cicNotationPp.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationEnv.cmi
cicNotationMatcher.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationEnv.cmi
cicNotationFwd.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationEnv.cmi
-cicNotationRew.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo
cicNotationParser.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationEnv.cmi
+cicNotationRew.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo
cicNotationPres.cmi: cicNotationPt.cmo
cicNotationUtil.cmo: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationUtil.cmi
cicNotationUtil.cmx: cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationUtil.cmi
cicNotationFwd.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationEnv.cmx \
-cicNotationRew.cmo: cicNotationUtil.cmi cicNotationPt.cmo \
- cicNotationMatcher.cmi cicNotationEnv.cmi cicNotationRew.cmi
-cicNotationRew.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx \
- cicNotationMatcher.cmx cicNotationEnv.cmx cicNotationRew.cmi
cicNotationParser.cmo: cicNotationUtil.cmi cicNotationPt.cmo \
cicNotationPp.cmi cicNotationLexer.cmi cicNotationEnv.cmi \
cicNotationParser.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx \
cicNotationPp.cmx cicNotationLexer.cmx cicNotationEnv.cmx \
-cicNotationPres.cmo: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationPres.cmi
-cicNotationPres.cmx: cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationPres.cmi
+cicNotationRew.cmo: cicNotationUtil.cmi cicNotationPt.cmo \
+ cicNotationParser.cmi cicNotationMatcher.cmi cicNotationEnv.cmi \
+ cicNotationRew.cmi
+cicNotationRew.cmx: cicNotationUtil.cmx cicNotationPt.cmx \
+ cicNotationParser.cmx cicNotationMatcher.cmx cicNotationEnv.cmx \
+ cicNotationRew.cmi
+cicNotationPres.cmo: cicNotationPt.cmo cicNotationPres.cmi cicNotationPp.cmi \
+ cicNotationPres.cmi
+cicNotationPres.cmx: cicNotationPt.cmx cicNotationPres.cmx cicNotationPp.cmx \
+ cicNotationPres.cmi
| [] -> assert false (* as above *)
| (name :: _) as names ->
let rec instantiate_fold_left acc env' =
- prerr_endline "instantiate_fold_left";
match lookup_value env' name with
| ListValue (_ :: _) ->
| [] -> assert false (* as above *)
| (name :: _) as names ->
let rec instantiate_fold_right env' =
- prerr_endline "instantiate_fold_right";
match lookup_value env' name with
| ListValue (_ :: _) ->
let acc = instantiate_fold_right (tail_names names env') in
| _ -> assert false
instantiate_fold_right env)
- | If (_, body)
- | Unless (_, body) -> aux env body
+ | If (_, p_true, p_false) as t -> aux env (CicNotationUtil.find_branch (Magic t))
+ | Fail -> assert false
| _ -> assert false
aux env term
let regexp delim_end = "\\]"
let regexp keyword = '"' ident '"'
+let regexp qkeyword = "'" ident "'"
let regexp implicit = '?'
let regexp meta = implicit number
let regexp csymbol = '\'' ident
+let regexp begin_group = "@{" | "${"
+let regexp end_group = '}'
+let regexp wildcard = "$_"
+let regexp ast_ident = "@" ident
+let regexp ast_csymbol = "@" csymbol
+let regexp meta_ident = "$" ident
+let regexp meta_anonymous = "$_"
+let regexp qstring = '"' [^ '"']* '"'
+let level1_layouts =
+ [ "sub"; "sup";
+ "below"; "above";
+ "over"; "atop"; "frac";
+ "sqrt"; "root"
+ ]
+let level2_meta_keywords =
+ [ "if"; "then"; "else";
+ "fold"; "left"; "right"; "rec";
+ "fail";
+ "default";
+ "anonymous"; "ident"; "number"; "term"; "fresh"
+ ]
+let level1_keywords =
+ [ "hbox"; "hvbox"; "hovbox"; "vbox";
+ "break";
+ "list0"; "list1"; "sep";
+ "opt";
+ "term"; "ident"; "number"
+ ]
let regexp uri =
("cic:/" | "theory:/") (* schema *)
ident ('/' ident)* (* path *)
let begin_cnum, end_cnum = Ulexing.loc lexbuf in
raise (Error (begin_cnum, end_cnum, msg))
-let return lexbuf token =
- let begin_cnum, end_cnum = Ulexing.loc lexbuf in
+let return_with_loc token begin_cnum end_cnum =
(* TODO handle line/column numbers *)
let flocation_begin =
{ Lexing.pos_fname = "";
let flocation_end = { flocation_begin with Lexing.pos_cnum = end_cnum } in
(token, (flocation_begin, flocation_end))
+let return lexbuf token =
+ let begin_cnum, end_cnum = Ulexing.loc lexbuf in
+ return_with_loc token begin_cnum end_cnum
let return_lexeme lexbuf name = return lexbuf (name, Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
let remove_quotes s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)
let keyword lexbuf = "KEYWORD", remove_quotes (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
-let rec token = lexer
- | xml_blank+ -> token lexbuf
+let remove_quotes s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2)
+let remove_left_quote s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)
+let rec level2_pattern_token_group counter buffer = lexer
+ | end_group ->
+ if (counter > 0) then
+ Buffer.add_string buffer (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf) ;
+ snd (Ulexing.loc lexbuf)
+ | begin_group ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf) ;
+ ignore (level2_pattern_token_group (counter + 1) buffer lexbuf) ;
+ level2_pattern_token_group counter buffer lexbuf
+ | _ ->
+ Buffer.add_string buffer (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf) ;
+ level2_pattern_token_group counter buffer lexbuf
+let read_unparsed_group token_name lexbuf =
+ let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
+ let begin_cnum, _ = Ulexing.loc lexbuf in
+ let end_cnum = level2_pattern_token_group 0 buffer lexbuf in
+ return_with_loc (token_name, Buffer.contents buffer) begin_cnum end_cnum
