(* $Id$ *)
-module Pres = Mpresentation
(** {2 Pretty printing from BoxML to strings} *)
let string_space = " "
let string_space_len = utf8_string_length string_space
-let string_indent = (* string_space *) [],""
-let string_indent_len = utf8_string_length (snd string_indent)
+let string_indent = (* string_space *) ""
+let string_indent_len = utf8_string_length string_indent
let string_ink = "---------------------------"
let string_ink_len = utf8_string_length string_ink
let shift off = List.map (fun (start,stop,v) -> start+off,stop+off,v);;
-let (^^) (map1,s1) (map2,s2) = map1 @ (shift (utf8_string_length s1) map2), s1 ^ s2;;
+let indent_string s = string_indent ^ s
-(* CSC: inefficient (quadratic) implementation *)
-let mapped_string_concat sep =
- let sep_len = utf8_string_length sep in
- let rec aux off =
- function
- [] -> [],""
- | [map,s] -> shift off map,s
- | (map,s)::tl ->
- let map = shift off map in
- let map2,s2 = aux (off + utf8_string_length s + sep_len) tl in
- map@map2, s ^ sep ^ s2
- in
- aux 0
-let indent_string s = string_indent ^^ s
let indent_children (size, children) =
let children' = List.map indent_string children in
size + string_space_len, children'
let add_row ~continue row =
match !res_rows with
| last :: prev when continue ->
- res_rows := (last ^^ ([],sep) ^^ row) :: prev;
- indent := !indent + utf8_string_length (snd last) + sep_len
- | _ -> res_rows := (([],String.make !indent ' ') ^^ row) :: !res_rows;
+ res_rows := (last ^ sep ^ row) :: prev;
+ indent := !indent + utf8_string_length last + sep_len
+ | _ -> res_rows := ((String.make !indent ' ') ^ row) :: !res_rows;
(fun rows ->
List.rev !res_rows
let max_len =
- List.fold_left (fun max_size (_,s) -> max (utf8_string_length s) max_size) 0
+ List.fold_left (fun max_size s -> max (utf8_string_length s) max_size) 0
let render_row available_space spacing children =
let spacing_bonus = if spacing then string_space_len else 0 in
let rendering = merge_columns sep (List.rev !renderings) in
max_len rendering, rendering
-let fixed_rendering href s =
+let fixed_rendering s =
let s_len = utf8_string_length s in
- let map = match href with None -> [] | Some href -> [0,s_len-1,href] in
- (fun _ -> s_len, [map,s])
+ fun _ -> s_len,[s]
let render_to_strings ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup =
let max_size = max_int in
let rec aux_box =
- | Box.Text (_, t) -> fixed_rendering None t
- | Box.Space _ -> fixed_rendering None string_space
- | Box.Ink _ -> fixed_rendering None string_ink
+ | Box.Text (_, t) -> fixed_rendering t
+ | Box.Space _ -> fixed_rendering string_space
+ | Box.Ink _ -> fixed_rendering string_ink
| Box.Action (_, []) -> assert false
| Box.Action (_, l) -> aux_box (choose_action l)
- | Box.Object (_, o) -> aux_mpres o
+ | Box.Object (_, o) -> fixed_rendering o
| Box.H (attrs, children) ->
let spacing = want_spacing attrs in
let children' = List.map aux_box children in
let hd_f = aux_box hd in
let tl_fs = List.map aux_box tl in
(fun size ->
- let _, hd_rendering = hd_f size in
+ let hd_rendering = snd (hd_f size) in
let children_size =
max 0 (if indent then size - string_indent_len else size)
if !renderings <> [] then end_cluster ();
max_len !rows, List.rev !rows)
- and aux_mpres =
- let text s = Pres.Mtext ([], s) in
- let mrow c = Pres.Mrow ([], c) in
- let parentesize s = s in
- function x ->
- let attrs = Pres.get_attr x in
- let href =
- try
- let _,_,href =
