--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.cma *.cmxa config.make
--- /dev/null
+gMathView.cmo: gtkMathView.cmo gtk_mathview.cmo
+gMathView.cmx: gtkMathView.cmx gtk_mathview.cmx
+gtkMathView.cmo: gtk_mathview.cmo
+gtkMathView.cmx: gtk_mathview.cmx
--- /dev/null
+This library is made available under the LGPL.
+You should have got a copy of the LGPL with Objective Caml.
+The LGPL applies to all the files in this directory, but not in
+For the test subdirectory, there is no specific licensing policy,
+but you may freely take inspiration from the code, and copy parts of
+it in your application.
+ Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it>
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for lablgtk_mathview.
+LABLGTKDIR = /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk
+MINIDOMDIR = ./minidom
+TESTDIR = ./test
+TARGETS = ml_gtk_mathview.o lablgtkmathview.cma
+all: Minidom $(TARGETS)
+opt: Minidom.opt lablgtkmathviewopt
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make opt
+ @rm -f config.make
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+ @rm -f .depend
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk .depend
+.depend config.make:
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+COMPILER = $(CAMLC) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+COMPOPT = $(CAMLOPT) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+include config.make
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtk/mathview
+MLLIBS = lablgtkmathview.cma
+MLLINK = unix.cma str.cma
+ifdef DEBUG
+MLLINK += -cclib -lcamlrund
+MLFLAGS += -g
+THFLAGS = -thread
+THLINK = unix.cma threads.cma
+ifdef USE_CC
+CCOMPILER = ocamlc -c -ccopt "$(CFLAGS)"
+# Rules
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx .c .o .var .h .opt .def
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPOPT) $<
+ ./var2def < $< > $@
+ ./var2conv < $< > $@
+# Targets
+COBJS = ml_gtk_mathview.o
+MLOBJS = gtk_mathview.cmo gtkMathView.cmo gMathView.cmo
+lablgtkmathviewopt: $(CLIBS) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa)
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.cmi) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test -f *.mli ; then cp *.mli $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.ml) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test ! -z "$(CLIBS)" ; then cp $(CLIBS) $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ if test -f lablgtkmathview.cmxa; then \
+ cp $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.a) \
+lablgtkmathview.cma: $(MLOBJS)
+ $(LINKER) -a -custom -o $@ $(MLOBJS) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+lablgtkmathview.cmxa: $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
+ $(LINKOPT) -a -o $@ $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+ml_gtk.o: $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.c $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.h \
+ $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gtk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gdk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/wrappers.h
+ rm -f *.cm* *.o *.a *_tags.[ch] $(TARGETS)
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make clean
+ cd $(TESTDIR); make clean
+include .depend
--- /dev/null
+# makefile for configuring lablGTK_mathview
+# Default compilers
+CAMLC = ocamlc
+CAMLOPT = ocamlopt
+# Default installation directories
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtk/mathview
+# Autoconf
+GETLIBDIR = ocamlc -v | grep "^Standard" | sed 's/^.*: *//'
+GETBINDIR = $(GETLIBDIR) | sed -e 's|/lib/[^/]*$$|/bin|' -e 's|/lib$$|/bin|'
+GETRANLIB = which ranlib 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/ranlib$$|!|' -e 's/^[^!]*$$/:/' -e 's/!/ranlib/'
+ifdef USE_GNOME
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags`" -I"`gnome-config --includedir
+GNOMELIBS = `gnome-config --libs gtkxmhtml`
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags
+GTKGETLIBS = gtk-config --libs
+configure: .depend config.make
+ ocamldep *.ml *.mli > .depend
+ @echo CAMLC=$(CAMLC) > config.make
+ @echo CAMLOPT=$(CAMLOPT) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GL=$(USE_GL) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GNOME=$(USE_GNOME) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_CC=$(USE_CC) >> config.make
+ @echo DEBUG=$(DEBUG) >> config.make
+ @echo CC=$(CC) >> config.make
+ @echo RANLIB=`$(GETRANLIB)` >> config.make
+ @echo LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) >> config.make
+ @echo BINDIR=`$(GETBINDIR)` >> config.make
+ @echo INSTALLDIR=$(INSTALLDIR) >> config.make
+# Luca: was
+# @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk >> config.make
+# Luca: now
+ @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I$(LIBDIR)/lablgtk >> config.make
+ @echo GTKLIBS=`$(GTKGETLIBS)` | \
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+<<<<<<< configure.mk
+# Luca: GtkMathView configuration
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWCFLAGS=`gtkmathview-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMCFLAGS=`minidom-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWLIBS=`gtkmathview-config --libs` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMLIBS=`minidom-config --libs` >> config.make
+# Luca: end of GtkMathView configuration
+ #<CSC>
+ echo GTKMATHVIEWLIBS="-ccopt \""`gtkmathview-config --libs`"\"" >> config.make
+ #</CSC>
+>>>>>>> 1.2
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+ cat config.make
--- /dev/null
+open Gaux
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open GtkBase
+open GtkMathView
+open GObj
+exception ErrorLoadingFile of string;;
+exception ErrorWritingFile of string;;
+exception NoSelection;;
+class math_view_signals obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container_signals obj
+ method clicked = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.clicked obj ~after
+ method jump = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.jump obj ~after
+ method selection_changed =
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.selection_changed obj ~after
+class math_view obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container (obj : Gtk_mathview.math_view obj)
+ method connect = new math_view_signals obj
+ method load ~filename =
+ if not (MathView.load obj ~filename) then raise (ErrorLoadingFile filename)
+ method unload = MathView.unload obj
+ method has_selection = MathView.has_selection obj
+ method get_selection = MathView.get_selection obj
+ method set_selection node = MathView.set_selection obj node
+ method reset_selection = MathView.reset_selection obj
+ method get_width = MathView.get_width obj
+ method get_height = MathView.get_height obj
+ method get_top = MathView.get_top obj
+ method set_top = MathView.set_top obj
+ method set_adjustments =
+ fun adj1 adj2 ->
+ MathView.set_adjustments obj (GData.as_adjustment adj1)
+ (GData.as_adjustment adj2)
+ method get_hadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_hadjustment obj)
+ method get_vadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_vadjustment obj)
+ method get_buffer = MathView.get_buffer obj
+ method get_frame = new GBin.frame (MathView.get_frame obj)
+ method set_font_size = MathView.set_font_size obj
+ method get_font_size = MathView.get_font_size obj
+ method set_anti_aliasing = MathView.set_anti_aliasing obj
+ method get_anti_aliasing = MathView.get_anti_aliasing obj
+ method set_kerning = MathView.set_kerning obj
+ method get_kerning = MathView.get_kerning obj
+ method set_log_verbosity = MathView.set_log_verbosity obj
+ method get_log_verbosity = MathView.get_log_verbosity obj
+ method export_to_postscript ~width ~height ~x_margin ~y_margin ~disable_colors ~filename =
+ if not (MathView.export_to_postscript obj ~width ~height ~x_margin ~y_margin ~disable_colors ~filename) then
+ raise (ErrorWritingFile filename)
+ method get_font_manager_type = MathView.get_font_manager_type obj
+ method set_font_manager_type ~fm_type = MathView.set_font_manager_type obj ~fm_type
+let math_view ?adjustmenth ?adjustmentv ?border_width
+ ?width ?height ?packing ?show ()
+ let w =
+ MathView.create
+ ?adjustmenth:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmenth)
+ ?adjustmentv:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmentv)
+ ()
+ in
+ Container.set w ?border_width ?width ?height;
+ pack_return (new math_view w) ~packing ~show
--- /dev/null
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open Tags
+open GtkBase
+open Gpointer
+external mDOMNode_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option"
+external mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option"
+let o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode node = new Ominidom.o_mDOMNode node
+let o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option =
+ function
+ | Some x -> Some (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode x)
+ | None -> None
+module MathView = struct
+ exception NoSelection
+ type font_manager_id = FontManagerGtk | FontManagerT1
+ let cast w : math_view obj = Object.try_cast w "GtkMathView"
+ external create : Gtk.adjustment optobj -> Gtk.adjustment optobj ->
+ math_view obj = "ml_gtk_math_view_new"
+ let create ~adjustmenth ~adjustmentv () =
+ create (optboxed adjustmenth) (optboxed adjustmentv)
+ external load : [>`math_view] obj -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_load"
+ external unload : [>`math_view] obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_unload"
+ external raw_get_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_selection"
+ let has_selection obj =
+ match raw_get_selection obj with
+ | None -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ let get_selection obj =
+ match raw_get_selection obj with
+ | Some x -> o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode x
+ | None -> raise NoSelection
+ external raw_set_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option -> unit=
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_selection"
+ let set_selection obj (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) = raw_set_selection obj (Some (node#get_dom_node))
+ let reset_selection obj = raw_set_selection obj None
+ external get_width : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_width"
+ external get_height : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_height"
+ external get_top : [>`math_view] obj -> (int * int) =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_top"
+ external set_top : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_top"
+ external set_adjustments : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_adjustments"
+ external get_hadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment"
+ external get_vadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment"
+ external get_buffer : [>`math_view] obj -> Gdk.pixmap =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_buffer"
+ external get_frame : [>`math_view] obj -> [`frame] obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_frame"
+ external set_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_size"
+ external get_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_size"
+ external set_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing"
+ external get_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing"
+ external set_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_kerning"
+ external get_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_kerning"
+ external set_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity"
+ external get_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity"
+ external export_to_postscript :
+ [>`math_view] obj -> width:int -> height:int -> x_margin:int -> y_margin:int -> disable_colors:bool
+ -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode" "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native"
+ external get_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj -> font_manager_id =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type"
+ external set_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj -> fm_type:font_manager_id -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type"
+ module Signals = struct
+ open GtkSignal
+ let clicked : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_clicked f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_clicked"
+ in
+ { name = "clicked"; marshaller = marshal_clicked }
+ let jump : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_jump f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_jump"
+ in
+ { name = "jump"; marshaller = marshal_jump }
+ let selection_changed : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_selection_changed f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_selection_changed"
+ in
+ { name = "selection_changed"; marshaller = marshal_selection_changed }
+ end
--- /dev/null
+type math_view = [`widget|`container|`bin|`eventbox|`math_view]
--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx test test.opt
--- /dev/null
+LIBDIR = /usr/lib/ocaml
+OBJECTS = minidom.cmi minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o ominidom.cmo
+OBJECTS_OPT = minidom.cmx ominidom.cmx
+INST = minidom.o ominidom.o ml_minidom.h minidom.mli
+all: $(OBJECTS) test
+opt: $(OBJECTS_OPT) test.opt
+ml_minidom.o: ml_minidom.c
+ gcc -c -I/usr/lib/ocaml/caml/ `glib-config --cflags` `minidom-config --cflags` $<
