| G.Focus (loc,l) -> G.NFocus (loc,l)
;; *)
-let cons_ntac t p =
- match t with
- | G.NTactic(loc,[t]) -> G.NTactic(loc,[t;p])
- | x -> x
type by_continuation =
| BYC_weproved of N.term * string option * N.term option
| IDENT "whd" -> `Whd ]
nreduction_kind: [
- [ IDENT "nnormalize" ; delta = OPT [ IDENT "nodelta" -> () ] ->
+ [ IDENT "normalize" ; delta = OPT [ IDENT "nodelta" -> () ] ->
let delta = match delta with None -> true | _ -> false in
`Normalize delta
(*| IDENT "unfold"; t = OPT tactic_term -> `Unfold t*)
- | IDENT "nwhd" ; delta = OPT [ IDENT "nodelta" -> () ] ->
+ | IDENT "whd" ; delta = OPT [ IDENT "nodelta" -> () ] ->
let delta = match delta with None -> true | _ -> false in
`Whd delta]
using: [ [ using = OPT [ IDENT "using"; t = tactic_term -> t ] -> using ] ];
ntactic: [
- [ IDENT "napply"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NApply (loc, t)])
- | IDENT "napplyS"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NSmartApply(loc, t)])
- | IDENT "nassert";
+ [ SYMBOL "@"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NApply (loc, t)])
+ | IDENT "apply"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NApply (loc, t)])
+ | IDENT "applyS"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NSmartApply(loc, t)])
+ | IDENT "assert";
seqs = LIST0 [
hyps = LIST0
[ id = IDENT ; SYMBOL ":" ; ty = tactic_term -> id,`Decl ty
SYMBOL <:unicode<vdash>>;
concl = tactic_term -> (List.rev hyps,concl) ] ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NAssert (loc, seqs)])
- | IDENT "nauto"; params = auto_params ->
+ | IDENT "auto"; params = auto_params ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NAuto (loc, params)])
| SYMBOL "/"; num = OPT NUMBER ;
params = nauto_params; SYMBOL "/" ;
| Some `Trace ->
G.NAutoInteractive (loc, (None,["slir","";"depth",depth]@params))))
- | IDENT "nintros" -> G.NMacro (loc, G.NIntroGuess loc)
- | IDENT "ncheck"; t = term -> G.NMacro(loc,G.NCheck (loc,t))
+ | IDENT "intros" -> G.NMacro (loc, G.NIntroGuess loc)
+ | IDENT "check"; t = term -> G.NMacro(loc,G.NCheck (loc,t))
| IDENT "screenshot"; fname = QSTRING ->
G.NMacro(loc,G.Screenshot (loc, fname))
- | IDENT "ncases"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
+ | IDENT "cases"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NCases (loc, what, where)])
- | IDENT "nchange"; what = pattern_spec; "with"; with_what = tactic_term ->
+ | IDENT "change"; what = pattern_spec; "with"; with_what = tactic_term ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NChange (loc, what, with_what)])
| SYMBOL "@"; num = OPT NUMBER; l = LIST0 tactic_term ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NConstructor (loc, (match num with None -> None | Some x -> Some (int_of_string x)),l)])
- | IDENT "ncut"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NCut (loc, t)])
-(* | IDENT "ndiscriminate"; t = tactic_term -> G.NDiscriminate (loc, t)
- | IDENT "nsubst"; t = tactic_term -> G.NSubst (loc, t) *)
- | IDENT "ndestruct"; just = OPT [ dom = ident_list1 -> dom ];
+ | IDENT "cut"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NCut (loc, t)])
+(* | IDENT "discriminate"; t = tactic_term -> G.NDiscriminate (loc, t)
+ | IDENT "subst"; t = tactic_term -> G.NSubst (loc, t) *)
+ | IDENT "destruct"; just = OPT [ dom = ident_list1 -> dom ];
exclude = OPT [ IDENT "skip"; skip = ident_list1 -> skip ]
-> let exclude' = match exclude with None -> [] | Some l -> l in
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NDestruct (loc,just,exclude')])
- | IDENT "nelim"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
+ | IDENT "elim"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NElim (loc, what, where)])
- | IDENT "ngeneralize"; p=pattern_spec ->
+ | IDENT "generalize"; p=pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NGeneralize (loc, p)])
- | IDENT "ninversion"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
+ | IDENT "inversion"; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NInversion (loc, what, where)])
- | IDENT "nlapply"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NLApply (loc, t)])
- | IDENT "nletin"; name = IDENT ; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> ; t = tactic_term;
+ | IDENT "lapply"; t = tactic_term -> G.NTactic(loc,[G.NLApply (loc, t)])
+ | IDENT "letin"; name = IDENT ; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> ; t = tactic_term;
where = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NLetIn (loc,where,t,name)])
| kind = nreduction_kind; p = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NReduce (loc, kind, p)])
- | IDENT "nrewrite"; dir = direction; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
+ | dir = direction; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
+ G.NTactic(loc,[G.NRewrite (loc, dir, what, where)])
+ | IDENT "rewrite"; dir = direction; what = tactic_term ; where = pattern_spec ->
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NRewrite (loc, dir, what, where)])
