type statement =
- (CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.obj, string) GrafiteAst.statement
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, GrafiteAst.obj,
+ string)
+ GrafiteAst.statement
(** create a ProofEngineTypes.mk_fresh_name_type function which uses given
* names as long as they are available, then it fallbacks to name generation
end else
FreshNamesGenerator.mk_fresh_name ~subst:[] metasenv context name ~typ
-let tactic_of_ast = function
+let tactic_of_ast ast =
+ let module PET = ProofEngineTypes in
+ match ast with
| GrafiteAst.Absurd (_, term) -> Tactics.absurd term
| GrafiteAst.Apply (_, term) -> Tactics.apply term
| GrafiteAst.Assumption _ -> Tactics.assumption
- | GrafiteAst.Auto (_,depth,width,paramodulation) -> (* ALB *)
+ | GrafiteAst.Auto (_,depth,width,paramodulation) ->
AutoTactic.auto_tac ?depth ?width ?paramodulation
~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ()) ()
| GrafiteAst.Change (_, pattern, with_what) ->
Tactics.decompose ~mk_fresh_name_callback ~dbd ~user_types what
| GrafiteAst.Discriminate (_,term) -> Tactics.discriminate term
| GrafiteAst.Elim (_, what, using, depth, names) ->
- Tactics.elim_intros ?using ?depth ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) what
+ Tactics.elim_intros ?using ?depth ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names)
+ what
| GrafiteAst.ElimType (_, what, using, depth, names) ->
- Tactics.elim_type ?using ?depth ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) what
+ Tactics.elim_type ?using ?depth ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names)
+ what
| GrafiteAst.Exact (_, term) -> Tactics.exact term
| GrafiteAst.Exists _ -> Tactics.exists
| GrafiteAst.Fail _ -> Tactics.fail
| GrafiteAst.Fold (_, reduction_kind, term, pattern) ->
- let reduction =
- match reduction_kind with
- | `Normalize -> CicReduction.normalize ~delta:false ~subst:[]
- | `Reduce -> ProofEngineReduction.reduce
- | `Simpl -> ProofEngineReduction.simpl
- | `Unfold what -> ProofEngineReduction.unfold ?what
- | `Whd -> CicReduction.whd ~delta:false ~subst:[]
- in
+ let reduction =
+ match reduction_kind with
+ | `Normalize ->
+ PET.const_lazy_reduction
+ (CicReduction.normalize ~delta:false ~subst:[])
+ | `Reduce -> PET.const_lazy_reduction ProofEngineReduction.reduce
+ | `Simpl -> PET.const_lazy_reduction ProofEngineReduction.simpl
+ | `Unfold None ->
+ PET.const_lazy_reduction (ProofEngineReduction.unfold ?what:None)
+ | `Unfold (Some lazy_term) ->
+ (fun context metasenv ugraph ->
+ let what, metasenv, ugraph = lazy_term context metasenv ugraph in
+ ProofEngineReduction.unfold ~what, metasenv, ugraph)
+ | `Whd ->
+ PET.const_lazy_reduction (CicReduction.whd ~delta:false ~subst:[])
+ in
Tactics.fold ~reduction ~term ~pattern
| GrafiteAst.Fourier _ -> Tactics.fourier
| GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (_, hyp, names) ->
- Tactics.fwd_simpl ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) ~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ()) hyp
+ Tactics.fwd_simpl ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names)
+ ~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ()) hyp
| GrafiteAst.Generalize (_,pattern,ident) ->
let names = match ident with None -> [] | Some id -> [id] in
Tactics.generalize ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) pattern
PrimitiveTactics.intros_tac ~howmany:num
~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) ()
| GrafiteAst.LApply (_, how_many, to_what, what, ident) ->
- let names = match ident with None -> [] | Some id -> [id] in
- Tactics.lapply ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) ?how_many ~to_what what
+ let names = match ident with None -> [] | Some id -> [id] in
+ Tactics.lapply ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of names) ?how_many
+ ~to_what what
| GrafiteAst.Left _ -> Tactics.left
| GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc,term,name) ->
Tactics.letin term ~mk_fresh_name_callback:(namer_of [name])
| GrafiteAst.Symmetry _ -> Tactics.symmetry
| GrafiteAst.Transitivity (_, term) -> Tactics.transitivity term
-let disambiguate_term status term =
+let singleton = function
+ | [x] -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
+let disambiguate_term status_ref term =
+ let status = !status_ref in
let (aliases, metasenv, cic, _) =
- match
- MatitaDisambiguator.disambiguate_term ~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ())
+ singleton
+ (MatitaDisambiguator.disambiguate_term ~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ())
~aliases:(status.aliases) ~context:(MatitaMisc.get_proof_context status)
- ~metasenv:(MatitaMisc.get_proof_metasenv status) term
- with
- | [x] -> x
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let proof_status =
- match status.proof_status with
- | No_proof -> Intermediate metasenv
- | Incomplete_proof ((uri, _, proof, ty), goal) ->
- Incomplete_proof ((uri, metasenv, proof, ty), goal)
- | Intermediate _ -> Intermediate metasenv
- | Proof _ -> assert false
+ ~metasenv:(MatitaMisc.get_proof_metasenv status) term)
- let status = { status with proof_status = proof_status } in
+ let status = MatitaTypes.set_metasenv metasenv status in
let status = MatitaSync.set_proof_aliases status aliases in
- status, cic
+ status_ref := status;
+ cic
-let disambiguate_pattern status (wanted, hyp_paths, goal_path) =
- let interp path = Disambiguate.interpretate_path [] status.aliases path in
+ (** disambiguate_lazy_term (circa): term -> (unit -> status) * lazy_term
+ * rationale: lazy_term will be invoked in different context to obtain a term,
+ * each invocation will disambiguate the term and can add aliases. Once all
+ * disambiguations have been performed, the first returned function can be
+ * used to obtain the resulting aliases *)
+let disambiguate_lazy_term status_ref term =
+ (fun context metasenv ugraph ->
+ let status = !status_ref in
+ let (aliases, metasenv, cic, ugraph) =
+ singleton
+ (MatitaDisambiguator.disambiguate_term ~dbd:(MatitaDb.instance ())