+minidom.cmi: minidom.mli
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmo: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmx: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+ominidom.cmo: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlc -c $<
+ominidom.cmx: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+test.cmo: test.ml minidom.cmo
+ ocamlc -c test.ml
+test.cmx: test.ml minidom.cmx
+ ocamlopt -c test.ml
+test: test.cmo minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlc -custom -o test minidom.cmo test.cmo ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+test.opt: test.cmx minidom.cmx ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlopt -o test.opt minidom.cmx test.cmx ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ rm -f *.o *.cm? test test.opt
--- /dev/null
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+let rec node_list_of_node_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some node -> node :: (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_next_sibling node))
+let rec attr_list_of_attr_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some attr -> attr :: (attr_list_of_attr_first (attr_get_next_sibling attr))
+let node_get_children node =
+ (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_first_child node))
+let node_get_attributes node =
+ (attr_list_of_attr_first (node_get_first_attribute node))
--- /dev/null
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> content:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> ns_uri:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+val node_get_children : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode list
+val node_get_attributes : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr list
--- /dev/null
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <mlvalues.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "minidom.h"
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+static value
+ml_some(value v)
+ CAMLparam1(v);
+ value ret = alloc_small(1,0);
+ Field(ret,0) = v;
+ CAMLreturn(ret);
+ml_string_of_mDOMString(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_mDOMString_of_string(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_doc_load(value file_name)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(file_name);
+ doc_ref = mdom_load(String_val(file_name), FALSE, NULL);
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not load document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_unload(value doc)
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ mdom_unload((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
+ml_doc_new(value s)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ doc_ref = mdom_doc_new(mDOMString_val(s));
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not create new document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_get_root_node(value doc)
+ mDOMNodeRef root;
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ root = mdom_doc_get_root_node((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ if (root == NULL) failwith("minidom: document has no root node!");
+ CAMLreturn((value) root);
+ml_doc_add_entity(value doc, value name, value content)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam3(doc, name, content);
+ ent = mdom_doc_add_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name), mDOMString_val(content));
+ if (ent == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not add entity");
+ CAMLreturn((value) ent);
+ml_doc_get_entity(value doc, value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam2(doc, name);
+ ent = mdom_doc_get_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_doc_get_predefined_entity(value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam1(name);
+ ent = mdom_get_predefined_entity(mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_entity_get_content(value ent)
+ CAMLparam1(ent);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMString(mdom_entity_get_content((mDOMEntityRef) ent)));
+ml_node_is_text(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_text((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_element(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_element((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_blank(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_blank((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_entity_ref(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_entity_ref((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_type(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_int(mdom_node_get_type((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_name(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_name((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_content(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_content((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_ns_uri(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_ns_uri((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute(value node, value name)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node, String_val(name)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute_ns(value node, value name, value ns_uri)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute_ns((mDOMNodeRef) node,
+ String_val(name),
+ String_val(ns_uri)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_parent(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_parent((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_prev_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_prev_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_next_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_next_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_child(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_child((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_attribute(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_is_first(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_first((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_last(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_last((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_attr_get_name(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_name((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_ns_uri(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_ns_uri((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_value(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_value((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_prev_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_prev_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_next_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_next_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_parent(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_parent((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ml_minidom_h
+#define ml_minidom_h
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#ifndef Val_option
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#endif /* Val_option */
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+#define mDOMNode_val(v) ((mDOMNodeRef) v)
+#define mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p) (((p) != NULL) ? ml_some((value) (p)) : Val_unit)
+#define mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v) ((v == Val_unit) ? NULL : (mDOMNodeRef)Field((v),0))
+#define Val_mDOMNodeRef(p) (mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p))
+#define mDOMNodeRef_val(v) (mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v))
+#endif /* ml_minidom_h */
--- /dev/null
+exception Minidom_exception of string;;
+let option_to_exception v e =
+ match (v) with
+ Some x -> x
+ | None -> raise e
+class o_mDOMString (str: Minidom.mDOMString) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_string = str
+ method get_string = Minidom.string_of_mDOMString str
+ end;;
+let o_mDOMString_of_string str =
+ new o_mDOMString (Minidom.mDOMString_of_string str)
+class o_mDOMDoc (doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_doc = doc
+ method get_root_node = Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc
+ method add_entity (name : o_mDOMString) content =
+ Minidom.doc_add_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) content
+ method get_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ Minidom.doc_get_entity doc (name#get_dom_string)
+ method get_predefined_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ Minidom.doc_get_predefined_entity doc (name#get_dom_string)
+ end;;
+class o_mDOMNode (node : Minidom.mDOMNode) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_node = node
+ method is_text = Minidom.node_is_text node
+ method is_element = Minidom.node_is_element node
+ method is_blank = Minidom.node_is_blank node
+ method is_entity_ref = Minidom.node_is_entity_ref node
+ method get_type = Minidom.node_get_type node
+ method get_name =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_name node) (Minidom_exception "node has no name"))
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node) (Minidom_exception "node has no associated namepsace"))
+ method get_attribute (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_attribute node (name#get_dom_string))
+ (Minidom_exception "attribute not set for this node")
+ )
+ method get_attribute_ns (name : o_mDOMString) (uri : o_mDOMString) =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns node (name#get_dom_string) (uri#get_dom_string))
+ (Minidom_exception "attribute not set for this node")
+ )
+ method get_content =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_content node) (Minidom_exception "node has no content"))
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_parent node) (Minidom_exception "node has no parent"))
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_prev_sibling node) (Minidom_exception "node has no previous sibling"))
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_next_sibling node) (Minidom_exception "node has no next sibling"))
+ method get_first_child =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_first_child node) (Minidom_exception "node has no children"))
+ method get_first_attribute =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_first_attribute node) (Minidom_exception "node has no attributes"))
+ method is_first = Minidom.node_is_first node
+ method is_last = Minidom.node_is_last node
+ method get_children = List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMNode x) (Minidom.node_get_children node)
+ method get_attributes = List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMAttr x) (Minidom.node_get_attributes node)
+ end
+and o_mDOMAttr (attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_attr = attr
+ method get_name =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_name attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no name"))
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no associated namespace"))
+ method get_value =
+ new o_mDOMString
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_value attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no value"))
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_prev_sibling attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no previous sibling"))
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_next_sibling attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no next sibling"))
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.attr_get_parent attr) (Minidom_exception "attribute has no parent"))
+ end
--- /dev/null
+let doc = Minidom.doc_load "test.xml"
+let root = Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc
+let check_attribute_ns attr =
+ Printf.printf "\n\n";
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ and attr_name = Minidom.attr_get_name attr
+ and attr_value = Minidom.attr_get_value attr
+ and parent = Minidom.attr_get_parent attr
+ in
+ match parent,ns_uri,attr_name,attr_value with
+ Some parent_node,Some uri,Some attribute_name,Some attribute_value ->
+ let attr_value = Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns parent_node attribute_name uri
+ in begin
+ match attr_value with
+ Some attr1 ->
+ Printf.printf "found the attribute with ns %s (was %s)\n"
+ (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr1) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attribute_value)
+ | None ->
+ Printf.printf "attribute not found (uri was %s)!!!!\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ Printf.printf "parent_node == NULL || uri == NULL || attribute_name == NULL || attribute_value == NULL\n"
+let print_attribute attr =
+ check_attribute_ns attr;
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ in
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf " %s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri);
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ match ((Minidom.attr_get_name attr), (Minidom.attr_get_value attr)) with
+ (Some attr_name, Some attr_value) ->
+ Printf.printf " %s=\"%s\"" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_value)
+ | (Some attr_name, _) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? attribute %s has no value !!!" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name)
+ | (_,_) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? very strange attribute !!!"
