let hyp_const (conn:Mysql.dbd) uri =
let uri = escape uri in
- (*query to obtain all the constants in the hypothesis of the theorem*)
+ (*query to obtain all the constants in the hypothesis and conclusion of the theorem*)
let query =
"select h_occurrence from refObj where source='"^uri^
"' and (h_position="^main_hypothesis^" or h_position="^in_hypothesis^
NewConstraints.StringSet.subset hyp const
+let rec exec_query (conn:Mysql.dbd) uris k =
+ let add_must (n,from,where) uri =
+ let refObjn = "refObj" ^ (string_of_int n) in
+ let new_must =
+ [ refObjn^".h_occurrence = '" ^ uri ^ "'";
+ "("^refObjn^".h_position = " ^ main_conclusion^ " or "
+ ^refObjn^".h_position = " ^ in_conclusion^ " or "
+ ^refObjn^".h_position = " ^ main_hypothesis^ " or "
+ ^refObjn^".h_position = " ^ in_hypothesis^ ")"] in
+ let where' =
+ if n = 0 then new_must@where
+ else
+ (refObjn^".source = refObj" ^ (string_of_int (n-1))
+ ^ ".source")::new_must@where in
+ (n+1,("refObj as "^refObjn)::from,where')
+ in
+ let (_,from,where) =
+ List.fold_left add_must (0,[],[]) uris in
+ let from,where =
+ "no_concl_hyp"::from,
+ ("no=" ^ (string_of_int k))::
+ ("no_concl_hyp.source = refObj0.source")::where
+ in
+ let from = String.concat "," from in
+ let where = String.concat " and " where in
+ let query = "select refObj0.source from " ^ from ^ " where " ^ where in
+ (* prerr_endline query;*)
+ Mysql.exec conn query
+let powerset set =
+ let rec powerset_r set sub =
+ if (NewConstraints.StringSet.is_empty set) then sub
+ else
+ let a = NewConstraints.StringSet.min_elt set in
+ let newset = NewConstraints.StringSet.remove a set in
+ let newsub = NewConstraints.SetSet.union (NewConstraints.SetSet.add (NewConstraints.StringSet.singleton a)
+ (NewConstraints.SetSet.fold
+ (fun s t -> (NewConstraints.SetSet.add (NewConstraints.StringSet.add a s) t))
+ sub NewConstraints.SetSet.empty)) sub in
+ powerset_r newset newsub in
+powerset_r set NewConstraints.SetSet.empty
+let setset_to_listlist setset =
+ let listset = NewConstraints.SetSet.elements setset in
+ let res =
+ List.map
+ (fun set ->
+ let el = NewConstraints.StringSet.elements set in
+ (List.length el, el)) listset in
+ (* ordered by descending cardinality *)
+List.sort (fun (n,_) (m,_) -> m - n) res
+let exist_element list_of_uris (_,uri) =
+ let ex u =
+ if u = uri then true
+ else false
+ in
+List.exists ex list_of_uris
+let filter_uris (conn:Mysql.dbd) const uris =
+ let subsets_of_consts =
+ setset_to_listlist (powerset const) in
+ let uris_of_const =
+ List.concat
+ (List.map
+ (fun (m,s) ->
+ (let res =
+ exec_query conn s m in
+ let f a =
+ match (Array.to_list a) with
+ [Some uri] -> uri
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ Mysql.map ~f:f res))
+ subsets_of_consts)
+ in
+List.filter (exist_element uris_of_const) uris
+let rec power n m =
+ if (m = 1) then n
+ else n*(power n (m-1))
List.fold_right hyp ey NewConstraints.StringSet.empty in
prerr_endline (NewConstraints.pp_StringSet (NewConstraints.StringSet.union hyp_const concl_const));
(* uris with new constants in the proof are filtered *)
- let uris = List.filter (Filter_auto.filter_new_constants conn (NewConstraints.StringSet.union hyp_const concl_const)) uris in
+ let all_const = NewConstraints.StringSet.union hyp_const concl_const in
+ let uris =
+ if (List.length uris < (Filter_auto.power 2 (List.length (NewConstraints.StringSet.elements all_const))))
+ then List.filter (Filter_auto.filter_new_constants conn all_const) uris
+ else Filter_auto.filter_uris conn all_const uris in
let uris =
(* ristretto all cache *)