NCicLibrary.dump_obj status (inject_unification_hint (t,n))
-let basic_index_obj l status =
+let basic_index_obj l (status:#NCic.status) =
(fun t (ks,v) ->
let obj = uri,height,[],[],obj_kind in
let old_status = status in
let status = NCicLibrary.add_obj status obj in
+ (try
let index_obj = index &&
match obj_kind with
NCic.Constant (_,_,_,_,(_,`Example,_))
if index_obj then
let status = index_obj_for_auto status obj in
(try index_eq_for_auto status uri
- with _ -> status)
+ with
+ Sys.Break as exn -> raise exn
+ | _ -> status)
status in
in *)
(* prerr_endline (status#ppobj obj); *)
HLog.message ("New object: " ^ NUri.string_of_uri uri);
- (try
(*prerr_endline (status#ppobj obj);*)
let boxml = NCicElim.mk_elims status obj in
let boxml = boxml @ NCicElim.mk_projections status obj in