+let rec print_node n node =
+ if Minidom.node_is_blank node then ()
+ else if Minidom.node_is_element node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ Some node_name ->
+ begin
+ let children = Minidom.node_get_children node
+ and attributes = Minidom.node_get_attributes node
+ and ns_uri = Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node
+ and is_first,is_last = (Minidom.node_is_first node), (Minidom.node_is_last node)
+ in
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "<";
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf "%s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "%s" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name);
+ List.iter print_attribute attributes;
+ Printf.printf ">\n";
+ List.iter (print_node (n + 2)) children;
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "</%s>\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name)
+ end
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no name !!!\n"
+ end else if Minidom.node_is_text node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_content node with
+ Some node_content ->
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "%s\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_content)
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no content !!!\n"
+ end else begin
+ Printf.printf "don't know how to manage a node with type %d\n" (Minidom.node_get_type node)
+ end
+print_node 0 root;;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<?cocoon-format type="text/xhtml"?>
+<m:math xmlns:helm="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
+ <m:mtable helm:xref="i0" columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>DEFINITION and_ind() OF TYPE</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i31">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i33">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i34">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i38">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i39">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i40">P</m:mi>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="#b03060">:></m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:csymbol>cast</m:csymbol>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i31">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i33">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i34">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i38">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i39">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i40">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>AS</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i9">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i11">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i12">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i16">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i17">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:mo><</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i19">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>></m:mo>
+ <m:mo>CASES</m:mo>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i20">a</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>OF</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>conj</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="Green">⇒</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i21">f</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>END</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i9">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i11">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i12">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i16">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i17">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:csymbol>mutcase</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i19">P</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i20">a</m:ci>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci>conj</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i21">f</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
--- /dev/null
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <gtkmathview/gtkmathview.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <wrappers.h>
+#include <ml_glib.h>
+#include <ml_gdk.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <gtk_tags.h>
+#include <minidom.h>
+#include "minidom/ml_minidom.h"
+/* <CSC/>: Next row should be put in a .h of lablgtk. */
+#define GtkAdjustment_val(val) check_cast(GTK_ADJUSTMENT,val)
+#define GtkMathView_val(val) check_cast(GTK_MATH_VIEW,val)
+#define FontManagerId_val(val) Int_val(val)
+#define Val_FontManagerId(val) Val_int(val)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_new,GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Val_GtkWidget_sink)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load, GtkMathView_val, String_val, Val_bool)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_unload, GtkMathView_val, Unit)
+/*ML_1 (gtk_math_view_dump, GtkMathView_val, Unit)*/
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_selection, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_selection, GtkMathView_val, mDOMNodeRef_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_width, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_height, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_top, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_adjustments, GtkMathView_val, GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_buffer, GtkMathView_val, Val_GdkPixmap)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_frame, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, FontManagerId_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, Val_FontManagerId)
+ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(value arg1,
+ value w, value h, value x0, value y0, value disable_colors, value arg2)
+ CAMLparam5(arg1,w,h,x0,y0);
+ CAMLxparam2(disable_colors, arg2);
+ char *filename;
+ FILE *fd;
+ int res;
+ filename = String_val (arg2);
+ if ((fd = fopen(filename, "w"))) {
+ gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript(GtkMathView_val (arg1),
+ Int_val(w), Int_val(h), Int_val(x0), Int_val(y0), Bool_val(disable_colors), fd);
+ fclose (fd);
+ res = 1;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing\n", filename);
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ CAMLreturn (Val_bool(res));
+value ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode (value* arg, int argn)
+ return ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6]);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_get_top (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ CAMLlocal1 (result);
+ int x, y;
+ gtk_math_view_get_top(GtkMathView_val (arg1), &x, &y);
+ result = alloc(2, 0);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x));
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(y));
+ CAMLreturn (result);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ CAMLlocal1 (optval);
+ CAMLlocal1 (res);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ optval = Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr);
+ if (optval==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ res = Field(optval, 0);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(res);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ nr=NULL;
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr));
--- /dev/null
+*.cmo *.cmi *.cmx t1lib.log test test.opt test.ps test.o
--- /dev/null
+LABLGTK_DIR = /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk
+MINIDOM_DIR = ../minidom
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+all: test
+opt: test.opt
+test: test.cmo
+ $(OCAMLC) -custom -o test lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmo \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cma \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmo \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+test.opt: test.cmx
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o test.opt lablgtk.cmxa gtkInit.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmx \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cmxa \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmx \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -c $<
+ rm -f *.cm[iox] *.o test test.opt t1lib.log test.ps
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 25/09/2000 *)
+(* *)
+(* This is a simple test for the OCaml (LablGtk indeed) binding of the *)
+(* MathView widget *)
+(* Callbacks *)
+let jump (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("jump: " ^
+ (try
+ let href = node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "href") in
+ href#get_string
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception s -> "EXCEPTION: " ^ s
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let selection_changed mathview (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("selection_changed: " ^
+ (match node with
+ None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
+ | Some node ->
+ try
+ mathview#set_selection node ;
+ let node_name = node#get_name in
+ node_name#get_string
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception s -> "EXCEPTION: " ^ s
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let clicked (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("clicked: " ^
+ (try
+ let node_name = node#get_name in
+ node_name#get_string
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception s -> "EXCEPTION: " ^ s
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let activate_t1 mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerT1;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH T1 FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let activate_gtk mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerGtk;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH GTK FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_manager_type mathview () =
+ print_string "CURRENT FONT MANAGER TYPE: ";
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_font_manager_type with
+ | GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerT1 -> print_string "T1"
+ | GtkMathView.MathView.FontManagerGtk -> print_string "GTK"
+ end;
+ print_newline();
+ flush stdout
+let load mathview () =
+ mathview#load "test.xml" ;
+ print_string "load: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ let selection =
+ if not mathview#has_selection then "nothing"
+ else
+ let node = mathview#get_selection in
+ (try node#get_name#get_string
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception s -> "EXCEPTION: " ^ s
+ )
+ in
+ print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ begin
+ try
+ let selected_node = mathview#get_selection in
+ try
+ let parent_node = selected_node#get_parent in
+ mathview#set_selection parent_node;
+ print_string "set selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
+ with
+ O.Minidom_exception s ->
+ print_string ("EXCEPTION: " ^ s ^ "\n")
+ with
+ GtkMathView.MathView.NoSelection ->
+ print_string "set_selection: YOU MUST PREVIOUSLY SELECT A NON-ROOT NODE\n"
+ end ;
+ flush stdout
+let reset_selection mathview () =
+ mathview#reset_selection ;
+ print_string "reset_selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let unload mathview () =
+ mathview#unload ;
+ print_string "unload: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_width mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_width: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_width) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_height mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_height: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_height) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_top mathview () =
+ let (x,y) = mathview#get_top in
+ print_string ("get_top: ("^ string_of_int x ^ "," ^ string_of_int y ^ ")\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_top mathview () =
+ mathview#set_top 0 0;
+ print_string "set_top: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_adjustments mathview () =
+ let adj1 = GData.adjustment () in
+ let adj2 = GData.adjustment () in
+ mathview#set_adjustments adj1 adj2 ;