+ ~initial_ugraph:ugraph ~aliases:status.aliases ~context ~metasenv
+ term)
+ in
+ let status = MatitaTypes.set_metasenv metasenv status in
+ let status = MatitaSync.set_proof_aliases status aliases in
+ status_ref := status;
+ cic, metasenv, ugraph)
+let disambiguate_pattern status_ref (wanted, hyp_paths, goal_path) =
+ let interp path =
+ Disambiguate.interpretate_path [] !status_ref.aliases path
+ in
let goal_path = interp goal_path in
let hyp_paths = List.map (fun (name, path) -> name, interp path) hyp_paths in
- let status,wanted =
+ let wanted =
match wanted with
- None -> status,None
+ None -> None
| Some wanted ->
- let status,wanted = disambiguate_term status wanted in
- status, Some wanted
+ let wanted = disambiguate_lazy_term status_ref wanted in
+ Some wanted
- status, (wanted, hyp_paths ,goal_path)
+ (wanted, hyp_paths ,goal_path)
-let disambiguate_reduction_kind status = function
+let disambiguate_reduction_kind aliases_ref = function
| `Unfold (Some t) ->
- let status, t = disambiguate_term status t in
- status, `Unfold (Some t)
+ let t = disambiguate_lazy_term aliases_ref t in
+ `Unfold (Some t)
| `Normalize
| `Reduce
| `Simpl
| `Unfold None
- | `Whd as kind -> status, kind
+ | `Whd as kind -> kind
-let disambiguate_tactic status = function
- | GrafiteAst.Apply (loc, term) ->
- let status, cic = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Apply (loc, cic)
- | GrafiteAst.Absurd (loc, term) ->
- let status, cic = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Absurd (loc, cic)
- | GrafiteAst.Assumption loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Assumption loc
- | GrafiteAst.Auto (loc,depth,width,paramodulation) -> status, GrafiteAst.Auto (loc,depth,width,paramodulation) (* ALB *)
- | GrafiteAst.Change (loc, pattern, with_what) ->
- let status, with_what = disambiguate_term status with_what in
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- status, GrafiteAst.Change (loc, pattern, with_what)
- | GrafiteAst.Clear (loc,id) -> status,GrafiteAst.Clear (loc,id)
- | GrafiteAst.ClearBody (loc,id) -> status,GrafiteAst.ClearBody (loc,id)
- | GrafiteAst.Compare (loc,term) ->
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Compare (loc,term)
- | GrafiteAst.Constructor (loc,n) ->
- status, GrafiteAst.Constructor (loc,n)
- | GrafiteAst.Contradiction loc ->
- status, GrafiteAst.Contradiction loc
- | GrafiteAst.Cut (loc, ident, term) ->
- let status, cic = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Cut (loc, ident, cic)
- | GrafiteAst.DecideEquality loc ->
- status, GrafiteAst.DecideEquality loc
- | GrafiteAst.Decompose (loc, types, what, names) ->
- let disambiguate (status, types) = function
- | GrafiteAst.Type _ -> assert false
- | GrafiteAst.Ident id ->
- match disambiguate_term status (CicNotationPt.Ident (id, None)) with
- | status, Cic.MutInd (uri, tyno, _) ->
- status, (GrafiteAst.Type (uri, tyno) :: types)
- | _ ->
- raise Disambiguate.NoWellTypedInterpretation
- in
- let status, types = List.fold_left disambiguate (status, []) types in
- status, GrafiteAst.Decompose(loc, types, what, names)
- | GrafiteAst.Discriminate (loc,term) ->
- let status,term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Discriminate(loc,term)
- | GrafiteAst.Exact (loc, term) ->
- let status, cic = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Exact (loc, cic)
- | GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents) ->
- let status, what = disambiguate_term status what in
- let status, using = disambiguate_term status using in
- status, GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents)
- | GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, None, depth, idents) ->
- let status, what = disambiguate_term status what in
- status, GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, None, depth, idents)
- | GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents) ->
- let status, what = disambiguate_term status what in
- let status, using = disambiguate_term status using in
- status, GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents)
- | GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, None, depth, idents) ->
- let status, what = disambiguate_term status what in
- status, GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, None, depth, idents)
- | GrafiteAst.Exists loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Exists loc
- | GrafiteAst.Fail loc -> status,GrafiteAst.Fail loc
- | GrafiteAst.Fold (loc,red_kind, term, pattern) ->
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- let status, red_kind = disambiguate_reduction_kind status red_kind in
- status, GrafiteAst.Fold (loc,red_kind, term, pattern)
- | GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (loc, hyp, names) ->
- status, GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (loc, hyp, names)
- | GrafiteAst.Fourier loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Fourier loc
- | GrafiteAst.Generalize (loc,pattern,ident) ->
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- status, GrafiteAst.Generalize(loc,pattern,ident)
- | GrafiteAst.Goal (loc, g) -> status, GrafiteAst.Goal (loc, g)
- | GrafiteAst.IdTac loc -> status,GrafiteAst.IdTac loc
- | GrafiteAst.Injection (loc,term) ->
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Injection (loc,term)
- | GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, num, names) ->
- status, GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, num, names)
- | GrafiteAst.LApply (loc, depth, to_what, what, ident) ->
- let f term (status, to_what) =
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, term :: to_what
- in
- let status, to_what = List.fold_right f to_what (status, []) in
- let status, what = disambiguate_term status what in
- status, GrafiteAst.LApply (loc, depth, to_what, what, ident)
- | GrafiteAst.Left loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Left loc
- | GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc, term, name) ->
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc,term,name)
- | GrafiteAst.Reduce (loc, red_kind, pattern) ->
