| CicAst.Sort `CProp -> Cic.Sort Cic.CProp
| CicAst.Symbol (symbol, instance) ->
resolve env (Symbol (symbol, instance)) ()
+ | CicAst.UserInput -> assert false
and aux_option loc context = function
| None -> Cic.Implicit (Some `Type)
| Some term -> aux loc context term
| CicAst.Sort _ -> []
| CicAst.Symbol (symbol, instance) -> [ Symbol (symbol, instance) ]
+ | CicAst.UserInput -> assert false
and aux_option loc context = function
| None -> []
| A.Num (s, _) -> current_size + String.length s
| A.Sort _ -> current_size + 4 (* sort name *)
| A.Symbol (s,_) -> current_size + String.length s
+ | A.UserInput -> current_size
let is_big t =
| A.Symbol (s, _) ->
+ | A.UserInput -> Box.Text([],"")
and aux_option ~tail = function
None -> Box.Text([],"_")
| Some ast -> ast2box ~tail ast
| A.Sort `Type -> P.Mtext ([], "Type")
| A.Sort `CProp -> P.Mtext ([], "CProp")
| A.Implicit -> P.Mtext([], "?")
+ | A.UserInput -> P.Mtext([], "")
| A.Appl [] -> assert false
| A.Appl ((hd::tl) as l) ->
let rec find_symbol idref = function
| Sort of sort_kind
| Symbol of string * int (* canonical name, instance *)
+ | UserInput (* place holder for user input, used by MatitaConsole, not to be
+ used elsewhere *)
and capture_variable = Cic.name * term option (* name, type *)
and meta_subst = term option
and subst = string * term
| CicAst.Sort `CProp -> "CProp"
| CicAst.Symbol (name, _) -> name
+ | CicAst.UserInput -> ""
and pp_subst (name, term) = sprintf "%s \\Assign %s" name (pp_term term)
and pp_substs substs = String.concat "; " (List.map pp_subst substs)