let obj = uri,height,[],[],obj_kind in
let status = NCicLibrary.add_obj status obj in
prerr_endline (NCicPp.ppobj obj);
- let objs = NCicElim.mk_elims obj in
+ let boxml = NCicElim.mk_elims obj in
+ let objs = [] in
let timestamp,uris_rev =
(fun (status,uris_rev) (uri,_,_,_,_) as obj ->
) (status,[]) objs in
let uris = uri::List.rev uris_rev in
- status#set_ng_mode `CommandMode,`New uris
+ let status = status#set_ng_mode `CommandMode in
+let status = LexiconSync.add_aliases_for_objs status (`New [uri]) in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (status,uris) boxml ->
+ let status,nuris =
+ eval_ncommand opts status
+ ("",0,GrafiteAst.NObj (HExtlib.dummy_floc,boxml))
+ in
+ match uris,nuris with
+ `New uris, `New nuris -> status,`New (nuris@uris)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ ) (status,`New [] (* uris *)) boxml
| GrafiteAst.NCopy (log,tgt,src_uri, map) ->
if status#ng_mode <> `CommandMode then
raise (GrafiteTypes.Command_error "Not in command mode")
| (_, _) -> raise (Failure "my_split_prods")
+let mk_appl =
+ function
+ [] -> assert false
+ | [x] -> x
+ | l -> CicNotationPt.Appl l
let mk_elims (uri,_,_,_,obj) =
match obj with
NCic.Inductive (true,leftno,[it],_) ->
(fun name res -> CicNotationPt.Binder (`Forall,(name,None),res)) args
- (rec_arg,Some (CicNotationPt.Appl (mk_id ind_name :: params @ args))),
+ (rec_arg,Some (mk_appl (mk_id ind_name :: params @ args))),
CicNotationPt.Sort (`Type (CicUniv.fresh ())))) in
let args = args @ [rec_arg] in
let k_names = List.map (function _,name,_ -> name_of_k name) cl in
List.map (function name -> name, None) k_names @
List.map (function name -> name, None) args in
let recno = List.length final_params in
- let cty = CicNotationPt.Appl (p_name :: args) in
+ let cty = mk_appl (p_name :: args) in
let ty = Some cty in
let branches =
k_names @
List.map (fun _ -> CicNotationPt.Implicit)
(List.tl args) @
- [CicNotationPt.Appl (name::abs)])))
+ [mk_appl (name::abs)])))
| _ -> mk_id name,None
) cargs in
let cargs,recursive_args = List.split cargs_and_recursive_args in
(BoxPp.render_to_string ~map_unicode_to_tex:false
(function x::_ -> x | _ -> assert false) 80
(CicNotationPres.mpres_of_box boxml)));
- []
+ [CicNotationPt.Theorem (`Definition,srec_name,CicNotationPt.Implicit,Some res)]
| _ -> []