mQueryIO.cmi mQueryInterpreter.cmi
mQueryInterpreter.cmx: mQIConn.cmx mQILib.cmx mQIProperty.cmx mQIUtil.cmx \
mQueryIO.cmx mQueryInterpreter.cmi
+mQueryStandard.cmo: mQIConn.cmi mQILib.cmi mQIUtil.cmi mQueryStandard.cmi
+mQueryStandard.cmx: mQIConn.cmx mQILib.cmx mQIUtil.cmx mQueryStandard.cmi
PACKAGE = mathql_interpreter
-REQUIRES = helm-urimanager helm-mathql postgres
+REQUIRES = postgres helm-mathql
PRE_IFILES = mQIPostgres.mli mQIMap.mli mQIConn.mli \
mQIUtil.mli mQILib.mli mQIProperty.mli
-POST_IFILES = mQueryIO.mli mQueryInterpreter.mli
+POST_IFILES = mQueryIO.mli mQueryInterpreter.mli mQueryStandard.mli
s_query = o.query o.out ""; s_result = o.result o.out "\n"
-type t = End
- | Space
- | Figure of int
- | Error
-let my_int_of_string s =
- let l = String.length s in
- let get_t i =
- if i = l then End else
- match s.[i] with
- | ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | 'n' -> Space
- | '0' .. '9' -> Figure (Char.code s.[i] - Char.code '0')
- | _ -> Error
- in
- let rec aux i xv = match get_t i, xv with
- | Error, _
- | End, None -> raise (Failure "int_of_string")
- | End, Some v -> v
- | Space, xv -> aux (succ i) xv
- | Figure f, None -> aux (succ i) (Some f)
- | Figure f, Some v -> aux (succ i) (Some (10 * v + f))
- in
- aux 0 None
-let int_of_set r =
- try match r with
- | [s, _] -> my_int_of_string s
- | _ -> raise (Failure "int_of_string")
- with Failure "int_of_string" -> raise (NumberError r)
let out_txt2 o n x1 x2 =
o.s_out "(" ; o.s_query x1; o.s_out (" " ^ n ^ " "); o.s_query x2; o.s_out ")"
o.s_path p; o.s_out " {"; P.flat_list o.s_out o.s_path ", " pl; o.s_out "} {";
P.flat_list o.s_out o.s_query ", " xl; o.s_out "}"
-let arity0 n r =
+let fun_arity0 p n r =
let arity_p = Const 0 in
let arity_s = Const 0 in
let body _ _ _ _ _ = r in
- let txt_out o _ _ = (std o).s_out n in
+ let txt_out o _ _ =
+ if n = "" then out_txt_full (std o) p [] [] else (std o).s_out n
+ in
{arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let arity1 n f =
+let fun_arity1 p n f =
let arity_p = Const 0 in
let arity_s = Const 1 in
let body e _ _ _ = function
| _ -> assert false
let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in o.s_out (n ^ " "); o.s_query x
+ | [x] ->
+ let o = std o in
+ if n = "" then out_txt_full o p [] [x] else
+ begin o.s_out (n ^ " "); o.s_query x end
| _ -> assert false
{arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let arity2 n f =
+let fun_arity2 p n f =
let arity_p = Const 0 in
let arity_s = Const 2 in
let body e _ _ _ = function
| _ -> assert false
let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x1; x2] -> let o = std o in out_txt2 o n x1 x2
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let false_fun b =
- let s = if b then "false" else "empty" in
- arity0 s U.mql_false
-let true_fun = arity0 "true" U.mql_true
-let not_fun =
- let aux r = if r = U.mql_false then U.mql_true else U.mql_false in
- arity1 "!" aux
-let count_fun =
- let aux r = [string_of_int (List.length r), []] in
- arity1 "#" aux
-let peek_fun =
- let aux = function [] -> [] | hd :: _ -> [hd] in
- arity1 "peek" aux
-let diff_fun = arity2 "diff" U.mql_diff
-let xor_fun = arity2 "xor" U.xor
-let sub_fun = arity2 "sub" U.set_sub
-let meet_fun = arity2 "meet" U.set_meet
-let eq_fun = arity2 "==" U.set_eq
-let le_fun =
- let le v1 v2 =
- if int_of_set v1 <= int_of_set v2 then U.mql_true else U.mql_false
- in
- arity2 "<=" le
-let lt_fun =
- let lt v1 v2 =
- if int_of_set v1 < int_of_set v2 then U.mql_true else U.mql_false
- in
- arity2 "<" lt
-let stat_fun =
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e o _ _ = function
- | [x] ->
- let t = P.start_time () in
- let r = (e.eval x) in
- let s = P.stop_time t in
- o.out (Printf.sprintf "Stat: %s,%i\n" s (List.length r));
- r
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in o.s_out "stat "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let log_fun xml src =
- let log_src e o x =
- let t = P.start_time () in o.s_query x;
- let s = P.stop_time t in
- if C.set e.conn C.Stat then o.s_out (Printf.sprintf "Log source: %s\n" s);
- e.eval x
- in
- let log_res e o x =
- let s = e.eval x in
- let t = P.start_time () in o.s_result s;
- let r = P.stop_time t in
- if C.set e.conn C.Stat then o.s_out (Printf.sprintf "Log: %s\n" r); s
- in
- let txt_log o =
- if xml then o.s_out "xml ";
- if src then o.s_out "source "