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- let status, red_kind = disambiguate_reduction_kind status red_kind in
- status, GrafiteAst.Reduce(loc, red_kind, pattern)
- | GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc
- | GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, pattern, with_what) ->
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- let status, with_what = disambiguate_term status with_what in
- status, GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, pattern, with_what)
- | GrafiteAst.Rewrite (loc, dir, t, pattern) ->
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status t in
- let status, pattern = disambiguate_pattern status pattern in
- status, GrafiteAst.Rewrite (loc, dir, term, pattern)
- | GrafiteAst.Right loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Right loc
- | GrafiteAst.Ring loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Ring loc
- | GrafiteAst.Split loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Split loc
- | GrafiteAst.Symmetry loc -> status, GrafiteAst.Symmetry loc
- | GrafiteAst.Transitivity (loc, term) ->
- let status, cic = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Transitivity (loc, cic)
+let disambiguate_tactic status tactic =
+ let status_ref = ref status in
+ let tactic =
+ match tactic with
+ | GrafiteAst.Absurd (loc, term) ->
+ let cic = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Absurd (loc, cic)
+ | GrafiteAst.Apply (loc, term) ->
+ let cic = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Apply (loc, cic)
+ | GrafiteAst.Assumption loc -> GrafiteAst.Assumption loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Auto (loc,depth,width,paramodulation) ->
+ GrafiteAst.Auto (loc,depth,width,paramodulation)
+ | GrafiteAst.Change (loc, pattern, with_what) ->
+ let with_what = disambiguate_lazy_term status_ref with_what in
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ GrafiteAst.Change (loc, pattern, with_what)
+ | GrafiteAst.Clear (loc,id) -> GrafiteAst.Clear (loc,id)
+ | GrafiteAst.ClearBody (loc,id) -> GrafiteAst.ClearBody (loc,id)
+ | GrafiteAst.Compare (loc,term) ->
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Compare (loc,term)
+ | GrafiteAst.Constructor (loc,n) -> GrafiteAst.Constructor (loc,n)
+ | GrafiteAst.Contradiction loc -> GrafiteAst.Contradiction loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Cut (loc, ident, term) ->
+ let cic = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Cut (loc, ident, cic)
+ | GrafiteAst.DecideEquality loc -> GrafiteAst.DecideEquality loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Decompose (loc, types, what, names) ->
+ let disambiguate types = function
+ | GrafiteAst.Type _ -> assert false
+ | GrafiteAst.Ident id ->
+ (match disambiguate_term status_ref (CicNotationPt.Ident (id, None)) with
+ | Cic.MutInd (uri, tyno, _) ->
+ (GrafiteAst.Type (uri, tyno) :: types)
+ | _ -> raise Disambiguate.NoWellTypedInterpretation)
+ in
+ let types = List.fold_left disambiguate [] types in
+ GrafiteAst.Decompose (loc, types, what, names)
+ | GrafiteAst.Discriminate (loc,term) ->
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Discriminate(loc,term)
+ | GrafiteAst.Exact (loc, term) ->
+ let cic = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Exact (loc, cic)
+ | GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents) ->
+ let what = disambiguate_term status_ref what in
+ let using = disambiguate_term status_ref using in
+ GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents)
+ | GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, None, depth, idents) ->
+ let what = disambiguate_term status_ref what in
+ GrafiteAst.Elim (loc, what, None, depth, idents)
+ | GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents) ->
+ let what = disambiguate_term status_ref what in
+ let using = disambiguate_term status_ref using in
+ GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, Some using, depth, idents)
+ | GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, None, depth, idents) ->
+ let what = disambiguate_term status_ref what in
+ GrafiteAst.ElimType (loc, what, None, depth, idents)
+ | GrafiteAst.Exists loc -> GrafiteAst.Exists loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Fail loc -> GrafiteAst.Fail loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Fold (loc,red_kind, term, pattern) ->
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ let term = disambiguate_lazy_term status_ref term in
+ let red_kind = disambiguate_reduction_kind status_ref red_kind in
+ GrafiteAst.Fold (loc, red_kind, term, pattern)
+ | GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (loc, hyp, names) ->
+ GrafiteAst.FwdSimpl (loc, hyp, names)
+ | GrafiteAst.Fourier loc -> GrafiteAst.Fourier loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Generalize (loc,pattern,ident) ->
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ GrafiteAst.Generalize (loc,pattern,ident)
+ | GrafiteAst.Goal (loc, g) -> GrafiteAst.Goal (loc, g)
+ | GrafiteAst.IdTac loc -> GrafiteAst.IdTac loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Injection (loc, term) ->
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Injection (loc,term)
+ | GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, num, names) -> GrafiteAst.Intros (loc, num, names)
+ | GrafiteAst.LApply (loc, depth, to_what, what, ident) ->
+ let f term to_what =
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ term :: to_what
+ in
+ let to_what = List.fold_right f to_what [] in
+ let what = disambiguate_term status_ref what in
+ GrafiteAst.LApply (loc, depth, to_what, what, ident)
+ | GrafiteAst.Left loc -> GrafiteAst.Left loc
+ | GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc, term, name) ->
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.LetIn (loc,term,name)
+ | GrafiteAst.Reduce (loc, red_kind, pattern) ->
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ let red_kind = disambiguate_reduction_kind status_ref red_kind in
+ GrafiteAst.Reduce(loc, red_kind, pattern)
+ | GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc -> GrafiteAst.Reflexivity loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, pattern, with_what) ->
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ let with_what = disambiguate_lazy_term status_ref with_what in
+ GrafiteAst.Replace (loc, pattern, with_what)
+ | GrafiteAst.Rewrite (loc, dir, t, pattern) ->
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref t in
+ let pattern = disambiguate_pattern status_ref pattern in
+ GrafiteAst.Rewrite (loc, dir, term, pattern)
+ | GrafiteAst.Right loc -> GrafiteAst.Right loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Ring loc -> GrafiteAst.Ring loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Split loc -> GrafiteAst.Split loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Symmetry loc -> GrafiteAst.Symmetry loc
+ | GrafiteAst.Transitivity (loc, term) ->
+ let cic = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ GrafiteAst.Transitivity (loc, cic)
+ in
+ status_ref, tactic
let apply_tactic tactic status =
- let status,tactic = disambiguate_tactic status tactic in
+ let status_ref, tactic = disambiguate_tactic status tactic in
+ let proof_status = MatitaMisc.get_proof_status !status_ref in
let tactic = tactic_of_ast tactic in
- let (proof, goals) =
- ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic tactic (MatitaMisc.get_proof_status status) in
+ (* apply tactic will change the status pointed by status_ref ... *)
+ let (proof, goals) = ProofEngineTypes.apply_tactic tactic proof_status in
let dummy = -1 in
- { status with
- proof_status = MatitaTypes.Incomplete_proof (proof,dummy) }, goals
+ { !status_ref with
+ proof_status = MatitaTypes.Incomplete_proof (proof,dummy) },
+ goals
module MatitaStatus =
| GrafiteAst.Set _ as cmd ->
| GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc, term) ->
- let status, term = disambiguate_term status term in
- status, GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc,term)
+ let status_ref = ref status in
+ let term = disambiguate_term status_ref term in
+ !status_ref, GrafiteAst.Coercion (loc,term)
| GrafiteAst.Obj (loc,obj) ->
let status,obj = disambiguate_obj status obj in
- status, GrafiteAst.Obj (loc,obj)
+ status, GrafiteAst.Obj (loc,obj)
let make_absolute paths path =
if path = "coq.ma" then path
exception IncludedFileNotCompiled of string
type statement =
- (CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.obj, string) GrafiteAst.statement
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, GrafiteAst.obj,
+ string)
+ GrafiteAst.statement
(* heavy checks slow down the compilation process but give you some interesting
* infos like if the theorem is a duplicate *)
val baseuri_of_file : string -> string
-val baseuri_of_baseuri_decl : ('a, 'b, 'c) GrafiteAst.statement -> string option
+val baseuri_of_baseuri_decl:
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e) GrafiteAst.statement -> string option
(** check whether no objects are defined below a given baseuri *)
val is_empty: string -> bool
type term = CicNotationPt.term
-type tactic = (term, string) GrafiteAst.tactic
-type tactical = (term, string) GrafiteAst.tactical
+type tactic = (term, term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string) GrafiteAst.tactic
+type tactical = (term, term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string) GrafiteAst.tactical
type script_entry =
| Command of tactical
| Comment of CicNotationPt.location * string
(** {3 type shortands} *)
type term = CicNotationPt.term
-type tactic = (term, string) GrafiteAst.tactic
-type tactical = (term, string) GrafiteAst.tactical
+type tactic = (term, term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string) GrafiteAst.tactic
+type tactical = (term, term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string) GrafiteAst.tactical
type script_entry =
| Command of tactical
module Ast = CicNotationPt
type direction = [ `LeftToRight | `RightToLeft ]
-type 'term reduction_kind =
- [ `Normalize | `Reduce | `Simpl | `Unfold of 'term option | `Whd ]
type loc = Ast.location
-type ('term, 'ident) pattern = 'term option * ('ident * 'term) list * 'term
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern =
+ 'lazy_term option * ('ident * 'term) list * 'term
type ('term, 'ident) type_spec =
| Ident of 'ident
| Type of UriManager.uri * int
-type ('term, 'ident) tactic =
+type reduction =
+ [ `Normalize
+ | `Reduce
+ | `Simpl
+ | `Unfold of CicNotationPt.term option
+ | `Whd ]
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactic =
| Absurd of loc * 'term
| Apply of loc * 'term
| Assumption of loc
- | Auto of loc * int option * int option * string option (* depth, width, paramodulation ALB *)
- | Change of loc * ('term,'ident) pattern * 'term
+ | Auto of loc * int option * int option * string option
+ (* depth, width, paramodulation *)
+ | Change of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern * 'lazy_term
| Clear of loc * 'ident
| ClearBody of loc * 'ident
| Compare of loc * 'term
| Exact of loc * 'term
| Exists of loc
| Fail of loc
- | Fold of loc * 'term reduction_kind * 'term * ('term, 'ident) pattern
+ | Fold of loc * 'reduction * 'lazy_term * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern
| Fourier of loc
| FwdSimpl of loc * string * 'ident list
- | Generalize of loc * ('term, 'ident) pattern * 'ident option
+ | Generalize of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern * 'ident option
| Goal of loc * int (* change current goal, argument is goal number 1-based *)
| IdTac of loc
| Injection of loc * 'term
| LApply of loc * int option * 'term list * 'term * 'ident option
| Left of loc
| LetIn of loc * 'term * 'ident
- | Reduce of loc * 'term reduction_kind * ('term, 'ident) pattern
+ | Reduce of loc * 'reduction * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern
| Reflexivity of loc
- | Replace of loc * ('term, 'ident) pattern * 'term
- | Rewrite of loc * direction * 'term * ('term, 'ident) pattern
+ | Replace of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern * 'lazy_term
+ | Rewrite of loc * direction * 'term *