+ adj1#set_value ((adj1#lower +. adj1#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ adj2#set_value ((adj2#lower +. adj2#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "set_adjustments: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_hadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_hadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_hadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_vadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_vadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_vadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_buffer mathview () =
+ let buffer = mathview#get_buffer in
+ Gdk.Draw.rectangle buffer (Gdk.GC.create buffer) ~x:0 ~y:0
+ ~width:50 ~height:50 ~filled:true () ;
+ print_string "get_buffer: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: force the widget redrawing)\n";
+ flush stdout
+let get_frame mathview () =
+ let frame = mathview#get_frame in
+ frame#set_shadow_type `NONE ;
+ print_string "get_frame: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_font_size mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_size 24 ;
+ print_string "set_font_size: FONT IS NOW 24\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_size mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_font_size: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_font_size) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ mathview#set_anti_aliasing true ;
+ print_string "set_anti_aliasing: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_anti_aliasing: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_anti_aliasing with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_kerning mathview () =
+ mathview#set_kerning true ;
+ print_string "set_kerning: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_kerning mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_kerning: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_kerning with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ mathview#set_log_verbosity 3 ;
+ print_string "set_log_verbosity: NOW IS 3\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_log_verbosity: " ^
+ string_of_int mathview#get_log_verbosity ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let export_to_postscript mathview () =
+ mathview#export_to_postscript 595 822 72 72 false "test.ps" ;
+ print_string "expor_to_postscript: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: look at test.ps)\n";
+ flush stdout
+(* Widget creation *)
+let main_window = GWindow.window ~title:"GtkMathView test" () in
+let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:main_window#add () in
+let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~width:50 ~height:50 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let mathview= GMathView.math_view ~packing:sw#add ~width:50 ~height:50 () in
+let table = GPack.table ~rows:6 ~columns:5 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let button_gtk=GButton.button ~label:"activate Gtk fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:0) () in
+let button_load = GButton.button ~label:"load" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in
+let button_unload = GButton.button ~label:"unload" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_selection = GButton.button ~label:"get_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:0) () in
+let button_set_selection = GButton.button ~label:"set_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_width = GButton.button ~label:"get_width" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_height = GButton.button ~label:"get_height" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_top = GButton.button ~label:"get_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_top = GButton.button ~label:"set_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_adjustments = GButton.button ~label:"set_adjustments" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_hadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_hadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_vadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_vadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_buffer = GButton.button ~label:"get_buffer" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_frame = GButton.button ~label:"get_frame" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:2) () in
+let button_set_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"set_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"set_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"get_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"set_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"get_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"set_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"get_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:4) () in
+let button_export_to_postscript = GButton.button ~label:"export_to_postscript" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:4) () in
+let button_t1 = GButton.button ~label:"activate T1 fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_font_manager_type = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_manager" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:4) () in
+let button_reset_selection = GButton.button ~label:"reset_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:5) () in
+(* Signals connection *)
+ignore(button_gtk#connect#clicked (activate_gtk mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_load#connect#clicked (load mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_unload#connect#clicked (unload mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_selection#connect#clicked (get_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_selection#connect#clicked (set_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_reset_selection#connect#clicked (reset_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_width#connect#clicked (get_width mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_height#connect#clicked (get_height mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_top#connect#clicked (get_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_top#connect#clicked (set_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_adjustments#connect#clicked (set_adjustments mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_hadjustment#connect#clicked (get_hadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_vadjustment#connect#clicked (get_vadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_buffer#connect#clicked (get_buffer mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_frame#connect#clicked (get_frame mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_font_size#connect#clicked (set_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_size#connect#clicked (get_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (set_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (get_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_kerning#connect#clicked (set_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_kerning#connect#clicked (get_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (set_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (get_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_export_to_postscript#connect#clicked (export_to_postscript mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_t1#connect#clicked (activate_t1 mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_manager_type#connect#clicked (get_font_manager_type mathview)) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#jump jump) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#clicked clicked) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#selection_changed (selection_changed mathview)) ;
+(* Main Loop *)
+main_window#show () ;
+GMain.Main.main ()
--- /dev/null
+<math display="block">
+ <mrow helm:xref="SELECTION OK">
+ <mo>∫</mo>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo fontstyle="italic">d</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mo>=</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac><mi>a</mi><mn>2</mn></mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>ln</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mo>(</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>)</mo>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi xlink:href="JUMPS WORK">arctg</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>c</mi>
+ </mrow>
--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.cma *.cmxa config.make
--- /dev/null
+gMathView.cmo: gtkMathView.cmo gtk_mathview.cmo
+gMathView.cmx: gtkMathView.cmx gtk_mathview.cmx
+gtkMathView.cmo: gtk_mathview.cmo
+gtkMathView.cmx: gtk_mathview.cmx
--- /dev/null
+This library is made available under the LGPL.
+You should have got a copy of the LGPL with Objective Caml.
+The LGPL applies to all the files in this directory, but not in
+For the test subdirectory, there is no specific licensing policy,
+but you may freely take inspiration from the code, and copy parts of
+it in your application.
+ Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it>
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for lablgtk_mathview.
+LABLGTKDIR = /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk
+MINIDOMDIR = ./minidom
+TESTDIR = ./test
+TARGETS = ml_gtk_mathview.o lablgtkmathview.cma
+all: Minidom $(TARGETS)
+opt: Minidom.opt lablgtkmathviewopt
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make opt
+ @rm -f config.make
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+ @rm -f .depend
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk .depend
+.depend config.make:
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+COMPILER = $(CAMLC) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+COMPOPT = $(CAMLOPT) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+include config.make
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtk/mathview
+MLLIBS = lablgtkmathview.cma
+MLLINK = unix.cma str.cma
+ifdef DEBUG
+MLLINK += -cclib -lcamlrund
+MLFLAGS += -g
+THFLAGS = -thread
+THLINK = unix.cma threads.cma
+ifdef USE_CC
+CCOMPILER = ocamlc -c -ccopt "$(CFLAGS)"
+# Rules
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx .c .o .var .h .opt .def
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPOPT) $<
+ ./var2def < $< > $@
+ ./var2conv < $< > $@
+# Targets
+COBJS = ml_gtk_mathview.o
+MLOBJS = gtk_mathview.cmo gtkMathView.cmo gMathView.cmo
+lablgtkmathviewopt: $(CLIBS) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa)
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.cmi) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test -f *.mli ; then cp *.mli $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.ml) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test ! -z "$(CLIBS)" ; then cp $(CLIBS) $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ if test -f lablgtkmathview.cmxa; then \
+ cp $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.a) \
+lablgtkmathview.cma: $(MLOBJS)
+ $(LINKER) -a -custom -o $@ $(MLOBJS) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+lablgtkmathview.cmxa: $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
+ $(LINKOPT) -a -o $@ $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+ml_gtk.o: $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.c $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.h \
+ $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gtk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gdk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/wrappers.h
+ rm -f *.cm* *.o *.a *_tags.[ch] $(TARGETS)
+ cd $(MINIDOMDIR); make clean
+ cd $(TESTDIR); make clean
+include .depend
--- /dev/null
+# makefile for configuring lablGTK_mathview
+# Default compilers
+CAMLC = ocamlc
+CAMLOPT = ocamlopt
+# Default installation directories
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtk/mathview
+# Autoconf
+GETLIBDIR = ocamlc -v | grep "^Standard" | sed 's/^.*: *//'
+GETBINDIR = $(GETLIBDIR) | sed -e 's|/lib/[^/]*$$|/bin|' -e 's|/lib$$|/bin|'
+GETRANLIB = which ranlib 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/ranlib$$|!|' -e 's/^[^!]*$$/:/' -e 's/!/ranlib/'
+ifdef USE_GNOME
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags`" -I"`gnome-config --includedir
+GNOMELIBS = `gnome-config --libs gtkxmhtml`
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags
+GTKGETLIBS = gtk-config --libs
+configure: .depend config.make
+ ocamldep *.ml *.mli > .depend
+ @echo CAMLC=$(CAMLC) > config.make
+ @echo CAMLOPT=$(CAMLOPT) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GL=$(USE_GL) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GNOME=$(USE_GNOME) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_CC=$(USE_CC) >> config.make
+ @echo DEBUG=$(DEBUG) >> config.make