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e o _ _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in if src then log_src e o x else log_res e o x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in o.s_out "log "; txt_log o; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let render_fun =
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e o _ _ = function
- | [x] ->
- let rs = ref "" in
- let out s = rs := ! rs ^ s in
- o.result out " " (e.eval x);
- [! rs, []]
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in o.s_out "render "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let read_fun =
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e o i _ = function
- | [x] ->
- let aux av =
- let ich = open_in (fst av) in
- let r = i.result_in (Lexing.from_channel ich) in
- close_in ich; r
- in
- U.mql_iter aux (e.eval x)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x] -> let o = std o in o.s_out "read "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let align_fun =
- let aux l (v, g) =
- let c = String.length v in
- if c < l then [(String.make (l - c) ' ' ^ v), g] else [v, g]
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 2 in
- let body e _ _ _ = function
- | [y; x] ->
- let l = int_of_set (e.eval y) in
- U.mql_iter (aux l) (e.eval x)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [y; x] ->
+ | [x1; x2] ->
let o = std o in
- o.s_out "align "; o.s_query y; o.s_out " in "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let if_fun =
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Const 3 in
- let body e _ _ _ = function
- | [y; x1; x2] ->
- if (e.eval y) = U.mql_false then (e.eval x2) else (e.eval x1)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [y; x1; x2] ->
- let o = std o in
- o.s_out "if "; o.s_query y; o.s_out " then "; o.s_query x1;
- o.s_out " else "; o.s_query x2
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let intersect_fun =
- let rec iter f = function
- | [] -> assert false
- | [head] -> f head
- | head :: tail -> U.mql_intersect (f head) (iter f tail)
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Positive in
- let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.eval xl in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [] -> assert false
- | [x1; x2] -> let o = std o in out_txt2 o "/\\" x1 x2
- | xl -> let o = std o in out_txt_ o ["intersect"] xl
+ if n = "" then out_txt_full o p [] [x1; x2] else out_txt2 o n x1 x2
+ | _ -> assert false
{arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let union_fun =
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Any in
- let body e _ _ _ xl = U.mql_iter e.eval xl in
- let txt_out o _ xl = let o = std o in out_txt_ o [] xl
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let or_fun =
- let rec iter f = function
- | [] -> U.mql_false
- | head :: tail ->
- let r1 = f head in
- if r1 = U.mql_false then (iter f tail) else r1
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Any in
- let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.eval xl in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x1; x2] -> let o = std o in out_txt2 o "||" x1 x2
- | xl -> let o = std o in out_txt_ o ["or"] xl
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let and_fun =
- let rec iter f = function
- | [] -> U.mql_true
- | [head] -> f head
- | head :: tail ->
- if f head = U.mql_false then U.mql_false else iter f tail
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Any in
- let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.eval xl in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x1; x2] -> let o = std o in out_txt2 o "&&" x1 x2
- | xl -> let o = std o in out_txt_ o ["and"] xl
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let seq_fun =
- let rec iter f = function
- | [] -> U.mql_true
- | [head] -> f head
- | head :: tail -> ignore (f head); iter f tail
- in
- let arity_p = Const 0 in
- let arity_s = Any in
- let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.eval xl in
- let txt_out o _ = function
- | [x1; x2] ->
- let o = std o in o.s_query x1; o.s_out " ;; "; o.s_query x2
- | xl -> let o = std o in out_txt_ o ["seq"] xl
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
-let proj_fun =
- let proj_group_aux p (q, v) = if q = p then U.mql_subj v else [] in
- let proj_group p a = U.mql_iter (proj_group_aux p) a in
- let proj_set p (_, g) = U.mql_iter (proj_group p) g in
- let arity_p = Const 1 in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e _ _ pl xl =
- match pl, xl with
- | [p], [x] -> U.mql_iter (proj_set p) (e.eval x)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o pl xl =
