NCicRefiner.RefineFailure msg
| NCicRefiner.Uncertain msg ->
- debug_print (lazy ("WARNING: refining in fast_eq_check failed" ^
- snd (Lazy.force msg))); None
+ print (lazy ("WARNING: refining in fast_eq_check failed\n" ^
+ snd (Lazy.force msg) ^
+ "\n in the environment\n" ^
+ NCicPp.ppmetasenv subst metasenv)); None
| NCicRefiner.AssertFailure msg ->
- debug_print (lazy ("WARNING: refining in fast_eq_check failed" ^
- Lazy.force msg)); None
+ print (lazy ("WARNING: refining in fast_eq_check failed" ^
+ Lazy.force msg ^
+ "\n in the environment\n" ^
+ NCicPp.ppmetasenv subst metasenv)); None
| _ -> None
HExtlib.filter_map build_status
let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let _,ctx,jty = List.assoc j metasenv in
let jty = NCicUntrusted.apply_subst subst ctx jty in
- print(lazy("goal " ^ (NCicPp.ppterm ctx [] [] jty)));
+ debug_print(lazy("goal " ^ (NCicPp.ppterm ctx [] [] jty)));
fast_eq_check unit_eq status j
| Error _ as e -> debug_print (lazy "error"); raise e
type cache =
{facts : th_cache; (* positive results *)
under_inspection : cic_term list * th_cache; (* to prune looping *)
- unit_eq : NCicParamod.state
+ unit_eq : NCicParamod.state;
+ trace: Ast.term list
+let add_to_trace cache t =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.NRef _ -> {cache with trace = t::cache.trace}
+ | Ast.NCic _ (* local candidate *)
+ | _ -> (*not an application *) cache
+(* not used
+let remove_from_trace cache t =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.NRef _ ->
+ (match cache.trace with
+ | _::tl -> {cache with trace = tl}
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ | Ast.NCic _ (* local candidate *)
+ | _ -> (*not an application *) cache *)
type sort = T | P
type goal = int * sort (* goal, depth, sort *)
type fail = goal * cic_term
exception Gaveup of IntSet.t (* a sublist of unprovable conjunctive
atoms of the input goals *)
-exception Proved of NTacStatus.tac_status
+exception Proved of NTacStatus.tac_status * Ast.term list
(* let close_failures _ c = c;; *)
(* let prunable _ _ _ = false;; *)
(* let cache_add_underinspection c _ _ = c;; *)
let init_cache ?(facts=[]) ?(under_inspection=[],[])
- ?(unit_eq=NCicParamod.empty_state) _ =
+ ?(unit_eq=NCicParamod.empty_state)
+ ?(trace=[])
+ _ =
{facts = facts;
under_inspection = under_inspection;
- unit_eq = unit_eq
- }
+ unit_eq = unit_eq;
+ trace = trace}
let only signature _context candidate = true
let status = clean_up_tac status in
let goals = head_goals status#stack in
if goals = [] then
- if depth = 0 then raise (Proved status)
+ if depth = 0 then raise (Proved (status, cache.trace))
let status = NTactics.merge_tac status in
let cache =
(fun l ->
("cluster:" ^ String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int l)))
- let status,b =
+ let status,trace,b =
- (fun (status,b) gl ->
+ (fun (status,trace,b) gl ->
+ let cache = {cache with trace = trace} in
let flags =
{flags with last = (List.length gl = 1)} in
let lold = List.length status#stack in
String.concat "," (List.map string_of_int gl)));
auto_main flags signature cache depth fstatus; assert false
- | Proved(status) ->
+ | Proved(status,trace) ->
let status = NTactics.merge_tac status in
let lnew = List.length status#stack in
assert (lold = lnew);
- (status,true)
- | Gaveup _ when top -> (status,b)
+ (status,trace,true)
+ | Gaveup _ when top -> (status,trace,b)
- (status,false) classes
+ (status,cache.trace,false) classes
let rec final_merge n s =
if n = 0 then s else final_merge (n-1) (NTactics.merge_tac s)
in let status = final_merge depth status
- in if b then raise (Proved status) else raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ in if b then raise (Proved(status,trace)) else raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
let status = sort_tac (clean_up_tac status) in
let goals = head_goals status#stack in
match goals with
- | [] when depth = 0 -> raise (Proved status)
+ | [] when depth = 0 -> raise (Proved (status,cache.trace))
| [] ->
let status = NTactics.merge_tac status in
let cache =
let depth,cache =
if t=Ast.Ident("__whd",None) then depth, cache
else depth+1,loop_cache in
+ let cache = add_to_trace cache t in
auto_clusters flags signature (cache:cache) depth status
with Gaveup _ ->
- debug_print ~depth (lazy "Failed");())
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "Failed");
+ ())
raise (debug_print(lazy "no more candidates"); Gaveup IntSet.empty)
with Failure _ | Not_found -> def
+module AstSet = Set.Make(struct type t = Ast.term let compare = compare end)
+let cleanup_trace s trace =
+ (* removing duplicates *)
+ let trace_set =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc t -> AstSet.add t acc)
+ AstSet.empty trace in
+ let trace = AstSet.elements trace_set
+ (* filtering facts *)
+ in List.filter
+ (fun t ->
+ match t with
+ | Ast.NRef (NReference.Ref (u,_)) -> not (is_a_fact_obj s u)
+ | _ -> false) trace
let auto_tac ~params:(_univ,flags) status =
let oldstatus = status in
let status = (status:> NTacStatus.tac_status) in
| Gaveup _ -> up_to (x+1) y
- | Proved s ->
+ | Proved (s,trace) ->
debug_print (lazy ("proved at depth " ^ string_of_int x));
+ let trace = cleanup_trace s trace in
+ let _ = print (lazy
+ ("Proof Trace: " ^ (String.concat ";"
+ (List.map CicNotationPp.pp_term trace)))) in
let stack =
match s#stack with
| (g,t,k,f) :: rest -> (filter_open g,t,k,f):: rest