deliverables/transformation/d2g.html \
members/index.html \
members/ml-help-example.txt \
+ members/kick-off.html \
mowgli-events/kick-off.html \
software/index.html \
sites/aei.html \
sed $(RMDOCTYPE) $< | $(XSLTP) --param path_to_top "'..'" --param use_frames "'$(FRAMES)'" -o $@ $(XHTMLCONTENT) -
+members/kick-off.html: $(XMLROOT)/members/kick-off.xml \
+ $(XSLROOT)/minutes.xsl \
+ $(XSLTP) $(XSLROOT)/minutes.xsl $< | $(XSLTP) --param path_to_top "'..'" --param use_frames "'$(FRAMES)'" -o $@ $(XHTMLCONTENT) -
software/index.html: $(XMLROOT)/software/index.xml \
$(XSLTP) --param path_to_top "'..'" --param use_frames "'$(FRAMES)'" -o $@ $(XHTMLCONTENT) $<
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!DOCTYPE minutes [
+ <!ELEMENT minutes (about,participant*,entry*)>
+ <!ELEMENT about (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT entry (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ATTLIST entry
+ author CDATA #IMPLIED>
+ <!ELEMENT participant (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ATTLIST participant
+ <about>the Kick-Off</about>
+ <participant file="bologna/asperti"/>
+ <participant file="bologna/sacerdoti"/>
+ <participant file="inria/herbelin"/>
+ <participant file="inria/rideau"/>
+ <participant file="inria/pottier"/>
+ <participant file="inria/werner"/>
+ <participant file="nijmegen/geuvers"/>
+ <participant file="nijmegen/wiedijk"/>
+ <participant file="dfki/moschner"/>
+ <participant file="trusted-logic/gimenez"/>
+ <participant file="aei/schutz"/>
+ <participant file="aei/wegner"/>
+ <participant file="aei/velden"/>
+ <participant file="aei/kelley"/>
+ <entry author="aei/wegner">
+ Whenever someone is going to make a talk, he must report this to him.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ To reach an agreement on the consortium agreement, Trusted Logic will
+ send a completely filled-in, light version of the agreement to everybody.
+ If the agreement will not satisfy everybody up to minor modifications,
+ we will go for the heavy proposal.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="nijmegen/geuvers">
+ The members of the PCC are responsible to communicate the name of the
+ site responsible for every WP.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ There will be two mailing lists. The first one (for everybody) is
+ the one already created. The second one will be an administrative
+ mailing list.
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ All the meetings have already been scheduled: the first one will be held
+ in Nijmegen from the 17th to the 19th of July. The others will be
+ in Bertinoro (just after MKM03), Sophia (October 2003), Saarbrucken
+ and Paris.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="trusted-logic/gimenez">
+ It will be simpler to have PCC meetings by phones.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="aei/wegner">
+ During the plenary meetings, sub-meetings will be organized to discuss
+ technical details.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="bologna/asperti">
+ Every Package Leader must submit a contribution to the deliverable 0.a.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="aei/wegner">
+ It is better to use a task-force of external experts to comment on
+ deliverable 1.a.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="aei/wegner">
+ The set of requirements must be ordered by importance (useful if some of
+ them are not fulfilled).
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ A long discussion on the topic of deliverable 1.c showed that there is
+ some mismatch in the vocabulary of the participants.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="bologna/asperti">
+ The choice between MathML and OpenMath is quite difficult, because
+ there are really no strong pro and cons in favor or against any of them.
+ </entry>
+ <entry author="aei/schutz">
+ Maybe not having browsers supporting MathML is not a huge problem.
+ </entry>