- match pl, xl with
- | [p], [x] ->
- let o = std o in
- o.s_out "proj "; o.s_path p; o.s_out " of "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
+(* external functions interface *********************************************)
-let keep_fun b =
- let proj (r, _) = (r, []) in
- let keep_path l (p, v) t = if List.mem p l = b then t else (p, v) :: t in
- let keep_grp l a = List.fold_right (keep_path l) a [] in
- let keep_set l a g =
- let kg = keep_grp l a in
- if kg = [] then g else kg :: g
- in
- let keep_av l (s, g) = (s, List.fold_right (keep_set l) g []) in
- let txt_allbut o = if b then o.s_out "allbut " in
- let txt_path_list o l = P.flat_list o.s_out o.s_path ", " l in
- let arity_p = Any in
- let arity_s = Const 1 in
- let body e _ _ pl xl =
- match b, pl, xl with
- | true, [], [x] -> e.eval x
- | false, [], [x] -> proj (e.eval x)
- | _, l, [x] -> (keep_av l) (e.eval x)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let txt_out o pl xl =
- match pl, xl with
- | [], [x] ->
- let o = std o in
- o.s_out "keep "; txt_allbut o; o.s_query x
- | l, [x] ->
- let o = std o in
- o.s_out "keep "; txt_allbut o; txt_path_list o l;
- o.s_out " in "; o.s_query x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity_p = arity_p; arity_s = arity_s; body = body; txt_out = txt_out}
+let funs = Hashtbl.create 11
-(* external functions interface *********************************************)
+let fun_register path spec = Hashtbl.add funs path spec
-let fun_get_spec = function
- | ["empty"] -> false_fun false
- | ["false"] -> false_fun true
- | ["true"] -> true_fun
- | ["not"] -> not_fun
- | ["count"] -> count_fun
- | ["stat"] -> stat_fun
- | ["log"; "text"; "result"] -> log_fun false false
- | ["log"; "text"; "source"] -> log_fun false true
- | ["render"] -> render_fun
- | ["read"] -> read_fun
- | ["peek"] -> peek_fun
- | ["diff"] -> diff_fun
- | ["xor"] -> xor_fun
- | ["sub"] -> sub_fun
- | ["meet"] -> meet_fun
- | ["eq"] -> eq_fun
- | ["le"] -> le_fun
- | ["lt"] -> lt_fun
- | ["align"] -> align_fun
- | ["if"] -> if_fun
- | ["intersect"] -> intersect_fun
- | ["union"] -> union_fun
- | ["or"] -> or_fun
- | ["and"] -> and_fun
- | ["seq"] -> seq_fun
- | ["proj"] -> proj_fun
- | ["keep"; "these"] -> keep_fun false
- | ["keep"; "allbut"] -> keep_fun true
- | p -> raise (NameError p)
+let fun_get_spec path =
+ try Hashtbl.find funs path
+ with Not_found -> raise (NameError path)
let fun_arity p m n =
check_arity p m (fun_get_spec p).arity_p;
(* generator functions implementation ***************************************)
-let helm_vars_gen =
- let mk_let v s x = M.Let (v, M.Const [(s, [])], x) in
- let arity = Const 1 in
- let code _ = function
- | [x] -> mk_let "SET" "Set" x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- {arity = arity; code = code}
(* generator functions interface ********************************************)
-let gen_get_spec = function
- | ["helm"; "vars"] -> helm_vars_gen
- | p -> raise (NameError p)
+let gens = Hashtbl.create 11
+let gen_register path spec = Hashtbl.add gens path spec
+let gen_get_spec path =
+ try Hashtbl.find gens path
+ with Not_found -> raise (NameError path)
let gen_arity p n = check_arity p n (gen_get_spec p).arity
exception NameError of MathQL.path
-exception NumberError of MathQL.result
+type std_text_out_spec = {s_out : string -> unit;
+ s_path : MathQL.path -> unit;
+ s_query : MathQL.query -> unit;
+ s_result : MathQL.result -> unit
+val std : text_out_spec -> std_text_out_spec
+(* function registration ****************************************************)
+type fun_spec = {arity_p : arity_t;
+ arity_s : arity_t;
+ body : eval_spec -> text_out_spec -> text_in_spec ->
+ MathQL.path list -> MathQL.query list -> MathQL.result;
+ txt_out : text_out_spec ->
+ MathQL.path list -> MathQL.query list -> unit
+ }
+val fun_register : MathQL.path -> fun_spec -> unit
+val fun_arity0 : MathQL.path -> string -> MathQL.result -> fun_spec
+val fun_arity1 : MathQL.path -> string -> (MathQL.result -> MathQL.result) -> fun_spec
+val fun_arity2 : MathQL.path -> string -> (MathQL.result -> MathQL.result -> MathQL.result) -> fun_spec
+val out_txt2 : std_text_out_spec ->
+ string -> MathQL.query -> MathQL.query -> unit
+val out_txt_ : std_text_out_spec ->
+ MathQL.path -> MathQL.query list -> unit
+val out_txt_full : std_text_out_spec ->
+ MathQL.path -> MathQL.path list -> MathQL.query list -> unit
+(* generator registration ***************************************************)