+ @echo CC=$(CC) >> config.make
+ @echo RANLIB=`$(GETRANLIB)` >> config.make
+ @echo LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) >> config.make
+ @echo BINDIR=`$(GETBINDIR)` >> config.make
+ @echo INSTALLDIR=$(INSTALLDIR) >> config.make
+# Luca: was
+# @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk >> config.make
+# Luca: now
+ @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I$(LIBDIR)/lablgtk >> config.make
+ @echo GTKLIBS=`$(GTKGETLIBS)` | \
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+# Luca: GtkMathView configuration
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWCFLAGS=`gtkmathview-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMCFLAGS=`minidom-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWLIBS=`gtkmathview-config --libs` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMLIBS=`minidom-config --libs` >> config.make
+# Luca: end of GtkMathView configuration
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+ cat config.make
--- /dev/null
+open Gaux
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open GtkBase
+open GtkMathView
+open GObj
+exception ErrorLoadingFile of string;;
+exception ErrorWritingFile of string;;
+exception NoSelection;;
+class math_view_signals obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container_signals obj
+ method clicked = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.clicked obj ~after
+ method jump = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.jump obj ~after
+ method selection_changed =
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.selection_changed obj ~after
+class math_view obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container (obj : Gtk_mathview.math_view obj)
+ method connect = new math_view_signals obj
+ method load ~filename =
+ if not (MathView.load obj ~filename) then raise (ErrorLoadingFile filename)
+ method unload = MathView.unload obj
+ method get_selection = MathView.get_selection obj
+ method set_selection (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) = MathView.set_selection obj node
+ method get_width = MathView.get_width obj
+ method get_height = MathView.get_height obj
+ method get_top = MathView.get_top obj
+ method set_top = MathView.set_top obj
+ method set_adjustments =
+ fun adj1 adj2 ->
+ MathView.set_adjustments obj (GData.as_adjustment adj1)
+ (GData.as_adjustment adj2)
+ method get_hadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_hadjustment obj)
+ method get_vadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_vadjustment obj)
+ method get_buffer = MathView.get_buffer obj
+ method get_frame = new GBin.frame (MathView.get_frame obj)
+ method set_font_size = MathView.set_font_size obj
+ method get_font_size = MathView.get_font_size obj
+ method set_anti_aliasing = MathView.set_anti_aliasing obj
+ method get_anti_aliasing = MathView.get_anti_aliasing obj
+ method set_kerning = MathView.set_kerning obj
+ method get_kerning = MathView.get_kerning obj
+ method set_log_verbosity = MathView.set_log_verbosity obj
+ method get_log_verbosity = MathView.get_log_verbosity obj
+ method export_to_postscript
+ ?(width = 595) ?(height = 822) ?(x_margin = 72) ?(y_margin = 72)
+ ?(disable_colors = false) ~filename () =
+ let result = MathView.export_to_postscript obj
+ ~width ~height ~x_margin ~y_margin ~disable_colors ~filename
+ in
+ if not result then raise (ErrorWritingFile filename)
+ method get_font_manager_type = MathView.get_font_manager_type obj
+ method set_font_manager_type ~fm_type = MathView.set_font_manager_type obj ~fm_type
+let math_view ?adjustmenth ?adjustmentv ?font_size ?font_manager ?border_width
+ ?width ?height ?packing ?show () =
+ let w =
+ MathView.create
+ ?adjustmenth:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmenth)
+ ?adjustmentv:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmentv)
+ ()
+ in
+ Container.set w ?border_width ?width ?height;
+ let mathview = pack_return (new math_view w) ~packing ~show in
+ begin
+ match font_size with
+ | Some size -> mathview#set_font_size size
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match font_manager with
+ | Some manager -> mathview#set_font_manager_type ~fm_type:manager
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ mathview
--- /dev/null
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open Tags
+open GtkBase
+open Gpointer
+external mDOMNode_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option"
+external mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option"
+let o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode node = new Ominidom.o_mDOMNode node
+let o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option =
+ function
+ | Some x -> Some (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode x)
+ | None -> None
+let mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option =
+ function
+ | Some x -> Some (x#get_dom_node)
+ | None -> None
+module MathView = struct
+ exception NoSelection
+ let cast w : math_view obj = Object.try_cast w "GtkMathView"
+ external create : Gtk.adjustment optobj -> Gtk.adjustment optobj ->
+ math_view obj = "ml_gtk_math_view_new"
+ let create ~adjustmenth ~adjustmentv () =
+ create (optboxed adjustmenth) (optboxed adjustmentv)
+ external load : [>`math_view] obj -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_load"
+ external unload : [>`math_view] obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_unload"
+ external raw_get_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_selection"
+ let get_selection obj =
+ o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (raw_get_selection obj)
+ external raw_set_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option -> unit=
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_selection"
+ let set_selection obj node =
+ raw_set_selection obj (mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option node)
+ external get_width : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_width"
+ external get_height : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_height"
+ external get_top : [>`math_view] obj -> (int * int) =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_top"
+ external set_top : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_top"
+ external set_adjustments : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_adjustments"
+ external get_hadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment"
+ external get_vadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment"
+ external get_buffer : [>`math_view] obj -> Gdk.pixmap =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_buffer"
+ external get_frame : [>`math_view] obj -> [`frame] obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_frame"
+ external set_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_size"
+ external get_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_size"
+ external set_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing"
+ external get_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing"
+ external set_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_kerning"
+ external get_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_kerning"
+ external set_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity"
+ external get_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity"
+ external export_to_postscript :
+ [>`math_view] obj -> width:int -> height:int -> x_margin:int -> y_margin:int -> disable_colors:bool -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode" "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native"
+ external get_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj ->
+ [`font_manager_gtk | `font_manager_t1] =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type"
+ external set_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj ->
+ fm_type:[`font_manager_gtk | `font_manager_t1] -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type"
+ module Signals = struct
+ open GtkSignal
+ let clicked : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_clicked f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_clicked"
+ in
+ { name = "clicked"; marshaller = marshal_clicked }
+ let jump : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_jump f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_jump"
+ in
+ { name = "jump"; marshaller = marshal_jump }
+ let selection_changed : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_selection_changed f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_selection_changed"
+ in
+ { name = "selection_changed"; marshaller = marshal_selection_changed }
+ end
--- /dev/null
+type math_view = [`widget|`container|`bin|`eventbox|`math_view]
--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx test test.opt
--- /dev/null
+LIBDIR = /usr/lib/ocaml
+OBJECTS = minidom.cmi minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o ominidom.cmi ominidom.cmo
+OBJECTS_OPT = minidom.cmx ominidom.cmx
+INST = minidom.o ominidom.o ml_minidom.h minidom.mli
+all: $(OBJECTS) test
+opt: $(OBJECTS_OPT) test.opt
+ml_minidom.o: ml_minidom.c
+ gcc -c -I/usr/lib/ocaml/caml/ `glib-config --cflags` `minidom-config --cflags` $<
+minidom.cmi: minidom.mli
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmo: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmx: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+ominidom.cmi: ominidom.mli
+ ocamlc -c $<
+ominidom.cmo: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlc -c $<
+ominidom.cmx: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+test.cmo: test.ml minidom.cmo
+ ocamlc -c test.ml
+test.cmx: test.ml minidom.cmx
+ ocamlopt -c test.ml
+test: test.cmo minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlc -custom -o test minidom.cmo test.cmo ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+test.opt: test.cmx minidom.cmx ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlopt -o test.opt minidom.cmx test.cmx ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ rm -f *.o *.cm? test test.opt
--- /dev/null
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+let rec node_list_of_node_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some node -> node :: (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_next_sibling node))
+let rec attr_list_of_attr_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some attr -> attr :: (attr_list_of_attr_first (attr_get_next_sibling attr))
+let node_get_children node =
+ (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_first_child node))
+let node_get_attributes node =
+ (attr_list_of_attr_first (node_get_first_attribute node))
--- /dev/null
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> content:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> ns_uri:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+val node_get_children : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode list
+val node_get_attributes : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr list
--- /dev/null
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <mlvalues.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "minidom.h"
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+static value
+ml_some(value v)
+ CAMLparam1(v);
+ value ret = alloc_small(1,0);
+ Field(ret,0) = v;
+ CAMLreturn(ret);
+ml_string_of_mDOMString(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_mDOMString_of_string(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_doc_load(value file_name)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(file_name);
+ doc_ref = mdom_load(String_val(file_name), FALSE, NULL);
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not load document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_unload(value doc)
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ mdom_unload((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
+ml_doc_new(value s)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ doc_ref = mdom_doc_new(mDOMString_val(s));
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not create new document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_get_root_node(value doc)
+ mDOMNodeRef root;
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ root = mdom_doc_get_root_node((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ if (root == NULL) failwith("minidom: document has no root node!");
+ CAMLreturn((value) root);
+ml_doc_add_entity(value doc, value name, value content)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam3(doc, name, content);
