let gty'' =
- ~what:t1' ~with_what:(C.Rel 1) ~where:gty'
+ ~what:[t1'] ~with_what:[C.Rel 1] ~where:gty'
(ProofEngineHelpers.mk_fresh_name context C.Anonymous ty, ty, gty'')
let gty'' =
- ~what:t1' ~with_what:(C.Rel 1) ~where:gty'
+ ~what:[t1'] ~with_what:[C.Rel 1] ~where:gty'
(ProofEngineHelpers.mk_fresh_name context C.Anonymous ty, ty, gty'')
(* replaces in a term a term with another one. *)
(* Lifting are performed as usual. *)
let replace_lifting ~equality ~what ~with_what ~where =
- let rec substaux k what =
- let module C = Cic in
- let module S = CicSubstitution in
- function
- t when (equality t what) -> S.lift (k-1) with_what
- | C.Rel n as t -> t
+ let module C = Cic in
+ let module S = CicSubstitution in
+ let find_image what t =
+ let rec find_image_aux =
+ function
+ [],[] -> raise Not_found
+ | what::tl1,with_what::tl2 ->
+ if equality t what then with_what else find_image_aux (tl1,tl2)
+ | _,_ -> raise WhatAndWithWhatDoNotHaveTheSameLength
+ in
+ find_image_aux (what,with_what)
+ in
+ let rec substaux k what t =
+ try
+ S.lift (k-1) (find_image what t)
+ with Not_found ->
+ match t with
+ C.Rel n as t -> t
| C.Var (uri,exp_named_subst) ->
let exp_named_subst' =
List.map (function (uri,t) -> uri,substaux k what t) exp_named_subst
| C.Implicit as t -> t
| C.Cast (te,ty) -> C.Cast (substaux k what te, substaux k what ty)
| C.Prod (n,s,t) ->
- C.Prod (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (S.lift 1 what) t)
+ C.Prod
+ (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t)
| C.Lambda (n,s,t) ->
- C.Lambda (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (S.lift 1 what) t)
+ C.Lambda
+ (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t)
| C.LetIn (n,s,t) ->
- C.LetIn (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (S.lift 1 what) t)
+ C.LetIn
+ (n, substaux k what s, substaux (k + 1) (List.map (S.lift 1) what) t)
| C.Appl (he::tl) ->
(* Invariant: no Appl applied to another Appl *)
let tl' = List.map (substaux k what) tl in
let substitutedfl =
(fun (name,i,ty,bo) ->
- (name, i, substaux k what ty, substaux (k+len) (S.lift len what) bo))
- fl
+ (name, i, substaux k what ty,
+ substaux (k+len) (List.map (S.lift len) what) bo)
+ ) fl
C.Fix (i, substitutedfl)
| C.CoFix (i,fl) ->
let substitutedfl =
(fun (name,ty,bo) ->
- (name, substaux k what ty, substaux (k+len) (S.lift len what) bo))
- fl
+ (name, substaux k what ty,
+ substaux (k+len) (List.map (S.lift len) what) bo)
+ ) fl
C.CoFix (i, substitutedfl)