- List.find (fun (ns,na,value) -> ns = Some "xlink" && na = "href") attrs
- in
- Some href
- with Not_found -> None in
- match x with
- | Pres.Mi (_, s)
- | Pres.Mn (_, s)
- | Pres.Mtext (_, s)
- | Pres.Ms (_, s)
- | Pres.Mgliph (_, s) -> fixed_rendering href s
- | Pres.Mo (_, s) ->
- let s =
- if map_unicode_to_tex then begin
- if utf8_string_length s = 1 && Char.code s.[0] < 128 then
- s
- else
- match Utf8Macro.tex_of_unicode s with
- | s::_ -> s ^ " "
- | [] -> " " ^ s ^ " "
- end else
- s
- in
- fixed_rendering href s
- | Pres.Mspace _ -> fixed_rendering href string_space
- | Pres.Mrow (attrs, children) ->
- let children' = List.map aux_mpres children in
- (fun size -> render_row size false children')
- | Pres.Mfrac (_, m, n) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [ text " \\frac "; parentesize m ; text " "; parentesize n; text " " ])
- | Pres.Msqrt (_, m) -> aux_mpres (mrow [ text " \\sqrt "; parentesize m; text " "])
- | Pres.Mroot (_, r, i) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [
- text " \\root "; parentesize i; text " \\of "; parentesize r; text " " ])
- | Pres.Mstyle (_, m)
- | Pres.Merror (_, m)
- | Pres.Mpadded (_, m)
- | Pres.Mphantom (_, m)
- | Pres.Menclose (_, m) -> aux_mpres m
- | Pres.Mfenced (_, children) -> aux_mpres (mrow children)
- | Pres.Maction (_, []) -> assert false
- | Pres.Msub (_, m, n) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [ text " "; parentesize m; text " \\sub "; parentesize n; text " " ])
- | Pres.Msup (_, m, n) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [ text " "; parentesize m; text " \\sup "; parentesize n; text " " ])
- | Pres.Munder (_, m, n) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [ text " "; parentesize m; text " \\below "; parentesize n; text " " ])
- | Pres.Mover (_, m, n) ->
- aux_mpres (mrow [ text " "; parentesize m; text " \\above "; parentesize n; text " " ])
- | Pres.Msubsup _
- | Pres.Munderover _
- | Pres.Mtable _ ->
- prerr_endline
- "MathML presentation element not yet available in concrete syntax";
- assert false
- | Pres.Maction (_, hd :: _) -> aux_mpres hd
- | Pres.Mobject (_, o) -> aux_box (o: CicNotationPres.boxml_markup)
- snd (aux_mpres markup size)
+ snd (aux_box markup size)
let render_to_string ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup =
- mapped_string_concat "\n"
+ String.concat "\n"
(render_to_strings ~map_unicode_to_tex choose_action size markup)
* http://helm.cs.unibo.it/
-(* $Id$ *)
open Printf
-module Ast = NotationPt
-module Mpres = Mpresentation
-type mathml_markup = boxml_markup Mpres.mpres
-and boxml_markup = mathml_markup Box.box
-type markup = mathml_markup
+module A = NotationPt
-let atop_attributes = [None, "linethickness", "0pt"]
+type markup = string Box.box
let to_unicode = Utf8Macro.unicode_of_tex
-let rec make_attributes l1 = function
- | [] -> []
- | hd :: tl ->
- (match hd with
- | None -> make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl
- | Some s ->
- let p,n = List.hd l1 in
- (p,n,s) :: make_attributes (List.tl l1) tl)
-let box_of_mpres =
- function
- | Mpresentation.Mobject (attrs, box) ->
- assert (attrs = []);
- box
- | mpres -> Box.Object ([], mpres)
-let mpres_of_box =
- function
- | Box.Object (attrs, mpres) ->
- assert (attrs = []);
- mpres
- | box -> Mpresentation.Mobject ([], box)
-let rec genuine_math =
- function
- | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], obj) -> not (genuine_box obj)
- | _ -> true
-and genuine_box =
- function
