flush oc
+let pp_to_gzipchan strm oc =
+ pp_gen (fun s -> Gzip.output oc s 0 (String.length s)) strm;
+ Gzip.flush oc
(** pretty printer to string *)
let pp_to_string strm =
let buf = Buffer.create 10240 in
(* Usage: *)
(* pp tokens None pretty prints the output on stdout *)
(* pp tokens (Some filename) pretty prints the output on the file filename *)
-let pp ?(quiet=false) strm fn =
- match fn with
- | Some filename ->
- let outchan = open_out filename in
- (try
- pp_to_outchan strm outchan;
- with e ->
- close_out outchan;
- raise e);
- close_out outchan;
- if not quiet then
- begin
- print_string ("\nWriting on file \"" ^ filename ^
- "\" was succesfull\n");
- flush stdout
- end
- | None -> pp_to_outchan strm stdout
+let pp ?(gzip=false) strm fn =
+ if gzip then
+ match fn with
+ | Some filename ->
+ let outchan = Gzip.open_out filename in
+ (try
+ pp_to_gzipchan strm outchan;
+ with e ->
+ Gzip.close_out outchan;
+ raise e);
+ Gzip.close_out outchan
+ | None -> failwith "Can't sent gzipped output to stdout"
+ else
+ match fn with
+ | Some filename ->
+ let outchan = open_out filename in
+ (try
+ pp_to_outchan strm outchan;
+ with e ->
+ close_out outchan;
+ raise e);
+ close_out outchan
+ | None -> pp_to_outchan strm stdout
(* The pretty printer for streams of token *)
(* Usage: *)
(* pp tokens None pretty prints the output on stdout *)
-(* pp tokens (Some filename) pretty prints the output on the file filename *)
-val pp : ?quiet:bool -> token Stream.t -> string option -> unit
+(* pp tokens (Some filename) pretty prints the output on the file filename
+* @param gzip if set to true files are gzipped. Defaults to false *)
+val pp : ?gzip:bool -> token Stream.t -> string option -> unit
val pp_to_outchan : token Stream.t -> out_channel -> unit
val pp_to_string : token Stream.t -> string