+let strip_xpointer uri =
+ let stripped_uri = Array.copy uri in
+ stripped_uri.(Array.length uri - 1) <- ""; (* reset xpointer field *)
+ let stripped_uri_str = string_of_uri stripped_uri in
+ set_of_uri := SetOfStrings.add stripped_uri_str stripped_uri !set_of_uri;
+ stripped_uri
let cicuri_of_uri uri =
let completeuri = string_of_uri uri in
let newcompleteuri =
(* i.e. removes the [.types][.ann] suffix *)
val cicuri_of_uri : uri -> uri
+val strip_xpointer: uri -> uri (* remove trailing #xpointer..., if any *)
(* given an uri, returns the uri of the corresponding annotation file, *)
(* i.e. adds the .ann suffix if not already present *)
val annuri_of_uri : uri -> uri