(* $Id$ *)
+open Printf
module GA = GrafiteAst
module U = UriManager
let baseuri_of = Hashtbl.create (Array.length Sys.argv) in
let baseuri_of_inv = Hashtbl.create (Array.length Sys.argv) in
let uri_deps = Hashtbl.create (Array.length Sys.argv) in
+ let ma_topo = Hashtbl.create (Array.length Sys.argv) in
+ let ma_topo_keys = ref [] in
let buri alias = U.buri_of_uri (U.uri_of_string alias) in
let resolve alias current_buri =
let buri = buri alias in
if buri <> current_buri then Some buri else None in
let dot_file = ref "" in
+ let order_only = ref false in
["-dot", Arg.Set_string dot_file,
- "<file> Save dependency graph in dot format to the given file"];
+ "<file> Save dependency graph in dot format to the given file";
+ "-order", Arg.Set order_only,
+ "Only print (one of the possibles) build order(s) for the given *.ma"];
MatitaInit.parse_cmdline_and_configuration_file ();
MatitaInit.initialize_environment ();
+ MatitamakeLib.initialize ();
let include_paths =
Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.includes" in
let args = Helm_registry.get_list Helm_registry.string "matita.args" in
let istream = Ulexing.from_utf8_channel ic in
let dependencies = DependenciesParser.parse_dependencies istream in
close_in ic;
- List.iter
- (function
- | DependenciesParser.UriDep uri ->
- let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
- if not (Http_getter_storage.is_legacy uri) then
- Hashtbl.add uri_deps ma_file uri
- | DependenciesParser.BaseuriDep uri ->
- let uri = Http_getter_misc.strip_trailing_slash uri in
- Hashtbl.add baseuri_of ma_file uri;
- Hashtbl.add baseuri_of_inv uri ma_file
- | DependenciesParser.IncludeDep path ->
- try
- let baseuri = baseuri_of_script path in
- if not (Http_getter_storage.is_legacy baseuri) then
- (let moo_file = obj_file_of_baseuri false baseuri in
- Hashtbl.add include_deps ma_file moo_file;
- Hashtbl.add include_deps_dot ma_file baseuri)
- with Sys_error _ ->
- HLog.warn
- ("Unable to find " ^ path ^ " that is included in " ^ ma_file))
- dependencies)
+ if !order_only then begin
+ let relative_ma_file =
+ (* change a path leading to a .ma file into a path relative to its
+ * development root dir *)
+ let absolute_ma_file =
+ if Filename.is_relative ma_file then
+ Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) ma_file
+ else
+ ma_file in
+ let ma_dir = Filename.dirname absolute_ma_file in
+ match MatitamakeLib.development_for_dir ma_dir with
+ | None ->
+ eprintf "no development setup for dir '%s'\n%!" ma_dir;
+ assert false
+ | Some devel ->
+ Pcre.replace
+ ~pat:(Pcre.quote(MatitamakeLib.root_for_development devel) ^ "/?")
+ ~templ:"" absolute_ma_file
+ in
+ ma_topo_keys := relative_ma_file :: !ma_topo_keys;
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | DependenciesParser.IncludeDep path ->
+ Hashtbl.add ma_topo relative_ma_file path
+ | _ -> ())
+ dependencies
+ end else
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | DependenciesParser.UriDep uri ->
+ let uri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
+ if not (Http_getter_storage.is_legacy uri) then
+ Hashtbl.add uri_deps ma_file uri
+ | DependenciesParser.BaseuriDep uri ->
+ let uri = Http_getter_misc.strip_trailing_slash uri in
+ Hashtbl.add baseuri_of ma_file uri;
+ Hashtbl.add baseuri_of_inv uri ma_file
+ | DependenciesParser.IncludeDep path ->
+ try
+ let baseuri = baseuri_of_script path in
+ if not (Http_getter_storage.is_legacy baseuri) then
+ (let moo_file = obj_file_of_baseuri false baseuri in
+ Hashtbl.add include_deps ma_file moo_file;
+ Hashtbl.add include_deps_dot ma_file baseuri)
+ with Sys_error _ ->
+ HLog.warn
+ ("Unable to find " ^ path ^ " that is included in " ^ ma_file))
+ dependencies)
(fun file alias ->
with Not_found ->
prerr_endline ("File "^ file^" has no baseuri. Use set baseuri");
exit 1)
- uri_deps;
+ uri_deps;
let gcp x y =
(* explode and implode from the OCaml Expert FAQ. *)
let explode s =
GraphvizPp.Dot.trailer fmt;
close_out oc
- List.iter (* (always) generate regular .depend output *)
- (fun ma_file ->
- try
- let deps = Hashtbl.find_all include_deps ma_file in
- let deps = List.fast_sort Pervasives.compare deps in
- let deps = HExtlib.list_uniq deps in
- let deps = ma_file :: deps in
- let baseuri = Hashtbl.find baseuri_of ma_file in
- let moo = obj_file_of_baseuri true baseuri in
- Printf.printf "%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n"
- moo (String.concat " " deps)
- (Filename.basename(Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" ma_file)) moo
- (Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" ma_file) moo
- (Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" (short ma_file)) moo
- with Not_found ->
- prerr_endline ("File "^ma_file^" has no baseuri. Use set baseuri");
- exit 1)
- ma_files
+ if !order_only then begin
+ let module OrdererString =
+ struct
+ type t = string
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+ end
+ in
+ let module Topo = HTopoSort.Make (OrdererString) in
+ let sorted_ma =
+ Topo.topological_sort !ma_topo_keys (Hashtbl.find_all ma_topo) in
+ List.iter print_endline sorted_ma
+ (*Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> printf "%s: %s\n" k v) ma_topo*)
+ end else
+ List.iter (* generate regular .depend output *)
+ (fun ma_file ->
+ try
+ let deps = Hashtbl.find_all include_deps ma_file in
+ let deps = List.fast_sort Pervasives.compare deps in
+ let deps = HExtlib.list_uniq deps in
+ let deps = ma_file :: deps in
+ let baseuri = Hashtbl.find baseuri_of ma_file in
+ let moo = obj_file_of_baseuri true baseuri in
+ printf "%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n%s: %s\n"
+ moo (String.concat " " deps)
+ (Filename.basename(Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" ma_file)) moo
+ (Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" ma_file) moo
+ (Pcre.replace ~pat:"ma$" ~templ:"mo" (short ma_file)) moo
+ with Not_found ->
+ prerr_endline ("File "^ma_file^" has no baseuri. Use set baseuri");
+ exit 1)
+ ma_files