method virtual doReader : 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a
method virtual doWriter : 'a. 'a lazy_t -> 'a
-let threadSafe = new threadSafe ;;
+let threadSafe = new threadSafe
+let finally cleanup f =
+ try
+ let res = Lazy.force f in
+ cleanup ();
+ res
+ with e ->
+ cleanup ();
+ raise (Http_getter_types.Cache_failure (Printexc.to_string e))
let resource_type_of_url = function
| url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml\\.gz$" url -> Enc_gzipped
| url when Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"\\.xml$" url -> Enc_normal
| url -> raise (Invalid_URL url)
let extension_of_resource_type = function
| Enc_normal -> "xml"
| Enc_gzipped -> "xml.gz"
sprintf "%s%s.%s" (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.cic_dir) baseuri extension
| Nuprl_uri baseuri ->
(* assumption: baseuri starts with "/" *)
- sprintf "%s%s.%s" (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.nuprl_dir) baseuri extension
+ sprintf "%s%s.%s" (Lazy.force Http_getter_env.nuprl_dir) baseuri
+ extension
| Rdf_uri (prefix, ((Cic baseuri) as qbaseuri))
| Rdf_uri (prefix, ((Theory baseuri) as qbaseuri)) ->
let escaped_prefix =
| Enc_normal, Enc_gzipped -> (* resource normal, cache gzipped *)
let tmp = tempfile () in
- wget ~output:tmp url;
- gzip ~output:(basename ^ ".gz") ~keep:true tmp; (* fill cache *)
- if enc = Enc_normal then (* user wants normal: don't delete it! *)
- Some (tmp, enc)
- else begin
- Sys.remove tmp;
- None
- end
+ let (res, cleanup) =
+ if enc = Enc_normal then (* user wants normal: don't delete it! *)
+ (Some (tmp, enc), (fun () -> ()))
+ else
+ (None, (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp))
+ in
+ finally cleanup (lazy (
+ wget ~output:tmp url;
+ gzip ~output:(basename ^ ".gz") ~keep:true tmp; (* fill cache *)
+ res
+ ));
| Enc_gzipped, Enc_normal -> (* resource gzipped, cache normal *)
let tmp = tempfile () in
- wget ~output:tmp url;
- gunzip ~output:basename ~keep:true tmp; (* fill cache *)
- if enc = Enc_gzipped then (* user wants gzipped: don't delete it! *)
- Some (tmp, enc)
- else begin
- Sys.remove tmp;
- None
- end
+ let (res, cleanup) =
+ if enc = Enc_gzipped then (* user wants .gz: don't delete it! *)
+ (Some (tmp, enc), (fun () -> ()))
+ else
+ (None, (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp))
+ in
+ finally cleanup (lazy (
+ wget ~output:tmp url;
+ gunzip ~output:basename ~keep:true tmp; (* fill cache *)
+ res
+ ));
end else begin
debug_print "Cache HIT :-)";
| None -> (* no short circuit possible, use cache *)
debug_print "No short circuit available, use cache";
let tmp = tempfile () in
- (match enc with
- | Enc_normal ->
- (* required format is normal, cached version is gzipped *)
- gunzip (* gunzip to tmp *)
- ~output:tmp ~keep:true (basename ^ ".gz");
- return_file ~fname:tmp ~contype ~patch_fun outchan;
- | Enc_gzipped ->
- (* required format is gzipped, cached version is normal *)
- gzip ~output:tmp ~keep:true basename; (* gzip to tmp *)
- return_file
- ~fname:tmp ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
- ~patch_fun ~gunzip:true
- outchan);
- Sys.remove tmp
+ finally (fun () -> Sys.remove tmp) (lazy (
+ (match enc with
+ | Enc_normal ->
+ (* required format is normal, cached version is gzipped *)
+ gunzip (* gunzip to tmp *)
+ ~output:tmp ~keep:true (basename ^ ".gz");
+ return_file ~fname:tmp ~contype ~patch_fun outchan;
+ | Enc_gzipped ->
+ (* required format is gzipped, cached version is normal *)
+ gzip ~output:tmp ~keep:true basename; (* gzip to tmp *)
+ return_file
+ ~fname:tmp ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip"
+ ~patch_fun ~gunzip:true
+ outchan)
+ ))
| Some (fname, Enc_normal) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
debug_print "Using short circuit (encoding = normal)";
- return_file ~fname ~contype ~patch_fun outchan;
- Sys.remove fname
+ finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
+ return_file ~fname ~contype ~patch_fun outchan
+ ))
| Some (fname, Enc_gzipped) -> (* short circuit available, use it! *)
debug_print "Using short circuit (encoding = gzipped)";
- return_file
- ~fname ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip" ~patch_fun ~gunzip:true outchan;
- Sys.remove fname)
+ finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
+ return_file ~fname ~contype ~contenc:"x-gzip" ~patch_fun
+ ~gunzip:true outchan
+ )))
(* TODO enc is not yet supported *)
let respond_xsl ?(enc = Enc_normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan =
if patch then Http_getter_common.patch_xsl else (fun x -> x)
let fname = tempfile () in
- wget ~output:fname url;
- return_file ~fname ~contype:"text/xml" ~patch_fun outchan;
- Sys.remove fname
+ finally (fun () -> Sys.remove fname) (lazy (
+ wget ~output:fname url;
+ return_file ~fname ~contype:"text/xml" ~patch_fun outchan
+ ))
(* TODO enc is not yet supported *)
let respond_dtd ?(enc = Enc_normal) ?(patch = true) ~url outchan =
return_file ~fname:url ~contype:"text/plain" ~patch_fun outchan
return_html_error ("Can't find DTD: " ^ url) outchan
let clean () =
let module E = Http_getter_env in
(function dir -> ignore (Unix.system ("rm -rf " ^ dir ^ "/*")))
[ Lazy.force E.cic_dir; Lazy.force E.nuprl_dir; Lazy.force E.rdf_dir ]
let (tmp1, tmp2) =
(Http_getter_misc.tempfile (), Http_getter_misc.tempfile ())
- Http_getter_misc.gunzip ~keep:true ~output:tmp1 fname; (* gunzip to tmp1 *)
- let new_file = open_out tmp2 in
- Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* tmp2 = patch(tmp1) *)
- (fun line -> output_string new_file (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
- tmp1;
- close_out new_file;
- Http_getter_misc.gzip ~output:tmp1 tmp2; (* tmp1 = gzip(tmp2); rm tmp2 *)
- Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* send tmp1 to client as is*)
- (fun line -> output_string outchan (line ^ "\n"))
- tmp1;
- Sys.remove tmp1 (* rm tmp1 *)
+ try
+ Http_getter_misc.gunzip ~keep:true ~output:tmp1 fname;(* gunzip to tmp1 *)
+ let new_file = open_out tmp2 in
+ Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* tmp2 = patch(tmp1) *)
+ (fun line -> output_string new_file (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))
+ tmp1;
+ close_out new_file;
+ Http_getter_misc.gzip ~output:tmp1 tmp2; (* tmp1 = gzip(tmp2); rm tmp2 *)
+ Http_getter_misc.iter_file (* send tmp1 to client as is*)
+ (fun line -> output_string outchan (line ^ "\n"))
+ tmp1;
+ Sys.remove tmp1 (* rm tmp1 *)
+ with e ->
+ Sys.remove tmp1;
+ raise e
end else (* no need to gunzip, apply patch_fun directly to file *)
(fun line -> output_string outchan (patch_fun line ^ "\n"))