module Ast = CicNotationPt
-let visit_ast ?(special_k = fun _ -> assert false) k =
+let visit_ast ?(special_k = fun _ -> assert false)
+ ?(map_xref_option= fun x -> x) ?(map_case_indty= fun x -> x)
+ ?(map_case_outtype=
+ fun k x -> match x with None -> None | Some x -> Some (k x))
+ k
let rec aux = function
| Ast.Appl terms -> Ast.Appl ( k terms)
| Ast.Binder (kind, var, body) ->
Ast.Binder (kind, aux_capture_variable var, k body)
| Ast.Case (term, indtype, typ, patterns) ->
- Ast.Case (k term, indtype, aux_opt typ, aux_patterns patterns)
+ Ast.Case (k term, map_case_indty indtype, map_case_outtype k typ,
+ aux_patterns map_xref_option patterns)
| Ast.Cast (t1, t2) -> Ast.Cast (k t1, k t2)
| Ast.LetIn (var, t1, t3) ->
Ast.LetIn (aux_capture_variable var, k t1, k t3)
| None -> None
| Some term -> Some (k term)
and aux_capture_variable (term, typ_opt) = k term, aux_opt typ_opt
- and aux_patterns patterns = aux_pattern patterns
- and aux_pattern =
+ and aux_patterns k_xref patterns = (aux_pattern k_xref) patterns
+ and aux_pattern k_xref =
Ast.Pattern (head, hrefs, vars), term ->
- Ast.Pattern (head, hrefs, aux_capture_variable vars), k term
+ Ast.Pattern (head, k_xref hrefs, aux_capture_variable vars), k term
| Ast.Wildcard, term -> Ast.Wildcard, k term
and aux_subst (name, term) = (name, k term)
and aux_substs substs = aux_subst substs
(* TODO ensure that names generated by fresh_var do not clash with user's *)
-let fresh_name () = "fresh" ^ string_of_int (fresh_id ())
+let fresh_name () = "η" ^ string_of_int (fresh_id ())
let rec freshen_term ?(index = ref 0) term =
let freshen_term = freshen_term ~index in