+let rec level2_meta_token = lexer
+ | xml_blank+ -> level2_meta_token lexbuf
+ | ident ->
+ let s = Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf in
+ begin
+ if List.mem s level2_meta_keywords then
+ return lexbuf ("", s)
+ else
+ return lexbuf ("IDENT", s)
+ end
+ | "@{" -> read_unparsed_group "UNPARSED_AST" lexbuf
+ | ast_ident -> return lexbuf ("UNPARSED_AST", remove_left_quote (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf))
+ | ast_csymbol -> return lexbuf ("UNPARSED_AST", remove_left_quote (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf))
+ | eof -> return lexbuf ("EOI", "")
+let rec level2_ast_token = lexer
+ | xml_blank+ -> level2_ast_token lexbuf
| meta -> return lexbuf ("META", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
| implicit -> return lexbuf ("IMPLICIT", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
| ident -> return lexbuf ("IDENT", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
| number -> return lexbuf ("NUMBER", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
| keyword -> return lexbuf (keyword lexbuf)
- | delim_begin -> return lexbuf ("DELIM", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
- | delim_end -> return lexbuf ("DELIM", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
| tex_token -> return lexbuf (expand_macro lexbuf)
| uri -> return lexbuf ("URI", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
- | eof -> return lexbuf ("EOI", "")
+ | qstring -> return lexbuf ("QSTRING", remove_quotes (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf))
| csymbol -> return lexbuf ("CSYMBOL", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
+ | "${" -> read_unparsed_group "UNPARSED_META" lexbuf
+ | "@{" -> read_unparsed_group "UNPARSED_AST" lexbuf
+ | '(' -> return lexbuf ("LPAREN", "")
+ | ')' -> return lexbuf ("RPAREN", "")
+ | meta_ident -> return lexbuf ("UNPARSED_META", remove_left_quote (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf))
+ | meta_anonymous -> return lexbuf ("UNPARSED_META", "anonymous")
+ | _ -> return lexbuf ("SYMBOL", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
+ | eof -> return lexbuf ("EOI", "")
+let rec level1_pattern_token = lexer
+ | xml_blank+ -> level1_pattern_token lexbuf
+ | number -> return lexbuf ("NUMBER", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
+ | ident ->
+ let s = Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf in
+ begin
+ if List.mem s level1_keywords then
+ return lexbuf ("", s)
+ else
+ return lexbuf ("IDENT", s)
+ end
+ | tex_token -> return lexbuf (expand_macro lexbuf)
+ | qkeyword -> return lexbuf ("QKEYWORD", remove_quotes (Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf))
+ | '(' -> return lexbuf ("LPAREN", "")
+ | ')' -> return lexbuf ("RPAREN", "")
+ | eof -> return lexbuf ("EOI", "")
| _ -> return lexbuf ("SYMBOL", Ulexing.utf8_lexeme lexbuf)
(* API implementation *)
-let notation_lexer = mk_lexer token
+let level1_pattern_lexer = mk_lexer level1_pattern_token
+let level2_ast_lexer = mk_lexer level2_ast_token
+let level2_meta_lexer = mk_lexer level2_meta_token
* error message *)
exception Error of int * int * string
-val notation_lexer: (string * string) Token.glexer
+val level1_pattern_lexer: (string * string) Token.glexer
+val level2_ast_lexer: (string * string) Token.glexer
+val level2_meta_lexer: (string * string) Token.glexer
| hd :: tl -> k (hd :: matched_terms) tl
| _ -> assert false)
+ let success_closure ks k =
+ (fun matched_terms terms ->
+ match ks matched_terms with
+ None ->
+ begin
+ (* the match has failed, we rollback the last matched term
+ * into the unmatched ones and call the failure continuation
+ *)
+ match matched_terms with
+ hd :: tl -> k tl (hd :: terms)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | Some v -> Some v)
let constructor_closure ks k =
(fun matched_terms terms ->
match terms with
if t = [] then
else if are_empty t then
- let res = match_cb (matched t) in
- (fun matched_terms terms ->
- match res matched_terms with
- None ->
- begin
- (* the match has failed, we rollback the last matched term
- * into the unmatched ones and call the failure continuation
- *)
- match matched_terms with
- hd :: tl -> k tl (hd :: terms)
- | _ -> assert false
- end
- | Some v -> Some v)
+ success_closure (match_cb (matched t)) k
match horizontal_split t with
| _, [], _ -> assert false
let magichecker map =
(fun f (name, m) ->
- prerr_endline ("compiling magichecker for " ^ name) ;
let m_checker = compile_magic m in
(fun env ->
match m_checker (Env.lookup_term env name) env with
| None -> None
| Some env' ->
f env'))
- (fun env ->
- prerr_endline ("all magics processed ENV = " ^ Pp.pp_env env) ;
- Some env)
+ (fun env -> Some env)
let magichooser candidates =
(fun f (pid, pl, checker) ->
- List.iter (fun p -> prerr_endline ("P = " ^ Pp.pp_term p)) pl ;
(fun matched_terms ->
let env = env_of_matched pl matched_terms in
match checker env with
| None -> f matched_terms
| Some env ->
- prerr_endline (String.concat " / " ( Pp.pp_term pl)) ;
- prerr_endline ("magichoose found a match for " ^ Pp.pp_env env ^ " " ^ string_of_int pid) ;
let magic_map =
try List.assoc pid magic_maps with Not_found -> assert false
| Some (env', 0) -> Some ( Env.opt_binding_some env' @ env)
| _ -> assert false)
- | Pt.If (guard, p) ->
- let compiled_guard = compiler [guard, 0]
- and compiled_p = compiler [p, 0] in
- (fun term env ->
- match compiled_guard term with
- | None -> None
- | Some _ ->
- begin
- match compiled_p term with
- | None -> None
- | Some (env', _) ->