+type gen_spec = {arity : arity_t;
+ code : eval_spec -> MathQL.query list -> MathQL.query
+ }
+val gen_register : MathQL.path -> gen_spec -> unit
let b = v1 <> mql_false in
if b && v2 <> mql_false then mql_false else
if b then v1 else v2
+(* numeric operations *******************************************************)
+exception NumberError of MathQL.result
+let int_of_set r =
+ try match r with
+ | [s, _] -> MQueryUtil.int_of_string s
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "int_of_string")
+ with Failure "int_of_string" -> raise (NumberError r)
val xor : MathQL.result -> MathQL.result -> MathQL.result
+exception NumberError of MathQL.result
+val int_of_set : MathQL.result -> int
L.fun_txt_out o p pl xl
- | M.Const [s, []] -> txt_str out s
- | M.Const r -> text_of_result out " " r
- | M.Dot av p -> txt_avar av; out "."; txt_path out p
- | M.Ex b x -> out "ex "; txt_set x
-(* | M.Ex b x -> out "ex ["; P.flat_list out txt_avar "," b;
- out "] "; txt_set x
-*) | M.SVar sv -> txt_svar sv
- | M.AVar av -> txt_avar av
+ | M.Const [s, []] -> txt_str out s
+ | M.Const r -> text_of_result out " " r
+ | M.Dot av p -> txt_avar av; out "."; txt_path out p
+ | M.Ex b x -> out "ex "; txt_set x
+(* | M.Ex b x -> out "ex ["; P.flat_list out txt_avar "," b;
+ out "] "; txt_set x
+*) | M.SVar sv -> txt_svar sv
+ | M.AVar av -> txt_avar av
| M.Property q0 q1 q2 mc ct cfl xl b x ->
out "property "; txt_qualif q0 q1 q2; main mc;
txt_istrue ct; P.flat_list out txt_isfalse "" cfl; txt_exp_list xl;
out " of "; pattern b; txt_set x
- | M.Let sv x y -> out "let "; txt_svar sv; out " = ";
- txt_set x; out " in "; txt_set y
- | M.Select av x y -> out "select "; txt_avar av; out " from ";
- txt_set x; out " where "; txt_set y
- | M.For k av x y -> out "for "; txt_avar av; out " in ";
- txt_set x; txt_gen k; txt_set y
- | M.Add d g x -> out "add "; txt_distr d; txt_grp g;
- out " in "; txt_set x
- | M.Gen p [x] -> out "gen "; txt_path out p; out " in "; txt_set x
- | M.Gen p l -> out "gen "; txt_path out p; out " {";
- P.flat_list out txt_set ", " l; out "}"
+ | M.Let (Some sv) x y -> out "let "; txt_svar sv; out " = ";
+ txt_set x; out " in "; txt_set y
+ | M.Let None x y -> txt_set x; out " ;; "; txt_set y
+ | M.Select av x y -> out "select "; txt_avar av; out " from ";
+ txt_set x; out " where "; txt_set y
+ | M.For k av x y -> out "for "; txt_avar av; out " in ";
+ txt_set x; txt_gen k; txt_set y
+ | M.While k x y -> out "while "; txt_set x; txt_gen k; txt_set y
+ | M.Add d g x -> out "add "; txt_distr d; txt_grp g;
+ out " in "; txt_set x
+ | M.Gen p [x] -> out "gen "; txt_path out p; out " in "; txt_set x
+ | M.Gen p l -> out "gen "; txt_path out p; out " {";
+ P.flat_list out txt_set ", " l; out "}"
txt_set x; out sep
let proj v = fst v in
let rec eval_query c = function
- | M.Const r -> r
- | M.Dot i p -> begin
- try U.mql_subj (List.assoc p (List.assoc i c.groups))
- with Not_found -> warn (M.Dot i p); [] end
+ | M.Const r -> c, r
+ | M.Dot i p ->
+ begin
+ try c, U.mql_subj (List.assoc p (List.assoc i c.groups))
+ with Not_found -> warn (M.Dot i p); c, []
+ end
| M.Ex l y ->
let rec ex_aux h = function
| [] ->
let d = {c with groups = h} in
- if eval_query d y = U.mql_false then () else raise Found
+ if snd (eval_query d y) = U.mql_false then () else raise Found
| i :: tail ->
with Not_found -> ()
- (try ex_aux [] l; U.mql_false with Found -> U.mql_true)
- | M.SVar i -> begin
- try List.assoc i c.svars
- with Not_found -> warn (M.SVar i); [] end
- | M.AVar i -> begin
- try [List.assoc i c.avars]
- with Not_found -> warn (M.AVar i); [] end
- | M.Let i x1 x2 ->
- let d = {c with svars = P.add_assoc (i, eval_query c x1) c.svars} in
+ begin try ex_aux [] l; c, U.mql_false with Found -> c, U.mql_true end
+ | M.SVar i ->
+ begin
+ try c, List.assoc i c.svars
+ with Not_found -> warn (M.SVar i); c, []
+ end
+ | M.AVar i ->
+ begin
+ try c, [List.assoc i c.avars]
+ with Not_found -> warn (M.AVar i); c, []
+ end
+ | M.Let (Some i) x1 x2 ->
+ let d, r = eval_query c x1 in
+ let d = {d with svars = P.add_assoc (i, r) d.svars} in
eval_query d x2
+ | M.Let None x1 x2 ->
+ let d, r = eval_query c x1 in eval_query d x2
| M.For k i x1 x2 ->
let f = match k with
| M.GenFJoin -> U.mql_union
| M.GenFMeet -> U.mql_intersect
- let rec for_aux = function
- | [] -> []
+ let rec for_aux (d, r) = match r with
+ | [] -> d, []
| h :: t ->
- let d = {c with avars = P.add_assoc (i, h) c.avars} in
- f (eval_query d x2) (for_aux t)
+ let d = {d with avars = P.add_assoc (i, h) d.avars} in