- | Box.Object ([], mpres) -> not (genuine_math mpres)
- | _ -> true
-let rec eligible_math =
- function
- | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], Box.Object ([], mpres)) -> eligible_math mpres
- | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], _) -> false
- | _ -> true
-let rec promote_to_math =
- function
- | Mpresentation.Mobject ([], Box.Object ([], mpres)) -> promote_to_math mpres
- | math -> math
-let small_skip =
- Mpresentation.Mspace (RenderingAttrs.small_skip_attributes `MathML)
+let open_paren = Box.Text ([], "(")
+let closed_paren = Box.Text ([], ")")
+let semicolon = Box.Text ([], ";")
-let rec add_mpres_attributes new_attr = function
- | Mpresentation.Mobject (attr, box) ->
- Mpresentation.Mobject (attr, add_box_attributes new_attr box)
- | mpres ->
- Mpresentation.set_attr (new_attr @ Mpresentation.get_attr mpres) mpres
-and add_box_attributes new_attr = function
- | Box.Object (attr, mpres) ->
- Box.Object (attr, add_mpres_attributes new_attr mpres)
- | box -> Box.set_attr (new_attr @ Box.get_attr box) box
-let box_of mathonly spec attrs children =
- match children with
- | [t] -> add_mpres_attributes attrs t
- | _ ->
- let kind, spacing, indent = spec in
- let dress children =
- if spacing then
- NotationUtil.dress small_skip children
- else
- children
- in
- if mathonly then Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs, dress children)
- else
- let attrs' =
- (if spacing then RenderingAttrs.spacing_attributes `BoxML else [])
- @ (if indent then RenderingAttrs.indent_attributes `BoxML else [])
- @ attrs
- in
- match kind with
- | Ast.H ->
- if List.for_all eligible_math children then
- Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs',
- dress (List.map promote_to_math children))
- else
- mpres_of_box (Box.H (attrs',
- List.map box_of_mpres children))
-(* | Ast.H when List.for_all genuine_math children ->
- Mpresentation.Mrow (attrs', dress children) *)
- | Ast.V ->
- mpres_of_box (Box.V (attrs',
- List.map box_of_mpres children))
- | Ast.HV ->
- mpres_of_box (Box.HV (attrs',
- List.map box_of_mpres children))
- | Ast.HOV ->
- mpres_of_box (Box.HOV (attrs',
- List.map box_of_mpres children))
-let open_paren = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "(")
-let closed_paren = Mpresentation.Mo ([], ")")
-let open_bracket = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "[")
-let closed_bracket = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "]")
-let open_brace = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "{")
-let closed_brace = Mpresentation.Mo ([], "}")
-let hidden_substs = Mpresentation.Mtext ([], "{...}")
-let hidden_lctxt = Mpresentation.Mtext ([], "[...]")
-let open_box_paren = Box.Text ([], "(")
-let closed_box_paren = Box.Text ([], ")")
-let semicolon = Mpresentation.Mo ([], ";")
let toggle_action children =
- Mpresentation.Maction ([None, "actiontype", "toggle"], children)
+ Box.Action ([None, "actiontype", "toggle"], children)
type child_pos = [ `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
| Gramext.RightA -> "RightA"
| Gramext.NonA -> "NonA"
-let is_atomic t =
- let rec aux_mpres = function
- | Mpres.Mi _
- | Mpres.Mo _
- | Mpres.Mn _
- | Mpres.Ms _
- | Mpres.Mtext _
- | Mpres.Mspace _ -> true
- | Mpres.Mobject (_, box) -> aux_box box
- | Mpres.Maction (_, [mpres])
- | Mpres.Mrow (_, [mpres]) -> aux_mpres mpres
- | _ -> false
- and aux_box = function
- | Box.Space _
- | Box.Ink _
- | Box.Text _ -> true
- | Box.Object (_, mpres) -> aux_mpres mpres
- | Box.H (_, [box])
- | Box.V (_, [box])
- | Box.HV (_, [box])
- | Box.HOV (_, [box])
- | Box.Action (_, [box]) -> aux_box box
- | _ -> false
- in
- aux_mpres t
+let rec is_atomic = function
+ | Box.Space _
+ | Box.Ink _
+ | Box.Text _
+ | Box.Object _ -> true
+ | Box.H (_, [box])
+ | Box.V (_, [box])
+ | Box.HV (_, [box])
+ | Box.HOV (_, [box])
+ | Box.Action (_, [box]) -> is_atomic box
+ | _ -> false
let add_parens child_prec curr_prec t =
if is_atomic t then
(*prerr_endline ("adding parens around: "^
BoxPp.render_to_string (function x::_->x|_->assert false)
~map_unicode_to_tex:false 80 t);*)
- match t with
- | Mpresentation.Mobject (_, box) ->
- mpres_of_box (Box.H ([], [ open_box_paren; box; closed_box_paren ]))
- | mpres -> Mpresentation.Mrow ([], [open_paren; t; closed_paren])
+ Box.H ([], [ open_paren; t; closed_paren ])
end else
((*prerr_endline ("NOT adding parens around: "^
BoxPp.render_to_string (function x::_->x|_->assert false)
~map_unicode_to_tex:false 80 t);*)t)
-let render status ~lookup_uri ?(prec=(-1)) =
- let module A = Ast in
- let module P = Mpresentation in
-(* let use_unicode = true in *)
- let make_href xmlattrs xref =
- let xref_uris =
- List.fold_right
- (fun xref uris ->
- match lookup_uri xref with
- | None -> uris
- | Some uri -> uri :: uris)
- !xref []
- in
- let xmlattrs_uris, xmlattrs =
- let xref_attrs, other_attrs =
- List.partition
- (function Some "xlink", "href", _ -> true | _ -> false)
- xmlattrs
- in
- List.map (fun (_, _, uri) -> uri) xref_attrs,
- other_attrs
- in
- let uris =
- match xmlattrs_uris @ xref_uris with
- | [] -> None
- | uris ->
- Some (String.concat " "
- (HExtlib.list_uniq (List.sort String.compare uris)))
- in
- let xrefs =
- match !xref with [] -> None | xrefs -> Some (String.concat " " xrefs)
- in
- xref := [];
- xmlattrs
- @ make_attributes [Some "helm", "xref"; Some "xlink", "href"]
- [xrefs; uris]
- in
- let make_xref xref =
- let xrefs =
- match !xref with [] -> None | xrefs -> Some (String.concat " " xrefs)
- in
- xref := [];
- make_attributes [Some "helm","xref"] [xrefs]
- in
- (* when mathonly is true no boxes should be generated, only mrows *)
- (* "xref" is *)
- let rec aux xmlattrs mathonly xref prec t =
+let render status ?(prec=(-1)) =
+ let rec aux prec t =
match t with
| A.AttributedTerm _ ->
- aux_attributes xmlattrs mathonly xref prec t
- | A.Num (literal, _) ->
- let attrs =
- (RenderingAttrs.number_attributes `MathML)
- @ make_href xmlattrs xref
- in
- Mpres.Mn (attrs, literal)
- | A.Symbol (literal, _) ->
- let attrs =
- (RenderingAttrs.symbol_attributes `MathML)
- @ make_href xmlattrs xref
- in
- Mpres.Mo (attrs, to_unicode literal)
- | A.Ident (literal, _) ->
- let attrs =
- (RenderingAttrs.ident_attributes `MathML)
- @ make_href xmlattrs xref
- in
- Mpres.Mi (attrs, to_unicode literal)
+ aux_attributes [] "" prec t
+ | A.Num (literal, _) -> Box.Text ([], literal)
+ | A.Symbol (literal, _) -> Box.Text ([], literal)
+ | A.Ident (literal, _) -> Box.Text ([], to_unicode literal)
| A.Meta(n, l) ->
- let local_context l =
- box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) []
- ([ Mpres.Mtext ([], "[") ] @
- (NotationUtil.dress (Mpres.Mtext ([], ";"))
+ let local_context =
+ Box.Text ([], "[")::
+ (NotationUtil.dress (Box.Text ([], ";"))
- | None -> Mpres.Mtext ([], "_")
- | Some t -> aux xmlattrs mathonly xref prec t) l)) @
- [ Mpres.Mtext ([], "]")])
