status#set_dump {status#dump with objs = obj::status#dump.objs }
+let remove_objects ~baseuri =
+ let uri = NUri.string_of_uri baseuri in
+ let path = String.sub uri 4 (String.length uri - 4) in
+ let path = Helm_registry.get "matita.basedir" ^ path in
+ let map name = Sys.remove (Filename.concat path name) in
+ if HExtlib.is_dir path && HExtlib.is_regular (path ^ ".ng") then begin
+ HLog.warn ("removing contents of baseuri: " ^ uri);
+ Array.iter map (Sys.readdir path)
+ end
module type SerializerType =
type dumpable_status
let ch = open_out (ng_path_of_baseuri baseuri) in
Marshal.to_channel ch (magic,(status#dump.dependencies,status#dump.objs)) [];
close_out ch;
+ remove_objects ~baseuri; (* FG: we remove the old objects before putting the new ones*)
| `Obj (uri,obj) ->
raise (NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound (lazy (NUri.string_of_uri u)))
-NCicEnvironment.set_get_obj get_obj;;
+NCicEnvironment.set_get_obj get_obj