+ let d, r = eval_query d x2 in
+ let d, s = for_aux (d, t) in
+ d, f r s
for_aux (eval_query c x1)
+ | M.While k x1 x2 ->
+ let f = match k with
+ | M.GenFJoin -> U.mql_union
+ | M.GenFMeet -> U.mql_intersect
+ in
+ let rec while_aux (d, r) =
+ let d, b = eval_query d x1 in
+ if b = U.mql_false then d, r else
+ let d, s = eval_query d x2 in
+ while_aux (d, f r s)
+ in
+ while_aux (c, U.mql_false)
| M.Add b z x ->
let f = if b then U.mql_prod else U.set_union in
let g a s = (fst a, f (snd a) (eval_grp c z)) :: s in
- List.fold_right g (eval_query c x) []
+ let _, r = eval_query c x in
+ c, List.fold_right g r []
| M.Property q0 q1 q2 mc ct cfl el pat y ->
+ let _, r = eval_query c y in
let subj, mct =
- if q0 then [], (pat, q2 @ mc, eval_query c y)
- else (q2 @ mc), (pat, [], eval_query c y)
+ if q0 then [], (pat, q2 @ mc, r) else (q2 @ mc), (pat, [], r)
+ in
+ let eval_cons (pat, p, y) =
+ let _, r = eval_query c y in (pat, q2 @ p, r)
- let eval_cons (pat, p, y) = (pat, q2 @ p, eval_query c y) in
let cons_true = mct :: eval_cons ct in
let cons_false = ( eval_cons) cfl in
let eval_exp (p, po) = (q2 @ p, po) in
let s = P.stop_time t in
if C.set h C.Stat then
C.log h (Printf.sprintf "Property: %s,%i\n" s (List.length r));
- r
+ c, r
| M.Select i x y ->
- let rec select_aux = function
- | [] -> []
+ let rec select_aux (d, r) = match r with
+ | [] -> d, []
| h :: t ->
- let d = {c with avars = P.add_assoc (i, h) c.avars} in
- if eval_query d y = U.mql_false
- then select_aux t else h :: select_aux t
+ let d = {d with avars = P.add_assoc (i, h) d.avars} in
+ let d, r = eval_query d y in
+ let d, s = select_aux (d, t) in
+ if r = U.mql_false then d, s else d, (h :: s)
select_aux (eval_query c x)
- | M.Fun p pl xl ->
- let e = {L.eval = eval_query c; L.conn = h} in
- L.fun_eval e (F.text_out_spec (C.log h) "\n") F.text_in_spec
+ | M.Fun p pl xl ->
+ let e = {L.eval = (fun x -> snd (eval_query c x)); L.conn = h} in
+ c, L.fun_eval e (F.text_out_spec (C.log h) "\n") F.text_in_spec
p pl xl
| M.Gen p xl ->
- let e = {L.eval = eval_query c; L.conn = h} in
+ let e = {L.eval = (fun x -> snd (eval_query c x)); L.conn = h} in
eval_query c (L.gen_eval e p xl)
and eval_grp c = function
| M.Attr gs ->
- let attr_aux g (p, y) = U.mql_union g [p, proj (eval_query c y)] in
+ let attr_aux g (p, y) =
+ let _, r = eval_query c y in
+ U.mql_union g [p, proj r]
+ in
let attr_auxs s l = U.set_union s [List.fold_left attr_aux [] l] in
List.fold_left attr_auxs [] gs
| M.From i ->
let c = {svars = []; avars = []; groups = []} in
let t = P.start_time () in
- let r = eval_query c x in
+ let _, r = eval_query c x in
let s = P.stop_time t in
if C.set h C.Stat then
C.log h (Printf.sprintf "MQIExecute: %s,%s\n" s
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ *
+ *)
+(* AUTOR: Ferruccio Guidi <>
+ *)
+module P = MQueryUtil
+module C = MQIConn
+module U = MQIUtil
+module L = MQILib
+let init = ()
+(* FALSE / EMPTY ************************************************************)
+let false_fun b =
+ let s = if b then "false" else "empty" in
+ L.fun_arity0 [] s U.mql_false
+let _ = L.fun_register ["empty"] (false_fun false)
+let _ = L.fun_register ["false"] (false_fun true)
+(* TRUE *********************************************************************)
+let true_fun = L.fun_arity0 [] "true" U.mql_true
+let _ = L.fun_register ["true"] true_fun
+(* NOT **********************************************************************)
+let not_fun =
+ let aux r = if r = U.mql_false then U.mql_true else U.mql_false in
+ L.fun_arity1 [] "!" aux
+let _ = L.fun_register ["not"] not_fun
+(* COUNT ********************************************************************)
+let count_fun =
+ let aux r = [string_of_int (List.length r), []] in
+ L.fun_arity1 [] "#" aux
+let _ = L.fun_register ["count"] count_fun
+(* PEEK *********************************************************************)
+let peek_fun =
+ let aux = function [] -> [] | hd :: _ -> [hd] in
+ L.fun_arity1 [] "peek" aux
+let _ = L.fun_register ["peek"] peek_fun
+(* DIFF *********************************************************************)
+let diff_fun = L.fun_arity2 [] "diff" U.mql_diff
+let _ = L.fun_register ["diff"] diff_fun
+(* XOR **********************************************************************)
+let xor_fun = L.fun_arity2 [] "xor" U.xor
+let _ = L.fun_register ["xor"] xor_fun
+(* SUB **********************************************************************)
+let sub_fun = L.fun_arity2 [] "sub" U.set_sub
