lemma eqasttype_to_eq : ∀t1,t2:ast_type.(eq_ast_type t1 t2 = true) → (t1 = t2).
- do 2 intro;
- cases t1; cases t2;
- [ 2,3,4,6,7,8: normalize; intro; destruct H
- | 1: change in ⊢ (? ? % ?→?) with (eq_ast_base_type a a1);
- intro;
+ intro;
+ elim t1 0; [1,3:intros 2 | intros 4] elim t2;
+ [ 2,5,7,9: normalize in H1; destruct H1;
+ | 3,4: normalize in H; destruct H;
+ | 1: simplify in H;
apply (eq_f ?? (λx.? x) a a1 (eqastbasetype_to_eq a a1 H))
- | 5: change in ⊢ (? ? % ?→?) with ((eq_ast_type a a1) ⊗ (eqb n n1));
- intro;
- cut (a = a1 ∧ n = n1);
- elim daemon.
- | 9: elim daemon
+ | 8: simplify in H2;
+ lapply (andb_true_true ? ? H2);
+ lapply (andb_true_true_r ? ? H2); clear H2;
+ rewrite > (H ? Hletin);
+ rewrite > (eqb_true_to_eq ?? Hletin1);
+ reflexivity
+ | 6: elim daemon;
-(* PERCHE' ??
- se in testa includo
- include "demo/natural_deduction.ma".
- la dimostrazione va fino in fondo ma poi impazzisce ast_tree.ma
- dicendo che la dichiarazione ast_id e' scorretta
- [ 1: alias id "And_elim_l" = "cic:/matita/demo/natural_deduction/And_elim_l.con".
- alias id "And_elim_r" = "cic:/matita/demo/natural_deduction/And_elim_r.con".
- apply (eq_f2 ??? (λx.λy.? x y) a a1 n n1 (And_elim_l ?? Hcut) (And_elim_r ?? Hcut))
- | 2: split;
- [ 2: apply (eqb_true_to_eq n n1 (andb_true_true_r ?? H))
- | 1: cut (eq_ast_Type a a1 = true);
- [ 2: apply (andb_true_true ?? H)
- | 1: TODO elim daemon
- ]
- ]
- ]
- | 9: TODO elim daemon
- ]
definition is_ast_base_type ≝
λast:ast_type.match ast with [ AST_TYPE_BASE _ ⇒ True | _ ⇒ False ].