-(* 0: 7 4
- 1: 29 6
- 2: 120 10
- 3: > 327 >9
- 4: > 657 >9
- 5: > 526 >8
+(* 0: 7 4 0.312 3 5 7
+ 1: 29 6 0.549 3 8 16 24 29
+ 2: 120 10 25.525 3 8 19 39 66 95 113 119 120
+ 3: > 327 >9 3 8 19 39 75 134 208 274
+ 4: > 657 >9 3 8 19 39 75 139 245
+ 5: > 526 >8 3 8 19 39 75 139 245
6: > 529 >8
7: > 529 >8
8: > 529 >8
+(CMM?)+ | (MM?C)+
+cCw = Cw
+-Cw = MCw
+cMw = CMw
+-MMw = -w
+-MCw = MMCw
+iw = w
type t = M | I | C
let inject =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 5393 in
function w ->
- let rec aux acc =
- function
- [] -> acc
- | he::tl -> aux (4 * acc + (match he with I -> 1 | C -> 2 | M -> 3)) tl
- in
- 0, aux 0 w, w
+ try
+ Hashtbl.find cache w
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ let rec aux acc =
+ function
+ [] -> acc
+ | he::tl -> aux (4 * acc + (match he with I -> 1 | C -> 2 | M -> 3)) tl
+ in
+ let res = 0, aux 0 w, w in
+ Hashtbl.add cache w res;
+ res
-module V =
- struct
- type t = int * int * w
- let compare (h1,l1,_) (h2,l2,_) = compare (h1,l1) (h2,l2)
- let hash (_,l,_) = l
- let equal ((h1 : int),(l1 : int),_) (h2,l2,_) = l1=l2 && h1=h2
- end
-module G = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.Concrete(V);;
module VL =
type t = eqclass
(function w ->
List.map (fun x -> x@w)
- (if List.length (List.filter (fun w -> w = M) w) >= 1 then
+ (if List.length (List.filter (fun w -> w = M) w) >= 5 then
print_newline ();
-let normalize (l : w list) =
+let normalize canonical (l : w list) =
print_endline (string_of_int (List.length l) ^ " nodes to be normalized");
- let rels =
- List.flatten
- (mapi (fun x -> apply_rules (x,Le) @ apply_rules (x,Ge)) l) in
- let arcs =
- mapi
- (function (x,rel,y) ->
- let x = inject x in
- let y = inject y in
- match rel with Le -> x,y | Ge -> y,x) rels
+ let rec aux all l =
+ let rels =
+ List.flatten
+ (mapi (fun x -> apply_rules (x,Le) @ apply_rules (x,Ge)) l) in
+ let arcs =
+ mapi
+ (function (x,rel,y) ->
+ let x = canonical x(*(inject x)*) in
+ let y = canonical y(*(inject y)*) in
+ match rel with Le -> x,y | Ge -> y,x) rels in
+ let res = uniq arcs in
+ let nodes = uniq (l @ List.map (fun (_,_,n) -> n) rels) in
+ let new_nodes = List.filter (fun n -> not (List.mem n all)) nodes in
+ let new_nodes = List.filter (function n -> [n] = canonical n) new_nodes in
+ if new_nodes = [] then
+ res
+ else
+ uniq (res @ aux nodes new_nodes)
- uniq arcs
+ aux l l
let visualize graph =
if c = 0 then compare s1 s2 else c
-let normalize_and_describe norm =
- let cache = Hashtbl.create 5393 in
- let canonicals = Hashtbl.create 5393 in
- let descriptions = Hashtbl.create 5393 in
- (function v ->
- let normalized = norm v in
- let _,_,dsc = G.V.label v in
- if not (List.mem dsc (Hashtbl.find_all cache normalized)) then
- Hashtbl.add cache normalized dsc;
- normalized),
- (function () ->
- let vertexes = uniq (Hashtbl.fold (fun k _ l -> k::l) cache []) in
- let xx =
- mapi
- (fun v -> v, List.sort w_compare (Hashtbl.find_all cache v)) vertexes in
- iteri (function (_,w::_) -> Hashtbl.add canonicals w () | _ -> ()) xx;
- let is_not_redundant =
- function
- [] | [_] -> true
- | _::w ->
- try Hashtbl.find canonicals w; true with Not_found -> false
- in
- iteri
- (function (v,x) ->
- Hashtbl.add descriptions v ((List.filter is_not_redundant x) : eqclass)) xx),
- Hashtbl.find descriptions
-let classify arcs =
