generalize in match H2; clear H2;
elim args2 0; clear args2;
elim args1; clear args1;
+ simplify in H2;
+ change in H2:(? ? %) with
+ (relation_of_product_of_arguments Right2Left n t2 t4);
elim H2; clear H2;
- change in H4 with
- (relation_of_product_of_arguments Right2Left n t2 t4);
change with
(relation_of_relation_class unit Out (apply_morphism n Out (m1 t3) t4)
(apply_morphism n Out (m2 t1) t2));
rewrite <
(about_carrier_of_relation_class_and_relation_class_of_argument_class S);
exact c1
- | split;
+ | simplify;split;
[ rewrite <
(about_carrier_of_relation_class_and_relation_class_of_argument_class S);
exact c1