| C.Var uri -> type_of_variable uri
| C.Meta (n,l) ->
(* Let's visit all the subterms that will not be visited later *)
- let _ =
- List.iter
- (function
- None -> ()
- | Some t -> ignore (type_of_aux context t None)
- ) l
+ let (_,canonical_context,_) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
- let (_,canonical_context,ty) =
- List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ let lifted_canonical_context =
+ let rec aux i =
+ function
+ [] -> []
+ | (Some (n,C.Decl t))::tl ->
+ (Some (n,C.Decl (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ | (Some (n,C.Def t))::tl ->
+ (Some (n,C.Def (S.lift_meta l (S.lift i t))))::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ | None::tl -> None::(aux (i+1) tl)
+ in
+ aux 1 canonical_context
- (* Checks suppressed *)
- CicSubstitution.lift_meta l ty
+ let _ =
+ List.iter2
+ (fun t ct ->
+ match t,ct with
+ _,None -> ()
+ | Some t,Some (_,C.Def ct) ->
+ let expected_type =
+ R.whd context
+ (CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context ct)
+ in
+ (* Maybe I am a bit too paranoid, because *)
+ (* if the term is well-typed than t and ct *)
+ (* are convertible. Nevertheless, I compute *)
+ (* the expected type. *)
+ ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some expected_type))
+ | Some t,Some (_,C.Decl ct) ->
+ ignore (type_of_aux context t (Some ct))
+ | _,_ -> assert false (* the term is not well typed!!! *)
+ ) l lifted_canonical_context
+ in
+ let (_,canonical_context,ty) =
+ List.find (function (m,_,_) -> n = m) metasenv
+ in
+ (* Checks suppressed *)
+ CicSubstitution.lift_meta l ty
| C.Sort s -> C.Sort C.Type (*CSC manca la gestione degli universi!!! *)
| C.Implicit -> raise (Impossible 21)
| C.Cast (te,ty) ->