| h1::h2::tl when h1 = h2 -> list_uniq (h2 :: tl)
| h1::tl (* when h1 <> h2 *) -> h1 :: list_uniq tl
-let end_ma_RE = Pcre.regexp "\\.ma$"
+let debug_wrap name f =
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "debug_wrap: ==>> %s" name);
+ let res = f () in
+ prerr_endline (sprintf "debug_wrap: <<== %s" name);
+ res
val image_path: string -> string
val obj_file_of_script: string -> string
+ (** invoke a given function and return its value; in addition il will print
+ * the given string before invoking it and "/" ^ the given string afterwards.
+ * This permit tracing of functions which does not return a value *)
+val debug_wrap: string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a