+theorem le_exp_SSO_fact:\forall n.
+exp (S(S O)) (pred n) \le n!.
+intro.elim n
+ [apply le_n
+ |change with ((S(S O))\sup n1 ≤(S n1)*n1!).
+ apply (nat_case1 n1);intros
+ [apply le_n
+ |change in ⊢ (? % ?) with ((S(S O))*exp (S(S O)) (pred (S m))).
+ apply le_times
+ [apply le_S_S.apply le_S_S.apply le_O_n
+ |rewrite < H1.assumption
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
-theorem le_exp_Sn_n_SSSO: \forall n. (exp (S n) n) \le (S(S(S O))).
+theorem le_exp_Sn_n_SSSO: \forall n. (exp (S n) n) \le (S(S(S O)))*(exp n n).
apply (trans_le ? (sigma_p (S n) (\lambda k.true) (\lambda k.(exp n n)/k!)))
[apply le_exp_sigma_p_exp
- |apply (trans_le ? (sigma_p (S n) (\lambda i.true) (\lambda i.(exp n n)/(exp (S(S O)) i))))
+ |apply (trans_le ? (sigma_p (S n) (\lambda i.true) (\lambda i.(exp n n)/(exp (S(S O)) (pred i)))))
[apply le_sigma_p.intros.
apply le_times_to_le_div
[apply lt_O_exp.
apply lt_O_S
- |apply (trans_le ? ((S(S O))\sup i* n \sup n/i!))
+ |apply (trans_le ? ((S(S O))\sup (pred i)* n \sup n/i!))
[apply le_times_div_div_times.
apply lt_O_fact
|apply le_times_to_le_div2
[apply lt_O_fact
|rewrite < sym_times.
apply le_times_r.
+ apply le_exp_SSO_fact
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ |rewrite > eq_sigma_p_pred
+ [rewrite > div_SO.
+ rewrite > sym_plus.
+ change in ⊢ (? ? %) with ((exp n n)+(S(S O)*(exp n n))).
+ apply le_plus_r.
+ apply (trans_le ? (((S(S O))*(exp n n)*(exp (S(S O)) n) - (S(S O))*(exp n n))/(exp (S(S O)) n)))
+ [apply sigma_p_div_exp
+ |apply le_times_to_le_div2
+ [apply lt_O_exp.
+ apply lt_O_S.
+ |apply le_minus_m
+ ]
+ ]
+ |reflexivity
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]