(candidate, eq_URI))
let c, other, eq_URI =
- if pos = Utils.Left then left, right, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
- else right, left, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ if pos = Utils.Left then left, right, Utils.eq_ind_URI ()
+ else right, left, Utils.eq_ind_r_URI ()
if o <> U.Incomparable then
(candidate, eq_URI))
let c, other, eq_URI =
- if pos = Utils.Left then left, right, HL.Logic.eq_ind_URI
- else right, left, HL.Logic.eq_ind_r_URI
+ if pos = Utils.Left then left, right, Utils.eq_ind_URI ()
+ else right, left, Utils.eq_ind_r_URI ()
if o <> U.Incomparable then
-let build_ens_for_sym_eq ty x y =
- [(UriManager.uri_of_string
- "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/A.var", ty);
- (UriManager.uri_of_string
- "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/x.var", x);
- (UriManager.uri_of_string
- "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/y.var", y)]
let build_newtarget_time = ref 0.;;
incr demod_counter;
let bo' =
let l, r = if is_left then t, S.lift 1 right else S.lift 1 left, t in
- C.Appl [C.MutInd (HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI, 0, []);
+ C.Appl [C.MutInd (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, []);
S.lift 1 eq_ty; l; r]
if sign = Utils.Positive then
(* let target' = *)
let eq_found =
let proof' =
- let ens =
- if pos = Utils.Left then
- build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other
- else
- build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what
+(* let ens = *)
+(* if pos = Utils.Left then *)
+(* build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other *)
+(* else *)
+(* build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what *)
+ let termlist =
+ if pos = Utils.Left then [ty; what; other]
+ else [ty; other; what]
- Inference.ProofSymBlock (ens, proof')
+ Inference.ProofSymBlock (termlist, proof')
let what, other =
if pos = Utils.Left then what, other else other, what
(* in *)
let refl =
C.Appl [C.MutConstruct (* reflexivity *)
- (HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI, 0, 1, []);
+ (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, 1, []);
eq_ty; if is_left then right else left]
let bo'' =
let l, r =
if ordering = U.Gt then bo, S.lift 1 right else S.lift 1 left, bo in
- C.Appl [C.MutInd (HL.Logic.eq_URI, 0, []); S.lift 1 eq_ty; l; r]
+ C.Appl [C.MutInd (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, []);
+ S.lift 1 eq_ty; l; r]
incr maxmeta;
let metaproof =
(* let target' = *)
let eq_found =
let proof' =
- let ens =
- if pos = Utils.Left then
- build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other
- else
- build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what
+(* let ens = *)
+(* if pos = Utils.Left then *)
+(* build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other *)
+(* else *)
+(* build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what *)
+(* in *)
+ let termlist =
+ if pos = Utils.Left then [ty; what; other]
+ else [ty; other; what]
- Inference.ProofSymBlock (ens, proof')
+ Inference.ProofSymBlock (termlist, proof')
let what, other =
if pos = Utils.Left then what, other else other, what
(* in *)
let refl =
C.Appl [C.MutConstruct (* reflexivity *)
- (HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI, 0, 1, []);
+ (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, 1, []);
eq_ty; if ordering = U.Gt then right else left]
let bo'' =
let l, r =
if ordering = U.Gt then bo, S.lift 1 right else S.lift 1 left, bo in
- C.Appl [C.MutInd (HL.Logic.eq_URI, 0, []); S.lift 1 eq_ty; l; r]
+ C.Appl [C.MutInd (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, []);
+ S.lift 1 eq_ty; l; r]
Inference.ProofBlock (
let eq_found =
let proof' =
- let ens =
- if pos = Utils.Left then build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other
- else build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what
+(* let ens = *)
+(* if pos = Utils.Left then build_ens_for_sym_eq ty what other *)
+(* else build_ens_for_sym_eq ty other what *)
+(* in *)
+ let termlist =
+ if pos = Utils.Left then [ty; what; other]
+ else [ty; other; what]
- Inference.ProofSymBlock (ens, proof')
+ Inference.ProofSymBlock (termlist, proof')
let what, other =
if pos = Utils.Left then what, other else other, what
(* (Cic.name * Cic.term * Cic.term * Cic.term * Cic.term) * *)
(Utils.pos * equality) * proof
| ProofGoalBlock of proof * proof (* equality *)
- | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * proof
+(* | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * proof *)
+ | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term list * proof
| SubProof of Cic.term * int * proof
+let build_ens_for_sym_eq sym_eq_URI termlist =
+ let obj, _ = CicEnvironment.get_obj CicUniv.empty_ugraph sym_eq_URI in