+ | None -> Box.Text ([], "_")
+ | Some t -> aux prec t) l)) @
+ [Box.Text ([], "]")]
- let lctxt_maction = toggle_action [ hidden_lctxt; local_context l ] in
- box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) []
- ([Mpres.Mtext ([], "?"^string_of_int n) ]
- @ (if l <> [] then [lctxt_maction] else []))
- | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec l
- | A.UserInput -> Mpres.Mtext ([], "%")
- | A.Layout l -> aux_layout mathonly xref prec l
+ Box.H ([],
+ (Box.Text ([], "?"^string_of_int n)::
+ (if (l <> []) then [Box.H ([],local_context)] else [])))
+ | A.Literal l -> aux_literal prec l
+ | A.UserInput -> Box.Text ([], "%")
+ | A.Layout l -> aux_layout prec l
| A.Magic _
| A.Variable _ -> assert false (* should have been instantiated *)
| t ->
prerr_endline ("unexpected ast: " ^ NotationPp.pp_term status t);
assert false
- and aux_attributes xmlattrs mathonly xref prec t =
+ and aux_attributes xmlattrs xref prec t =
let reset = ref false in
let inferred_level = ref None in
let expected_level = ref None in
| Some prec -> prec
(match !inferred_level with
- | None -> aux !new_xmlattrs mathonly new_xref prec t
+ | None -> aux prec t
| Some child_prec ->
- let t' = aux !new_xmlattrs mathonly new_xref child_prec t in
+ let t' = aux child_prec t in
("inferred: "^string_of_int child_prec^
" exp: "^string_of_int prec ^
(* prerr_endline (NotationPp.pp_term t); *)
aux_attribute t
- and aux_literal xmlattrs xref prec l =
- let attrs = make_href xmlattrs xref in
+ and aux_literal prec l =
(match l with
- | `Symbol s -> Mpres.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s)
- | `Keyword s -> Mpres.Mtext (attrs, to_unicode s)
- | `Number s -> Mpres.Mn (attrs, to_unicode s))
- and aux_layout mathonly xref prec l =
- let attrs = make_xref xref in
- let invoke' t = aux [] true (ref []) prec t in
+ | `Symbol s -> Box.Text ([], to_unicode s)
+ | `Keyword s -> Box.Text ([], to_unicode s)
+ | `Number s -> Box.Text ([], to_unicode s))
+ and aux_layout prec l =
+ let attrs = [] in
+ let invoke' t = aux prec t in
(* use the one below to reset precedence and associativity *)
- let invoke_reinit t = aux [] mathonly xref ~-1 t in
+ let invoke_reinit t = aux ~-1 t in
match l with
| A.Sup (A.Layout (A.Sub (t1,t2)), t3)
| A.Sup (A.AttributedTerm (_,A.Layout (A.Sub (t1,t2))), t3)
- -> Mpres.Msubsup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2, invoke_reinit t3)
- | A.Sub (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.Sup (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.Below (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Munder (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.Above (t1, t2) -> Mpres.Mover (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke_reinit t2)
+ -> assert false
+ | A.Sub (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.Sup (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.Below (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.Above (t1, t2) -> assert false
| A.Frac (t1, t2)
- | A.Over (t1, t2) ->
- Mpres.Mfrac (attrs, invoke_reinit t1, invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.Atop (t1, t2) ->
- Mpres.Mfrac (atop_attributes @ attrs, invoke_reinit t1,
- invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.InfRule (t1, t2, t3) ->
- Mpres.Mstyle ([None,"mathsize","big"],
- Mpres.Mrow (attrs,
- [Mpres.Mfrac ([],
- Mpres.Mstyle ([None,"scriptlevel","0"],invoke_reinit t1),
- Mpres.Mstyle ([None,"scriptlevel","0"],invoke_reinit t2));
- Mpres.Mstyle ([None,"scriptlevel","2"],
- Mpresentation.Mspace
- (RenderingAttrs.small_skip_attributes `MathML));
- Mpres.Mstyle ([None,"scriptlevel","1"],invoke_reinit t3)]))
- | A.Sqrt t -> Mpres.Msqrt (attrs, invoke_reinit t)
- | A.Root (t1, t2) ->
- Mpres.Mroot (attrs, invoke_reinit t1, invoke_reinit t2)
- | A.Box ((_, spacing, _) as kind, terms) ->
- let children =
- aux_children mathonly spacing xref prec
- (NotationUtil.ungroup terms)
- in
- box_of mathonly kind attrs children
- | A.Mstyle (l,terms) ->
- Mpres.Mstyle
- (List.map (fun (k,v) -> None,k,v) l,
- box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) attrs
- (aux_children mathonly false xref prec
- (NotationUtil.ungroup terms)))
- | A.Mpadded (l,terms) ->
- Mpres.Mpadded
- (List.map (fun (k,v) -> None,k,v) l,
- box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) attrs
- (aux_children mathonly false xref prec
- (NotationUtil.ungroup terms)))
+ | A.Over (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.Atop (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.InfRule (t1, t2, t3) -> assert false
+ | A.Sqrt t -> assert false
+ | A.Root (t1, t2) -> assert false
+ | A.Box (a, terms) ->
+ let children = List.map (aux prec) terms in
+ Box.H([],children)
+ | A.Mstyle (l,terms) -> assert false
+ | A.Mpadded (l,terms) -> assert false
| A.Maction alternatives ->
toggle_action (List.map invoke_reinit alternatives)
- | A.Group terms ->
- let children =
- aux_children mathonly false xref prec
- (NotationUtil.ungroup terms)
- in
- box_of mathonly (A.H, false, false) attrs children
- | A.Break -> assert false (* TODO? *)
- and aux_children mathonly spacing xref prec terms =
- let find_clusters =
- let rec aux_list first clusters acc =
- function
- [] when acc = [] -> List.rev clusters
- | [] -> aux_list first (List.rev acc :: clusters) [] []
- | (A.Layout A.Break) :: tl when acc = [] ->
- aux_list first clusters [] tl
- | (A.Layout A.Break) :: tl ->
- aux_list first (List.rev acc :: clusters) [] tl
- | [hd] ->
- aux_list false clusters
- (aux [] mathonly xref prec hd :: acc) []
- | hd :: tl ->
- aux_list false clusters
- (aux [] mathonly xref prec hd :: acc) tl
- in
- aux_list true [] []
- in
- let boxify_pres =
- function
- [t] -> t
- | tl -> box_of mathonly (A.H, spacing, false) [] tl
- in
- List.map boxify_pres (find_clusters terms)
+ | A.Group terms -> assert false
+ | A.Break -> assert false
- aux [] false (ref []) prec
-let rec print_box (t: boxml_markup) =
- Box.box2xml print_mpres t
-and print_mpres (t: mathml_markup) =
- Mpresentation.print_mpres print_box t
-let print_xml = print_mpres
+ aux prec
(* let render_to_boxml id_to_uri t =
let xml_stream = print_box (box_of_mpres (render id_to_uri t)) in
Xml.add_xml_declaration xml_stream *)
+let render_context_entry status name = function
+ | A.Decl t ->
+ Box.H ([],
+ [Box.Text([],name); Box.Text([],":");
+ render status (TermContentPres.pp_ast status t)])
+ | A.Def (t,ty) ->
+ Box.H ([],
+ [Box.Text([],name); Box.Text([],Utf8Macro.unicode_of_tex"\\def");
+ render status (TermContentPres.pp_ast status t)])
+let render_context status context =
+ Box.V ([],
+ List.map
+ (fun (name,entry) ->
+ render_context_entry status (to_unicode name) entry) context)
+let render_sequent status (i,context,ty) =
+ Box.V ([],
+ [render_context status context;
+ Box.Ink [None,"width","4cm"; None,"height","2px"];
+ render status (TermContentPres.pp_ast status ty)])