+ ent = mdom_doc_add_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name), mDOMString_val(content));
+ if (ent == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not add entity");
+ CAMLreturn((value) ent);
+ml_doc_get_entity(value doc, value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam2(doc, name);
+ ent = mdom_doc_get_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_doc_get_predefined_entity(value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam1(name);
+ ent = mdom_get_predefined_entity(mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_entity_get_content(value ent)
+ CAMLparam1(ent);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMString(mdom_entity_get_content((mDOMEntityRef) ent)));
+ml_node_is_text(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_text((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_element(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_element((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_blank(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_blank((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_entity_ref(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_entity_ref((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_type(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_int(mdom_node_get_type((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_name(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_name((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_content(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_content((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_ns_uri(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_ns_uri((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute(value node, value name)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node, String_val(name)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute_ns(value node, value name, value ns_uri)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute_ns((mDOMNodeRef) node,
+ String_val(name),
+ String_val(ns_uri)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_parent(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_parent((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_prev_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_prev_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_next_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_next_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_child(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_child((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_attribute(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_is_first(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_first((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_last(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_last((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_attr_get_name(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_name((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_ns_uri(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_ns_uri((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_value(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_value((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_prev_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_prev_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_next_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_next_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_parent(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_parent((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef ml_minidom_h
+#define ml_minidom_h
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#ifndef Val_option
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#endif /* Val_option */
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+#define mDOMNode_val(v) ((mDOMNodeRef) v)
+#define mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p) (((p) != NULL) ? ml_some((value) (p)) : Val_unit)
+#define mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v) ((v == Val_unit) ? NULL : (mDOMNodeRef)Field((v),0))
+#define Val_mDOMNodeRef(p) (mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p))
+#define mDOMNodeRef_val(v) (mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v))
+#endif /* ml_minidom_h */
--- /dev/null
+exception Node_has_no_parent;;
+exception Node_has_no_sibling of string;;
+exception Node_has_no_children;;
+exception Node_has_no_attributes;;
+exception Attribute_has_no_sibling of string;;
+exception Attribute_has_no_parent;;
+exception Undefined_entity;;
+let option_to_exception v e =
+ match v with
+ Some x -> x
+ | None -> raise e
+class o_mDOMString (str: Minidom.mDOMString) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_string = str
+ method get_string = Minidom.string_of_mDOMString str
+ end;;
+let o_mDOMString_of_string str =
+ new o_mDOMString (Minidom.mDOMString_of_string str)
+class o_mDOMEntity (ent : Minidom.mDOMEntity) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_entity = ent
+ method get_content =
+ new o_mDOMString (Minidom.entity_get_content ent)
+ end
+class o_mDOMDoc (doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_doc = doc
+ method get_root_node =
+ new o_mDOMNode (Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc)
+ method add_entity (name : o_mDOMString) (value : o_mDOMString) =
+ new o_mDOMEntity
+ (Minidom.doc_add_entity doc
+ (name#get_dom_string) (value#get_dom_string)
+ )
+ method get_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.doc_get_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x
+ | None -> raise Undefined_entity
+ method get_predefined_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.doc_get_predefined_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x
+ | None -> raise Undefined_entity
+ end
+and o_mDOMNode (node : Minidom.mDOMNode) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_node = node
+ method is_text = Minidom.node_is_text node
+ method is_element = Minidom.node_is_element node
+ method is_blank = Minidom.node_is_blank node
+ method is_entity_ref = Minidom.node_is_entity_ref node
+ method get_type = Minidom.node_get_type node
+ method get_name =
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ match Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_attribute (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.node_get_attribute node (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_attribute_ns (name : o_mDOMString) (uri : o_mDOMString) =
+ match
+ Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns node
+ (name#get_dom_string) (uri#get_dom_string)
+ with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_content =
+ match Minidom.node_get_content node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_parent node) Node_has_no_parent)
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_prev_sibling node)
+ (Node_has_no_sibling "left")
+ )
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_next_sibling node)
+ (Node_has_no_sibling "right")
+ )
+ method get_first_child =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_first_child node)
+ (Node_has_no_children)
+ )
+ method get_first_attribute =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_first_attribute node)
+ (Node_has_no_attributes)
+ )
+ method is_first = Minidom.node_is_first node
+ method is_last = Minidom.node_is_last node
+ method get_children =
+ List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMNode x) (Minidom.node_get_children node)
+ method get_attributes = List.map
+ (function x -> new o_mDOMAttr x) (Minidom.node_get_attributes node)
+ end
+and o_mDOMAttr (attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_attr = attr
+ method get_name =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_name attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_value =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_value attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_prev_sibling attr)
+ (Attribute_has_no_sibling "left")
+ )
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_next_sibling attr)
+ (Attribute_has_no_sibling "right")
+ )
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_parent attr) Attribute_has_no_parent
+ )
+ end
--- /dev/null
+exception Node_has_no_parent
+exception Node_has_no_sibling of string
+exception Node_has_no_children
+exception Node_has_no_attributes
+exception Attribute_has_no_sibling of string
+exception Attribute_has_no_parent
+exception Undefined_entity
+class o_mDOMString : Minidom.mDOMString ->
+ object
+ method get_dom_string : Minidom.mDOMString
+ method get_string : string
+ end
+val o_mDOMString_of_string : string -> o_mDOMString
+class o_mDOMEntity : Minidom.mDOMEntity ->
+ object
+ method get_content : o_mDOMString
+ method get_dom_entity : Minidom.mDOMEntity
+ end
+class o_mDOMDoc : Minidom.mDOMDoc ->
+ object
+ method add_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_dom_doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc
+ method get_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_predefined_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_root_node : o_mDOMNode
+ end
+and o_mDOMNode : Minidom.mDOMNode ->
+ object
+ method get_attribute : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString option
+ method get_attribute_ns :
+ o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString option
+ method get_attributes : o_mDOMAttr list
+ method get_children : o_mDOMNode list
+ method get_content : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_dom_node : Minidom.mDOMNode
+ method get_first_attribute : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_first_child : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_name : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_next_sibling : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_ns_uri : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_parent : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_prev_sibling : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_type : int
+ method is_blank : bool
+ method is_element : bool
+ method is_entity_ref : bool
+ method is_first : bool
+ method is_last : bool
+ method is_text : bool
+ end
+and o_mDOMAttr : Minidom.mDOMAttr ->
+ object
+ method get_dom_attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr
+ method get_name : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_next_sibling : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_ns_uri : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_parent : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_prev_sibling : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_value : o_mDOMString option
+ end
--- /dev/null
+let doc = Minidom.doc_load "test.xml"
+let root = Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc
+let check_attribute_ns attr =
+ Printf.printf "\n\n";
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ and attr_name = Minidom.attr_get_name attr
+ and attr_value = Minidom.attr_get_value attr
+ and parent = Minidom.attr_get_parent attr
+ in
+ match parent,ns_uri,attr_name,attr_value with
+ Some parent_node,Some uri,Some attribute_name,Some attribute_value ->
+ let attr_value = Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns parent_node attribute_name uri
+ in begin
+ match attr_value with
+ Some attr1 ->
+ Printf.printf "found the attribute with ns %s (was %s)\n"
+ (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr1) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attribute_value)
+ | None ->
+ Printf.printf "attribute not found (uri was %s)!!!!\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ Printf.printf "parent_node == NULL || uri == NULL || attribute_name == NULL || attribute_value == NULL\n"
+let print_attribute attr =
+ check_attribute_ns attr;
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ in
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf " %s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri);
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ match ((Minidom.attr_get_name attr), (Minidom.attr_get_value attr)) with
+ (Some attr_name, Some attr_value) ->
+ Printf.printf " %s=\"%s\"" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_value)
+ | (Some attr_name, _) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? attribute %s has no value !!!" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name)
+ | (_,_) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? very strange attribute !!!"
