let selection_changed node =
let module M = Minidom in
print_string ("selection_changed: " ^
- (match
- M.node_get_name node
- with
- None -> "selection_changed on nothing (???)"
+ (match M.node_get_name node with
+ None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
| Some s -> "selection changed on " ^ M.string_of_mDOMString s
) ^ "\n");
flush stdout
let clicked node =
let module M = Minidom in
print_string ("clicked: " ^
- (match
- M.node_get_name node
- with
+ (match M.node_get_name node with
None -> "Nothing clicked (???)"
| Some s -> M.string_of_mDOMString s ^ " clicked"
) ^ "\n");
flush stdout
-exception Ok;;
let get_selection mathview () =
let selection =
- match !mathview#get_selection with
+(* match !mathview#get_selection with
- | Some s -> s
+ | Some node ->
+*) let node = !mathview#get_selection in
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ None -> "selection is on nothing"
+ | Some s -> "selection is on " ^ Minidom.string_of_mDOMString s
print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
flush stdout
-*) ()
let set_selection mathview () =
- let selection =
- match !mathview#get_selection with
- None -> "NO SELECTION"
- | Some s -> s
- in
- print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
- flush stdout
-*) ()
+ begin
+ try
+(* match !mathview#get_selection with
+ None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some node ->
+*) let node = !mathview#get_selection in
+ match Minidom.node_get_parent node with
+ None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some node ->
+ !mathview#set_selection node ;
+ print_string "set_selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ print_string "set_selection: YOU MUST PREVIOUSLY SELECT A NON-ROOT NODE"
+ end ;
+ flush stdout
let unload mathview () =
let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:main_window#add () in
let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~width:50 ~height:50 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
let mathview= ref (GMathView.math_view ~packing:sw#add ~width:50 ~height:50 ()) in
-(*let hbox = GPack.hbox ~packing:vbox#pack () in*)
let table = GPack.table ~rows:5 ~columns:5 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
let button_t1=GButton.button ~label:"activate t1 fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:0) () in
let button_load = GButton.button ~label:"load" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in