type obj = string * Obj.t
-(* CSC: includes & dependencies to be unified! *)
+(* includes are transitively closed; dependencies are only immediate *)
type dump =
{ objs: obj list ; includes: NUri.uri list; dependencies: string list }
= fun o -> {< db = o#dump >}
-let get_already_included status =
+let get_transitively_included status =
List.iter (fun u -> add_deps u [baseuri]) status#dump.includes;
time_travel (new status)
- let require2 ~baseuri ~fname ~alias_only status =
+ let require2 ~baseuri ~alias_only status =
let s = D.get status in
let status =
- D.set status
- (s#set_dump
- {s#dump with
- includes = baseuri::s#dump.includes;
- dependencies = fname::s#dump.dependencies}) in
+ D.set status
+ (s#set_dump
+ {s#dump with
+ includes = baseuri::s#dump.includes}) in
let _dependencies,dump = require0 ~baseuri in
List.fold_right (!require1 ~alias_only) dump status
let aux (baseuri,fname) ~refresh_uri_in_universe:_ ~refresh_uri_in_term:_
~refresh_uri_in_reference:_ ~alias_only status =
let alias_only =
- alias_only || List.mem baseuri (get_already_included (D.get status))
+ alias_only || List.mem baseuri (get_transitively_included (D.get status))
- require2 ~baseuri ~fname ~alias_only status
+ HLog.warn ("include " ^ (if alias_only then "alias " else "") ^ fname);
+ let status = require2 ~baseuri ~alias_only status in
+ HLog.warn ("done: include " ^ (if alias_only then "alias " else "") ^ fname);
+ status
register#run "include" aux
let require ~baseuri ~fname ~alias_only status =
let alias_only =
- alias_only || List.mem baseuri (get_already_included (D.get status)) in
- let status = require2 ~baseuri ~fname ~alias_only status in
+ alias_only || List.mem baseuri (get_transitively_included (D.get status)) in
+ let status =
+ if not alias_only then
+ let s = D.get status in
+ D.set status
+ (s#set_dump
+ {s#dump with
+ includes = baseuri::s#dump.includes;
+ dependencies = fname::s#dump.dependencies})
+ else
+ status in
+ let status = require2 ~baseuri ~alias_only status in
let s = D.get status in
D.set status
raise (Failure ("File not found: "^fname))
-let rec get_ast status ~compiling ~include_paths strm =
+let rec get_ast status ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths strm =
match GrafiteParser.parse_statement status strm with
(_,GrafiteAst.NCommand (_,GrafiteAst.Include (_,_,mafilename)))) as cmd
- let already_included = NCicLibrary.get_already_included status in
- ignore(assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~include_paths mafilename);
- cmd
- | cmd -> cmd
+ let already_included = NCicLibrary.get_transitively_included status in
+ let asserted,_ =
+ assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths
+ mafilename
+ in
+ asserted,cmd
+ | cmd -> asserted,cmd
-and eval_from_stream ~compiling ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status str cb =
+and eval_from_stream ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status str cb =
let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in
- let rec loop status =
- let stop,status =
+ let rec loop asserted status =
+ let asserted,stop,status =
let cont =
- try Some (get_ast status ~compiling ~include_paths str)
+ try Some (get_ast status ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths str)
with End_of_file -> None in
match cont with
- | None -> true, status
- | Some ast ->
+ | None -> asserted, true, status
+ | Some (asserted,ast) ->
cb status ast;
let new_statuses =
eval_ast ~include_paths ?do_heavy_checks status ("",0,ast) in
raise (TryingToAdd (lazy (GrafiteAstPp.pp_alias value)))
| _ -> assert false
- false, status
+ asserted, false, status
with exn when not matita_debug ->
raise (EnrichedWithStatus (exn, status))
- if stop then status else loop status
+ if stop then asserted,status else loop asserted status
- loop status
+ loop asserted status
-and compile ~compiling ~include_paths fname =
+and compile ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths fname =
if List.mem fname compiling then raise (CircularDependency fname);
let compiling = fname::compiling in
let matita_debug = Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.debug" in
if not (Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.verbose") then (fun _ _ -> ())
else pp_ast_statement
- let grafite_status =
- eval_from_stream ~compiling ~include_paths grafite_status buf print_cb in
+ let asserted, grafite_status =
+ eval_from_stream ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths grafite_status buf print_cb in
let elapsed = Unix.time () -. time in
(if Helm_registry.get_bool "matita.moo" then begin
GrafiteTypes.Serializer.serialize ~baseuri:(NUri.uri_of_string baseuri)
(sprintf "execution of %s completed in %s." fname (hou^min^sec));
- pp_times fname true big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s
+ pp_times fname true big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s;
+ asserted
(* MATITA 1.0: debbo fare time_travel sulla ng_library?