+let rec print_node n node =
+ if Minidom.node_is_blank node then ()
+ else if Minidom.node_is_element node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ Some node_name ->
+ begin
+ let children = Minidom.node_get_children node
+ and attributes = Minidom.node_get_attributes node
+ and ns_uri = Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node
+ and is_first,is_last = (Minidom.node_is_first node), (Minidom.node_is_last node)
+ in
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "<";
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf "%s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "%s" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name);
+ List.iter print_attribute attributes;
+ Printf.printf ">\n";
+ List.iter (print_node (n + 2)) children;
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "</%s>\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name)
+ end
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no name !!!\n"
+ end else if Minidom.node_is_text node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_content node with
+ Some node_content ->
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "%s\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_content)
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no content !!!\n"
+ end else begin
+ Printf.printf "don't know how to manage a node with type %d\n" (Minidom.node_get_type node)
+ end
+print_node 0 root;;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<?cocoon-format type="text/xhtml"?>
+<m:math xmlns:helm="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
+ <m:mtable helm:xref="i0" columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>DEFINITION and_ind() OF TYPE</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i31">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i33">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i34">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i38">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i39">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i40">P</m:mi>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="#b03060">:></m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:csymbol>cast</m:csymbol>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i31">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i33">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i34">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i38">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i39">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i40">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>AS</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i9">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i11">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i12">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i16">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i17">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:mo><</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i19">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>></m:mo>
+ <m:mo>CASES</m:mo>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i20">a</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>OF</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>conj</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="Green">⇒</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i21">f</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>END</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i9">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i11">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i12">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i16">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i17">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:csymbol>mutcase</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i19">P</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i20">a</m:ci>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci>conj</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i21">f</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
--- /dev/null
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <gtkmathview/gtkmathview.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <wrappers.h>
+#include <ml_glib.h>
+#include <ml_gdk.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <gtk_tags.h>
+#include <minidom.h>
+#include "minidom/ml_minidom.h"
+/* <CSC/>: Next row should be put in a .h of lablgtk. */
+#define GtkAdjustment_val(val) check_cast(GTK_ADJUSTMENT,val)
+#define GtkMathView_val(val) check_cast(GTK_MATH_VIEW,val)
+#define FontManagerId_val(val) Int_val(val)
+#define Val_FontManagerId(val) Val_int(val)
+font_manager_id_of_value(value v)
+ if (v == hash_variant("font_manager_gtk")) return FONT_MANAGER_GTK;
+ else if (v == hash_variant("font_manager_t1")) return FONT_MANAGER_T1;
+ else assert(0);
+value_of_font_manager_id(FontManagerId id)
+ switch (id) {
+ return hash_variant("font_manager_gtk");
+ return hash_variant("font_manager_t1");
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_new,GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Val_GtkWidget_sink)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load, GtkMathView_val, String_val, Val_bool)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_unload, GtkMathView_val, Unit)
+/*ML_1 (gtk_math_view_dump, GtkMathView_val, Unit)*/
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_selection, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_selection, GtkMathView_val, mDOMNodeRef_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_width, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_height, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_top, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_adjustments, GtkMathView_val, GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_buffer, GtkMathView_val, Val_GdkPixmap)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_frame, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, font_manager_id_of_value, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, value_of_font_manager_id)
+ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(value arg1,
+ value w, value h, value x0, value y0, value disable_colors, value arg2)
+ CAMLparam5(arg1,w,h,x0,y0);
+ CAMLxparam2(disable_colors, arg2);
+ char *filename;
+ FILE *fd;
+ int res;
+ filename = String_val (arg2);
+ if ((fd = fopen(filename, "w"))) {
+ gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript(GtkMathView_val (arg1),
+ Int_val(w), Int_val(h), Int_val(x0), Int_val(y0), Bool_val(disable_colors), fd);
+ fclose (fd);
+ res = 1;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing\n", filename);
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ CAMLreturn (Val_bool(res));
+value ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode (value* arg, int argn)
+ return ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6]);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_get_top (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ CAMLlocal1 (result);
+ int x, y;
+ gtk_math_view_get_top(GtkMathView_val (arg1), &x, &y);
+ result = alloc(2, 0);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x));
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(y));
+ CAMLreturn (result);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ CAMLlocal1 (optval);
+ CAMLlocal1 (res);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ optval = Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr);
+ if (optval==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ res = Field(optval, 0);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(res);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ nr=NULL;
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr));
--- /dev/null
+*.cmo *.cmi *.cmx t1lib.log test test.opt test.ps test.o
--- /dev/null
+LABLGTK_DIR = /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk
+MINIDOM_DIR = ../minidom
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+all: test
+opt: test.opt
+test: test.cmo
+ $(OCAMLC) -custom -o test lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmo \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cma \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmo \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+test.opt: test.cmx
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o test.opt lablgtk.cmxa gtkInit.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmx \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cmxa \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmx \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -c $<
+ rm -f *.cm[iox] *.o test test.opt t1lib.log test.ps
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 25/09/2000 *)
+(* *)
+(* This is a simple test for the OCaml (LablGtk indeed) binding of the *)
+(* MathView widget *)
+(* Callbacks *)
+let jump (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("jump: " ^
+ (match node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "href") with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let selection_changed mathview (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("selection_changed: " ^
+ (match node with
+ None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
+ | Some node ->
+ match node#get_name with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ | None -> "on element without name"
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ mathview#set_selection node;
+ flush stdout
+let clicked (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("clicked: " ^
+ (match node#get_name with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ | None -> "no name"
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let activate_t1 mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_t1;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH T1 FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let activate_gtk mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_gtk;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH GTK FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_manager_type mathview () =
+ print_string "CURRENT FONT MANAGER TYPE: ";
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_font_manager_type with
+ | `font_manager_t1 -> print_string "T1"
+ | `font_manager_gtk -> print_string "GTK"
+ end;
+ print_newline();
+ flush stdout
+let load mathview () =
+ mathview#load "test.xml" ;
+ print_string "load: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ let selection =
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ | Some node ->
+ begin
+ match node#get_name with
+ | Some name -> name#get_string
+ | None -> "element with no name!"
+ end
+ | None -> "no selection!"