+ match obj with
+ | Cic.Constant (_, _, _, uris, _) ->
+ assert (List.length uris <= List.length termlist);
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [], tl -> [], tl
+ | (uri::uris), (term::tl) ->
+ let ens, args = aux (uris, tl) in
+ (uri, term)::ens, args
+ | _, _ -> assert false
+ in
+ aux (uris, termlist)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* [(UriManager.uri_of_string *)
+(* "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/A.var", ty); *)
+(* (UriManager.uri_of_string *)
+(* "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/x.var", x); *)
+(* (UriManager.uri_of_string *)
+(* "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/Logic_lemmas/equality/y.var", y)] *)
let build_proof_term proof =
let rec do_build_proof proof =
match proof with
| ProofGoalBlock (proofbit, proof) ->
print_endline "found ProofGoalBlock, going up...";
do_build_goal_proof proofbit proof
- | ProofSymBlock (ens, proof) ->
+(* | ProofSymBlock (ens, proof) -> *)
+(* let proof = do_build_proof proof in *)
+(* Cic.Appl [ *)
+(* Cic.Const (Utils.sym_eq_URI (), ens); (\* symmetry *\) *)
+(* proof *)
+(* ] *)
+ | ProofSymBlock (termlist, proof) ->
let proof = do_build_proof proof in
- Cic.Appl [
- Cic.Const (HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.sym_eq_URI, ens); (* symmetry *)
- proof
- ]
+ let ens, args = build_ens_for_sym_eq (Utils.sym_eq_URI ()) termlist in
+ Cic.Appl ([Cic.Const (Utils.sym_eq_URI (), ens)] @ args @ [proof])
| ProofBlock (subst, eq_URI, (name, ty), bo(* t' *), (pos, eq), eqproof) ->
let t' = Cic.Lambda (name, ty, bo) in
let proof' =
-let find_equalities ?(eq_uri=HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI) context proof =
+let find_equalities context proof =
let module C = Cic in
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module T = CicTypeChecker in
+ let eq_uri = LibraryObjects.eq_URI () in
let newmeta = ProofEngineHelpers.new_meta_of_proof ~proof in
let ok_types ty menv =
List.for_all (fun (_, _, mt) -> mt = ty) menv
let module C = Cic in
let module S = CicSubstitution in
let module T = CicTypeChecker in
+ let blacklist =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s u -> UriManager.UriSet.add u s)
+ equations_blacklist
+ [eq_XURI (); sym_eq_URI (); trans_eq_URI (); eq_ind_URI ();
+ eq_ind_r_URI ()]
+ in
let candidates =
(fun l uri ->
let suri = UriManager.string_of_uri uri in
- if UriManager.UriSet.mem uri equations_blacklist then
+ if UriManager.UriSet.mem uri blacklist then
let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri uri in
(MetadataQuery.equations_for_goal ~dbd status)
- let eq_uri1 = UriManager.uri_of_string HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_XURI
- and eq_uri2 = HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI in
+ let eq_uri1 = eq_XURI () (* UriManager.uri_of_string HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_XURI *)
+ and eq_uri2 = LibraryObjects.eq_URI () in (* HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI in *)
let iseq uri =
(UriManager.eq uri eq_uri1) || (UriManager.eq uri eq_uri2)
let blacklist =
let refl_equal =
UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)" in
- UriManager.UriSet.remove refl_equal
- (UriManager.UriSet.union equalities_uris equations_blacklist)
+ let s =
+ UriManager.UriSet.remove refl_equal
+ (UriManager.UriSet.union equalities_uris equations_blacklist)
+ in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s u -> UriManager.UriSet.add u s)
+ s [sym_eq_URI (); trans_eq_URI (); eq_ind_URI (); eq_ind_r_URI ()]
let metasenv, context, ugraph = env in
let candidates =
-let term_is_equality ?(eq_uri=HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI) term =
- let iseq uri = UriManager.eq uri eq_uri in
+let term_is_equality term =
+ let iseq uri = UriManager.eq uri (LibraryObjects.eq_URI ()) in
match term with
| Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri, _, _); _; _; _] when iseq uri -> true
| _ -> false
exception TermIsNotAnEquality;;
-let equality_of_term ?(eq_uri=HelmLibraryObjects.Logic.eq_URI) proof term =
+let equality_of_term proof term =
+ let eq_uri = LibraryObjects.eq_URI () in
let iseq uri = UriManager.eq uri eq_uri in
match term with
| Cic.Appl [Cic.MutInd (uri, _, _); ty; t1; t2] when iseq uri ->
(* (Cic.name * Cic.term * Cic.term * Cic.term * Cic.term) * *)
(Utils.pos * equality) * proof
| ProofGoalBlock of proof * proof (* equality *)
- | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * proof
+(* | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term Cic.explicit_named_substitution * proof *)
+ | ProofSymBlock of Cic.term list * proof
| SubProof of Cic.term * int * proof
type environment = Cic.metasenv * Cic.context * CicUniv.universe_graph
fresh metas...
