let get_macro s l =
let rec aux = function
- | [] -> ""
- | (r, m, a) :: _ when r = s && a = l -> m
- | _ :: tl -> aux tl
+ | [] -> "", 0
+ | (r, m, a, x) :: _ when r = s && a = l -> m, x
+ | _ :: tl -> aux tl
aux !G.macro_gref
let get_head = function
| C.Const c :: ts ->
let s, _ = K.resolve_reference c in
- let macro = get_macro s (L.length ts) in
- if macro <> "" then Some (macro, s, ts) else begin
+ let macro, x = get_macro s (L.length ts) in
+ if macro <> "" then
+ let ts1, ts2 = X.split_at x ts in
+ Some (macro, s, ts1, ts2)
+ else begin
if !G.log_missing then missing s;
T.Macro "LREF" :: T.arg (mk_lname s) :: T.free (mk_ptr st s) :: is
| C.Appl ts ->
begin match get_head ts with
- | Some (macro, s, ts) ->
- let riss = L.rev_map (proc_term st []) ts in
- T.Macro macro :: T.free s :: T.mk_rev_args riss is
- | None ->
+ | None ->
let riss = L.rev_map (proc_term st []) ts in
T.Macro "APPL" :: T.mk_rev_args riss is
+ | Some (macro, s, [], ts)
+ | Some (macro, s, ts, []) ->
+ let riss = L.rev_map (proc_term st []) ts in
+ T.Macro macro :: T.free s :: T.mk_rev_args riss is
+ | Some (macro, s, ts1, ts2) ->
+ let riss1 = L.rev_map (proc_term st []) ts1 in
+ let riss2 = L.rev_map (proc_term st []) ts2 in
+ T.Macro macro :: T.free s :: T.mk_rev_args riss1 (T.mk_rev_args riss2 is)
| C.Prod (s, w, t) ->
let is_w = proc_term st [] w in
| [] -> r
| hd :: tl -> rev_map_append map tl (map hd :: r)
+let rec split_at x = function
+ | l when x <= 0 -> [], l
+ | [] -> [], []
+ | hd :: tl ->
+ let l1, l2 = split_at (pred x) tl in
+ hd :: l1, l2
let error s = raise (Error s)
let log s = P.eprintf "MaTeX: %s\n%!" s
val rev_mapi: (int -> 'b -> 'a) -> int -> 'b list -> 'a list
val rev_map_append: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list -> 'b list
+val split_at: int -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
let const_decode = R.pair R.string R.string
-let macro_decode = R.triple R.string R.string R.int
+let macro_decode = R.quad R.string R.string R.int R.int
let init registry =
R.load_from registry;
let alpha_gref = ref default_alpha (* data for constant renaming *)
-let macro_gref = ref default_macro (* data eta-conversion and constant rendering *)
+let macro_gref = ref default_macro (* data for eta-conversion and constant rendering *)
let is_global_id s =
!global_alpha && s <> dno_id
val alpha_gref: (string * string) list ref
-val macro_gref: (string * string * int) list ref
+val macro_gref: (string * string * int * int) list ref
val clear: unit -> unit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <section name="matex.notation">
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex_2.ex_2.type LEx 3 2</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex_3.ex_3.type LEx 4 3</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex2_2.ex2_2.type LEx 4 2</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex2_3.ex2_3.type LEx 5 3</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex3.ex3.type LEx 4 1</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex3_2.ex3_2.type LEx 5 2</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex3_3.ex3_3.type LEx 6 3</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex3_4.ex3_4.type LEx 7 4</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex4.ex4.type LEx 5 1</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex4_2.ex4_2.type LEx 6 2</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex4_3.ex4_3.type LEx 7 3</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex4_4.ex4_4.type LEx 8 4</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex4_5.ex4_5.type LEx 9 5</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex5_3.ex5_3.type LEx 8 3</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.ex6_6.ex6_6.type LEx 12 6</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.and3.and3.type LAnd 3 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.or3.or3.type LOr 3 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.types.defs.or4.or4.type LOr 4 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.blt.defs.blt.blt.type FunLt 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.plist.defs.papp.papp.type Append 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.plist.defs.PConsTail.PConsTail.type RevConsB 3 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.plist.defs.PList.PCons.type ConsB 3 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.ground_1.plist.defs.Ss.Ss.type Succ 1 0</key>
+ </section>
-\ProvidesPackage{ground_1}[2016/05/23 Notation for "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/ground_1/"]
