(* static values, shared by all states inheriting this class *)
let loc = ref None in
let history = ref [] in
- fun ~(console: MatitaConsole.console) ->
+ fun ~(console: MatitaTypes.console) ->
object (self)
(** eval a toplevel phrase in the current state and return the new state
class sharedState
~(disambiguator: MatitaTypes.disambiguator)
~(proof_handler: MatitaTypes.proof_handler)
- ~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
+ ~(console: MatitaTypes.console)
+ ~(dbd: Mysql.dbd)
object (self)
gui#main#showCheckMenuItem#set_active true;
widget#load_sequent (sequent::metasenv) dummyno;
+ | TacticAst.Command (TacticAst.Search_pat (search_kind, pat)) ->
+ let uris =
+ match search_kind with
+ | `Locate -> MetadataQuery.locate ~dbd pat
+ | `Elim -> MetadataQuery.elim ~dbd pat
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (* TODO ZACK: show URIs to the user *)
+ None
| tactical ->
raise (Command_error (TacticAstPp.pp_tactical tactical))
+open Printf
+let pp_indtypes indTypes =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, _, typ, constructors) ->
+ printf "%s: %s\n" name (CicPp.ppterm typ);
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, term) -> printf "\t%s: %s\n" name (CicPp.ppterm term))
+ constructors)
+ indTypes;
+ flush stdout
+let inddef_of_ast params indTypes (disambiguator:MatitaTypes.disambiguator) =
+ let add_pi binders t =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (name, ast) acc ->
+ CicAst.Binder (`Forall, (Cic.Name name, Some ast), acc))
+ binders t
+ in
+ let ind_binders =
+ List.map (fun (name, _, typ, _) -> (name, add_pi params typ)) indTypes
+ in
+ let binders = ind_binders @ params in
+ let asts = ref [] in
+ let add_ast ast = asts := ast :: !asts in
+ let paramsno = List.length params in
+ let indbindersno = List.length ind_binders in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, _, typ, constructors) ->
+ add_ast (add_pi params typ);
+ List.iter (fun (_, ast) -> add_ast (add_pi binders ast)) constructors)
+ indTypes;
+ let (_, metasenv, terms, ugraph) =
+ disambiguator#disambiguateTermAsts ~metasenv:[] !asts
+ in
+ let terms = ref (List.rev terms) in
+ let get_term () =
+ match !terms with [] -> assert false | hd :: tl -> terms := tl; hd
+ in
+ let uri =
+ match indTypes with
+ | (name, _, _, _) :: _ -> qualify name ^ ".ind"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let mutinds =
+ let counter = ref 0 in
+ List.map
+ (fun _ ->
+ incr counter;
+ CicUtil.term_of_uri (sprintf "%s#xpointer(1/%d)" uri !counter))
+ indTypes
+ in
+ let subst_mutinds = List.fold_right CicSubstitution.subst mutinds in
+ let cicIndTypes =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (name, inductive, typ, constructors) ->
+ let cicTyp = get_term () in
+ let cicConstructors =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (name, _) ->
+ let typ =
+ subst_mutinds (CicUtil.strip_prods indbindersno (get_term ()))
+ in
+ (name, typ) :: acc)
+ [] constructors
+ in
+ (name, inductive, cicTyp, List.rev cicConstructors) :: acc)
+ [] indTypes
+ in
+ let cicIndTypes = List.rev cicIndTypes in
+ prerr_endline uri;
+ pp_indtypes cicIndTypes;
+ (UriManager.uri_of_string uri, (cicIndTypes, [], paramsno))
(** Implements phrases that should be accepted only in `Command state *)
class commandState
~(disambiguator: MatitaTypes.disambiguator)
~(proof_handler: MatitaTypes.proof_handler)
- ~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
+ ~(console: MatitaTypes.console)
+ ~(dbd: Mysql.dbd)
- let shared = new sharedState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console () in
+ let shared = new sharedState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ~dbd () in
object (self)
inherit interpreterState ~console
let (_, metasenv, expr,ugraph) =
disambiguator#disambiguateTermAst ast
- let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (qualify name) in
+ let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (qualify name ^ ".con") in
let proof = MatitaProof.proof ~typ:expr ~uri ~metasenv () in
proof_handler.MatitaTypes.new_proof proof;
Some `Proof