- Some (env' @ env)
- end)
- | Pt.Unless (guard, p) ->
- let compiled_guard = compiler [guard, 0]
- and compiled_p = compiler [p, 0] in
+ | Pt.If (p_test, p_true, p_false) ->
+ let compiled_test = compiler [p_test, 0]
+ and compiled_true = compiler [p_true, 0]
+ and compiled_false = compiler [p_false, 0] in
(fun term env ->
- match compiled_guard term with
- | None ->
- begin
- match compiled_p term with
- | None -> None
- | Some (env', _) ->
- Some (env' @ env)
- end
- | Some _ -> None)
+ let branch =
+ match compiled_test term with
+ | None -> compiled_false
+ | Some _ -> compiled_true
+ in
+ match branch term with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (env', _) -> Some (env' @ env))
+ | Pt.Fail -> (fun _ _ -> None)
| _ -> assert false
let (p_bindings, p_atoms, p_names, p_action) = inner_pattern p in
let env0 = list_binding_of_name p_names in
let grow_env_entry env n v =
- prerr_endline "grow_env_entry";
n', (ty, ListValue vl) as entry ->
let grow_env env_i env =
- prerr_endline "grow_env";
List.fold_left (fun env (n, (_, v)) -> grow_env_entry env n v) env
let action (env_list : env_type list) (loc : location) =
- prerr_endline "list action"; List.fold_right grow_env env_list env0
+ List.fold_right grow_env env_list env0
let g_symbol s =
match magic with
and inner_pattern p =
let (p_bindings, p_atoms) = List.split (aux p) in
let p_names = flatten_opt p_bindings in
- let _ =
- prerr_endline
- ("inner names: " ^ String.concat " " ( fst p_names))
- in
let action =
- (fun (env : env_type) (loc : location) ->
- prerr_endline "inner action"; env)
+ (fun (env : env_type) (loc : location) -> env)
p_bindings, p_atoms, p_names, action
let level = level_of_int precedence in
let p_names = flatten_opt p_bindings in
let _ =
- prerr_endline (string_of_int (List.length p_bindings));
[Grammar.Entry.obj (l2_pattern : 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
Some (Gramext.Level level),
exception Parse_error of Token.flocation * string
exception Level_not_found of int
-let grammar = Grammar.gcreate CicNotationLexer.notation_lexer
+let level1_pattern_grammar =
+ Grammar.gcreate CicNotationLexer.level1_pattern_lexer
+let level2_ast_grammar = Grammar.gcreate CicNotationLexer.level2_ast_lexer
+let level2_meta_grammar = Grammar.gcreate CicNotationLexer.level2_meta_lexer
let min_precedence = 0
let max_precedence = 100
let apply_assoc = Gramext.LeftA
let simple_assoc = Gramext.NonA
-let level1_pattern = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "level1_pattern"
-let level2_pattern = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "level2_pattern"
-let level3_term = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "level3_term"
-let l2_pattern = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "l2_pattern"
-let notation = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "notation" (* level1 <-> level 2 *)
-let interpretation =
- Grammar.Entry.create grammar "interpretation" (* level2 <-> level 3 *)
-let phrase = Grammar.Entry.create grammar "phrase"
+let level1_pattern =
+ Grammar.Entry.create level1_pattern_grammar "level1_pattern"
+let level2_ast = Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "level2_ast"
+let term = Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "term"
+let level2_meta = Grammar.Entry.create level2_meta_grammar "level2_meta"
+let level3_term = Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "level3_term"
+let notation = (* level1 <-> level 2 *)
+ Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "notation"
+let interpretation = (* level2 <-> level 3 *)
+ Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "interpretation"
+let phrase = Grammar.Entry.create level2_ast_grammar "phrase"
let return_term loc term = ()
let symbol s = Gramext.Stoken ("SYMBOL", s)
let ident s = Gramext.Stoken ("IDENT", s)
let number s = Gramext.Stoken ("NUMBER", s)
-let term = Gramext.Sself
let g_symbol_of_literal =
| `Keyword s -> [NoBinding, ident s]
| `Number s -> [NoBinding, number s]
and aux_layout = function
- | Sub (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\SUB"] @ aux p2
- | Sup (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\SUP"] @ aux p2
- | Below (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\BELOW"] @ aux p2
- | Above (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\ABOVE"] @ aux p2
- | Frac (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\FRAC"] @ aux p2
- | Atop (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\ATOP"] @ aux p2
- | Over (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\OVER"] @ aux p2
+ | Sub (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\sub"] @ aux p2
+ | Sup (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\sup"] @ aux p2
+ | Below (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\below"] @ aux p2
+ | Above (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\above"] @ aux p2
+ | Frac (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\frac"] @ aux p2
+ | Atop (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\atop"] @ aux p2
+ | Over (p1, p2) -> aux p1 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\over"] @ aux p2
| Root (p1, p2) ->
- [NoBinding, symbol "\\ROOT"] @ aux p2 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\OF"]
+ [NoBinding, symbol "\\root"] @ aux p2 @ [NoBinding, symbol "\\of"]
@ aux p1
- | Sqrt p -> [NoBinding, symbol "\\SQRT"] @ aux p
-(* | Break -> [] *)
+ | Sqrt p -> [NoBinding, symbol "\\sqrt"] @ aux p
+ | Break -> []