val find_equalities:
- ?eq_uri:UriManager.uri -> Cic.context -> ProofEngineTypes.proof ->
- int list * equality list * int
+ Cic.context -> ProofEngineTypes.proof -> int list * equality list * int
exception TermIsNotAnEquality;;
raises TermIsNotAnEquality if term is not an equation.
The first Cic.term is a proof of the equation
-val equality_of_term: ?eq_uri:UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> Cic.term ->
- equality
+val equality_of_term: Cic.term -> Cic.term -> equality
-val term_is_equality: ?eq_uri:UriManager.uri -> Cic.term -> bool
+val term_is_equality: Cic.term -> bool
superposition_left env target source
-let configuration_file = ref "../helm/matita/matita.conf.xml";;
+let configuration_file = ref "../../matita/matita.conf.xml";;
-let core_notation_script = "../helm/matita/core_notation.moo";;
+let core_notation_script = "../../matita/core_notation.moo";;
let get_from_user ~(dbd:HMysql.dbd) =
let rec get () =
Helm_registry.load_from !configuration_file;
CicNotation.load_notation core_notation_script;
-CicNotation.load_notation "../helm/matita/coq.ma";
+CicNotation.load_notation "../../matita/coq.ma";
let dbd = HMysql.quick_connect
~host:(Helm_registry.get "db.host")
~user:(Helm_registry.get "db.user")
let module I = Inference in
let metasenv, context, ugraph = env in
let _, proof, (ty, left, right, _), metas, args = equality in
- let eqterm = C.Appl [C.MutInd (HL.Logic.eq_URI, 0, []); ty; left; right] in
+ let eqterm =
+ C.Appl [C.MutInd (LibraryObjects.eq_URI (), 0, []); ty; left; right] in
let gproof, gmetas, gterm = goal in
let subst, metasenv', _ =
context_hyp @ thms
let refl_equal =
- UriManager.uri_of_string "cic:/Coq/Init/Logic/eq.ind#xpointer(1/1/1)"
+ let us = UriManager.string_of_uri (LibraryObjects.eq_URI ()) in
+ UriManager.uri_of_string (us ^ "#xpointer(1/1/1)")
let t = CicUtil.term_of_uri refl_equal in
let ty, _ = CicTypeChecker.type_of_aux' [] [] t CicUniv.empty_ugraph in
| Left -> "Left"
| Right -> "Right"
+let eq_ind_URI () = LibraryObjects.eq_ind_URI ~eq:(LibraryObjects.eq_URI ())
+let eq_ind_r_URI () = LibraryObjects.eq_ind_r_URI ~eq:(LibraryObjects.eq_URI ())
+let sym_eq_URI () = LibraryObjects.sym_eq_URI ~eq:(LibraryObjects.eq_URI ())
+let eq_XURI () =
+ let s = UriManager.string_of_uri (LibraryObjects.eq_URI ()) in
+ UriManager.uri_of_string (s ^ "#xpointer(1/1/1)")
+let trans_eq_URI () = LibraryObjects.trans_eq_URI ~eq:(LibraryObjects.eq_URI ())
val compute_equality_weight: Cic.term -> Cic.term -> Cic.term -> int
val debug_print: string Lazy.t -> unit
+val eq_ind_URI: unit -> UriManager.uri
+val eq_ind_r_URI: unit -> UriManager.uri
+val sym_eq_URI: unit -> UriManager.uri
+val eq_XURI: unit -> UriManager.uri
+val trans_eq_URI: unit -> UriManager.uri