+let _ = L.fun_register ["sub"] sub_fun
+(* MEET *********************************************************************)
+let meet_fun = L.fun_arity2 [] "meet" U.set_meet
+let _ = L.fun_register ["meet"] meet_fun
+(* EQ ***********************************************************************)
+let eq_fun = L.fun_arity2 [] "==" U.set_eq
+let _ = L.fun_register ["eq"] eq_fun
+(* LE ***********************************************************************)
+let le_fun =
+ let le v1 v2 =
+ if U.int_of_set v1 <= U.int_of_set v2 then U.mql_true else U.mql_false
+ in
+ L.fun_arity2 [] "<=" le
+let _ = L.fun_register ["le"] le_fun
+(* LT ***********************************************************************)
+let lt_fun =
+ let lt v1 v2 =
+ if U.int_of_set v1 < U.int_of_set v2 then U.mql_true else U.mql_false
+ in
+ L.fun_arity2 [] "<" lt
+let _ = L.fun_register ["lt"] lt_fun
+(* STAT *********************************************************************)
+let stat_fun =
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e o _ _ = function
+ | [x] ->
+ let t = P.start_time () in
+ let r = (e.L.eval x) in
+ let s = P.stop_time t in
+ o.L.out (Printf.sprintf "Stat: %s,%i\n" s (List.length r));
+ r
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x] -> let o = L.std o in o.L.s_out "stat "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["stat"] stat_fun
+(* LOG **********************************************************************)
+let log_fun xml src =
+ let log_src e o x =
+ let t = P.start_time () in o.L.s_query x;
+ let s = P.stop_time t in
+ if C.set e.L.conn C.Stat then o.L.s_out (Printf.sprintf "Log source: %s\n" s);
+ e.L.eval x
+ in
+ let log_res e o x =
+ let s = e.L.eval x in
+ let t = P.start_time () in o.L.s_result s;
+ let r = P.stop_time t in
+ if C.set e.L.conn C.Stat then o.L.s_out (Printf.sprintf "Log: %s\n" r); s
+ in
+ let txt_log o =
+ if xml then o.L.s_out "xml ";
+ if src then o.L.s_out "source "
+ in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e o _ _ = function
+ | [x] -> let o = L.std o in if src then log_src e o x else log_res e o x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x] -> let o = L.std o in o.L.s_out "log "; txt_log o; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["log"; "text"; "result"] (log_fun false false)
+let _ = L.fun_register ["log"; "text"; "source"] (log_fun false true)
+(* RENDER *******************************************************************)
+let render_fun =
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e o _ _ = function
+ | [x] ->
+ let rs = ref "" in
+ let out s = rs := ! rs ^ s in
+ o.L.result out " " (e.L.eval x);
+ [! rs, []]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x] -> let o = L.std o in o.L.s_out "render "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["render"] render_fun
+(* READ *********************************************************************)
+let read_fun =
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e o i _ = function
+ | [x] ->
+ let aux av =
+ let ich = open_in (fst av) in
+ let r = i.L.result_in (Lexing.from_channel ich) in
+ close_in ich; r
+ in
+ U.mql_iter aux (e.L.eval x)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x] -> let o = L.std o in o.L.s_out "read "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["read"] read_fun
+(* ALIGN ********************************************************************)
+let align_fun =
+ let aux l (v, g) =
+ let c = String.length v in
+ if c < l then [(String.make (l - c) ' ' ^ v), g] else [v, g]
+ in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 2 in
+ let body e _ _ _ = function
+ | [y; x] ->
+ let l = U.int_of_set (e.L.eval y) in
+ U.mql_iter (aux l) (e.L.eval x)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [y; x] ->
+ let o = L.std o in
+ o.L.s_out "align "; o.L.s_query y; o.L.s_out " in "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["align"] align_fun
+(* IF ***********************************************************************)
+let if_fun =
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 3 in
+ let body e _ _ _ = function
+ | [y; x1; x2] ->
+ if (e.L.eval y) = U.mql_false then (e.L.eval x2) else (e.L.eval x1)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [y; x1; x2] ->
+ let o = L.std o in
+ o.L.s_out "if "; o.L.s_query y; o.L.s_out " then "; o.L.s_query x1;
+ o.L.s_out " else "; o.L.s_query x2
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register["if"] if_fun