- | IDENT "ntry"; tac = SELF ->
+ | IDENT "try"; tac = SELF ->
let tac = match tac with G.NTactic(_,[t]) -> t | _ -> assert false in
G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NTry (loc,tac)])
- | IDENT "nrepeat"; tac = SELF ->
+ | IDENT "repeat"; tac = SELF ->
let tac = match tac with G.NTactic(_,[t]) -> t | _ -> assert false in
G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NRepeat (loc,tac)])
(List.map (function G.NTactic(_,t) -> t | _ -> assert false) l) in
G.NTactic(loc,[G.NBlock (loc,l)])
- | IDENT "nassumption" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NAssumption loc])
- | SYMBOL "#"; ns=LIST0 IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntros (loc,ns)])
+ | IDENT "assumption" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NAssumption loc])
+ | SYMBOL "#"; ns=IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntros (loc,[ns])])
| SYMBOL "#"; SYMBOL "_" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NIntro (loc,"_")])
| SYMBOL "*" -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NCase1 (loc,"_")])
| SYMBOL "*"; n=IDENT -> G.NTactic(loc,[ G.NCase1 (loc,n)])
ntheorem_flavour: [
- [ [ IDENT "ndefinition" ] -> `Definition
- | [ IDENT "nfact" ] -> `Fact
- | [ IDENT "nlemma" ] -> `Lemma
- | [ IDENT "nremark" ] -> `Remark
- | [ IDENT "ntheorem" ] -> `Theorem
+ [ [ IDENT "definition" ] -> `Definition
+ | [ IDENT "fact" ] -> `Fact
+ | [ IDENT "lemma" ] -> `Lemma
+ | [ IDENT "remark" ] -> `Remark
+ | [ IDENT "theorem" ] -> `Theorem
theorem_flavour: [
grafite_ncommand: [ [
- IDENT "nqed" -> G.NQed loc
+ IDENT "qed" -> G.NQed loc
| nflavour = ntheorem_flavour; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term;
body = OPT [ SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *); body = term -> body ] ->
G.NObj (loc, N.Theorem (nflavour, name, typ, body,`Regular))
| nflavour = ntheorem_flavour; name = IDENT; SYMBOL <:unicode<def>> (* ≝ *);
body = term ->
G.NObj (loc, N.Theorem (nflavour, name, N.Implicit `JustOne, Some body,`Regular))
- | IDENT "naxiom"; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term ->
+ | IDENT "axiom"; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; typ = term ->
G.NObj (loc, N.Theorem (`Axiom, name, typ, None, `Regular))
- | IDENT "ndiscriminator" ; indty = tactic_term -> G.NDiscriminator (loc,indty)
- | IDENT "ninverter"; name = IDENT; IDENT "for" ; indty = tactic_term ;
+ | IDENT "discriminator" ; indty = tactic_term -> G.NDiscriminator (loc,indty)
+ | IDENT "inverter"; name = IDENT; IDENT "for" ; indty = tactic_term ;
paramspec = OPT inverter_param_list ;
outsort = OPT [ SYMBOL ":" ; outsort = term -> outsort ] ->
G.NInverter (loc,name,indty,paramspec,outsort)
nmk_rec_corec `CoInductive defs loc
| NLETREC ; defs = let_defs ->
nmk_rec_corec `Inductive defs loc
- | IDENT "ninductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
+ | IDENT "inductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
let (params, ind_types) = spec in
G.NObj (loc, N.Inductive (params, ind_types))
- | IDENT "ncoinductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
+ | IDENT "coinductive"; spec = inductive_spec ->
let (params, ind_types) = spec in
let ind_types = (* set inductive flags to false (coinductive) *)
List.map (fun (name, _, term, ctors) -> (name, false, term, ctors))
G.NUnivConstraint (loc,u1,u2)
| IDENT "unification"; IDENT "hint"; n = int; t = tactic_term ->
G.UnificationHint (loc, t, n)
- | IDENT "ncoercion"; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; ty = term;
+ | IDENT "coercion"; name = IDENT; SYMBOL ":"; ty = term;
SYMBOL <:unicode<def>>; t = term; "on";
id = [ IDENT | PIDENT ]; SYMBOL ":"; source = term;
"to"; target = term ->
- | IDENT "nrecord" ; (params,name,ty,fields) = record_spec ->
+ | IDENT "record" ; (params,name,ty,fields) = record_spec ->
G.NObj (loc, N.Record (params,name,ty,fields))
- | IDENT "ncopy" ; s = IDENT; IDENT "from"; u = URI; "with";
+ | IDENT "copy" ; s = IDENT; IDENT "from"; u = URI; "with";
m = LIST0 [ u1 = URI; SYMBOL <:unicode<mapsto>>; u2 = URI -> u1,u2 ] ->
G.NCopy (loc,s,NUri.uri_of_string u,
List.map (fun a,b -> NUri.uri_of_string a, NUri.uri_of_string b) m)
executable: [
[ ncmd = grafite_ncommand; SYMBOL "." -> G.NCommand (loc, ncmd)
- | tac = ntactic; OPT [ SYMBOL "#" ; SYMBOL "#" ] ;
- punct = npunctuation_tactical -> cons_ntac tac punct
- | SYMBOL "#" ; SYMBOL "#" ; punct = npunctuation_tactical ->
- G.NTactic (loc, [punct])
- | SYMBOL "#" ; SYMBOL "#" ; tac = nnon_punctuation_tactical;
- SYMBOL "#" ; SYMBOL "#" ; punct = npunctuation_tactical ->
- G.NTactic (loc, [tac; punct])
- | SYMBOL "#" ; SYMBOL "#" ; tac = nnon_punctuation_tactical;
+ | punct = npunctuation_tactical -> G.NTactic (loc, [punct])
+ | tac = nnon_punctuation_tactical(*; punct = npunctuation_tactical*) ->
+ G.NTactic (loc, [tac])
+ | tac = ntactic (*; punct = npunctuation_tactical*) ->
+ tac
+ | tac = nnon_punctuation_tactical;
punct = npunctuation_tactical ->
G.NTactic (loc, [tac; punct])
comment: [