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'ident) pattern
| Right of loc
| Ring of loc
| Split of loc
| Render of loc * UriManager.uri (* render library object *)
-type ('term, 'ident) tactical =
- | Tactic of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactic
- | Do of loc * int * ('term, 'ident) tactical
- | Repeat of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical
- | Seq of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical list (* sequential composition *)
- | Then of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical * ('term, 'ident) tactical list
- | First of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical list
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical =
+ | Tactic of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactic
+ | Do of loc * int * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical
+ | Repeat of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical
+ | Seq of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical list
+ (* sequential composition *)
+ | Then of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical *
+ ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical list
+ | First of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical list
(* try a sequence of loc * tacticals until one succeeds, fail otherwise *)
- | Try of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical (* try a tactical and mask failures *)
- | Solve of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical list
+ | Try of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical
+ (* try a tactical and mask failures *)
+ | Solve of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical list
-type ('term, 'obj, 'ident) code =
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) code =
| Command of loc * ('term,'obj) command
| Macro of loc * 'term macro
- | Tactical of loc * ('term, 'ident) tactical
+ | Tactical of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'ident) tactical
-type ('term, 'obj, 'ident) comment =
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) comment =
| Note of loc * string
- | Code of loc * ('term, 'obj, 'ident) code
+ | Code of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) code
-type ('term, 'obj, 'ident) statement =
- | Executable of loc * ('term, 'obj, 'ident) code
- | Comment of loc * ('term, 'obj, 'ident) comment
+type ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) statement =
+ | Executable of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) code
+ | Comment of loc * ('term, 'lazy_term, 'reduction, 'obj, 'ident) comment
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
-val pp_tactic: (CicNotationPt.term, string) GrafiteAst.tactic -> string
+val pp_tactic:
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
+ GrafiteAst.tactic ->
+ string
val pp_obj: GrafiteAst.obj -> string
val pp_command: (CicNotationPt.term,GrafiteAst.obj) GrafiteAst.command -> string
val pp_macro: ('a -> string) -> 'a GrafiteAst.macro -> string
-val pp_comment: (CicNotationPt.term,GrafiteAst.obj,string) GrafiteAst.comment -> string
-val pp_executable: (CicNotationPt.term,GrafiteAst.obj,string) GrafiteAst.code -> string
-val pp_statement: (CicNotationPt.term,GrafiteAst.obj,string) GrafiteAst.statement -> string
+val pp_comment:
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, GrafiteAst.obj,
+ string)
+ GrafiteAst.comment ->
+ string
+val pp_executable:
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, GrafiteAst.obj,
+ string)
+ GrafiteAst.code ->
+ string
+val pp_statement:
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, GrafiteAst.obj,
+ string)
+ GrafiteAst.statement ->
+ string
val pp_macro_ast: CicNotationPt.term GrafiteAst.macro -> string
val pp_macro_cic: Cic.term GrafiteAst.macro -> string
-val pp_tactical: (CicNotationPt.term, string) GrafiteAst.tactical -> string
+val pp_tactical:
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction, string)
+ GrafiteAst.tactical ->
+ string
val pp_alias: GrafiteAst.alias_spec -> string
val pp_cic_command: (Cic.term,Cic.obj) GrafiteAst.command -> string
(** @raise End_of_file *)
val parse_statement:
- char Stream.t ->
- (CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.obj, string) GrafiteAst.statement
+ char Stream.t ->
+ (CicNotationPt.term, CicNotationPt.term, GrafiteAst.reduction,
+ GrafiteAst.obj, string)
+ GrafiteAst.statement
- ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern (Some new_t1'))
- (C.Appl [
- C.Lambda (
- C.Name "x", tty,
- C.MutCase (
- turi, typeno,
- (C.Lambda (
- (C.Name "x"),
+ ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern
+ (Some new_t1'))
+ (fun _ m u ->
+ C.Appl [ C.Lambda (C.Name "x", tty,
+ C.MutCase (turi, typeno,
+ (C.Lambda ((C.Name "x"),
(S.lift 1 tty),
(S.lift 2 tty'))),
(C.Rel 1), pattern
- t1]
- ))
+ t1], m, u))
- ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern (Some gty'))
- (C.Appl [
+ ~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern
+ (Some gty'))
+ (fun _ m u -> C.Appl [
C.Lambda (
C.Name "x", tty,
C.MutCase (
(C.Rel 1), pattern
- t2]
- )
- )
+ t2], m, u))
let lifted_gty = CicSubstitution.lift 1 gty in
let lifted_conjecture =
metano,(Some (fresh_name,Cic.Decl ty))::context,lifted_gty in
- let lifted_pattern = Some lifted_t1,[],CicSubstitution.lift 1 concl_pat in
+ let lifted_pattern =
+ Some (fun _ m u -> lifted_t1, m, u),[],CicSubstitution.lift 1 concl_pat
+ in
let subst,metasenv',ugraph,_,selected_terms_with_context =
~metasenv:metasenv' ~ugraph ~conjecture:lifted_conjecture
ProofEngineHelpers.select ~metasenv ~ugraph:CicUniv.empty_ugraph
~conjecture ~pattern in
let metasenv = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst_metasenv subst metasenv in
+ let with_what, metasenv, u = with_what context metasenv u in
let with_what = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst with_what in
let pbo = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst pbo in
let pty = CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst pty in
val replace_tac:
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
