i + 1,(name,name,Cic.MutInd (uri,i,[]))::res
) (0,[]) tyl) in
let con_env = DisambiguateTypes.env_of_list name_to_uris env in
- let undebrujin t =
- snd
- (List.fold_right
- (fun (name,_,_,_) (i,t) ->
- (*here the explicit_named_substituion is assumed to be of length 0 *)
- let t' = Cic.MutInd (uri,i,[]) in
- let t = CicSubstitution.subst t' t in
- i - 1,t
- ) tyl (List.length tyl - 1,t)) in
let tyl =
(fun (name,b,ty,cl) ->
let ty' =
add_params (interpretate_term context con_env None false ty)
- name,undebrujin ty'
+ name,ty'
) cl
raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "Parameters number < left parameters number"))
-let debrujin_constructor uri number_of_types =
- let rec aux k =
+let debrujin_constructor ?(cb=fun _ _ -> ()) uri number_of_types =
+ let rec aux k t =
let module C = Cic in
- function
+ let res =
+ match t with
C.Rel n as t when n <= k -> t
| C.Rel _ ->
raise (TypeCheckerFailure (lazy "unbound variable found in constructor type"))
C.CoFix (i, liftedfl)
+ in
+ cb t res;
+ res
aux 0
exception TypeCheckerFailure of string Lazy.t
exception AssertFailure of string Lazy.t
-val debrujin_constructor : UriManager.uri -> int -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
+(* this function is exported to be used also by the refiner;
+ the callback function (defaul value: ignore) is invoked on each
+ processed subterm; its first argument is the undebrujined term (the
+ input); its second argument the corresponding debrujined term (the
+ output). The callback is used to relocalize the error messages *)
+val debrujin_constructor :
+ ?cb:(Cic.term -> Cic.term -> unit) ->
+ UriManager.uri -> int -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
val typecheck : UriManager.uri -> Cic.obj * CicUniv.universe_graph
let metasenv,ugraph,cl' =
(fun (name,ty) (metasenv,ugraph,res) ->
- let ty = CicTypeChecker.debrujin_constructor uri typesno ty in
+ let ty =
+ CicTypeChecker.debrujin_constructor
+ ~cb:(relocalize localization_tbl) uri typesno ty in
let ty',_,metasenv,ugraph =
type_of_aux' ~localization_tbl metasenv con_context ty ugraph in
let ty' = undebrujin uri typesno tys ty' in