let print_sequent metasenv (context,goal) =
let module X = Xml in
- X.xml_nempty "Sequent" []
- (let final_s,final_env =
- (List.fold_right
- (fun (b,n,t) (s,env) ->
- let (acic,_,_,ids_to_inner_sorts,_) =
- Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_env metasenv env t
- in
- [< s ;
- X.xml_nempty
- (match b with
- ProofEngine.Definition -> "Def"
- | ProofEngine.Declaration -> "Decl"
- ) ["name",(match n with Cic.Name n -> n | _ -> assert false)]
- (Cic2Xml.print_term
- (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy.con")
- ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
- >],((n,t)::env) (* CSC: sbagliato!!! Giusto solo se Declaration! *)
- ) context ([<>],[])
- )
- in
- let (acic,_,_,ids_to_inner_sorts,_) =
- Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_env metasenv final_env goal
- in
- [< final_s ;
- Xml.xml_nempty "Goal" []
- (Cic2Xml.print_term (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy.con")
- ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
- >]
+ let final_s,final_env =
+ (List.fold_right
+ (fun (b,n,t) (s,env) ->
+ let (acic,_,_,ids_to_inner_sorts,_) =
+ Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_env metasenv env t
+ in
+ [< s ;
+ X.xml_nempty
+ (match b with
+ ProofEngine.Definition -> "Def"
+ | ProofEngine.Declaration -> "Decl"
+ ) ["name",(match n with Cic.Name n -> n | _ -> assert false)]
+ (Cic2Xml.print_term
+ (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy.con")
+ ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
+ >],((n,t)::env) (* CSC: sbagliato!!! Giusto solo se Declaration! *)
+ ) context ([<>],[])
+ in
+ let (acic,ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids,ids_to_inner_sorts,_) =
+ Cic2acic.acic_of_cic_env metasenv final_env goal
+ in
+ X.xml_nempty "Sequent" []
+ [< final_s ;
+ Xml.xml_nempty "Goal" []
+ (Cic2Xml.print_term (UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/dummy.con")
+ ids_to_inner_sorts acic)
+ >],
+ ids_to_terms,ids_to_father_ids