- with_what:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ with_what:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val reflexivity_tac: ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val symmetry_tac: ProofEngineTypes.tactic
- (ReductionTactics.fold_tac ~reduction:CicReduction.whd
+ (ReductionTactics.fold_tac
+ ~reduction:(const_lazy_reduction CicReduction.whd)
~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern None)
- (Cic.Appl
+ (const_lazy_term
+ (Cic.Appl
[_Rle ; _R0 ;
- [_Rmult ; int_to_real n ; Cic.Appl [_Rinv ; int_to_real d]]]))
+ [_Rmult ; int_to_real n ; Cic.Appl [_Rinv ; int_to_real d]]])))
~start:(PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:_Rlt_not_le)
- ~continuation:(tac_zero_inf_pos (-n,d))))
+ ~continuation:(tac_zero_inf_pos (-n,d))))
mk_tactic (tac_zero_infeq_false gl (n,d))
~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern (Some ty))
- (Cic.Appl [ _not; ineq]))
+ (const_lazy_term (Cic.Appl [ _not; ineq])))
~start:(PrimitiveTactics.apply_tac ~term:
let r = apply_tactic
~pattern:(ProofEngineTypes.conclusion_pattern (Some ty))
- w1) status
+ (const_lazy_term w1)) status
debug("fine MY_CHNGE\n");
[] -> [],metasenv,ugraph,[]
| (context',where)::tl ->
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,tl' = find_in_roots tl in
- let context'_len = List.length context' in
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,found =
- let wanted =
- CicSubstitution.lift (context'_len - context_len) wanted
- in
- find_subterms ~subst ~metasenv ~ugraph ~wanted ~context where
+ let wanted, metasenv, ugraph = wanted context' metasenv ugraph in
+ find_subterms ~subst ~metasenv ~ugraph ~wanted ~context:context'
+ where
subst,metasenv,ugraph,found @ tl'
| None ->
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Decl []))::res),(entry::context)
| Some pat ->
- try
- let what =
- match what with
- None -> None
- | Some what ->
- let what,subst',metasenv' =
- CicMetaSubst.delift_rels [] metasenv
- (context_len - List.length context) what
- in
- assert (subst' = []);
- assert (metasenv' = metasenv);
- Some what in
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,terms =
select_in_term ~metasenv ~context ~ugraph ~term
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Decl terms))::res),
- (entry::context)
- with
- CicMetaSubst.DeliftingARelWouldCaptureAFreeVariable ->
- raise
- (Fail
- ("The term the user wants to convert is not closed " ^
- "in the context of the position of the substitution.")))
+ (entry::context))
| Some (name,Cic.Def (bo, ty)) ->
(match find_pattern_for name with
| None ->
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Def ([],selected_ty)))::res),
| Some pat ->
- try
- let what =
- match what with
- None -> None
- | Some what ->
- let what,subst',metasenv' =
- CicMetaSubst.delift_rels [] metasenv
- (context_len - List.length context) what
- in
- assert (subst' = []);
- assert (metasenv' = metasenv);
- Some what in
let subst,metasenv,ugraph,terms_bo =
select_in_term ~metasenv ~context ~ugraph ~term:bo
~pattern:(what,pat) in
subst,metasenv,ugraph,Some res
subst,metasenv,ugraph,((Some (`Def (terms_bo,terms_ty)))::res),
- (entry::context)
- with
- CicMetaSubst.DeliftingARelWouldCaptureAFreeVariable ->
- raise
- (Fail
- ("The term the user wants to convert is not closed " ^
- "in the context of the position of the substitution.")))
+ (entry::context))
) context (subst,metasenv,ugraph,[],[]))
(** creates an opaque tactic from a status->proof*goal list function *)
let mk_tactic t = t
- (** what, hypothesis patterns, conclusion pattern *)
-type pattern = Cic.term option * (string * Cic.term) list * Cic.term
-let conclusion_pattern t = t,[],Cic.Implicit (Some `Hole)
+type reduction = Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
+type lazy_term =
+ Cic.context -> Cic.metasenv -> CicUniv.universe_graph ->
+ Cic.term * Cic.metasenv * CicUniv.universe_graph
+let const_lazy_term t =
+ (fun _ metasenv ugraph -> t, metasenv, ugraph)
+type lazy_reduction =
+ Cic.context -> Cic.metasenv -> CicUniv.universe_graph ->
+ reduction * Cic.metasenv * CicUniv.universe_graph
+let const_lazy_reduction red =
+ (fun _ metasenv ugraph -> red, metasenv, ugraph)
+type pattern = lazy_term option * (string * Cic.term) list * Cic.term
+let conclusion_pattern t =
+ let t' =
+ match t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some t -> Some (fun _ m u -> t, m, u)
+ in
+ t',[],Cic.Implicit (Some `Hole)
(** tactic failure *)
exception Fail of string
type tactic
val mk_tactic: (status -> proof * goal list) -> tactic
+type reduction = Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term
+type lazy_term =
+ Cic.context -> Cic.metasenv -> CicUniv.universe_graph ->
+ Cic.term * Cic.metasenv * CicUniv.universe_graph
+val const_lazy_term: Cic.term -> lazy_term
+type lazy_reduction =
+ Cic.context -> Cic.metasenv -> CicUniv.universe_graph ->
+ reduction * Cic.metasenv * CicUniv.universe_graph
+val const_lazy_reduction: reduction -> lazy_reduction
(** what, hypothesis patterns, conclusion pattern *)
-type pattern = Cic.term option * (string * Cic.term) list * Cic.term
+type pattern = lazy_term option * (string * Cic.term) list * Cic.term
(** conclusion_pattern [t] returns the pattern (t,[],%) *)
val conclusion_pattern : Cic.term option -> pattern
let reduction_tac ~reduction ~pattern (proof,goal) =
let curi,metasenv,pbo,pty = proof in
let (metano,context,ty) as conjecture = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- let change subst where terms =
- if terms = [] then where
+ let change subst where terms metasenv ugraph =
+ if terms = [] then where, metasenv, ugraph
- let terms, terms' =
- List.split (List.map (fun (context, t) -> t, reduction context t) terms)
- in
- let where' =
- ProofEngineReduction.replace ~equality:(==) ~what:terms ~with_what:terms'
- ~where:where
- in
- CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst where' in
+ let pairs, metasenv, ugraph =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (pairs, metasenv, ugraph) (context, t) ->
