let t = mk_cic_term ctx (NCic.Rel 1) in
let status, keys = keys_of_term status t in
let cache = List.fold_left (add_to_th t) cache keys in
- debug_print (lazy (" intro: "^ string_of_int open_goal));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("intro: "^ string_of_int open_goal));
incr candidate_no;
(* XXX calculate the sort *)
[(!candidate_no,Ast.Implicit `JustOne),0,status,[open_goal,P]],
let rec next ~unfocus (pos : 'a and_pos) cache =
- (* USER HINT *)
+ (* TODO: process USER HINT is any *)
match Z.downA pos with
| Z.Unexplored -> attack pos cache (Z.getA pos)
| Z.Alternatives pos -> nextO ~unfocus pos cache
| (_, size, depth), S (g,_)
(* S if already solved and then solved again because of a backtrack *)
| (_, size, depth), D g ->
- let newg = S (g,status) in(* TODO: cache success g *)
+ let newg = S (g,status) in (* TODO: cache success g *)
let status = if unfocus then NTactics.unfocus_tac status else status in
let news = status,size,depth in
let pos = Z.setA news newg pos in