type path_string_elem =
- | Function | Constant of UriManager.uri
- | Bound of int | Variable | Proposition | Datatype ;;
+ | Constant of UriManager.uri
+ | Bound of int | Variable | Proposition | Datatype | Dead;;
type path_string = path_string_elem list;;
* "functions" *)
let ppelem = function
- | Function -> "Fun"
| Constant uri -> UriManager.name_of_uri uri
| Bound i -> string_of_int i
| Variable -> "?"
| Proposition -> "Prop"
| Datatype -> "Type"
+ | Dead -> "DEAD"
let pppath l = String.concat "::" ( ppelem l) ;;
let elem_of_cic = function
- | Cic.Meta _ -> Variable
- | Cic.Lambda _ -> Function
+ | Cic.Meta _ | Cic.Implicit _ -> Variable
| Cic.Rel i -> Bound i
| Cic.Sort (Cic.Prop) -> Proposition
| Cic.Sort _ -> Datatype
- | term ->
- try Constant (CicUtil.uri_of_term term)
- with Invalid_argument _ -> Variable (* HACK! *)
+ | Cic.Const _ | Cic.Var _ | Cic.MutInd _ | Cic.MutConstruct _ as t ->
+ (try Constant (CicUtil.uri_of_term t)
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> assert false)
+ | Cic.Appl _ ->
+ assert false (* should not happen *)
+ | Cic.LetIn _ | Cic.Lambda _ | Cic.Prod _ | Cic.Cast _
+ | Cic.MutCase _ | Cic.Fix _ | Cic.CoFix _ ->
+ prerr_endline "FIXME: the trie receives an invalid term";
+ Dead
+ (* assert false removes these *)
let path_string_of_term arities =
let set_arity arities k n =
(assert (k<>Variable || n=0);
- (k,n)::(List.remove_assoc k arities))
+ if k = Dead then arities else (k,n)::(List.remove_assoc k arities))
let rec aux arities = function
| Cic.Appl ((hd::tl) as l) ->
let cache_empty = (Universe.empty,[]);;
let get_candidates (univ,_) ty =
- Universe.get_candidates univ ty
+ if Universe.key ty = ty then
+ Universe.get_candidates univ ty
+ else
+ []
let index (univ,cache) key term =
assert false (* if succed it can't fail *)
let cache_add_success ((univ,_) as cache) cache_key proof =
- Universe.index univ cache_key proof,snd
+ (if Universe.key cache_key = cache_key then
+ Universe.index univ cache_key proof
+ else
+ univ),snd
(match cache_examine cache cache_key with
| Failed_in _ -> cache_replace cache cache_key (Succeded proof)
| UnderInspection -> cache_replace cache cache_key (Succeded proof)
aux metasenv 0 p
-let fix_metasenv metasenv context =
+let fix_metasenv metasenv =
(fun m (i,c,t) ->
- let m,t = fix_proof m context false t in
+ let m,t = fix_proof m c false t in
let m = List.filter (fun (j,_,_) -> j<>i) m in
metasenv metasenv
context proof_menv
let goal_proof = Subst.apply_subst subsumption_subst goal_proof in
- let real_menv = fix_metasenv (proof_menv@metasenv) context in
+ let real_menv = fix_metasenv (proof_menv@metasenv) in
let real_menv,goal_proof =
fix_proof real_menv context false goal_proof in
let rec unfold context = function
| Cic.Prod(name,s,t) ->
let t' = unfold ((Some (name,Cic.Decl s))::context) t in
- Cic.Prod(name,s,t')
+ Cic.Prod(name,s,t')
| t -> ProofEngineReduction.unfold context t
let rec collapse_head_metas t =
let rec dummies_of_coercions =
| Cic.Appl (c::l) when CoercDb.is_a_coercion' c ->
- Cic.Meta (-1,[])
+ Cic.Meta (-1,[])
| Cic.Appl l ->
- let l' = dummies_of_coercions l in Cic.Appl l'
+ let l' = dummies_of_coercions l in Cic.Appl l'
| Cic.Lambda(n,s,t) ->
- let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
- let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
- Cic.Lambda (n,s',t')
+ let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
+ let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
+ Cic.Lambda (n,s',t')
| Cic.Prod(n,s,t) ->
- let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
- let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
- Cic.Prod (n,s',t')
+ let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
+ let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
+ Cic.Prod (n,s',t')
| Cic.LetIn(n,s,t) ->
- let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
- let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
- Cic.LetIn (n,s',t')
+ let s' = dummies_of_coercions s in
+ let t' = dummies_of_coercions t in
+ Cic.LetIn (n,s',t')
| Cic.MutCase _ -> Cic.Meta (-1,[])
| t -> t
let rec head remove_coercions t =
let clean_up t =
if remove_coercions then dummies_of_coercions t
[head true ty; head true (unfold context ty)]
with ProofEngineTypes.Fail _ -> [head true ty]
+let key term = head false term
let index_term_and_unfolded_term univ context t ty =
let key = head true ty in
let univ = index univ key t in
Cic.term -> (* value *)
val keys: Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term list
+val key: Cic.term -> Cic.term
val index_term_and_unfolded_term:
universe -> Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term -> universe
val index_local_term: