the negative equation "target" and one of the positive equations in "table"
let superposition_left (metasenv, context, ugraph) table goal =
+ let names = Utils.names_of_context context in
let proof,menv,eq,ty,l,r = open_goal goal in
let c = !Utils.compare_terms l r in
if c = Utils.Incomparable then (build_newgoal context goal Utils.Left Equality.SuperpositionLeft) expansionsr
- let big,small,possmall =
match c with
- Utils.Gt -> (* prerr_endline "GT"; *) l,r,Utils.Right
- | Utils.Lt -> (* prerr_endline "LT"; *) r,l,Utils.Left
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let expansions, _ = betaexpand_term menv context ugraph table 0 big in
- (build_newgoal context goal possmall Equality.SuperpositionLeft) expansions
+ | Utils.Gt -> (* prerr_endline "GT"; *)
+ let big,small,possmall = l,r,Utils.Right in
+ let expansions, _ = betaexpand_term menv context ugraph table 0 big in
+ (build_newgoal context goal possmall Equality.SuperpositionLeft)
+ expansions
+ | Utils.Lt -> (* prerr_endline "LT"; *)
+ let big,small,possmall = r,l,Utils.Left in
+ let expansions, _ = betaexpand_term menv context ugraph table 0 big in
+ (build_newgoal context goal possmall Equality.SuperpositionLeft)
+ expansions
+ | Utils.Eq -> []
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline
+ ("NOT GT, LT NOR EQ : "^CicPp.pp l names^" - "^CicPp.pp r names);
+ assert false
(** demodulation, when the target is a goal *)
let new' = infer eq_uri env current active in
prerr_endline "infer goal";
let goals = infer_goal_set_with_current env current goals in
+ match check_if_goals_set_is_solved env active goals with
+ | Some p ->
+ prerr_endline
+ (Printf.sprintf "Found a proof in: %f\n"
+ (Unix.gettimeofday() -. initial_time));
+ ParamodulationSuccess p
+ | None ->
let active =
let al, tbl = active in
al @ [current], Indexing.index tbl current
let goals = make_goal_set goal in
let max_iterations = 10000 in
- let max_time = Unix.gettimeofday () +. 600. (* minutes *) in
+ let max_time = Unix.gettimeofday () +. 300. (* minutes *) in
eq_uri env goals theorems passive active max_iterations max_time