| Box (_, pl) -> List.flatten ( aux pl)
and aux_magic magic =
match magic with
and aux_variable =
| NumVar s -> [Binding (s, NumType), number ""]
- | TermVar s -> [Binding (s, TermType), term]
+ | TermVar s -> [Binding (s, TermType), Gramext.Sself]
| IdentVar s -> [Binding (s, StringType), ident ""]
| Ascription (p, s) -> assert false (* TODO *)
| FreshVar _ -> assert false
and inner_pattern p =
let p_bindings, p_atoms = List.split (aux p) in
let p_names = flatten_opt p_bindings in
- let _ = prerr_endline ("inner names: " ^ String.concat " " ( fst p_names)) in
let action =
make_action (fun (env : CicNotationEnv.t) (loc : location) -> env)
let level = level_of_int precedence in
let p_names = flatten_opt p_bindings in
let _ =
- prerr_endline (string_of_int (List.length p_bindings));
- [ Grammar.Entry.obj (l2_pattern: 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
+ [ Grammar.Entry.obj (term: 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
Some (Gramext.Level level),
[ None,
-let delete atoms = Grammar.delete_rule l2_pattern atoms
+let delete atoms = Grammar.delete_rule term atoms
(** {2 Grammar} *)
+let parse_level1_pattern_ref = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let parse_level2_ast_ref = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let parse_level2_meta_ref = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
let fold_binder binder pt_names body =
let fold_cluster binder terms ty body =
let return_term loc term = AttributedTerm (`Loc loc, term)
-let _ = (* create empty precedence level for "l2_pattern" *)
+let _ = (* create empty precedence level for "term" *)
let mk_level_list first last =
let rec aux acc = function
| i when i < first -> acc
aux [] last
- [ Grammar.Entry.obj (l2_pattern: 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
+ [ Grammar.Entry.obj (term: 'a Grammar.Entry.e),
mk_level_list min_precedence max_precedence ]
- GLOBAL: level1_pattern level2_pattern level3_term
- l2_pattern
- notation interpretation
- phrase;
(* {{{ Grammar for concrete syntax patterns, notation level 1 *)
- level1_pattern: [ [ p = l1_simple_pattern -> p ] ];
+ GLOBAL: level1_pattern;
+ level1_pattern: [ [ p = l1_pattern; EOI -> CicNotationUtil.boxify p ] ];
l1_pattern: [ [ p = LIST1 l1_simple_pattern -> p ] ];
literal: [
[ s = SYMBOL -> `Symbol s
- | k = KEYWORD -> `Keyword k
+ | k = QKEYWORD -> `Keyword k
| n = NUMBER -> `Number n
- sep: [ [ SYMBOL "\\SEP"; sep = literal -> sep ] ];
-(* row_sep: [ [ SYMBOL "\\ROWSEP"; sep = literal -> sep ] ];
- field_sep: [ [ SYMBOL "\\FIELDSEP"; sep = literal -> sep ] ]; *)
+ sep: [ [ "sep"; sep = literal -> sep ] ];
+(* row_sep: [ [ "rowsep"; sep = literal -> sep ] ];
+ field_sep: [ [ "fieldsep"; sep = literal -> sep ] ]; *)
l1_magic_pattern: [
- [ SYMBOL "\\LIST0"; p = l1_simple_pattern; sep = OPT sep -> List0 (p, sep)
- | SYMBOL "\\LIST1"; p = l1_simple_pattern; sep = OPT sep -> List1 (p, sep)
- | SYMBOL "\\OPT"; p = l1_simple_pattern -> Opt p
+ [ "list0"; p = l1_simple_pattern; sep = OPT sep -> List0 (p, sep)
+ | "list1"; p = l1_simple_pattern; sep = OPT sep -> List1 (p, sep)
+ | "opt"; p = l1_simple_pattern -> Opt p
l1_pattern_variable: [
- [ SYMBOL "\\TERM"; id = IDENT -> TermVar id
- | SYMBOL "\\NUM"; id = IDENT -> NumVar id
- | SYMBOL "\\IDENT"; id = IDENT -> IdentVar id
+ [ "term"; id = IDENT -> TermVar id
+ | "number"; id = IDENT -> NumVar id
+ | "ident"; id = IDENT -> IdentVar id
[ "layout" LEFTA
- [ p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\SUB"; p2 = SELF ->
+ [ p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\sub"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Sub (p1, p2)))
- | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\SUP"; p2 = SELF ->
+ | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\sup"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Sup (p1, p2)))
- | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\BELOW"; p2 = SELF ->
+ | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\below"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Below (p1, p2)))
- | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\ABOVE"; p2 = SELF ->
+ | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\above"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Above (p1, p2)))
- | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\OVER"; p2 = SELF ->
+ | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\over"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Over (p1, p2)))
- | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\ATOP"; p2 = SELF ->
+ | p1 = SELF; SYMBOL "\\atop"; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Atop (p1, p2)))
-(* | SYMBOL "\\ARRAY"; p = SELF; csep = OPT field_sep; rsep = OPT row_sep ->
+(* | "array"; p = SELF; csep = OPT field_sep; rsep = OPT row_sep ->
return_term loc (Array (p, csep, rsep)) *)
- | SYMBOL "\\FRAC"; p1 = SELF; p2 = SELF ->
+ | SYMBOL "\\frac"; p1 = SELF; p2 = SELF ->
return_term loc (Layout (Frac (p1, p2)))
- | SYMBOL "\\SQRT"; p = SELF -> return_term loc (Layout (Sqrt p))
- | SYMBOL "\\ROOT"; index = SELF; SYMBOL "\\OF"; arg = SELF ->
- return_term loc (Layout (Root (arg, index)));
- | SYMBOL "\\HBOX"; DELIM "\\["; p = l1_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- return_term loc (Layout (Box ((H, false, false), p)))
- | SYMBOL "\\VBOX"; DELIM "\\["; p = l1_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- return_term loc (Layout (Box ((V, false, false), p)))
- | SYMBOL "\\HVBOX"; DELIM "\\["; p = l1_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- return_term loc (Layout (Box ((HV, false, false), p)))
