--- /dev/null
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+<!DOCTYPE events [
+ <!ELEMENT events (event*)>
+ <!ELEMENT event (name,url,description?,where?,when?,deadline*)>
+ <!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT url (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT where (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT when (#PCDATA)>
+ <!ELEMENT deadline (description,date)>
+ <!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA)>
+ <event>
+ <name>MKM 2001</name>
+ <url>http://www.risc.uni-linz.ac.at/institute/conferences/MKM2001</url>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Notification of acceptance for the special issue on
+ Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.</description>
+ <date>February 28th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Final version of papers for the special issue.</description>
+ <date>May 31st, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Special Issue to appear.</description>
+ <date>Fall 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>International Congress of Mathematical Software 2002</name>
+ <url>http://www.mathsoftware.org</url>
+ <description>Satellite conference of ICM</description>
+ <where>Beijing</where>
+ <when>August 17-19, 2002</when>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>MathML 2002</name>
+ <url>http://www.mathmlconference.org</url>
+ <where>Chicago</where>
+ <when>June 28-30, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Abstracts for papers and panel proposals due</description>
+ <date>February 18th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Notification of acceptance for papers and panels</description>
+ <date>March 11th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Poster abstracts and demo proposals due</description>
+ <date>March 15th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Notification of acceptance for posters and demos</description>
+ <date>March 29th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Last day for early registration</description>
+ <date>May 17th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Deadline for full papers for JSC special issue</description>
+ <date>July 26th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>6th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB 2002)</name>
+ <url>http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/elpub02/</url>
+ <where>Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic</where>
+ <when>November 6-9, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Abstracts due</description>
+ <date>February 15th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Full papers due</description>
+ <date>June 28th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>TPHOLS 2002</name>
+ <url>http://shemesh.larc.nasa.gov/tphols2002</url>
+ <where>Hampton (Virginia)</where>
+ <when>August 20-23, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category A papers due</description>
+ <date>February 22nd, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category A notification of acceptance</description>
+ <date>April 22nd, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category B papers due</description>
+ <date>May 17th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category A camera-ready copy due</description>
+ <date>May 24th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category B notification of acceptance</description>
+ <date>June 17nd, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Category B camera-ready copy due</description>
+ <date>July 5th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>WWW-2002: Semantic Web Workshop</name>
+ <url>http://semanticweb2002.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de</url>
+ <description>Workshop associato a WWW2002</description>
+ <where>Hawaii</where>
+ <when>May 7th, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Paper submission</description>
+ <date>March 1st, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Notification of acceptance</description>
+ <date>April 1st, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Deadline for final contributions</description>
+ <date>April 15th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>Extreme 2002</name>
+ <url>http://www.extrememarkup.com</url>
+ <where>Montreal Canada</where>
+ <when>August 6-9, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Paper Submission</description>
+ <date>April 3rd, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Speakers Notified</description>
+ <date>May 13th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Revised Papers Due</description>
+ <date>June 11th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
+ <event>
+ <name>35 Years of Automath</name>
+ <url>http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~fairouz/automath2002/</url>
+ <where>Edinburgh</where>
+ <when>April 10-13, 2002</when>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Submission deadline of papers in special issue of an international journal.</description>
+ <date>May 10th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ <deadline>
+ <description>Submission deadline of special edited book celebrating de Bruijn's 85th anniversary.</description>
+ <date>July 10th, 2002</date>
+ </deadline>
+ </event>
--- /dev/null
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+ <hr />
+ <h1>Events Related to Mowgli</h1>
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