gui#main#debugMenu#misc#show ();
let addDebugItem ~label callback =
let item =
- GMenu.menu_item ~packing:gui#main#debugMenu_menu#append ~label ()
- in
- ignore (item#connect#activate callback)
+ GMenu.menu_item ~packing:gui#main#debugMenu_menu#append ~label () in
+ ignore (item#connect#activate callback) in
+ let addDebugSeparator () =
+ ignore (GMenu.separator_item ~packing:gui#main#debugMenu_menu#append ())
addDebugItem "dump environment to \"env.dump\"" (fun _ ->
let oc = open_out "env.dump" in
List.iter (fun (u,_,_) ->
prerr_endline (UriManager.string_of_uri u))
(CicEnvironment.list_obj ()));
-(* addDebugItem "print selections" (fun () ->
- let cicMathView = MatitaMathView.cicMathView_instance () in
- List.iter HLog.debug (cicMathView#string_of_selections)); *)
addDebugItem "dump script status" script#dump;
addDebugItem "dump configuration file to ./foo.conf.xml" (fun _ ->
Helm_registry.save_to "./foo.conf.xml");
(fun _ ->
if script#onGoingProof () then
HLog.debug (CicMetaSubst.ppmetasenv [] script#proofMetasenv));
- addDebugItem "dump coercions Db" (fun _ ->
- List.iter
- (fun (s,t,u) ->
- HLog.debug
- (UriManager.name_of_uri u ^ ":"
- ^ CoercDb.name_of_carr s ^ " -> " ^ CoercDb.name_of_carr t))
- (CoercDb.to_list ()));
- addDebugItem "show coercions graph" (fun _ ->
- let str = CoercGraph.generate_dot_file () in
- let filename, oc = Filename.open_temp_file "xx" ".dot" in
- output_string oc str;
- close_out oc;
- let ps = Filename.temp_file "yy" ".png" in
- ignore (Unix.system ("/usr/bin/dot -Tpng -o" ^ ps ^ " " ^ filename));
- ignore (Unix.system ("/usr/bin/display " ^ ps));
- Sys.remove ps;
- Sys.remove filename);
addDebugItem "print top-level grammar entries"
addDebugItem "dump moo to stderr" (fun _ ->
["0"; "0"; "0"]; ["0"; "0"; "1"]; ["0"; "1"; "0"]; ["0"; "1"; "1"];
["1"; "0"; "0"]; ["1"; "0"; "1"]; ["1"; "1"; "0"]; ["1"; "1"; "1"]]
()))); *)
- addDebugItem "rotate light bulbs"
+(* addDebugItem "rotate light bulbs"
(fun _ ->
let nb = gui#main#hintNotebook in
- nb#goto_page ((nb#current_page + 1) mod 3));
- addDebugItem "print runtime dir"
- (fun _ ->
- prerr_endline BuildTimeConf.runtime_base_dir);
+ nb#goto_page ((nb#current_page + 1) mod 3)); *)
+ addDebugSeparator ();
addDebugItem "disable all (pretty printing) notations"
(fun _ -> CicNotation.set_active_notations []);
addDebugItem "enable all (pretty printing) notations"
(fun _ ->
( fst (CicNotation.get_all_notations ())));
+ addDebugSeparator ();
addDebugItem "enable coercions hiding"
(fun _ -> TermAcicContent.hide_coercions := true);
addDebugItem "disable coercions hiding"
(fun _ -> TermAcicContent.hide_coercions := false);
+ addDebugItem "dump coercions Db" (fun _ ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s,t,u) ->
+ HLog.debug
+ (UriManager.name_of_uri u ^ ":"
+ ^ CoercDb.name_of_carr s ^ " -> " ^ CoercDb.name_of_carr t))
+ (CoercDb.to_list ()));
+ addDebugItem "show coercions graph" (fun _ ->
+ let str = CoercGraph.generate_dot_file () in
+ let filename, oc = Filename.open_temp_file "xx" ".dot" in
+ output_string oc str;
+ close_out oc;
+ let ps = Filename.temp_file "yy" ".png" in
+ ignore (Unix.system ("/usr/bin/dot -Tpng -o" ^ ps ^ " " ^ filename));
+ ignore (Unix.system ("/usr/bin/display " ^ ps));
+ Sys.remove ps;
+ Sys.remove filename);
+ addDebugSeparator ();
+ let mview () = (MatitaMathView.sequentsViewer_instance ())#cicMathView in
+(* addDebugItem "save (sequent) MathML to matita.xml"
+ (fun _ -> ignore ((Gdome.domImplementation ())#saveDocumentToFile
+ ~doc:(HExtlib.unopt (mview ())#get_document) ~name:"matita.xml" ())); *)
+ addDebugItem "load (sequent) MathML from matita.xml"
+ (fun _ -> (mview ())#load_uri ~filename:"matita.xml");
(** Debugging }}} *)