `Level (-1, _) -> reset := true
| `Level (child_prec, child_assoc) ->
new_level := Some (child_prec, child_assoc)
| `IdRef xref -> new_xref := xref :: !new_xref
let t' =
aux !new_xmlattrs mathonly new_xref !new_pos child_prec t
- add_parens child_prec child_assoc !new_pos prec t')
+ if !reset then t'
+ else add_parens child_prec child_assoc !new_pos prec t')
aux_attribute t
and aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec l =
let attrs = make_xref xref in
let invoke' t = aux [] true (ref []) pos prec t in
(* use the one below to reset precedence and associativity *)
- let invoke_reinit t = aux [] true (ref []) `None 0 t in
+ let invoke_reinit t = aux [] mathonly xref `Inner ~-1 t in
match l with
| A.Sub (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
| A.Sup (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
List.map boxify_pres (find_clusters terms)
- aux [] false (ref []) `None 0
+ aux [] false (ref []) `Inner ~-1
let rec print_box (t: boxml_markup) =
Box.box2xml print_mpres t
let add_level_info prec assoc t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (prec, assoc), t)
let add_pos_info pos t = Ast.AttributedTerm (`ChildPos pos, t)
+let left_pos = add_pos_info `Left
+let right_pos = add_pos_info `Right
+let inner_pos = add_pos_info `Inner
+let rec top_pos t = add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t)
+(* function
+ | Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level _, t) ->
+ add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t)
+ | Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, t) -> Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, top_pos t)
+ | t -> add_level_info ~-1 Gramext.NonA (inner_pos t) *)
let rec remove_level_info =
let rec aux =
| Ast.Appl ts ->
+ let rec aux_args pos =
+ function
+ | [] -> []
+ | [ last ] ->
+ let last = k last in
+ if pos = `Left then [ left_pos last ] else [ right_pos last ]
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ (add_pos_info pos (k hd)) :: aux_args `Inner tl
+ in
add_level_info Ast.apply_prec Ast.apply_assoc
- (hovbox true true (CicNotationUtil.dress break (List.map k ts)))
+ (hovbox true true (CicNotationUtil.dress break (aux_args `Left ts)))
| Ast.Binder (binder_kind, (id, ty), body) ->
add_level_info Ast.binder_prec Ast.binder_assoc
(hvbox false true
[ binder_symbol (resolve_binder binder_kind);
k id; builtin_symbol ":"; aux_ty ty; break;
- builtin_symbol "."; k body ])
+ builtin_symbol "."; right_pos (k body) ])
| Ast.Case (what, indty_opt, outty_opt, patterns) ->
let outty_box =
match outty_opt with
let match_box =
hvbox false true [
keyword "match"; break;
- hvbox false false ([ k what ] @ indty_box); break;
+ hvbox false false ([ top_pos (k what) ] @ indty_box); break;
keyword "with" ]
let mk_case_pattern (head, href, vars) =
(hvbox false true [
hbox false true [
mk_case_pattern lhs; builtin_symbol "\\Rightarrow" ];
- break; k rhs ]))
+ break; top_pos (k rhs) ]))
let patterns'' =
| Ast.Cast (bo, ty) ->
add_level_info Ast.simple_prec Ast.simple_assoc
(hvbox false true [
- builtin_symbol "("; k bo; break; builtin_symbol ":"; k ty;
- builtin_symbol ")"])
+ builtin_symbol "("; top_pos (k bo); break; builtin_symbol ":";
+ top_pos (k ty); builtin_symbol ")"])
| Ast.LetIn (var, s, t) ->
add_level_info Ast.let_in_prec Ast.let_in_assoc
(hvbox false true [
hvbox false true [
keyword "let";
hvbox false true [
- aux_var var; builtin_symbol "\\def"; break; k s ];
+ aux_var var; builtin_symbol "\\def"; break; top_pos (k s) ];
break; keyword "in" ];
k t ])
let (name, body) = fst_fun in
hvbox false true [
keyword "let"; keyword rec_op; name; builtin_symbol "\\def"; break;
- body ]
+ top_pos body ]
let tl_rows =
| t -> CicNotationUtil.group (subst pos env t)
and subst pos env = function
| Ast.AttributedTerm (attr, t) as term ->
- prerr_endline ("loosing attribute " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_attribute attr);
+(* prerr_endline ("loosing attribute " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_attribute attr); *)
subst pos env t
| Ast.Variable var ->
let name, expected_ty = CicNotationEnv.declaration_of_var var in
match pos with
| `Inner -> `Right
| `Left -> `Left
- | `None -> assert false
+(* | `None -> assert false *)
| `Right -> `Right
[ subst pos' env child ]
match pos with
| `Inner -> `Inner
| `Left -> `Inner
- | `None -> assert false
+(* | `None -> assert false *)
| `Right -> `Right
(subst pos env hd) :: subst_children pos' env tl
let idrefs =
List.flatten (List.map CicNotationUtil.get_idrefs ctors)
- let prec, assoc, l1 =
+ let l1 =
Hashtbl.find level1_patterns21 pid
with Not_found -> assert false
- add_level_info prec assoc
- (instantiate21 idrefs (ast_env_of_env env) l1))
+ instantiate21 idrefs (ast_env_of_env env) l1)
let instantiate32 term_info idrefs env symbol args =
let rec instantiate_arg = function
!(Hashtbl.find interpretations symbol)))
with Not_found -> raise Interpretation_not_found
+let fill_pos_info l1_pattern = l1_pattern
+(* let rec aux toplevel pos =
+ function
+ | Ast.Layout l ->
+ (match l
+ | Ast.Magic m ->
+ Ast.Box (
+ | Ast.Variable _ as t -> add_pos_info pos t
+ | t -> t
+ in
+ aux true l1_pattern *)
let add_pretty_printer ~precedence ~associativity l2 l1 =
let id = fresh_id () in
+ let l1' = add_level_info precedence associativity (fill_pos_info l1) in
let l2' = CicNotationUtil.strip_attributes l2 in
- Hashtbl.add level1_patterns21 id (precedence, associativity, l1);
+ Hashtbl.add level1_patterns21 id l1';
pattern21_matrix := (l2', id) :: !pattern21_matrix;
load_patterns21 !pattern21_matrix;