+(* INTERSECT ****************************************************************)
+let intersect_fun =
+ let rec iter f = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [head] -> f head
+ | head :: tail -> U.mql_intersect (f head) (iter f tail)
+ in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Positive in
+ let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.L.eval xl in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [x1; x2] -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt2 o "/\\" x1 x2
+ | xl -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt_ o ["intersect"] xl
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["intersect"] intersect_fun
+(* UNION ********************************************************************)
+let union_fun =
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Any in
+ let body e _ _ _ xl = U.mql_iter e.L.eval xl in
+ let txt_out o _ xl = let o = L.std o in L.out_txt_ o [] xl
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["union"] union_fun
+(* OR ***********************************************************************)
+let or_fun =
+ let rec iter f = function
+ | [] -> U.mql_false
+ | head :: tail ->
+ let r1 = f head in
+ if r1 = U.mql_false then (iter f tail) else r1
+ in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Any in
+ let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.L.eval xl in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x1; x2] -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt2 o "||" x1 x2
+ | xl -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt_ o ["or"] xl
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["or"] or_fun
+(* AND **********************************************************************)
+let and_fun =
+ let rec iter f = function
+ | [] -> U.mql_true
+ | [head] -> f head
+ | head :: tail ->
+ if f head = U.mql_false then U.mql_false else iter f tail
+ in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 0 in
+ let arity_s = L.Any in
+ let body e _ _ _ xl = iter e.L.eval xl in
+ let txt_out o _ = function
+ | [x1; x2] -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt2 o "&&" x1 x2
+ | xl -> let o = L.std o in L.out_txt_ o ["and"] xl
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["and"] and_fun
+(* PROJ *********************************************************************)
+let proj_fun =
+ let proj_group_aux p (q, v) = if q = p then U.mql_subj v else [] in
+ let proj_group p a = U.mql_iter (proj_group_aux p) a in
+ let proj_set p (_, g) = U.mql_iter (proj_group p) (List.rev g) in
+ let arity_p = L.Const 1 in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e _ _ pl xl =
+ match pl, xl with
+ | [p], [x] -> U.mql_iter (proj_set p) (e.L.eval x)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o pl xl =
+ match pl, xl with
+ | [p], [x] ->
+ let o = L.std o in
+ o.L.s_out "proj "; o.L.s_path p; o.L.s_out " of "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["proj"] proj_fun
+(* KEEP *********************************************************************)
+let keep_fun b =
+ let proj (r, _) = (r, []) in
+ let keep_path l (p, v) t = if List.mem p l = b then t else (p, v) :: t in
+ let keep_grp l a = List.fold_right (keep_path l) a [] in
+ let keep_set l a g =
+ let kg = keep_grp l a in
+ if kg = [] then g else kg :: g
+ in
+ let keep_av l (s, g) = (s, List.fold_right (keep_set l) g []) in
+ let txt_allbut o = if b then o.L.s_out "allbut " in
+ let txt_path_list o l = P.flat_list o.L.s_out o.L.s_path ", " l in
+ let arity_p = L.Any in
+ let arity_s = L.Const 1 in
+ let body e _ _ pl xl =
+ match b, pl, xl with
+ | true, [], [x] -> e.L.eval x
+ | false, [], [x] -> proj (e.L.eval x)
+ | _, l, [x] -> (keep_av l) (e.L.eval x)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let txt_out o pl xl =
+ match pl, xl with
+ | [], [x] ->
+ let o = L.std o in
+ o.L.s_out "keep "; txt_allbut o; o.L.s_query x
+ | l, [x] ->
+ let o = L.std o in
+ o.L.s_out "keep "; txt_allbut o; txt_path_list o l;
+ o.L.s_out " in "; o.L.s_query x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ {L.arity_p = arity_p; L.arity_s = arity_s; L.body = body; L.txt_out = txt_out}
+let _ = L.fun_register ["keep"; "these"] (keep_fun false)
+let _ = L.fun_register ["keep"; "allbut"] (keep_fun true)
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, HELM Team.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HELM, an Hypertextual, Electronic
+ * Library of Mathematics, developed at the Computer Science
+ * Department, University of Bologna, Italy.
