class type gui =
method newUriDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.uriChoiceDialog
- method newRecordDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.recordChoiceDialog
method newConfirmationDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.confirmationDialog
method newEmptyDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.emptyDialog
GtkThread.main ();
(match !result with None -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel | Some r -> r)
-let ask_record_choice ~(gui:#gui) ?(title= "") ?(message = "")
- ~fields ~records ()
- let fields = Array.of_list fields in
- let fields_no = Array.length fields in
- assert (fields_no > 0);
- let dialog = gui#newRecordDialog () in
- dialog#recordChoiceDialog#set_title title;
- dialog#recordChoiceDialogLabel#set_label message;
- let model = new recordModel dialog#recordChoiceTreeView in
- dialog#recordChoiceTreeView#set_headers_visible true;
- let combos =
- Array.init fields_no
- (fun _ -> GTree.store_of_list Gobject.Data.string ["a"; "b"; "c"])
- in
- let (store, col) = combos.(0) in
- store#set ~row:(store#append ()) ~column:col "uno";
- store#set ~row:(store#append ()) ~column:col "due";
- let toggles = Array.init fields_no (fun _ -> false) in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i f -> model#easy_append f i toggles.(i))
- fields;
- let record_no = ref None in
- let return _ =
- dialog#recordChoiceDialog#destroy ();
- GMain.Main.quit ()
- in
- let fail _ = record_no := None; return () in
- ignore (dialog#recordChoiceDialog#event#connect#delete (fun _ -> true));
- connect_button dialog#recordChoiceOkButton (fun _ ->
- match !record_no with None -> () | Some _ -> return ());
- connect_button dialog#recordChoiceCancelButton fail;
-(* ignore (dialog#recordChoiceTreeView#connect#row_activated (fun path _ ->
- interp_no := Some (model#get_interp_no path);
- return ()));
- let selection = dialog#recordChoiceTreeView#selection in
- ignore (selection#connect#changed (fun _ ->
- match selection#get_selected_rows with
- | [path] -> interp_no := Some (model#get_interp_no path)
- | _ -> assert false)); *)
- dialog#recordChoiceDialog#show ();
- GtkThread.main ();
- (match !record_no with Some n -> n | _ -> raise MatitaTypes.Cancel)
let utf8_parsed_text s floc =
let start, stop = HExtlib.loc_of_floc floc in
let start_bytes = Glib.Utf8.offset_to_pos s ~pos:0 ~off:start in
class type gui =
object (* minimal gui object requirements *)
method newUriDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.uriChoiceDialog
- method newRecordDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.recordChoiceDialog
method newConfirmationDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.confirmationDialog
method newEmptyDialog: unit -> MatitaGeneratedGui.emptyDialog
?multiline:bool -> ?default:string -> unit ->
- (** @param fields field names
- * @param records list of records, each record is a list of [fields] strings
- * @return number of the chosen record, 0 for the first one *)
-val ask_record_choice:
- gui:#gui ->
- ?title:string -> ?message:string ->
- fields:string list -> records:string list list ->
- unit ->
- int
val report_error:
title:string -> message:string ->
?parent:#GWindow.window_skel ->