coercion cic:/matita/algebra/monoids/semigroup.con.
+notation "hvbox(! \sub S)"
+for @{ 'munit $S }.
+interpretation "Monoid unit" 'munit S =
+ (cic:/matita/algebra/monoids/e.con S).
definition is_left_inverse ≝
- λM:Monoid. let op ≝ op M in let e ≝ e M in
+ λM:Monoid.
λopp: M → M.
- ∀x:M. op (opp x) x = e.
+ ∀x:M. op M (opp x) x = ! \sub M.
definition is_right_inverse ≝
- λM:Monoid. let op ≝ op M in let e ≝ e M in
+ λM:Monoid.
λopp: M → M.
- ∀x:M. op x (opp x) = e.
+ ∀x:M. op M x (opp x) = ! \sub M.
theorem is_left_inverse_to_is_right_inverse_to_eq:
∀M:Monoid. ∀oppL,oppR.
is_left_inverse M oppL → is_right_inverse M oppR →
∀x:M. oppL x = oppR x.
- letin op ≝ (op M);
- letin e ≝ (e M);
generalize in match (H x); intro;
- change in H2 with (op (oppL x) x = e);
- generalize in match (eq_f ? ? (λy. op y (oppR x)) ? ? H2);
- simplify; fold simplify op;
+ generalize in match (eq_f ? ? (λy. op M y (oppR x)) ? ? H2);
+ simplify; fold simplify (op M);
intro; clear H2;
- generalize in match (properties (semigroup M)); intro;
+ generalize in match (properties (semigroup M));
+ fold simplify (Type_of_Monoid M);
+ intro;
unfold isSemiGroup in H2; unfold associative in H2;
rewrite > H2 in H3; clear H2;
rewrite > H1 in H3;
coercion cic:/matita/algebra/semigroups/carrier.con.
+notation "hvbox(a break * \sub S b)"
+ left associative with precedence 55
+for @{ 'ptimes $S $a $b }.
+interpretation "Semigroup operation" 'times a b =
+ (cic:/matita/algebra/semigroups/op.con _ a b).
+interpretation "Semigroup operation" 'ptimes S a b =
+ (cic:/matita/algebra/semigroups/op.con S a b).
definition is_left_unit ≝
- λS:SemiGroup. λe:S. ∀x:S. op S e x = x.
+ λS:SemiGroup. λe:S. ∀x:S. e * x = x.
definition is_right_unit ≝
- λS:SemiGroup. λe:S. ∀x:S. op S x e = x.
+ λS:SemiGroup. λe:S. ∀x:S. x * e = x.
theorem is_left_unit_to_is_right_unit_to_eq:
∀S:SemiGroup. ∀e1,e2:S.