+ *
+ * HELM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HELM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HELM; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HELM World-Wide-Web page,
+ *
+ *)
+(* AUTOR: Ferruccio Guidi <>
+ *)
+val init : unit
out ("AVAR " ^ id); AVAR (strip id) }
| "$" IDEN { let id = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
out ("SVAR " ^ id); SVAR (strip id) }
+ | ";;" { out ";;" ; SEQ }
| "add" { out "ADD" ; ADD }
| "align" { out "ALIGN" ; ALIGN }
| "allbut" { out "BUT" ; BUT }
| "read" { out "READ" ; READ }
| "render" { out "RENDER"; RENDER }
| "select" { out "SELECT"; SELECT }
- | "seq" { out "SEQ" ; SEQ }
| "source" { out "SOURCE"; SOURCE }
| "stat" { out "STAT" ; STAT }
| "sub" { out "SUB" ; SUB }
| "true" { out "TRUE" ; TRUE }
| "union" { out "UNION" ; UNION }
| "where" { out "WHERE" ; WHERE }
+ | "while" { out "WHILE" ; WHILE }
| "xor" { out "XOR" ; XOR }
| eof { out "EOF" ; EOF }
| "=" { out "BE" ; BE }
| "||" { out "OR" ; OR }
| "\\/" { out "UNION" ; UNION }
| "/\\" { out "INTER" ; INTER }
- | ";;" { out "SEQ" ; SEQ }
| "begin" { out "LP" ; LP }
| "end" { out "RP" ; RP }
and result_token = parse
| M.Let _ x y
| M.Select _ x y
| M.For _ _ x y -> iter an_set [x; y]
+ | M.While _ x y -> iter an_set [x; y]
| M.Fun _ _ l -> iter an_set l
| M.Gen _ l -> iter an_set l
| M.Add _ g x -> join (an_grp g) (an_set x)
%nonassoc SOURCE
%right IN SEQ
| KEEP allbut ppaths IN set_exp { make_fun ["keep"; $2] $3 [$5] }
| KEEP allbut set_exp { make_fun ["keep"; $2] [] [$3] }
| path LC paths RC LC sets RC { make_fun $1 $3 $6 }
- | set_exp SEQ set_exp { make_fun ["seq"] [] [$1; $3] }
| set_exp DIFF set_exp { make_fun ["diff"] [] [$1; $3] }
| set_exp UNION set_exp { make_fun ["union"] [] [$1; $3] }
| set_exp INTER set_exp { make_fun ["intersect"] [] [$1; $3] }
| EX set_exp { M.Ex (analyze $2) $2 }
| svar { M.SVar $1 }
| avar { M.AVar $1 }
- | LET svar BE set_exp IN set_exp { M.Let $2 $4 $6 }
+ | LET svar BE set_exp IN set_exp { M.Let (Some $2) $4 $6 }
+ | set_exp SEQ set_exp { M.Let None $1 $3 }
| FOR avar IN set_exp gen_op { M.For (fst $5) $2 $4 (snd $5) }
+ | WHILE set_exp gen_op { M.While (fst $3) $2 (snd $3) }
| ADD distr grp_exp IN set_exp { M.Add $2 $3 $5 }
| PROP qualif mainc istrue isfalse attrc OF pattern set_exp
{ M.Property (f $2) (s $2) (t $2) $3 $4 $5 $6 $8 $9 }