+ let reduction, metasenv, ugraph = reduction context metasenv ugraph in
+ ((t, reduction context t) :: pairs), metasenv, ugraph)
+ ([], metasenv, ugraph)
+ terms
+ in
+ let terms, terms' = List.split pairs in
+ let where' =
+ ProofEngineReduction.replace ~equality:(==) ~what:terms ~with_what:terms'
+ ~where:where
+ in
+ CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst where', metasenv, ugraph
+ in
let (subst,metasenv,ugraph,selected_context,selected_ty) =
- ProofEngineHelpers.select ~metasenv ~ugraph:CicUniv.empty_ugraph
- ~conjecture ~pattern in
- let ty' = change subst ty selected_ty in
- let context' =
+ ProofEngineHelpers.select ~metasenv ~ugraph:CicUniv.empty_ugraph
+ ~conjecture ~pattern
+ in
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph = change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph in
+ let context', metasenv, ugraph =
- (fun entry selected_entry context' ->
+ (fun entry selected_entry (context', metasenv, ugraph) ->
match entry,selected_entry with
- None,None -> None::context'
+ None,None -> None::context', metasenv, ugraph
| Some (name,Cic.Decl ty),Some (`Decl selected_ty) ->
- let ty' = change subst ty selected_ty in
- Some (name,Cic.Decl ty')::context'
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ Some (name,Cic.Decl ty')::context', metasenv, ugraph
| Some (name,Cic.Def (bo,ty)),Some (`Def (selected_bo,selected_ty)) ->
- let bo' = change subst bo selected_bo in
- let ty' =
+ let bo', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst bo selected_bo metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
match ty,selected_ty with
- None,None -> None
- | Some ty,Some selected_ty -> Some (change subst ty selected_ty)
+ None,None -> None, metasenv, ugraph
+ | Some ty,Some selected_ty ->
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ Some ty', metasenv, ugraph
| _,_ -> assert false
- Some (name,Cic.Def (bo',ty'))::context'
+ (Some (name,Cic.Def (bo',ty'))::context'), metasenv, ugraph
| _,_ -> assert false
- ) context selected_context [] in
+ ) context selected_context ([], metasenv, ugraph) in
let metasenv' =
List.map (function
| (n,_,_) when n = metano -> (metano,context',ty')
let simpl_tac ~pattern =
- mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction:ProofEngineReduction.simpl ~pattern);;
+ mk_tactic (reduction_tac
+ ~reduction:(const_lazy_reduction ProofEngineReduction.simpl) ~pattern)
let reduce_tac ~pattern =
- mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction:ProofEngineReduction.reduce ~pattern);;
+ mk_tactic (reduction_tac
+ ~reduction:(const_lazy_reduction ProofEngineReduction.reduce) ~pattern)
let unfold_tac what ~pattern =
- mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction:(ProofEngineReduction.unfold ?what)
- ~pattern);;
+ let reduction =
+ match what with
+ | None -> const_lazy_reduction (ProofEngineReduction.unfold ?what:None)
+ | Some lazy_term ->
+ (fun context metasenv ugraph ->
+ let what, metasenv, ugraph = lazy_term context metasenv ugraph in
+ ProofEngineReduction.unfold ~what, metasenv, ugraph)
+ in
+ mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction ~pattern)
let whd_tac ~pattern =
- mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction:CicReduction.whd ~pattern);;
+ mk_tactic (reduction_tac
+ ~reduction:(const_lazy_reduction CicReduction.whd) ~pattern)
let normalize_tac ~pattern =
- mk_tactic (reduction_tac ~reduction:CicReduction.normalize ~pattern);;
+ mk_tactic (reduction_tac
+ ~reduction:(const_lazy_reduction CicReduction.normalize) ~pattern)
exception NotConvertible
let change_tac ~pattern ~with_what (proof, goal) =
let curi,metasenv,pbo,pty = proof in
let (metano,context,ty) as conjecture = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- let context_len = List.length context in
- let change subst context'_len where terms =
- if terms = [] then where
+ let change subst where terms metasenv ugraph =
+ if terms = [] then where, metasenv, ugraph
- let terms, terms' =
- List.split
- (List.map
- (fun (context_of_t, t) ->
- let context_of_t_len = List.length context_of_t in
- let with_what_in_context' =
- if context_len > context'_len then
- begin
- let with_what,subst,metasenv' =
- CicMetaSubst.delift_rels [] metasenv
- (context_len - context'_len) with_what
- in
- assert (subst = []);
- assert (metasenv = metasenv');
- with_what
- end
- else
- with_what in
- let with_what_in_context_of_t =
- if context_of_t_len > context'_len then
- CicSubstitution.lift (context_of_t_len - context'_len)
- with_what_in_context'
- else
- with_what in
+ let pairs, metasenv, ugraph =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (pairs, metasenv, ugraph) (context_of_t, t) ->
+prerr_endline "++++++++++++++++++++++++++";
+prerr_endline "context_of_t";
+prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppcontext [] context_of_t);
+prerr_endline "t";
+prerr_endline (CicMetaSubst.ppterm [] t);
+ let with_what, metasenv, ugraph =
+ with_what context_of_t metasenv ugraph
+ in
let _,u =
- CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context_of_t with_what
- CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
+ CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' metasenv context_of_t with_what ugraph
+ in
let b,_ =
- CicReduction.are_convertible ~metasenv context_of_t t with_what u in
+ CicReduction.are_convertible ~metasenv context_of_t t with_what u
+ in
if b then
- t, with_what_in_context_of_t
+ ((t, with_what) :: pairs), metasenv, ugraph
- raise NotConvertible) terms)
+ raise NotConvertible)
+ ([], metasenv, ugraph)
+ terms
+ let terms, terms' = List.split pairs in
let where' =
ProofEngineReduction.replace ~equality:(==) ~what:terms ~with_what:terms'
- CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst where' in
+ CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst where', metasenv, ugraph
+ in
let (subst,metasenv,ugraph,selected_context,selected_ty) =
ProofEngineHelpers.select ~metasenv ~ugraph:CicUniv.empty_ugraph ~conjecture
~pattern in
- let ty' = change subst context_len ty selected_ty in
- let context' =
