let open_box_paren = Box.Text ([], "(")
let closed_box_paren = Box.Text ([], ")")
-type child_pos = [ `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
+type child_pos = [ `None | `Left | `Right | `Inner ]
let pp_assoc =
let pp_pos =
- | `Left -> "`Left"
- | `Right -> "`Right"
- | `Inner -> "`Inner"
+ `None -> "`None"
+ | `Left -> "`Left"
+ | `Right -> "`Right"
+ | `Inner -> "`Inner"
let is_atomic t =
let module P = Mpresentation in
-let render ids_to_uris t =
+let render ids_to_uris =
let module A = CicNotationPt in
let module P = Mpresentation in
let use_unicode = true in
let attrs = indent_attributes @ make_href xref in
P.Mobject ([], Box.HV (indent_attributes, List.map make_box children))
- let rec invoke mathonly xref prec assoc t =
- fst (aux mathonly xref prec assoc t)
(* when mathonly is true no boxes should be generated, only mrows *)
- and aux mathonly xref prec assoc t =
- let return t = t, (prec, assoc) in
+ let rec aux mathonly xref pos prec t =
match t with
- | A.AttributedTerm (`Loc _, t) -> return (invoke mathonly xref prec assoc t)
- | A.AttributedTerm (`Level (prec, assoc), t) ->
- return (invoke mathonly xref prec assoc t)
- | A.AttributedTerm (`IdRef xref, t) ->
- return (invoke mathonly (Some xref) prec assoc t)
- | A.Ident (literal, _) -> return (P.Mi (make_href xref, to_unicode literal))
- | A.Num (literal, _) -> return (P.Mn (make_href xref, to_unicode literal))
- | A.Symbol (literal, _) -> return (P.Mo (make_href xref,to_unicode literal))
- | A.Uri (literal, _) -> return (P.Mi (make_href xref, to_unicode literal))
- (* default pretty printing shant' be implemented here *)
-(* | A.Appl terms ->
- let children = aux_children mathonly xref prec assoc terms in
- make_hv xref children
- | A.Binder (`Pi, (A.Ident ("_", None), ty_opt), body)
- | A.Binder (`Forall, (A.Ident ("_", None), ty_opt), body) ->
- let ty' =
- match ty_opt with
- | None -> mpres_implicit
- | Some ty -> invoke mathonly None prec assoc ty
- in
- let body' = invoke mathonly None prec assoc body in
- return (make_hv xref [ty'; make_h None [mpres_arrow; body']]) *)
- | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xref prec assoc l
- | A.Layout l -> aux_layout mathonly xref prec assoc l
+ | A.AttributedTerm (`Loc _, t) -> aux mathonly xref pos prec t
+ | A.AttributedTerm (`Level (child_prec, child_assoc), t) ->
+ let t' = aux mathonly xref pos child_prec t in
+ add_parens child_prec child_assoc pos prec t'
+ | A.AttributedTerm (`IdRef xref, t) -> aux mathonly (Some xref) pos prec t
+ | A.Ident (literal, _) -> P.Mi (make_href xref, to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Num (literal, _) -> P.Mn (make_href xref, to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Symbol (literal, _) -> P.Mo (make_href xref,to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Uri (literal, _) -> P.Mi (make_href xref, to_unicode literal)
+ | A.Literal l -> aux_literal xref prec l
+ | A.Layout l -> aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec l
| A.Magic _
| A.Variable _ -> assert false (* should have been instantiated *)
| t ->
prerr_endline (CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
assert false
- and aux_literal xref prec assoc l =
- let return t = t, (prec, assoc) in
+ and aux_literal xref prec l =
let attrs = make_href xref in
- match l with
- | `Symbol s
- | `Keyword s -> return (P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s))
- | `Number s -> return (P.Mn (attrs, to_unicode s))
- and aux_layout mathonly xref prec assoc l =
- let return t = t, (prec, assoc) in
+ match l with
+ | `Symbol s
+ | `Keyword s -> P.Mo (attrs, to_unicode s)
+ | `Number s -> P.Mn (attrs, to_unicode s)
+ and aux_layout mathonly xref pos prec l =
let attrs = make_xref xref in
- let invoke' t = invoke true None prec assoc t in
+ let invoke' t = aux true None pos prec t in
match l with
- | A.Sub (t1, t2) -> return (P.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
- | A.Sup (t1, t2) -> return (P.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
- | A.Below (t1, t2) -> return (P.Munder (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
- | A.Above (t1, t2) -> return (P.Mover (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
+ | A.Sub (t1, t2) -> P.Msub (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
+ | A.Sup (t1, t2) -> P.Msup (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
+ | A.Below (t1, t2) -> P.Munder (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
+ | A.Above (t1, t2) -> P.Mover (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
| A.Frac (t1, t2)
- | A.Over (t1, t2) -> return (P.Mfrac (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
+ | A.Over (t1, t2) -> P.Mfrac (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
| A.Atop (t1, t2) ->
- return (P.Mfrac (atop_attributes @ attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
- | A.Sqrt t -> return (P.Msqrt (attrs, invoke' t))
- | A.Root (t1, t2) -> return (P.Mroot (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2))
+ P.Mfrac (atop_attributes @ attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
+ | A.Sqrt t -> P.Msqrt (attrs, invoke' t)
+ | A.Root (t1, t2) -> P.Mroot (attrs, invoke' t1, invoke' t2)
| A.Box (kind, terms) ->
- let children = aux_children mathonly xref prec assoc terms in
- return (box_of mathonly kind attrs children)
- and aux_children mathonly xref prec assoc terms =
+ let children = aux_children mathonly xref pos prec terms in
+ box_of mathonly kind attrs children
+ and aux_children mathonly xref pos prec terms =
let rec aux_list first =
[] -> []
| [t] ->
- let t', (child_prec, child_assoc) = aux mathonly xref prec assoc t in
- prerr_endline ("T " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
- [add_parens child_prec child_assoc `Right prec t']
+ assert (not first);
+ let pos' =
+ match pos with
+ `None -> `Right
+ | `Inner -> `Inner
+ | `Right -> `Right
+ | `Left -> `Inner
+ in
+ [aux mathonly xref pos' prec t]
| t :: tl ->
- let t', (child_prec, child_assoc) = aux mathonly xref prec assoc t in
- prerr_endline ( "T " ^ CicNotationPp.pp_term t);
- let child_pos = if first then `Left else `Inner in
- let hd = add_parens child_prec child_assoc child_pos prec t' in
- hd :: aux_list false tl
+ let pos' =
+ match pos, first with
+ `None, true -> `Left
+ | `None, false -> `Inner
+ | `Left, true -> `Left
+ | `Left, false -> `Inner
+ | `Right, _ -> `Inner
+ | `Inner, _ -> `Inner
+ in
+ (aux mathonly xref pos' prec t) :: aux_list false tl
match terms with
- [t] -> [invoke mathonly xref prec assoc t]
+ [t] -> [aux mathonly xref pos prec t]
| tl -> aux_list true tl
- fst (aux false None 0 Gramext.NonA t)
+ aux false None `None 0
let render_to_boxml id_to_uri t =
let rec print_box (t: CicNotationPres.boxml_markup) =