let is_rdf_uri uri = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^helm:rdf(.*):(.*)//(.*)" uri
let is_xsl_uri uri = Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^\\w+\\.xsl" uri
-let is_blank_line =
- let blank_line_RE = Pcre.regexp "(^#)|(^\\s*$)" in
- fun line ->
- Pcre.pmatch ~rex:blank_line_RE line
let rec http_getter_uri_of_string = function
| uri when is_rdf_uri uri ->
(match Pcre.split ~pat:"//" uri with
val is_rdf_uri: string -> bool
val is_xsl_uri: string -> bool
- (** true on blanks-only and #-commented lines, false otherwise *)
-val is_blank_line: string -> bool
val http_getter_uri_of_string: string -> http_getter_uri
val patch_xml : string -> string
remove position ([], lines))
+let is_blank_line =
+ let blank_line_RE = Pcre.regexp "(^#)|(^\\s*$)" in
+ fun line ->
+ Pcre.pmatch ~rex:blank_line_RE line
first line of file is line 0) *)
val remove_line: fname:string -> int -> unit
+ (** true on blanks-only and #-commented lines, false otherwise *)
+val is_blank_line: string -> bool