+\ProvidesPackage{ground_1}[2016/06/19 Notation for "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/ground_1/"]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<section name="matex.notation">
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.ex.ex.type LExAA 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.ex2.ex2.type LExBA 3</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.land.land.type LAndB 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.or.or.type LOrB 2</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.ex.ex.type LEx 2 1</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.ex2.ex2.type LEx 3 1</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.land.land.type LAnd 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.or.or.type LOr 2 0</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.eq.eq.type EQ 3</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.le.le.type LE 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.lt.type LT 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.minus.minus.type Minus 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.nat.S.type Succ 1</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.not.type LNot 1</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.plus.plus.type Plus 2</key>
- <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.pred.type Pred 1</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.eq.eq.type EQ 3 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.le.le.type LE 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.lt.type LT 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.minus.minus.type Minus 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.nat.S.type Succ 1 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.not.type LNot 1 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.plus.plus.type Plus 2 0</key>
+ <key name="const">matita.lambdadelta.legacy_1.coq.defs.pred.type Pred 1 0</key>
-\ProvidesPackage{legacy_1}[2016/06/06 Notation for "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/legacy_1/"]
+\ProvidesPackage{legacy_1}[2016/06/19 Notation for "cic:/matita/lambdadelta/legacy_1/"]
-\ProvidesPackage{matex}[2016/06/12 MaTeX Package]
+\ProvidesPackage{matex}[2016/06/19 MaTeX Package]
- \ifx\ma@tmp\empty #4\let\ma@tmp=\ma@skip\else #1#2{#5}\let\ma@tmp=\ma@next\fi
- \ma@tmp #3#2#3#4%
+ \ifx\ma@tmp\empty\let\ma@tmp=\ma@last\else #1#2{#5}\let\ma@tmp=\ma@list\fi
+ \ma@tmp{#3}{#2}{#3}{#4}%
\ifx\ma@tmp\empty\mathrm{(omitted)}\else #1\fi
| [fst; snd; trd] -> fst_unmarshaller fst, snd_unmarshaller snd, trd_unmarshaller trd
| _ -> raise (Type_error "not a triple")
+(* FG *)
+let quad fst_unmarshaller snd_unmarshaller trd_unmarshaller fth_unmarshaller v =
+ match Str.split spaces_rex v with
+ | [fst; snd; trd; fth] -> fst_unmarshaller fst, snd_unmarshaller snd, trd_unmarshaller trd, fth_unmarshaller fth
+ | _ -> raise (Type_error "not a quad")
(* escapes for xml configuration file *)
let (escape, unescape) =
let (in_enc, out_enc) = (`Enc_utf8, `Enc_utf8) in
let get_triple registry fst_unmarshaller snd_unmarshaller trd_unmarshaller =
get_typed registry (triple fst_unmarshaller snd_unmarshaller trd_unmarshaller)
+(* FG *)
+let get_quad registry fst_unmarshaller snd_unmarshaller trd_unmarshaller fth_unmarshaller =
+ get_typed registry (quad fst_unmarshaller snd_unmarshaller trd_unmarshaller fth_unmarshaller)
let set_list registry marshaller ~key ~value =
(* since ocaml hash table are crazy... *)
while Hashtbl.mem registry key do
let get_list unmarshaller = get_list default_registry unmarshaller
let get_pair unmarshaller = get_pair default_registry unmarshaller
let get_triple unmarshaller = get_triple default_registry unmarshaller
+let get_quad unmarshaller = get_quad default_registry unmarshaller
let set_typed marshaller = set_typed default_registry marshaller
let set_opt unmarshaller = set_opt default_registry unmarshaller
let set_list marshaller = set_list default_registry marshaller
val bool: string -> bool
val pair: (string -> 'a) -> (string -> 'b) -> string -> 'a * 'b
val triple: (string -> 'a) -> (string -> 'b) -> (string -> 'c) -> string -> 'a * 'b * 'c
+val quad: (string -> 'a) -> (string -> 'b) -> (string -> 'c) -> (string -> 'd) -> string -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd
(** {3 Typed getters} *)
(** decode values which are blank separated list of values, of length 3 *)
val get_triple: (string -> 'a) -> (string -> 'b) -> (string -> 'c) -> string -> 'a * 'b * 'c
+ (** decode values which are blank separated list of values, of length 4 *)
+val get_quad: (string -> 'a) -> (string -> 'b) -> (string -> 'c) -> (string -> 'd) -> string -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd
(** {4 Shorthands} *)
val get_string: string -> string