+ | TacticAst.Command
+ (TacticAst.Theorem (_, Some name, type_ast, Some body_ast)) ->
+ let (_, metasenv, type_cic, ugraph) =
+ disambiguator#disambiguateTermAst type_ast
+ in
+ let (_, metasenv, body_cic, ugraph) =
+ disambiguator#disambiguateTermAst ~metasenv body_ast
+ in
+ let (body_type, ugraph) =
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv [] body_cic ugraph
+ in
+ let uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (qualify name ^ ".con") in
+ let (subst, metasenv, ugraph) =
+ CicUnification.fo_unif metasenv [] body_type type_cic ugraph
+ in
+ let body_cic = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst body_cic in
+ let type_cic = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst type_cic in
+ let obj =
+ Cic.Constant
+ ((UriManager.name_of_uri uri), (Some body_cic),type_cic,[])
+ in
+(* let ugraph = CicUnivUtils.clean_and_fill uri obj ugraph in *)
+ CicEnvironment.add_type_checked_term uri (obj, ugraph);
+ MetadataDb.index_constant ~dbd
+ ~owner:(Helm_registry.get "matita.owner") ~uri
+ ~body:(Some body_cic) ~ty:type_cic;
+ None
+ | TacticAst.Command (TacticAst.Inductive (params, indTypes)) ->
+ let (uri, (indTypes, params, leftno)) =
+ inddef_of_ast params indTypes disambiguator
+ in
+ let obj = Cic.InductiveDefinition (indTypes, params, leftno) in
+ let ugraph =
+ CicTypeChecker.typecheck_mutual_inductive_defs uri
+ (indTypes, params, leftno) CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ in
+(* let ugraph = CicUnivUtils.clean_and_fill uri obj ugraph in *)
+ CicEnvironment.put_inductive_definition uri (obj, ugraph);
+ MetadataDb.index_inductive_def ~dbd
+ ~owner:(Helm_registry.get "matita.owner") ~uri ~types:indTypes;
+ None
| TacticAst.Command TacticAst.Quit ->
proof_handler.MatitaTypes.quit ();
Some `Command (* dummy answer, useless *)
class proofState
~(disambiguator: MatitaTypes.disambiguator)
~(proof_handler: MatitaTypes.proof_handler)
- ~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
+ ~(console: MatitaTypes.console)
~(dbd: Mysql.dbd)
let disambiguate ast =
- let (_, _, term,ugraph) =
- disambiguate ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ast
- in
+ let (_, _, term, _) = disambiguate ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ast in
(** tactic AST -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic *)
| _ ->
MatitaTypes.not_implemented "some tactic"
- let shared = new sharedState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console () in
+ let shared = new sharedState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ~dbd () in
object (self)
inherit interpreterState ~console
let proved_ty,ugraph =
CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] bo CicUniv.empty_ugraph
- let b,ugraph1 =
+ let b,ugraph =
CicReduction.are_convertible [] proved_ty ty ugraph
if not b then
failwith "Wrong proof";
(* TODO Zack [] probably wrong *)
- let ugraph2 = CicUniv.fill_empty_nodes_with_uri ugraph1 uri in
- CicEnvironment.add_type_checked_term uri
- ((Cic.Constant ((UriManager.name_of_uri uri),
- (Some bo),ty,[])),
- ugraph2);
+ let obj =
+ Cic.Constant ((UriManager.name_of_uri uri), (Some bo),ty,[])
+ in
+(* let ugraph = CicUnivUtils.clean_and_fill uri obj ugraph in *)
+ CicEnvironment.add_type_checked_term uri (obj, ugraph);
+ MetadataDb.index_constant ~dbd
+ ~owner:(Helm_registry.get "matita.owner") ~uri ~body:(Some bo) ~ty;
proof_handler.MatitaTypes.set_proof None;
(MatitaMathView.proof_viewer_instance ())#unload;
(* TODO Zack a lot more to be done here:
* - save object to disk in xml format
- * - collect metadata
* - register uri to the getter
* - save universe file *)
Some `Command
class interpreter
~(disambiguator: MatitaTypes.disambiguator)
~(proof_handler: MatitaTypes.proof_handler)
- ~(console: MatitaConsole.console)
+ ~(console: MatitaTypes.console)
~(dbd: Mysql.dbd)
let commandState =
- new commandState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ()
+ new commandState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ~dbd ()
let proofState =
new proofState ~disambiguator ~proof_handler ~console ~dbd ()