- | SYMBOL "\\HOVBOX"; DELIM "\\["; p = l1_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- return_term loc (Layout (Box ((HOV, false, false), p)))
-(* | SYMBOL "\\BREAK" -> return_term loc (Layout Break) *)
+ | SYMBOL "\\sqrt"; p = SELF -> return_term loc (Layout (Sqrt p))
+ | SYMBOL "\\root"; index = SELF; SYMBOL "\\OF"; arg = SELF ->
+ return_term loc (Layout (Root (arg, index)))
+ | "hbox"; LPAREN; p = l1_pattern; RPAREN ->
+ return_term loc (CicNotationUtil.boxify p)
+ | "vbox"; LPAREN; p = l1_pattern; RPAREN ->
+ return_term loc (CicNotationUtil.boxify p)
+ | "hvbox"; LPAREN; p = l1_pattern; RPAREN ->
+ return_term loc (CicNotationUtil.boxify p)
+ | "hovbox"; LPAREN; p = l1_pattern; RPAREN ->
+ return_term loc (CicNotationUtil.boxify p)
+ | "break" -> return_term loc (Layout Break)
(* | SYMBOL "\\SPACE" -> return_term loc (Layout Space) *)
- | DELIM "\\["; p = l1_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
+ | "LPAREN"; p = l1_pattern; "RPAREN" ->
return_term loc (CicNotationUtil.boxify p)
- | p = SELF; SYMBOL "\\AS"; id = IDENT ->
- return_term loc (Variable (Ascription (p, id)))
| "simple" NONA
- [ i = IDENT -> return_term loc (Ident (i, None))
+ [ i = IDENT -> return_term loc (Variable (TermVar i))
| m = l1_magic_pattern -> return_term loc (Magic m)
| v = l1_pattern_variable -> return_term loc (Variable v)
| l = literal -> return_term loc (Literal l)
(* }}} *)
+ GLOBAL: level2_meta;
+ l2_variable: [
+ [ "term"; id = IDENT -> TermVar id
+ | "number"; id = IDENT -> NumVar id
+ | "ident"; id = IDENT -> IdentVar id
+ | "fresh"; id = IDENT -> FreshVar id
+ | "anonymous" -> TermVar "_"
+ | id = IDENT -> TermVar id
+ ]
+ ];
+ l2_magic: [
+ [ "fold"; kind = [ "left" -> `Left | "right" -> `Right ];
+ base = level2_meta; "rec"; id = IDENT; recursive = level2_meta ->
+ Fold (kind, base, [id], recursive)
+ | "default"; some = level2_meta; none = level2_meta -> Default (some, none)
+ | "if"; p_test = level2_meta;
+ "then"; p_true = level2_meta;
+ "else"; p_false = level2_meta ->
+ If (p_test, p_true, p_false)
+ | "fail" -> Fail
+ ]
+ ];
+ level2_meta: [
+ [ magic = l2_magic -> Magic magic
+ | var = l2_variable -> Variable var
+ | blob = UNPARSED_AST -> !parse_level2_ast_ref (Stream.of_string blob)
+ ]
+ ];
+ GLOBAL: level2_ast term
+ level3_term
+ notation interpretation
+ phrase;
(* {{{ Grammar for ast patterns, notation level 2 *)
- level2_pattern: [ [ p = l2_pattern -> p ] ];
+ level2_ast: [ [ p = term -> p ] ];
sort: [
- [ SYMBOL "\\PROP" -> `Prop
- | SYMBOL "\\SET" -> `Set
- | SYMBOL "\\TYPE" -> `Type
+ [ IDENT "Prop" -> `Prop
+ | IDENT "Set" -> `Set
+ | IDENT "Type" -> `Type
explicit_subst: [
[ SYMBOL "\\subst"; (* to avoid catching frequent "a [1]" cases *)
substs = LIST1 [
- i = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode<Assign>> (* ≔ *); t = l2_pattern -> (i, t)
+ i = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode<Assign>> (* ≔ *); t = term -> (i, t)
SYMBOL "]" ->
meta_subst: [
[ s = SYMBOL "_" -> None
- | p = l2_pattern -> Some p ]
+ | p = term -> Some p ]
meta_substs: [
[ SYMBOL "["; substs = LIST0 meta_subst; SYMBOL "]" -> substs ]
possibly_typed_name: [
- [ SYMBOL "("; id = bound_name; SYMBOL ":"; typ = l2_pattern; SYMBOL ")" ->
+ [ LPAREN; id = bound_name; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term; RPAREN ->
id, Some typ
| id = bound_name -> id, None
match_pattern: [
[ id = IDENT -> id, []
- | SYMBOL "("; id = IDENT; vars = LIST1 possibly_typed_name; SYMBOL ")" ->
+ | LPAREN; id = IDENT; vars = LIST1 possibly_typed_name; RPAREN ->
id, vars
bound_names: [
[ vars = LIST1 bound_name SEP SYMBOL ",";
- ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; p = l2_pattern -> p ] ->
+ ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; p = term -> p ] ->
[ vars, ty ]
| clusters = LIST1 [
- SYMBOL "(";
vars = LIST1 bound_name SEP SYMBOL ",";
- ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; p = l2_pattern -> p ];
- SYMBOL ")" ->
+ ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; p = term -> p ];
vars, ty
] ->
[ defs = LIST1 [
name = bound_name; args = bound_names;
index_name = OPT [ IDENT "on"; id = bound_name -> id ];
- ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":" ; p = l2_pattern -> p ];
- SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = l2_pattern ->
+ ty = OPT [ SYMBOL ":" ; p = term -> p ];
+ SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = term ->
let body = fold_binder `Lambda args body in
let ty =
match ty with
- l2_pattern_variable: [
- [ SYMBOL "\\TERM"; id = IDENT -> TermVar id
- | SYMBOL "\\NUM"; id = IDENT -> NumVar id
- | SYMBOL "\\IDENT"; id = IDENT -> IdentVar id
- | SYMBOL "\\FRESH"; id = IDENT -> FreshVar id
- ]
- ];
- l2_magic_pattern: [
- [ SYMBOL "\\FOLD";
- kind = [ IDENT "left" -> `Left | IDENT "right" -> `Right ];
- DELIM "\\["; base = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]";
- DELIM "\\["; recursive = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- Fold (kind, base, [id], recursive)
- DELIM "\\["; some = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]";
- DELIM "\\["; none = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- Default (some, none)
- | SYMBOL "\\IF";
- DELIM "\\["; guard = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]";
- DELIM "\\["; p = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- If (guard, p)
- DELIM "\\["; guard = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]";
