| Unix.Unix_error (code, api, param) ->
let err = Unix.error_message code in
None, "Unix Error (" ^ api ^ "): " ^ err
- | GrafiteMarshal.Corrupt_moo fname ->
- None, sprintf ".moo file '%s' is corrupt (shorter than expected)" fname
- | GrafiteMarshal.Checksum_failure fname ->
+ | HMarshal.Corrupt_file fname -> None, sprintf "file '%s' is corrupt" fname
+ | HMarshal.Format_mismatch fname
+ | HMarshal.Version_mismatch fname ->
- sprintf "checksum failed for .moo file '%s', please recompile it'" fname
- | GrafiteMarshal.Version_mismatch fname ->
- None,
- sprintf
- (".moo file '%s' has been compiled by a different version of matita, "
- ^^ "please recompile it")
+ sprintf "format/version mismatch for file '%s', please recompile it'"
| ProofEngineTypes.Fail msg -> None, "Tactic error: " ^ Lazy.force msg
| Continuationals.Error s -> None, "Tactical error: " ^ Lazy.force s
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
-exception Checksum_failure of string
-exception Corrupt_moo of string
-exception Version_mismatch of string
type ast_command = Cic.obj GrafiteAst.command
type moo = ast_command list
-let marshal_flags = []
+let format_name = "grafite"
+let save_moo_to_file ~fname moo =
+ HMarshal.save ~fmt:format_name ~version:GrafiteAst.magic ~fname moo
+let load_moo_from_file ~fname =
+ let raw = HMarshal.load ~fmt:format_name ~version:GrafiteAst.magic ~fname in
+ (raw: moo)
let rehash_cmd_uris =
- let rehash_uri uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
+ let rehash_uri uri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
| GrafiteAst.Default (loc, name, uris) ->
let uris = List.map rehash_uri uris in
prerr_endline (GrafiteAstPp.pp_command ~obj_pp cmd);
assert false
-(** .moo file format
- * - an integer -- magic number -- denoting the version of the dumped data
- * structure. Different magic numbers stand for incompatible data structures
- * - an integer -- checksum -- denoting the hash value (computed with
- * Hashtbl.hash) of the string representation of the dumped data structur
- * - marshalled data: list of GrafiteAst.command
- *)
-let save_moo ~fname moo =
- let ensure_path_exists path =
- let dir = Filename.dirname path in
- HExtlib.mkdir dir
- in
- ensure_path_exists fname;
- let oc = open_out fname in
- let marshalled = Marshal.to_string (List.rev moo) marshal_flags in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- output_binary_int oc GrafiteAst.magic;
- output_binary_int oc checksum;
- output_string oc marshalled;
- close_out oc
+let save_moo ~fname moo = save_moo_to_file ~fname (List.rev moo)
let load_moo ~fname =
- let ic = open_in fname in
- HExtlib.finally
- (fun () -> close_in ic)
- (fun () ->
- try
- let moo_magic = input_binary_int ic in
- if moo_magic <> GrafiteAst.magic then raise (Version_mismatch fname);
- let moo_checksum = input_binary_int ic in
- let marshalled = HExtlib.input_all ic in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- if checksum <> moo_checksum then raise (Checksum_failure fname);
- let (moo:moo) =
- Marshal.from_string marshalled 0
- in
- List.map rehash_cmd_uris moo
- with End_of_file -> raise (Corrupt_moo fname))
- ()
+ let moo = load_moo_from_file ~fname in
+ List.map rehash_cmd_uris moo
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
- (** name of the corrupt .moo file *)
-exception Checksum_failure of string
-exception Corrupt_moo of string
-exception Version_mismatch of string
type ast_command = Cic.obj GrafiteAst.command
type moo = ast_command list
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
-exception Checksum_failure of string
-exception Corrupt_lexicon of string
-exception Version_mismatch of string
type lexicon = LexiconAst.command list
-let marshal_flags = []
+let format_name = "lexicon"
+let save_lexicon_to_file ~fname lexicon =
+ HMarshal.save ~fmt:format_name ~version:LexiconAst.magic ~fname lexicon
+let load_lexicon_from_file ~fname =
+ let raw = HMarshal.load ~fmt:format_name ~version:LexiconAst.magic ~fname in
+ (raw: lexicon)
let rehash_cmd_uris =
- let rehash_uri uri = UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
+ let rehash_uri uri =
