with $|\vec\var| = i$ and $|\vec\alpha| = j$.\r
-{\color{yellow}\begin{definition}[Good permutation]\r
- Let $\tm$ a \knnf.\r
- $\Perm i j$ is \emph{good} for $\tm$ if\r
- $i<\Args\tm$ and $j \geq \xK + i + 1$.\r
-% \begin{lemma}\r
-% Let $\tm$ in nf.\r
-% Let $\vec\alpha$ fresh variables.\r
-% If $|\vec\alpha|\geq \lams\tm$,\r
-% then the normal form of $\tm\,\vec\alpha$ is inert.\r
-% \end{lemma}\r
If $\tm$ is a \knnf{}, then it is also a $\xK'$-nf\r
for every $\xK' \geq \xK{}$.\r
\item Case $\varthree=\var$ and $i<|\vec\tmtwo|$:\r
$\tm\sigma \to^* \lambda\vec\vartwo.\, (\tmtwo_i\sigma)\vec\alpha \vec{(\tmtwo\sigma)} $.\r
Now, by \ih{} $\nf{\tmtwo_i\sigma}$ is a $\xK'$-nf, and since $|\vec\alpha|\geq\xK'$,\r
- $\nf{(\tmtwo_i\sigma\vec\alpha)}$ is inert (\textcolor{red}{Serve lemma?}).\r
+ $\nf{(\tmtwo_i\sigma\vec\alpha)}$ is inert.\r
Therefore $\nf\tm = \lambda\vec\vartwo.\,\nf{(\tmtwo_i\sigma\vec\alpha)} \vec{(\nf{\tmtwo\sigma})}$,\r
and again by \ih{} it is also a $\xK'$-nf.\r
\item Case $\varthree=\var$ and $i \geq |\vec\tmtwo|$:\r
+ Let $\tm$ an inert \knnf.\r
+ If $i<\Args\tm$ and $j \geq \xK + i + 1$\r
+ then $\nf{\tm\Subst{\HeadOf\tm}{\Perm i j}}$\r
+ is inert.\r
+ Let $\tm = \var\,\vec a$, $\perm \defeq \Perm i j$, and $\sigma\defeq\Subst\var\perm$.\r
+ Then $\nf{\tm\Subst\var\perm} = \nf{(a_i\sigma\,\vec\alpha\,\vec {(a\sigma)})}$.\r
+ By \reflemma{k-prime-nf} $\nf{a_i\sigma}$ is a $\xK'$-nf with $\xK'\defeq \xK+i+1$.\r
+ Therefore $\nf{(a_i\sigma\vec\alpha)}$ is inert because $|\vec\alpha|=j\geq\xK'$.\r
% \begin{lemma}\r
% Let $\tm$ a \knnf, and $\Head\tm=\var$.\r
% If $i<\Args\tm$ and $j \geq \xK + i + 1$,\r
For every \knnf s $\tm$,\r
every fresh variable $\var$,\r
every $\perm\defeq\Perm{i}{j}$ permutator with $j>\xK+i+1$:\r
- $\nf{\tm\Subst\var\perm\vec\alpha} \EtaNeq \alpha_j$.\r
+ $\nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm\vec\alpha)} = \tmtwo \, \alpha_j$\r
+ for some inert $\tmtwo$.\r
First of all note that by \reflemma{k-prime-nf}\r
$\nf{\tm\Subst\var\perm}$ is a $\xK'$-nf for $\xK' \defeq \xK+i+1$, therefore\r
- $\nf{\tm\Subst\var\perm\vec\alpha}$ is inert because $|\vec\alpha|>\xK'$ by hypothesis.\r
+ $\nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm\vec\alpha)}$ is inert because $|\vec\alpha|>\xK'$ by hypothesis.\r
- By structural induction on $\tm$.\r
- Let $\tm = \lambda\vec\vartwo.\, h\,\vec a$ for $|\vec\vartwo|\leq\xK$.\r
- \TODO{}\r
+ More precisely, $\nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm\,\alpha_1\cdots\alpha_{\xK'})}$ is inert,\r
+ and therefore $\nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm\vec\alpha)} = \nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm\,\alpha_1\cdots\alpha_{\xK'})}\,\alpha_{\xK'+1}\cdots\alpha_j$,\r
+ and we conclude.\r
-% TODO: $\xK$-standard proof of $\eta$.\r
+ For every \knnf s $\tm$,\r
+ every fresh variable $\var$,\r
+ every $\perm\defeq\Perm{i}{j}$ permutator with $j>\xK+i+1$:\r
+ $\nf{(\tm\Subst\var\perm)} \EtaNeq \alpha_j$.\r
+ \TODO{}\r
For every \knnf s $\tm$ and $\tmtwo$,\r
every fresh variable $\var$,\r
$\perm\defeq\Perm{i}{j}$ permutator with $j>\xK+i+1$,\r
$\tm\EtaEq\tmtwo$ iff $\nf{\tm\Subst\var\perm}\EtaEq\nf{\tmtwo\Subst\var\perm}$.\r
Let $\sigma \defeq \Subst\var\perm$.\r
First of all, note that by \reflemma{k-prime-nf}\r
Let $\tm \EtaEq \lambda\vec\vartwo.\, h_1\,\vec a$ and \r
$\tmtwo \EtaEq \lambda\vec\vartwo.\, h_2\,\vec b$,\r
- with $|\vec\vartwo| = \xK$ {\color{red}[Capire perche' si puo' $\xK$-$\eta$-espandere qui]}.\r
+ with $|\vec a|,|\vec b| > i$ {\color{red}[Capire perche' si puo' $\eta$-espandere qui]}.\r
By (course-of-value) induction on the size of $\tm$ and $\tmtwo$,\r
and by cases on the definition of eta-difference:\r
and therefore $\nf{\tm\sigma} \EtaNeq \nf{\tmtwo\sigma}$ because\r
their head variables are different.\r
\item $h_1=\var$ and $h_2\neq \var$: \TODO\r
+ $\nf{\tmtwo\sigma} = \nf{(\lambda\vec\vartwo.\,h_2\,\vec b)\sigma} = \lambda\vec\vartwo.\,h_2\,\vec{(\nf{b\sigma})}$\r
\item $h_1\neq\var$ and $h_2=\var$: symmetric to the case above.\r
\item $h_1 = h_2$ and $|\vec a| \neq |\vec b|$:\r