- DELIM "\\["; p = l2_pattern; DELIM "\\]" ->
- Unless (guard, p)
- ]
- ];
- l2_pattern: LEVEL "10" (* let in *)
+ term: LEVEL "10" (* let in *)
[ "10" NONA
[ IDENT "let"; var = possibly_typed_name; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *);
- p1 = l2_pattern; "in"; p2 = l2_pattern ->
+ p1 = term; "in"; p2 = term ->
return_term loc (LetIn (var, p1, p2))
| IDENT "let"; k = induction_kind; defs = let_defs; IDENT "in";
- body = l2_pattern ->
+ body = term ->
return_term loc (LetRec (k, defs, body))
- l2_pattern: LEVEL "20" (* binder *)
+ term: LEVEL "20" (* binder *)
[ "20" RIGHTA
- [ b = binder; names = bound_names; SYMBOL "."; body = l2_pattern ->
+ [ b = binder; names = bound_names; SYMBOL "."; body = term ->
return_term loc (fold_binder b names body)
- l2_pattern: LEVEL "70" (* apply *)
+ term: LEVEL "70" (* apply *)
[ "70" LEFTA
- [ p1 = l2_pattern; p2 = l2_pattern ->
+ [ p1 = term; p2 = term ->
let rec aux = function
| Appl (hd :: tl)
| AttributedTerm (_, Appl (hd :: tl)) ->
return_term loc (Appl (aux p1 @ [p2]))
- l2_pattern: LEVEL "90" (* simple *)
+ term: LEVEL "90" (* simple *)
[ "90" NONA
[ id = IDENT -> return_term loc (Ident (id, None))
| id = IDENT; s = explicit_subst -> return_term loc (Ident (id, Some s))
| m = META -> return_term loc (Meta (int_of_string m, []))
| m = META; s = meta_substs -> return_term loc (Meta (int_of_string m, s))
| s = sort -> return_term loc (Sort s)
- | outtyp = OPT [ SYMBOL "["; ty = l2_pattern; SYMBOL "]" -> ty ];
- IDENT "match"; t = l2_pattern;
+ | outtyp = OPT [ SYMBOL "["; ty = term; SYMBOL "]" -> ty ];
+ IDENT "match"; t = term;
indty_ident = OPT [ SYMBOL ":"; id = IDENT -> id ];
IDENT "with"; SYMBOL "[";
patterns = LIST0 [
lhs = match_pattern; SYMBOL <:unicode<Rightarrow>> (* ⇒ *);
- rhs = l2_pattern ->
+ rhs = term ->
lhs, rhs
SYMBOL "]" ->
return_term loc (Case (t, indty_ident, outtyp, patterns))
- | SYMBOL "("; p1 = l2_pattern; SYMBOL ":"; p2 = l2_pattern; SYMBOL ")" ->
+ | LPAREN; p1 = term; SYMBOL ":"; p2 = term; RPAREN ->
return_term loc (Appl [ Symbol ("cast", 0); p1; p2 ])
- | SYMBOL "("; p = l2_pattern; SYMBOL ")" -> p
- | v = l2_pattern_variable -> return_term loc (Variable v)
- | m = l2_magic_pattern -> return_term loc (Magic m)
+ | LPAREN; p = term; RPAREN -> p
+ | blob = UNPARSED_META -> !parse_level2_meta_ref (Stream.of_string blob)
(* }}} *)
level3_term: [
[ u = URI -> UriPattern (UriManager.uri_of_string u)
| id = IDENT -> VarPattern id
- | SYMBOL "("; terms = LIST1 SELF; SYMBOL ")" ->
+ | LPAREN; terms = LIST1 SELF; RPAREN ->
(match terms with
| [] -> assert false
| [term] -> term
[ IDENT "with"; IDENT "precedence"; n = NUMBER -> int_of_string n ]
notation: [
- [ p1 = level1_pattern;
+ [ s = QSTRING;
assoc = OPT associativity; prec = OPT precedence;
- IDENT "for"; p2 = level2_pattern ->
- (p1, assoc, prec, p2)
+ IDENT "for";
+ p2 =
+ [ blob = UNPARSED_AST -> !parse_level2_ast_ref (Stream.of_string blob)
+ | blob = UNPARSED_META ->
+ !parse_level2_meta_ref (Stream.of_string blob) ]
+ ->
+ (!parse_level1_pattern_ref (Stream.of_string s), assoc, prec, p2)
interpretation: [
(* }}} *)
(* {{{ Top-level phrases *)
phrase: [
- [ IDENT "print"; p2 = level2_pattern; SYMBOL "." -> Print p2
+ [ IDENT "print"; t = term; SYMBOL "." -> Print t
| IDENT "notation"; (l1, assoc, prec, l2) = notation; SYMBOL "." ->
Notation (l1, assoc, prec, l2)
| IDENT "interpretation"; (symbol, args, l3) = interpretation; SYMBOL "." ->
| Stdpp.Exc_located (floc, exn) ->
raise (Parse_error (floc, (Printexc.to_string exn)))
-let parse_syntax_pattern stream =
+let parse_level1_pattern stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse level1_pattern stream)
-let parse_ast_pattern stream =
- exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse level2_pattern stream)
+let parse_level2_ast stream =
+ exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse level2_ast stream)
+let parse_level2_meta stream =
+ exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse level2_meta stream)
let parse_interpretation stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse level3_term stream)
let parse_phrase stream =
exc_located_wrapper (fun () -> Grammar.Entry.parse phrase stream)
+let _ =
+ parse_level1_pattern_ref := parse_level1_pattern;
+ parse_level2_ast_ref := parse_level2_ast;
+ parse_level2_meta_ref := parse_level2_meta
(** {2 Debugging} *)
let print_l2_pattern () =
- Grammar.print_entry Format.std_formatter (Grammar.Entry.obj l2_pattern);
+ Grammar.print_entry Format.std_formatter (Grammar.Entry.obj term);
Format.pp_print_flush Format.std_formatter ();
flush stdout
(** {2 Parsing functions} *)
(** concrete syntax pattern: notation level 1 *)
-val parse_syntax_pattern: char Stream.t -> CicNotationPt.term
+val parse_level1_pattern: char Stream.t -> CicNotationPt.term
(** AST pattern: notation level 2 *)
-val parse_ast_pattern: char Stream.t -> CicNotationPt.term
+val parse_level2_ast: char Stream.t -> CicNotationPt.term
(** interpretation: notation level 3 *)
val parse_interpretation: char Stream.t -> CicNotationPt.cic_appl_pattern
| Sqrt t -> sprintf "\\SQRT %s" (pp_term t)
| Root (arg, index) ->
sprintf "\\ROOT %s \\OF %s" (pp_term index) (pp_term arg)
-(* | Break -> "\\BREAK" *)
+ | Break -> "\\BREAK"
(* | Space -> "\\SPACE" *)
| Box (box_spec, terms) ->
sprintf "\\%s [%s]" (pp_box_spec box_spec)
(pp_fold_kind k) (pp_term p_base) acc (pp_term p_rec)
| Default (p_some, p_none) ->
sprintf "\\DEFAULT \\[%s\\] \\[%s\\]" (pp_term p_some) (pp_term p_none)
- | If (p_guard, p) ->