+ UriManager.uri_of_string (UriManager.string_of_uri uri) in
| LexiconAst.Interpretation (loc, dsc, args, cic_appl_pattern) ->
let rec aux =
prerr_endline (LexiconAstPp.pp_command cmd);
assert false
-(** .lexicon file format
- * - an integer -- magic number -- denoting the version of the dumped data
- * structure. Different magic numbers stand for incompatible data structures
- * - an integer -- checksum -- denoting the hash value (computed with
- * Hashtbl.hash) of the string representation of the dumped data structur
- * - marshalled data: list of LexiconAst.command
- *)
-let save_lexicon ~fname lexicon =
- let ensure_path_exists path =
- let dir = Filename.dirname path in
- HExtlib.mkdir dir
- in
- ensure_path_exists fname;
- let oc = open_out fname in
- let marshalled = Marshal.to_string (List.rev lexicon) marshal_flags in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- output_binary_int oc LexiconAst.magic;
- output_binary_int oc checksum;
- output_string oc marshalled;
- close_out oc
+let save_lexicon ~fname lexicon = save_lexicon_to_file ~fname (List.rev lexicon)
let load_lexicon ~fname =
- let ic = open_in fname in
- HExtlib.finally
- (fun () -> close_in ic)
- (fun () ->
- try
- let lexicon_magic = input_binary_int ic in
- if lexicon_magic <> LexiconAst.magic then raise (Version_mismatch fname);
- let lexicon_checksum = input_binary_int ic in
- let marshalled = HExtlib.input_all ic in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- if checksum <> lexicon_checksum then raise (Checksum_failure fname);
- let (lexicon:lexicon) =
- Marshal.from_string marshalled 0
- in
- List.map rehash_cmd_uris lexicon
- with End_of_file -> raise (Corrupt_lexicon fname))
- ()
+ let lexicon = load_lexicon_from_file ~fname in
+ List.map rehash_cmd_uris lexicon
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
- (** name of the corrupt .lexicon file *)
-exception Checksum_failure of string
-exception Corrupt_lexicon of string
-exception Version_mismatch of string
type lexicon = LexiconAst.command list
val save_lexicon: fname:string -> lexicon -> unit
- (** @raise Corrupt_lexicon *)
+ (** @raise HMarshal.* *)
val load_lexicon: fname:string -> lexicon
exception Version_mismatch of string
let magic = 1
+let format_name = "metadata"
type metadata =
| Dependency of string (* baseuri without trailing slash *)
let eq_metadata (m1:metadata) (m2:metadata) = m1 = m2
-let marshal_flags = []
+let save_metadata_to_file ~fname metadata =
+ HMarshal.save ~fmt:format_name ~version:magic ~fname metadata
-(** .metadata file format
- * - an integer -- magic number -- denoting the version of the dumped data
- * structure. Different magic numbers stand for incompatible data structures
- * - an integer -- checksum -- denoting the hash value (computed with
- * Hashtbl.hash) of the string representation of the dumped data structur
- * - marshalled data: list of metadata
- *)
-let save_metadata ~fname metadata =
- let ensure_path_exists path =
- let dir = Filename.dirname path in
- HExtlib.mkdir dir
- in
- ensure_path_exists fname;
- let oc = open_out fname in
- let marshalled = Marshal.to_string metadata marshal_flags in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- output_binary_int oc magic;
- output_binary_int oc checksum;
- output_string oc marshalled;
- close_out oc
+let load_metadata_from_file ~fname =
+ let raw = HMarshal.load ~fmt:format_name ~version:magic ~fname in
+ (raw: metadata list)
-let load_metadata ~fname =
- let ic = open_in fname in
- HExtlib.finally
- (fun () -> close_in ic)
- (fun () ->
- try
- let file_magic = input_binary_int ic in
- if file_magic <> magic then raise (Version_mismatch fname);
- let file_checksum = input_binary_int ic in
- let marshalled = HExtlib.input_all ic in
- let checksum = Hashtbl.hash marshalled in
- if checksum <> file_checksum then raise (Checksum_failure fname);
- let (metadata:metadata list) = Marshal.from_string marshalled 0 in
- metadata
- with End_of_file -> raise (Corrupt_metadata fname))
- ()
+let save_metadata ~fname metadata = save_metadata_to_file ~fname metadata
+let load_metadata ~fname = load_metadata_from_file ~fname