pp_proofterm (Some (Cic.Name "Hypothesis")) t []
+let initial_nameset_list = [
+ "x"; "y"; "z"; "t"; "u"; "v"; "a"; "b"; "c"; "d";
+ "e"; "l"; "m"; "n"; "o"; "p"; "q"; "r";
+module S = Set.Make(String)
+let initial_nameset = List.fold_right S.add initial_nameset_list S.empty, [];;
+let freshname (nameset, subst) term =
+ let m = CicUtil.metas_of_term term in
+ let nameset, subst =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (set,rc) (m,_) ->
+ if List.mem_assoc m rc then set,rc else
+ let name = S.choose set in
+ let set = S.remove name set in
+ set,
+ (m,Cic.Const(UriManager.uri_of_string
+ ("cic:/"^name^".con"),[]))::rc)
+ (nameset,subst) m
+ in
+ let term =
+ ProofEngineReduction.replace
+ ~equality:(fun i t -> match t with Cic.Meta (j,_) -> i=j| _ -> false)
+ ~what:(List.map fst subst)
+ ~with_what:(List.map snd subst) ~where:term
+ in
+ (nameset, subst), term
+let remove_names_in_context (set,subst) names =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s n ->
+ match n with Some (Cic.Name n) -> S.remove n s | _ -> s)
+ set names, subst
+let string_of_id2 (id_to_eq,_) names nameset id =
+ if id = 0 then "" else
+ try
+ let (_,_,(_,l,r,_),_,_) = open_equality (Hashtbl.find id_to_eq id) in
+ let nameset, l = freshname nameset l in
+ let nameset, r = freshname nameset r in
+ Printf.sprintf "%s = %s" (CicPp.pp l names) (CicPp.pp r names)
+ with
+ Not_found -> assert false
+let draw_proof bag names goal_proof proof id =
+ let b = Buffer.create 100 in
+ let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
+ let sint = string_of_int in
+ let fst3 (x,_,_) = x in
+ let visited = ref [] in
+ let nameset = remove_names_in_context initial_nameset names in
+ let rec fact id = function
+ | Exact t ->
+ if not (List.mem id !visited) then
+ begin
+ visited := id :: !visited;
+ let nameset, t = freshname nameset t in
+ let t = CicPp.pp t names in
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.node (sint id)
+ ~attrs:["label",t^":"^string_of_id2 bag names nameset id;
+ "shape","rectangle"] fmt;
+ end
+ | Step (_,(_,id1,(_,id2),_)) ->
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.edge (sint id) (sint id1) fmt;
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.edge (sint id) (sint id2) fmt;
+ let p1,_,_ = proof_of_id bag id1 in
+ let p2,_,_ = proof_of_id bag id2 in
+ fact id1 p1;
+ fact id2 p2;
+ if not (List.mem id !visited); then
+ begin
+ visited := id :: !visited;
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.node (sint id)
+ ~attrs:["label",sint id^":"^string_of_id2 bag names nameset id;
+ "shape","ellipse"] fmt
+ end
+ in
+ let sleft acc (_,_,id,_,_) =
+ if acc != 0 then GraphvizPp.Dot.edge (sint acc) (sint id) fmt;
+ fact id (fst3 (proof_of_id bag id));
+ id
+ in
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.header ~node_attrs:["fontsize","10"; ] fmt;
+ ignore(List.fold_left sleft id goal_proof);
+ GraphvizPp.Dot.trailer fmt;
+ let oc = open_out "/tmp/matita_paramod.dot" in
+ Buffer.output_buffer oc b;
+ close_out oc;
+ prerr_endline "dot!";
+ ignore(Unix.system
+ "dot -Tps -o /tmp/matita_paramod.eps /tmp/matita_paramod.dot"
+(* "cat /tmp/matita_paramod.dot| tred | dot -Tps -o /tmp/matita_paramod.eps" *)
+ );
+ ignore(Unix.system "gv /tmp/matita_paramod.eps");