- sprintf "\\IF \\[%s\\] \\[%s\\]" (pp_term p_guard) (pp_term p)
- | Unless (p_guard, p) ->
- sprintf "\\UNLESS \\[%s\\] \\[%s\\]" (pp_term p_guard) (pp_term p)
+ | If (p_test, p_true, p_false) ->
+ sprintf "\\IF \\[%s\\] \\[%s\\] \\[%s\\]"
+ (pp_term p_test) (pp_term p_true) (pp_term p_false)
+ | Fail -> "\\FAIL"
and pp_fold_kind = function
| `Left -> "left"
aux_mpres t
let add_parens child_prec child_assoc child_pos curr_prec t =
- prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "add_parens %d %s %s %d" child_prec
- (pp_assoc child_assoc) (pp_pos child_pos) (curr_prec));
+(* prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "add_parens %d %s %s %d" child_prec
+ (pp_assoc child_assoc) (pp_pos child_pos) (curr_prec)); *)
if is_atomic t then t
else if child_prec < curr_prec
|| (child_prec = curr_prec &&
add_parens child_prec child_assoc pos prec t'
| `IdRef xref -> aux mathonly (Some xref) pos prec uris t
| `Href uris' -> aux mathonly xref pos prec uris' t
- | _ -> assert false
and aux_literal xref prec uris l =
let attrs = make_href xref uris in
match l with
| Literal of literal
| Layout of layout_pattern
| Magic of magic_term
| Variable of pattern_variable
|+ column separator, row separator +| *)
| Sqrt of term
| Root of term * term (* argument, index *)
-(* | Break *)
+ | Break
| Box of box_spec * term list
and magic_term =
| Fold of fold_kind * term * string list * term
(* base case pattern, recursive case bound names, recursive case pattern *)
| Default of term * term (* "some" case pattern, "none" case pattern *)
- | If of term * term (* guard, body *)
- | Unless of term * term (* guard, body *)
+ | Fail
+ | If of term * term * term (* test, pattern if true, pattern if false *)
and pattern_variable =
(* level 1 and 2 variables *)
aux t
let ast_of_acic0 term_info acic k =
-(* prerr_endline "ast_of_acic0"; *)
let k = k term_info in
let register_uri id uri = Hashtbl.add term_info.uri id uri in
let sort_of_id id =
| Ast.AttributedTerm (_, t) -> subst env t
| Ast.Variable var ->
let name, expected_ty = CicNotationEnv.declaration_of_var var in
- prerr_endline ("searching for " ^ name);
let ty, value =
List.assoc name env
Hashtbl.find level1_patterns21 pid
with Not_found -> assert false
- prerr_endline ("IN " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term term);
- (* LUCA: il termine legato e' lo stesso termine di partenza per cui si innesca il loop infinito *)
- let res = Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (precedence, associativity),
- (instantiate21 (ast_env_of_env env) l1))
- in
- prerr_endline "OUT";
- res
+ Ast.AttributedTerm (`Level (precedence, associativity),
+ (instantiate21 (ast_env_of_env env) l1))
let instantiate32 term_info env symbol args =
let rec instantiate_arg = function
| Frac (t1, t2) -> Frac (k t1, k t2)
| Sqrt t -> Sqrt (k t)
| Root (arg, index) -> Root (k arg, k index)
-(* | Break -> Break *)
+ | Break -> Break
| Box (kind, terms) -> Box (kind, k terms)
let visit_magic k = function
| Opt t -> Opt (k t)
| Fold (kind, t1, names, t2) -> Fold (kind, k t1, names, k t2)
| Default (t1, t2) -> Default (k t1, k t2)
- | If (t1, t2) -> If (k t1, k t2)
- | Unless (t1, t2) -> Unless (k t1, k t2)
+ | If (t1, t2, t3) -> If (k t1, k t2, k t3)
+ | Fail -> Fail
let variables_of_term t =
let rec vars = ref [] in
| Fold (_, t1, _, t2) ->
aux t1 ;
aux t2
+ | If (t1, t2, t3) ->
+ aux t1 ;
+ aux t2 ;
+ aux t3
+ | Fail -> ()
| _ -> assert false
aux term ;
aux [] ap
+let rec find_branch =
+ function
+ Magic (If (_, Magic Fail, t)) -> find_branch t
+ | Magic (If (_, t, _)) -> find_branch t
+ | t -> t
val find_appl_pattern_uris:
CicNotationPt.cic_appl_pattern -> UriManager.uri list
+val find_branch:
+ CicNotationPt.term -> CicNotationPt.term
+ "\langle a , b \rangle"
+ @{ 'pair $a $b }.
+print \langle 1, \langle 2, 3 \rangle \rangle.
+print 'pair 1 ('pair 2 ('pair 3 4)).
+ "a :: b"
+ @{ 'cons $a $b }.
+print 1 :: 2 :: 'ugo.
+ "[ hovbox (list0 a sep ; ) ]"
+for ${
+ fold right
+ @'nil
+ rec acc
+ @{ 'cons $a $acc }
+print [1;2;3;4].
+ "[ list1 a sep ; | b ]"
+for ${
+ if @{ 'cons $_ $_ } then
+ fold right
+ if @'nil then
+ fail
+ else if @{ 'cons $_ $_ } then
+ fail
+ else
+ b
+ rec acc
+ @{ 'cons $a $acc }
+ else
+ fail
+print 'cons 1 ('cons 2 ('cons 3 'ugo)).
+print 'cons 1 ('cons 2 ('cons 3 'nil)).
+print [1;2;3;4].
+print [1;2;3;4|5].
+notation "a + b" left associative for @{ 'plus $a $b }.
+print 1 + 2 + 3.
+print 1 + (2 + 3).
+ "'if' a 'then' b 'else' c"
+ @{ 'ifthenelse $a $b $c }.
+TODO collezionare le keyword e aggiungerle al lexer nonche' ricordarsele per quando si rimuove la notazione.
+ "a \vee b"
+ @{ if $a > $b then $a else $b }
+ "'fun' ident x \to a"
+ right associative at precedence ...
+ @{ 'lambda ${ident x} $a }
+@a e' un'abbreviazione per @{term a}
+"x" e' un'abbreviazione per @{keyword x}
+@_ e' un'abbreviazione per @{anonymous}
+\x simbolo della sintassi concreta
+'x simbolo della sintassi astratta
+\lbrace \rbrace per le parentesi graffe al livello 1
# sample mappings level 1 <--> level 2
notation \[ \TERM a ++ \OPT \NUM i \] for 'assign \TERM a ('plus \TERM a \DEFAULT \[\NUM i\] \[1\]).
notation \[ + \LIST0 \NUM a \] for \FOLD right \[ 'zero \] \LAMBDA acc \[ 'plus \NUM a \TERM acc \].
print + 1 2 3 4.
-notation \[ [ \LIST0 \TERM a \SEP ; ] \] for \FOLD right \[ 'nil \] \LAMBDA acc \[ 'cons \TERM a \TERM acc \].
+notation \[ [ \HOVBOX\[ \LIST0 \TERM a \SEP ; \] ] \] for \FOLD right \[ 'nil \] \LAMBDA acc \[ 'cons \TERM a \TERM acc \].
print [].
print [1;2;3;4].