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph = change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph in
+ let context', metasenv, ugraph =
- (fun entry selected_entry context' ->
- let context'_len = List.length context' in
+ (fun entry selected_entry (context', metasenv, ugraph) ->
match entry,selected_entry with
- None,None -> None::context'
+ None,None -> (None::context'), metasenv, ugraph
| Some (name,Cic.Decl ty),Some (`Decl selected_ty) ->
- let ty' = change subst context'_len ty selected_ty in
- Some (name,Cic.Decl ty')::context'
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ (Some (name,Cic.Decl ty')::context'), metasenv, ugraph
| Some (name,Cic.Def (bo,ty)),Some (`Def (selected_bo,selected_ty)) ->
- let bo' = change subst context'_len bo selected_bo in
- let ty' =
+ let bo', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst bo selected_bo metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
match ty,selected_ty with
- None,None -> None
+ None,None -> None, metasenv, ugraph
| Some ty,Some selected_ty ->
- Some (change subst context'_len ty selected_ty)
+ let ty', metasenv, ugraph =
+ change subst ty selected_ty metasenv ugraph
+ in
+ Some ty', metasenv, ugraph
| _,_ -> assert false
- Some (name,Cic.Def (bo',ty'))::context'
+ (Some (name,Cic.Def (bo',ty'))::context'), metasenv, ugraph
| _,_ -> assert false
- ) context selected_context [] in
+ ) context selected_context ([], metasenv, ugraph) in
let metasenv' =
List.map (function
| (n,_,_) when n = metano -> (metano,context',ty')
let fold_tac ~reduction ~term ~pattern =
let fold_tac ~reduction ~term ~pattern:(wanted,hyps_pat,concl_pat) status =
assert (wanted = None); (* this should be checked syntactically *)
- let proof,goal = status in
- let _,metasenv,_,_ = proof in
- let _,context,_ = CicUtil.lookup_meta goal metasenv in
- let reduced_term = reduction context term in
+ let reduced_term =
+ (fun context metasenv ugraph ->
+ let term, metasenv, ugraph = term context metasenv ugraph in
+ let reduction, metasenv, ugraph = reduction context metasenv ugraph in
+ reduction context term, metasenv, ugraph)
+ in
(change_tac ~pattern:(Some reduced_term,hyps_pat,concl_pat) term) status
mk_tactic (fold_tac ~reduction ~term ~pattern)
* http://cs.unibo.it/helm/.
-(* The default of term is the thesis of the goal to be prooved *)
val simpl_tac: pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val reduce_tac: pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val whd_tac: pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val normalize_tac: pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+(* The default of term is the thesis of the goal to be prooved *)
val unfold_tac:
- Cic.term option -> pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term option ->
+ pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val change_tac:
- pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val fold_tac:
- reduction:(Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term) -> term:Cic.term ->
- pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ reduction:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_reduction ->
+ term:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term ->
+ pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.tactic
?width:int ->
?paramodulation:string -> dbd:Mysql.dbd -> unit -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val change :
- pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val clear : hyp:string -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val clearbody : hyp:string -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val compare : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val exists : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val fail : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val fold :
- reduction:(Cic.context -> Cic.term -> Cic.term) ->
- term:Cic.term ->
+ reduction:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_reduction ->
+ term:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term ->
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val fourier : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val fwd_simpl :
val reflexivity : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val replace :
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
- with_what:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ with_what:ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val rewrite :
direction:[ `LeftToRight | `RightToLeft ] ->
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val symmetry : ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val transitivity : term:Cic.term -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val unfold :
- Cic.term option ->
+ ProofEngineTypes.lazy_term option ->
pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
val whd : pattern:ProofEngineTypes.pattern -> ProofEngineTypes.tactic
let term =
match term with
None -> None
- | Some term -> Some (CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst term) in
- let u,typ,term =
- let context_of_t,t =
+ | Some term ->
+ Some (fun context metasenv ugraph ->
+ let term, metasenv, ugraph = term context metasenv ugraph in
+ CicMetaSubst.apply_subst subst term, metasenv, ugraph)
+ in
+ let u,typ,term, metasenv =
+ let context_of_t, (t, metasenv, u) =
match terms_with_context, term with
[], None ->
- | _, Some t -> context,t
- | (context_of_t,t)::_, None -> context_of_t,t
+ | [], Some t -> context, t context metasenv u
+ | (context_of_t, _)::_, Some t ->
+ context_of_t, t context_of_t metasenv u
+ | (context_of_t, t)::_, None -> context_of_t, (t, metasenv, u)
let t,subst,metasenv' =
assert (subst = []);
assert (metasenv' = metasenv);
let typ,u = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' ~subst metasenv context t u in
- u,typ,t
+ u,typ,t,metasenv
(* We need to check:
1. whether they live in the context of the goal;
val generalize_tac:
?mk_fresh_name_callback:ProofEngineTypes.mk_fresh_name_type ->
ProofEngineTypes.pattern ->
- ProofEngineTypes.tactic
+ ProofEngineTypes.tactic