~present:lexicon_status ~past:initial_lexicon_status;
pp_times fname false big_bang big_bang_u big_bang_s;
clean_exit baseuri exn
-and assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~include_paths mapath =
+and assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths mapath =
let _,baseuri,fullmapath,_ = Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths mapath in
- let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in
- let ngtime_of baseuri =
- let ngpath = NCicLibrary.ng_path_of_baseuri baseuri in
- try
- Some (Unix.stat ngpath).Unix.st_mtime
- with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = ngpath -> None in
- let matime =
- try (Unix.stat fullmapath).Unix.st_mtime
- with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = fullmapath -> assert false
- in
- let ngtime = ngtime_of baseuri in
- let to_be_compiled =
- match ngtime with
- Some ngtime ->
- let preamble = GrafiteTypes.Serializer.dependencies_of baseuri in
- let children_bad =
- List.exists
- (fun mapath ->
- assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~include_paths mapath
- || let _,baseuri,_,_ =
- Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths mapath in
- let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in
- (match ngtime_of baseuri with
- Some child_ngtime -> child_ngtime > ngtime
- | None -> assert false)
- ) preamble
- in
- children_bad || matime > ngtime
- | None -> true
- in
- if not to_be_compiled then false
- else
- if List.mem baseuri already_included then
- (* maybe recompiling it I would get the same... *)
- raise (AlreadyLoaded (lazy mapath))
- else
- (compile ~compiling ~include_paths fullmapath; true)
+ if List.mem fullmapath asserted then asserted,false
+ else
+ begin
+ let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in
+ let ngtime_of baseuri =
+ let ngpath = NCicLibrary.ng_path_of_baseuri baseuri in
+ try
+ Some (Unix.stat ngpath).Unix.st_mtime
+ with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = ngpath -> None in
+ let matime =
+ try (Unix.stat fullmapath).Unix.st_mtime
+ with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, "stat", f) when f = fullmapath -> assert false
+ in
+ let ngtime = ngtime_of baseuri in
+ let asserted,to_be_compiled =
+ match ngtime with
+ Some ngtime ->
+ let preamble = GrafiteTypes.Serializer.dependencies_of baseuri in
+ let asserted,children_bad =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (asserted,b) mapath ->
+ let asserted,b1 =
+ assert_ng ~already_included ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths
+ mapath
+ in
+ asserted, b || b1
+ || let _,baseuri,_,_ =
+ Librarian.baseuri_of_script ~include_paths mapath in
+ let baseuri = NUri.uri_of_string baseuri in
+ (match ngtime_of baseuri with
+ Some child_ngtime -> child_ngtime > ngtime
+ | None -> assert false)
+ ) (asserted,false) preamble
+ in
+ asserted, children_bad || matime > ngtime
+ | None -> asserted,true
+ in
+ if not to_be_compiled then fullmapath::asserted,false
+ else
+ if List.mem baseuri already_included then
+ (* maybe recompiling it I would get the same... *)
+ raise (AlreadyLoaded (lazy mapath))
+ else
+ let asserted = compile ~compiling ~asserted ~include_paths fullmapath in
+ fullmapath::asserted,true
+ end
-let assert_ng = assert_ng ~already_included:[] ~compiling:[]
-let get_ast = get_ast ~compiling:[]
+let assert_ng ~include_paths mapath =
+ snd (assert_ng ~include_paths ~already_included:[] ~compiling:[] ~asserted:[]
+ mapath)
+let get_ast status ~include_paths strm =
+ snd (get_ast status ~compiling:[] ~asserted:[] ~include_paths strm)