let _ =
- let level = ref ~-1 in
+ let level = ref "2@" in
let ic = ref stdin in
- let arg_spec = [] in
- let usage = "test_lexer [ file ]" in
+ let arg_spec = [ "-level", Arg.Set_string level, "set the notation level" ] in
+ let usage = "test_lexer [ -level level ] [ file ]" in
let open_file fname =
if !ic <> stdin then close_in !ic;
ic := open_in fname
Arg.parse arg_spec open_file usage;
- let lexer = CicNotationLexer.notation_lexer in
+ let lexer =
+ match !level with
+ "1" -> CicNotationLexer.level1_pattern_lexer
+ | "2@" -> CicNotationLexer.level2_ast_lexer
+ | "2$" -> CicNotationLexer.level2_meta_lexer
+ | l ->
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Unsupported level %s" l);
+ exit 2
+ in
let token_stream = fst (lexer.Token.tok_func (Stream.of_channel !ic)) in
- Printf.printf "Lexing notation level %d\n" !level; flush stdout;
+ Printf.printf "Lexing notation level %s\n" !level; flush stdout;
let rec dump () =
let (a,b) = token_stream in
if a = "EOI" then raise Stream.Failure;
let dump_xml t id_to_uri fname =
- print_endline (sprintf "dumping MathML to %s ..." fname);
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "dumping MathML to %s ..." fname);
flush stdout;
let oc = open_out fname in
Xml.pp_to_outchan (CicNotationPres.render_to_boxml id_to_uri t) oc;
let _ =
let module P = CicNotationPt in
- let level = ref ~-1 in
- let arg_spec = [ "-level", Arg.Set_int level, "set the notation level" ] in
- let usage = "test_parser -level { 1 | 2 | 3 }" in
- Arg.parse arg_spec (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad usage)) usage;
- let ic = stdin in
- try
- printf "Parsing notation level %d\n" !level; flush stdout;
- while true do
- let line = input_line ic in
- let istream = Stream.of_string line in
- try
- (match !level with
- | -1 ->
- (match CicNotationParser.parse_phrase istream with
- | P.Print t ->
+ let arg_spec = [ ] in
+ let usage = "" in
+ Arg.parse arg_spec (fun _ -> raise (Arg.Bad usage)) usage;
+ try
+ let istream = Stream.of_channel stdin in
+ while Stream.peek istream <> None do
+ match CicNotationParser.parse_phrase istream with
+ | P.Print t ->
prerr_endline "====";
- print_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t); flush stdout;
+ prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t); flush stdout;
let t' = CicNotationRew.pp_ast t in
- print_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t'); flush stdout;
- let tbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
- dump_xml t' tbl "out.xml"
- | P.Notation (l1, associativity, precedence, l2) ->
- print_endline "Extending parser ..."; flush stdout;
+ prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t'); flush stdout;
+ let tbl = Hashtbl.create 0 in
+ dump_xml t' tbl "out.xml"
+ | P.Notation (l1, associativity, precedence, l2) ->
+ prerr_endline "Extending parser ..."; flush stdout;
+ prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term l1) ;
let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- ignore
- (CicNotationParser.extend l1 ?precedence ?associativity
- (fun env loc -> CicNotationFwd.instantiate_level2 env l2));
- let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- print_endline "Extending pretty printer ..."; flush stdout;
- let time3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- ignore
- (CicNotationRew.add_pretty_printer ?precedence ?associativity
- l2 l1);
- let time4 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- printf "done (extending parser took %f, extending pretty printer took %f)\n"
- (time2 -. time1) (time4 -. time3);
- flush stdout
- | P.Interpretation (l2, l3) ->
- print_endline "Adding interpretation ..."; flush stdout;
+ ignore
+ (CicNotationParser.extend l1 ?precedence ?associativity
+ (fun env loc -> CicNotationFwd.instantiate_level2 env l2));
+ let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ prerr_endline "Extending pretty printer ..."; flush stdout;
+ let time3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ ignore
+ (CicNotationRew.add_pretty_printer ?precedence ?associativity
+ l2 l1);
+ let time4 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ printf "done (extending parser took %f, extending pretty printer took %f)\n"
+ (time2 -. time1) (time4 -. time3);
+ flush stdout
+ | P.Interpretation (l2, l3) ->
+ prerr_endline "Adding interpretation ..."; flush stdout;
let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- ignore (CicNotationRew.add_interpretation l2 l3);
- let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- printf "done (patterns compilation took %f seconds)\n"
- (time2 -. time1);
- flush stdout
- | P.Render uri ->
+ ignore (CicNotationRew.add_interpretation l2 l3);
+ let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ printf "done (patterns compilation took %f seconds)\n"
+ (time2 -. time1);
+ flush stdout
+ | P.Render uri ->
let obj, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph uri in
let annobj, _, _, id_to_sort, _, _, _ =
Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object obj
let annterm =
match annobj with
- | Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, _, ty, _, _)
- | Cic.AVariable (_, _, _, ty, _, _) -> ty
- | _ -> assert false
+ | Cic.AConstant (_, _, _, _, ty, _, _)
+ | Cic.AVariable (_, _, _, ty, _, _) -> ty
+ | _ -> assert false
let time1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let t, id_to_uri =
CicNotationRew.ast_of_acic id_to_sort annterm
let time2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- prerr_endline (sprintf "ast creation took %f seconds\n" (time2 -. time1));
- prerr_endline "AST";
- prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
- flush stdout;
- let time3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- let t' = CicNotationRew.pp_ast t in
- let time4 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
- prerr_endline (sprintf "pretty printing took %f seconds\n" (time4 -. time3));
- prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t');
- dump_xml t' id_to_uri "out.xml")
-(* CicNotationParser.print_l2_pattern ()) *)
- | 1 -> ignore (CicNotationParser.parse_syntax_pattern istream)
- | 2 ->
- let ast = CicNotationParser.parse_ast_pattern istream in
- if ast = P.Sort `Prop then
- prerr_endline "eureka"
- else
- prerr_endline ":-("
- | 3 -> ignore (CicNotationParser.parse_interpretation istream)
- | _ -> Arg.usage arg_spec usage; exit 1);
- with CicNotationParser.Parse_error (floc, msg) ->
- let (x, y) = P.loc_of_floc floc in
- let before = String.sub line 0 x in
- let error = String.sub line x (y - x) in
- let after = String.sub line y (String.length line - y) in
- eprintf "%s\e[01;31m%s\e[00m%s\n" before error after;
- prerr_endline (sprintf "at character %d-%d: %s" x y msg)
- done
- with End_of_file ->
- close_in ic
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "ast creation took %f seconds\n" (time2 -. time1));
+ prerr_endline "AST";
+ prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
+ flush stdout;
+ let time3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ let t' = CicNotationRew.pp_ast t in
+ let time4 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "pretty printing took %f seconds\n" (time4 -. time3));
+ prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t');
+ dump_xml t' id_to_uri "out.xml"
+(* CicNotationParser.print_l2_pattern () *)
+ (* let (x, y) = P.loc_of_floc floc in *)
+ (* let before = String.sub line 0 x in *)
+ (* let error = String.sub line x (y - x) in *)
+ (* let after = String.sub line y (String.length line - y) in *)
+ (* eprintf "%s\e[01;31m%s\e[00m%s\n" before error after; *)
+ (* prerr_endline (sprintf "at character %d-%d: %s" x y msg) *)
+ done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ ()