open Printf
let print ?(depth=0) s =
- prerr_endline (String.make depth '\t'^Lazy.force s)
+ prerr_endline (String.make (2*depth) ' '^Lazy.force s)
let noprint ?(depth=0) _ = ()
let debug_print = noprint
(fun open_goal ->
h := max !h (height_of_goal open_goal status))
- debug_print (lazy ("altezza sequente: " ^ string_of_int !h));
+ noprint (lazy ("altezza sequente: " ^ string_of_int !h));
let gty = NCicUntrusted.apply_subst status subst ctx gty in
let build_status (pt, _, metasenv, subst) =
- debug_print (lazy ("refining: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pt)));
+ noprint (lazy ("refining: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pt)));
let stamp = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let metasenv, subst, pt, pty =
(* NCicRefiner.typeof status
(* (status#set_coerc_db NCicCoercion.empty_db) *)
metasenv subst ctx pt None in
- print (lazy ("refined: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pt)));
- debug_print (lazy ("synt: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pty)));
+ debug_print (lazy ("refined: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pt)));
+ noprint (lazy ("synt: "^(status#ppterm ctx subst metasenv pty)));
let metasenv, subst =
NCicUnification.unify status metasenv subst ctx gty pty *)
(status#set_coerc_db NCicCoercion.empty_db)
metasenv subst ctx pt (Some gty)
- debug_print (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Refined in %fs"
+ noprint (lazy (Printf.sprintf "Refined in %fs"
(Unix.gettimeofday() -. stamp)));
let status = status#set_obj (n,h,metasenv,subst,o) in
let metasenv = List.filter (fun j,_ -> j <> goal) metasenv in
let index_local_equations eq_cache status =
- debug_print (lazy "indexing equations");
+ noprint (lazy "indexing equations");
let open_goals = head_goals status#stack in
let open_goal = List.hd open_goals in
let ngty = get_goalty status open_goal in
let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof status [] [] ctx t in
if is_a_fact status (mk_cic_term ctx ty) then
- (debug_print(lazy("eq indexing " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty)));
+ (noprint(lazy("eq indexing " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty)));
NCicParamod.forward_infer_step eq_cache t ty)
- (debug_print (lazy ("not a fact: " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty)));
+ (noprint (lazy ("not a fact: " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty)));
| NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _
(fun i ->
let (_, ctx, t, _) = List.assoc i subst in
- debug_print (lazy (status#ppterm ctx [] [] t));
+ noprint (lazy (status#ppterm ctx [] [] t));
(fun (uri,_,_,_,_) as obj ->
NCicEnvironment.invalidate_item (`Obj (uri, obj)))
let elems = IntSet.elements subset in
let _, ctx, ty = NCicUtils.lookup_meta g metasenv in
let ty = NCicUntrusted.apply_subst status subst ctx ty in
- debug_print (lazy ("metas in " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] metasenv ty)));
- debug_print (lazy (String.concat ", " ( string_of_int elems)));
+ noprint (lazy ("metas in " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] metasenv ty)));
+ noprint (lazy (String.concat ", " ( string_of_int elems)));
let submenv = List.filter (fun (x,_) -> IntSet.mem x subset) metasenv in
let submenv = List.rev (NCicUntrusted.sort_metasenv status subst submenv) in
let submenv = metasenv in
let ty = close_wrt_metasenv status subst ty submenv in
- debug_print (lazy (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty));
+ noprint (lazy (status#ppterm ctx [] [] ty));
let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let _,ctx,jty = List.assoc j metasenv in
let jty = NCicUntrusted.apply_subst status subst ctx jty in
- debug_print(lazy("goal " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] jty)));
+ noprint(lazy("goal " ^ (status#ppterm ctx [] [] jty)));
fast_eq_check unit_eq status j
| NCicEnvironment.ObjectNotFound s as e ->
(fun (status, acc) g ->
let gty = get_goalty status g in
let ctx = ctx_of gty in
- debug_print(lazy("th cache for: "^ppterm status gty));
- debug_print(lazy("th cache in: "^ppcontext status ctx));
+ noprint(lazy("th cache for: "^ppterm status gty));
+ noprint(lazy("th cache in: "^ppcontext status ctx));
if List.mem_assq ctx acc then status, acc else
let idx = InvRelDiscriminationTree.empty in
let status,_,idx =
(fun (status, i, idx) _ ->
let t = mk_cic_term ctx (NCic.Rel i) in
let status, keys = keys_of_term status t in
- debug_print(lazy("indexing: "^ppterm status t ^ ": " ^ string_of_int (List.length keys)));
+ noprint(lazy("indexing: "^ppterm status t ^ ": " ^ string_of_int (List.length keys)));
let idx =
List.fold_left (fun idx k ->
InvRelDiscriminationTree.index idx k t) idx keys
(status,[]) gl
+let all_elements ctx cache =
+ let dummy = mk_cic_term ctx (NCic.Meta (0,(0, (NCic.Irl 0)))) in
+ try
+ let idx = List.assq ctx cache in
+ Ncic_termSet.elements
+ (InvRelDiscriminationTree.retrieve_unifiables idx dummy)
+ with Not_found -> []
let add_to_th t c ty =
let key_c = ctx_of t in
if not (List.mem_assq key_c c) then
let pp_idx status idx =
InvRelDiscriminationTree.iter idx
(fun k set ->
- debug_print(lazy("K: " ^ NCicInverseRelIndexable.string_of_path k));
+ noprint(lazy("K: " ^ NCicInverseRelIndexable.string_of_path k));
(fun t -> debug_print(lazy("\t"^ppterm status t)))
let pp_th (status: #NTacStatus.pstatus) =
(fun ctx, idx ->
- debug_print(lazy( "-----------------------------------------------"));
- debug_print(lazy( (status#ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ctx)));
- debug_print(lazy( "||====> "));
+ noprint(lazy( "-----------------------------------------------"));
+ noprint(lazy( (status#ppcontext ~metasenv:[] ~subst:[] ctx)));
+ noprint(lazy( "||====> "));
pp_idx status idx)
type cache =
{facts : th_cache; (* positive results *)
under_inspection : cic_term list * th_cache; (* to prune looping *)
+ failures : th_cache; (* to avoid repetitions *)
unit_eq : NCicParamod.state;
trace: Ast.term list
type fail = goal * cic_term
type candidate = int * Ast.term (* unique candidate number, candidate *)
-exception Gaveup of IntSet.t (* a sublist of unprovable conjunctive
- atoms of the input goals *)
+exception Gaveup of th_cache (* failure cache *)
exception Proved of NTacStatus.tac_status * Ast.term list
(* let close_failures _ c = c;; *)
(* let add_to_cache_and_del_from_orlist_if_green_cut _ _ c _ _ o f _ = c, o, f, false ;; *)
(* let cache_add_underinspection c _ _ = c;; *)
-let init_cache ?(facts=[]) ?(under_inspection=[],[])
+let init_cache ?(facts=[]) ?(under_inspection=[],[])
+ ?(failures=[])
_ =
{facts = facts;
+ failures = failures;
under_inspection = under_inspection;
unit_eq = unit_eq;
trace = trace}
let height = fast_height_of_term status candidate_ty in
let rc = signature >= height in
if rc = false then
- debug_print (lazy ("Filtro: " ^ status#ppterm ~context:[] ~subst:[]
+ noprint (lazy ("Filtro: " ^ status#ppterm ~context:[] ~subst:[]
~metasenv:[] candidate ^ ": " ^ string_of_int height))
- debug_print (lazy ("Tengo: " ^ status#ppterm ~context:[] ~subst:[]
+ noprint (lazy ("Tengo: " ^ status#ppterm ~context:[] ~subst:[]
~metasenv:[] candidate ^ ": " ^ string_of_int height));
rc *)
let status,t = term_of_cic_term status ct ctx in
let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof status subst metasenv ctx t in
let res = branch status (mk_cic_term ctx ty) in
- debug_print (lazy ("branch factor for: " ^ (ppterm status ct) ^ " = "
+ noprint (lazy ("branch factor for: " ^ (ppterm status ct) ^ " = "
^ (string_of_int res)));
let candidates =
List.sort (fun (a,_) (b,_) -> a - b) candidates in
let candidates = snd candidates in
- debug_print (lazy ("candidates =\n" ^ (String.concat "\n"
+ noprint (lazy ("candidates =\n" ^ (String.concat "\n"
( (NotationPp.pp_term status) candidates))));
let ty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof subst metasenv ctx ct in
let res = branch status (mk_cic_term ctx ty) in
if smart=1 && og_no > res then
- (print (lazy ("branch factor for: " ^ (ppterm status cict) ^ " = "
+ (debug_print (lazy ("branch factor for: " ^ (ppterm status cict) ^ " = "
^ (string_of_int res) ^ " vs. " ^ (string_of_int og_no)));
- print ~depth (lazy "strange application"); None)
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "strange application"); None)
else *)
(incr candidate_no;
Some ((!candidate_no,t),status))
let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in
let context = ctx_of gty in
let _, raw_gty = term_of_cic_term status gty context in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("gty:" ^ NTacStatus.ppterm status gty));
let raw_weak_gty, weak_gty =
if smart then
match raw_gty with
| NCic.Appl _
| NCic.Const _
| NCic.Rel _ ->
- let weak = perforate_small status subst metasenv context raw_gty in
- Some weak, Some (mk_cic_term context weak)
+ let raw_weak =
+ perforate_small status subst metasenv context raw_gty in
+ let weak = mk_cic_term context raw_weak in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("weak_gty:" ^ NTacStatus.ppterm status weak));
+ Some raw_weak, Some (weak)
| _ -> None,None
else None,None
let mapf s =
let to_ast = function
| NCic.Const r when true (*is_relevant statistics r*) -> Some (Ast.NRef r)
- | NCic.Const _ -> None
+ (* | NCic.Const _ -> None *)
| _ -> assert false in
to_ast (NDiscriminationTree.TermSet.elements s) in
| NCic.Prod _ -> true, false
| _ -> false, NCicParamod.is_equation status metasenv subst context t
- debug_print~depth (lazy (string_of_bool is_eq));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy (string_of_bool is_eq));
(* old
let candidates, smart_candidates =
get_candidates ~smart:(not is_eq) depth
let sm = 0 in
let smart_candidates = [] in *)
let sm = if is_eq then 0 else 2 in
- let maxd = ((depth + 1) = flags.maxdepth) in
+ (* wrong: we constraint maxdepth for equality goals to three *)
+ (* let maxdepth = if is_eq then min flags.maxdepth 6 else flags.maxdepth in *)
+ let maxd = (depth + 1 = flags.maxdepth) in
let only_one = flags.last && maxd in
- debug_print (lazy ("only_one: " ^ (string_of_bool only_one)));
- debug_print (lazy ("maxd: " ^ (string_of_bool maxd)));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("only_one: " ^ (string_of_bool only_one)));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("maxd: " ^ (string_of_bool maxd)));
let elems =
(fun elems cand ->
if (maxd && not(is_prod) &
not(is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context cand))
- then (debug_print (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
+ then (debug_print ~depth (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
match try_candidate (~smart:sm)
flags depth status cache.unit_eq context cand with
if (maxd && not(is_prod) &&
not(is_a_fact_ast status subst metasenv context cand))
- then (debug_print (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
+ then (debug_print ~depth (lazy "pruned: not a fact"); elems)
- match try_candidate (~smart:1)
+ match try_candidate (~smart:2) (* was smart:1 *)
flags depth status cache.unit_eq context cand with
| None -> elems
| Some x -> x::elems)
exception Found
(* gty is supposed to be meta-closed *)
-let is_subsumed depth status gty cache =
+let is_subsumed depth filter_depth status gty cache =
if cache=[] then false else (
debug_print ~depth (lazy("Subsuming " ^ (ppterm status gty)));
let n,h,metasenv,subst,obj = status#obj in
let ctx = ctx_of gty in
- let _ , target = term_of_cic_term status gty ctx in
- let target = NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 target in
+ let _ , raw_gty = term_of_cic_term status gty ctx in
+ let target = NCicSubstitution.lift status 1 raw_gty in
+ (* we compute candidates using the perforated type *)
+ let weak_gty =
+ match target with
+ | NCic.Appl _
+ | NCic.Const _
+ | NCic.Rel _ ->
+ let raw_weak =
+ perforate_small status subst metasenv ctx raw_gty in
+ let weak = mk_cic_term ctx raw_weak in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("weak_gty:" ^ NTacStatus.ppterm status weak));
+ Some (weak)
+ | _ -> None
+ in
(* candidates must only be searched w.r.t the given context *)
let candidates =
let idx = List.assq ctx cache in
- Ncic_termSet.elements
- (InvRelDiscriminationTree.retrieve_generalizations idx gty)
+ match weak_gty with
+ | Some weak ->
+ Ncic_termSet.elements
+ (InvRelDiscriminationTree.retrieve_unifiables idx weak)
+ |None -> []
with Not_found -> []
+ (* this is a dirty trick: the first argument of an application is used
+ to remember at which depth a goal failed *)
+ let filter t =
+ let ctx = ctx_of t in
+ let _, src = term_of_cic_term status t ctx in
+ match src with
+ | NCic.Appl [NCic.Implicit (`Typeof d); t]
+ when d <= depth -> Some (mk_cic_term ctx t)
+ | _ -> None in
+ let candidates =
+ if filter_depth then HExtlib.filter_map filter candidates else candidates in
debug_print ~depth
(lazy ("failure candidates: " ^ string_of_int (List.length candidates)));
if l0 <> [] then l0, cache
(* whd *)
- let l = (*reduce ~whd:true ~depth status g @*) reduce ~whd:true ~depth status g in
+ let l = reduce ~whd:true ~depth status g in
(* if l <> [] then l,cache else *)
(* backward aplications *)
let l1 =
let g = head_goals status#stack in
let sortedg =
(List.rev (MS.topological_sort g (deps status))) in
- debug_print (lazy ("old g = " ^
+ noprint (lazy ("old g = " ^
String.concat "," ( string_of_int g)));
- debug_print (lazy ("sorted goals = " ^
+ noprint (lazy ("sorted goals = " ^
String.concat "," ( string_of_int sortedg)));
let is_it i = function
| (_,Continuationals.Stack.Open j )
if depth = 0 then raise (Proved (status, cache.trace))
let status = NTactics.merge_tac status in
- let cache =
- let l,tree = cache.under_inspection in
- match l with
+ let cache =
+ let l,tree = cache.under_inspection in
+ match l with
| [] -> cache (* possible because of intros that cleans the cache *)
| a::tl -> let tree = rm_from_th a tree a in
- {cache with under_inspection = tl,tree}
- in
- auto_clusters flags signature cache (depth-1) status
+ {cache with under_inspection = tl,tree}
+ in
+ auto_clusters flags signature cache (depth-1) status
else if List.length goals < 2 then
auto_main flags signature cache depth status
debug_print ~depth (lazy ("goals = " ^
String.concat "," ( string_of_int all_goals)));
let classes = HExtlib.clusters (deps status) all_goals in
- List.iter
- (fun gl ->
- if List.length gl > flags.maxwidth then begin
- debug_print ~depth (lazy "FAIL GLOBAL WIDTH");
- HLog.warn (sprintf "global width (%u) exceeded: %u"
- flags.maxwidth (List.length gl));
- raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ (* if any of the classes exceed maxwidth we fail *)
+ List.iter
+ (fun gl ->
+ if List.length gl > flags.maxwidth then
+ begin
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "FAIL GLOBAL WIDTH");
+ HLog.warn (sprintf "global width (%u) exceeded: %u"
+ flags.maxwidth (List.length gl));
+ raise (Gaveup cache.failures)
end else ()) classes;
if List.length classes = 1 then
let flags =
{flags with last = (List.length all_goals = 1)} in
(* no need to cluster *)
- auto_main flags signature cache depth status
+ auto_main flags signature cache depth status
- let classes = if top then List.rev classes else classes in
+ let classes = if top then List.rev classes else classes in
debug_print ~depth
(String.concat "\n"
- (fun l ->
- ("cluster:" ^ String.concat "," ( string_of_int l)))
+ (fun l ->
+ ("cluster:" ^ String.concat "," ( string_of_int l)))
- let status,trace,b =
+ (* we now process each cluster *)
+ let status,cache,b =
- (fun (status,trace,b) gl ->
- let cache = {cache with trace = trace} in
+ (fun (status,cache,b) gl ->
let flags =
{flags with last = (List.length gl = 1)} in
let lold = List.length status#stack in
| Proved(status,trace) ->
let status = NTactics.merge_tac status in
+ let cache = {cache with trace = trace} in
let lnew = List.length status#stack in
assert (lold = lnew);
- (status,trace,true)
- | Gaveup _ when top -> (status,trace,b)
+ (status,cache,true)
+ | Gaveup failures when top ->
+ let cache = {cache with failures = failures} in
+ (status,cache,b)
- (status,cache.trace,false) classes
+ (status,cache,false) classes
let rec final_merge n s =
if n = 0 then s else final_merge (n-1) (NTactics.merge_tac s)
in let status = final_merge depth status
- in if b then raise (Proved(status,trace)) else raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ in if b then raise (Proved(status,cache.trace)) else raise (Gaveup cache.failures)
debug_print ~depth (lazy "FAIL LOCAL WIDTH");
HLog.warn (sprintf "local width (%u) exceeded: %u"
flags.maxwidth ng);
- raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ raise (Gaveup cache.failures)
end else if depth = flags.maxdepth then
- raise (Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ raise (Gaveup cache.failures)
let status = NTactics.branch_tac ~force:true status in
let g,gctx, gty = current_goal status in
let ctx,ty = close status g in
let closegty = mk_cic_term ctx ty in
let status, gty = apply_subst status gctx gty in
- debug_print ~depth (lazy("Attacking goal " ^ (string_of_int g) ^" : "^ppterm status gty));
- if is_subsumed depth status closegty (snd cache.under_inspection) then
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy("Attacking goal " ^
+ string_of_int g ^ " : "^ppterm status gty));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("current failures: " ^
+ string_of_int (List.length (all_elements ctx cache.failures))));
+ let is_eq =
+ let _,_,metasenv,subst,_ = status#obj in
+ NCicParamod.is_equation status metasenv subst ctx ty in
+ (* if the goal is an equality we artificially raise its depth up to
+ flags.maxdepth - 1 *)
+ if (not flags.last && is_eq && (depth < (flags.maxdepth -1))) then
+ (* for efficiency reasons, in this case we severely cripple the
+ search depth *)
+ (debug_print ~depth (lazy ("RAISING DEPTH TO " ^ string_of_int (depth+1)));
+ auto_main flags signature cache (depth+1) status)
+ (* check for loops *)
+ else if is_subsumed depth false status closegty (snd cache.under_inspection) then
(debug_print ~depth (lazy "SUBSUMED");
- raise (Gaveup IntSet.add g IntSet.empty))
+ raise (Gaveup cache.failures))
+ (* check for failures *)
+ else if is_subsumed depth true status closegty cache.failures then
+ (debug_print ~depth (lazy "ALREADY MET");
+ raise (Gaveup cache.failures))
let new_sig = height_of_goal g status in
if new_sig < signature then
- (debug_print (lazy ("news = " ^ (string_of_int new_sig)));
- debug_print (lazy ("olds = " ^ (string_of_int signature))));
+ (debug_print ~depth (lazy ("news = " ^ (string_of_int new_sig)));
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy ("olds = " ^ (string_of_int signature))));
let alternatives, cache =
do_something signature flags status g depth gty cache in
let loop_cache =
- let l,tree = cache.under_inspection in
- let l,tree = closegty::l, add_to_th closegty tree closegty in
- {cache with under_inspection = l,tree} in
- List.iter
- (fun ((_,t),status) ->
+ if flags.last then
+ let l,tree = cache.under_inspection in
+ let l,tree = closegty::l, add_to_th closegty tree closegty in
+ {cache with under_inspection = l,tree}
+ else cache in
+ let failures =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun allfailures ((_,t),status) ->
debug_print ~depth
(lazy ("(re)considering goal " ^
(string_of_int g) ^" : "^ppterm status gty));
then depth, cache
else depth+1,loop_cache in
let cache = add_to_trace status ~depth cache t in
+ let cache = {cache with failures = allfailures} in
- auto_clusters flags signature cache depth status
- with Gaveup _ ->
+ auto_clusters flags signature cache depth status;
+ assert false;
+ with Gaveup fail ->
debug_print ~depth (lazy "Failed");
- ())
- alternatives;
- raise (debug_print(lazy "no more candidates"); Gaveup IntSet.empty)
+ fail)
+ cache.failures alternatives in
+ let failures =
+ if flags.last then
+ let newfail =
+ let dty = NCic.Appl [NCic.Implicit (`Typeof depth); ty] in
+ mk_cic_term ctx dty
+ in
+ prerr_endline ("FAILURE : " ^ ppterm status gty);
+ add_to_th newfail failures closegty
+ else failures in
+ debug_print ~depth (lazy "no more candidates");
+ raise (Gaveup failures)
let int name l def =
fast_eq_check_tac ~params
else auto_tac ~params ?trace_ref