- print_endline (string_of_int (List.length arcs) ^ " arcs to be classified");
- let graph = G.create () in
- iteri (fun (x,y) -> G.add_edge graph x y) arcs;
- print_endline ("<scc>");
- let classes,norm =
- let module SCC = Graph.Components.Make(G) in SCC.scc graph in
- print_endline (string_of_int classes ^ " classes");
- print_endline ("-----");
- norm,arcs
-let analyze (norm,arcs) =
- print_endline ("building class graph (" ^ string_of_int (List.length arcs) ^ ")");
- let normalize,finish,describe = normalize_and_describe norm in
- let arcs = uniq (mapi (fun (x,y) -> normalize x,normalize y) arcs) in
- print_endline "finish";
- finish ();
- print_endline ("collapse " ^ string_of_int (List.length arcs) ^ " arcs");
- let arcs = uniq (mapi (function (x,y) -> describe x,describe y) arcs) in
- print_endline ("build (" ^ string_of_int (List.length arcs) ^ " arcs)");
- let cgraph = GL.create () in
- iteri (function (x,y) -> if x <> y then GL.add_edge cgraph x y) arcs;
- print_endline "visualize";
- visualize cgraph;
- print_endline ("/////");
+exception Found of GL.V.t;;
-let rec iter n nodes old_arcs =
+let rec iter n cgraph (canonical: w -> GL.V.t) =
print_endline ("STEP " ^ string_of_int n);
- let arcs = old_arcs @ normalize nodes in
- let pkg = classify arcs in
- if n > 0 then
- iter (n - 1) (step nodes) arcs
- else
- analyze pkg
+ let nodes = GL.fold_vertex (fun n l -> n::l) cgraph [] in
+ let nodes = step (List.map List.hd nodes) in
+(*let nodes = [[C;M];[C;M;C;M];[C;M;C;M;C;M];[C;M;C;M;C;M;C;M];[C;M;C;M;C;M;C;M;C;M]] in*)
+(*let nodes = [[C;I;C;I;C;I]] in*)
+ (*let nodes = step (List.concat nodes) in*)
+(*List.iter (fun x -> prerr_endline ("#@ " ^ string_of_w x)) nodes;*)
+ let arcs = normalize canonical nodes in
+ iteri (fun (x,y) -> if x <> y then GL.add_edge cgraph x y) arcs;
+(*List.iter (fun (x,y) -> prerr_endline (string_of_eqclass x ^ " -> " ^ string_of_eqclass y)) arcs;*)
+ print_endline ("<scc>");
+ let classes,norm =
+ let module SCC = Graph.Components.Make(GL) in SCC.scc cgraph in
+ let xxx =
+ let module SCC = Graph.Components.Make(GL) in SCC.scc_array cgraph in
+ print_endline ("</scc>");
+ let get_canonical n =
+ try List.sort w_compare (List.concat (xxx.(norm n)))
+ with Not_found -> n
+ in
+ let nodes = GL.fold_vertex (fun n l -> n::l) cgraph [] in
+ print_endline "get_canonical";
+ let nodes = mapi (fun n -> n,get_canonical n) nodes in
+ print_endline "/get_canonical";
+ print_endline ("collapse " ^ string_of_int (List.length nodes));
+ iteri
+ (function (n,n') ->
+ let succ = GL.succ cgraph n in
+ let pred = GL.pred cgraph n in
+ GL.remove_vertex cgraph n;
+ let add_edge s t = if s <> t then GL.add_edge cgraph s t in
+ List.iter (fun s -> add_edge n' (get_canonical s)) succ;
+ List.iter (fun p -> add_edge (get_canonical p) n') pred)
+ nodes;
+ print_endline (string_of_int classes ^ " classes");
+ print_endline ("-----");
+ print_endline "visualize";
+ visualize cgraph;
+ print_endline ("/////");
+ GL.iter_vertex (fun l -> print_endline ("?" ^ string_of_eqclass l)) cgraph;
+ let canonical =
+ function (*_,_,*)w ->
+ try
+ GL.iter_vertex (fun l -> if List.mem w l then raise (Found l)) cgraph;
+ [w]
+ with
+ Found l -> l in
+ if n > 0 then
+ iter (n - 1) cgraph canonical
+ else
+ ()
- iter 7 [[]] []
+ let cgraph = GL.create () in
+ GL.add_vertex cgraph [[]];
+ iter 9 cgraph (fun w(*(_,_,w)*) -> [w])