+ in
+ print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ | Some node ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let parent_node = node#get_parent in
+ mathview#set_selection (Some parent_node);
+ print_string "set selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
+ with
+ _ -> print_string "EXCEPTION: no parent\n"
+ end
+ | None ->
+ mathview#set_selection None;
+ print_string "no selection\n"
+ end ;
+ flush stdout
+let unload mathview () =
+ mathview#unload ;
+ print_string "unload: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_width mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_width: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_width) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_height mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_height: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_height) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_top mathview () =
+ let (x,y) = mathview#get_top in
+ print_string ("get_top: ("^ string_of_int x ^ "," ^ string_of_int y ^ ")\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_top mathview () =
+ mathview#set_top 0 0;
+ print_string "set_top: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_adjustments mathview () =
+ let adj1 = GData.adjustment () in
+ let adj2 = GData.adjustment () in
+ mathview#set_adjustments adj1 adj2 ;
+ adj1#set_value ((adj1#lower +. adj1#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ adj2#set_value ((adj2#lower +. adj2#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "set_adjustments: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_hadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_hadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_hadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_vadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_vadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_vadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_buffer mathview () =
+ let buffer = mathview#get_buffer in
+ Gdk.Draw.rectangle buffer (Gdk.GC.create buffer) ~x:0 ~y:0
+ ~width:50 ~height:50 ~filled:true () ;
+ print_string "get_buffer: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: force the widget redrawing)\n";
+ flush stdout
+let get_frame mathview () =
+ let frame = mathview#get_frame in
+ frame#set_shadow_type `NONE ;
+ print_string "get_frame: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_font_size mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_size 24 ;
+ print_string "set_font_size: FONT IS NOW 24\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_size mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_font_size: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_font_size) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ mathview#set_anti_aliasing true ;
+ print_string "set_anti_aliasing: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_anti_aliasing: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_anti_aliasing with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_kerning mathview () =
+ mathview#set_kerning true ;
+ print_string "set_kerning: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_kerning mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_kerning: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_kerning with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ mathview#set_log_verbosity 3 ;
+ print_string "set_log_verbosity: NOW IS 3\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_log_verbosity: " ^
+ string_of_int mathview#get_log_verbosity ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let export_to_postscript (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ mathview#export_to_postscript ~filename:"test.ps" ();
+ print_string "expor_to_postscript: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: look at test.ps)\n";
+ flush stdout
+(* Widget creation *)
+let main_window = GWindow.window ~title:"GtkMathView test" () in
+let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:main_window#add () in
+let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~width:50 ~height:50 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let mathview= GMathView.math_view ~packing:sw#add ~width:50 ~height:50 () in
+let table = GPack.table ~rows:6 ~columns:5 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let button_gtk=GButton.button ~label:"activate Gtk fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:0) () in
+let button_load = GButton.button ~label:"load" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in
+let button_unload = GButton.button ~label:"unload" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_selection = GButton.button ~label:"get_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:0) () in
+let button_set_selection = GButton.button ~label:"set_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_width = GButton.button ~label:"get_width" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_height = GButton.button ~label:"get_height" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_top = GButton.button ~label:"get_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_top = GButton.button ~label:"set_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_adjustments = GButton.button ~label:"set_adjustments" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_hadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_hadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_vadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_vadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_buffer = GButton.button ~label:"get_buffer" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_frame = GButton.button ~label:"get_frame" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:2) () in
+let button_set_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"set_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"set_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"get_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"set_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"get_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"set_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"get_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:4) () in
+let button_export_to_postscript = GButton.button ~label:"export_to_postscript" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:4) () in
+let button_t1 = GButton.button ~label:"activate T1 fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_font_manager_type = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_manager" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:4) () in
+(* Signals connection *)
+ignore(button_gtk#connect#clicked (activate_gtk mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_load#connect#clicked (load mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_unload#connect#clicked (unload mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_selection#connect#clicked (get_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_selection#connect#clicked (set_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_width#connect#clicked (get_width mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_height#connect#clicked (get_height mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_top#connect#clicked (get_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_top#connect#clicked (set_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_adjustments#connect#clicked (set_adjustments mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_hadjustment#connect#clicked (get_hadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_vadjustment#connect#clicked (get_vadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_buffer#connect#clicked (get_buffer mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_frame#connect#clicked (get_frame mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_font_size#connect#clicked (set_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_size#connect#clicked (get_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (set_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (get_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_kerning#connect#clicked (set_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_kerning#connect#clicked (get_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (set_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (get_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_export_to_postscript#connect#clicked (export_to_postscript mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_t1#connect#clicked (activate_t1 mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_manager_type#connect#clicked (get_font_manager_type mathview)) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#jump jump) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#clicked clicked) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#selection_changed (selection_changed mathview)) ;
+(* Main Loop *)
+main_window#show () ;
+GMain.Main.main ()
--- /dev/null
+<math display="block">
+ <mrow helm:xref="SELECTION OK">
+ <mo>∫</mo>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo fontstyle="italic">d</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mo>=</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac><mi>a</mi><mn>2</mn></mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>ln</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mo>(</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>)</mo>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi xlink:href="JUMPS WORK">arctg</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>c</mi>
+ </mrow>
--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx *.cma *.cmxa config.make config.cache config.log configure
--- /dev/null
+gMathView.cmo: gtkMathView.cmo gtk_mathview.cmo
+gMathView.cmx: gtkMathView.cmx gtk_mathview.cmx
+gtkMathView.cmo: gtk_mathview.cmo
+gtkMathView.cmx: gtk_mathview.cmx
--- /dev/null
+Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it>
--- /dev/null
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
--- /dev/null
+# Makefile for lablgtk_mathview.
+TESTDIR = ./test
+ AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog LICENSE Makefile.in NEWS README configure \
+ configure.in configure.mk gMathView.ml gtkMathView.ml gtk_mathview.ml \
+ ml_gtk_mathview.c
+TARGETS = ml_gtk_mathview.o lablgtkmathview.cma
+all: $(TARGETS)
+opt: lablgtkmathviewopt
+ rm -rf lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION)
+ mkdir lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION)
+ cp $(DIST_FILES) lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION)
+ tar cvfz lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION).tar.gz lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION)
+ rm -rf lablgtkmathview-$(VERSION)
+ @rm -f config.make
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+ @rm -f .depend
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk .depend
+.depend config.make:
+ @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f configure.mk
+COMPILER = $(CAMLC) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+COMPOPT = $(CAMLOPT) $(MLFLAGS) -w s -labels -c
+include config.make
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtkmathview
+MLLIBS = lablgtkmathview.cma
+MLLINK = unix.cma str.cma
+ifdef DEBUG
+MLLINK += -cclib -lcamlrund
+MLFLAGS += -g
+THFLAGS = -thread
+THLINK = unix.cma threads.cma
+ifdef USE_CC
+CCOMPILER = ocamlc -c -ccopt "$(CFLAGS)"
+# Rules
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx .c .o .var .h .opt .def
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPILER) $<
+ $(COMPOPT) $<
+ ./var2def < $< > $@
+ ./var2conv < $< > $@
+# Targets
+COBJS = ml_gtk_mathview.o
+MLOBJS = gtk_mathview.cmo gtkMathView.cmo gMathView.cmo
+lablgtkmathviewopt: $(CLIBS) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa)
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.cmi) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test -f *.mli ; then cp *.mli $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ cp $(ALLOBJS:.cmo=.ml) $(INSTALLDIR)
+ if test ! -z "$(CLIBS)" ; then cp $(CLIBS) $(INSTALLDIR) ; fi
+ if test -f lablgtkmathview.cmxa; then \
+ cp $(MLLIBS:.cma=.cmxa) $(MLLIBS:.cma=.a) \
+lablgtkmathview.cma: $(MLOBJS)
+ $(LINKER) -a -custom -o $@ $(MLOBJS) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+lablgtkmathview.cmxa: $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx)
+ $(LINKOPT) -a -o $@ $(MLOBJS:.cmo=.cmx) $(GTKLIBS) -cclib "$(GTKMATHVIEWLIBS)" -cclib "$(MINIDOMLIBS)"
+ml_gtk.o: $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.c $(LABLGTKDIR)/gtk_tags.h \
+ $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gtk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/ml_gdk.h $(LABLGTKDIR)/wrappers.h
+ rm -f *.cm* *.o *.a *_tags.[ch] $(TARGETS)
+ cd $(TESTDIR); make clean
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f configure config.cache config.status config.log Makefile
+include .depend
--- /dev/null
+This is the Ocaml binding for the GtkMathView widget.
+To compile and install:
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make opt
+ make install
--- /dev/null
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_GTKMATHVIEW, gtkmathview-config, yes, no)
+if test $HAVE_GTKMATHVIEW = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find gtkmathview configuration script, please make sure gtkmathview is installed)
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_OCAMLC, ocamlc, yes, no)
+if test $HAVE_OCAMLC = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find ocamlc in PATH, please make sure ocaml is installed)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for the ocaml library dir)
+OCAML_ROOT=`ocamlc -v | grep "^Standard" | sed 's/^.*: *//'`
+ RES="no"
+if test $RES = "no"; then
+ RES=""
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(lablgtkmathview_cv_LABLGTK_LIB_DIR,
+ echo "In which directory can I find the lablgtk library? (I haven't found it in the usual location $OCAML_ROOT/lablgtk)"
+ read lablgtkmathview_cv_LABLGTK_LIB_DIR
+ RES="Asked"
+ )
+ LABLGTK_LIB_DIR=$lablgtkmathview_cv_LABLGTK_LIB_DIR
+ if test "$RES" != "Asked"; then
+ fi
+ RES="no"
+if test $RES = "no"; then
+ RES=""
+ AC_CACHE_VAL(lablgtkmathview_cv_MLMINIDOM_LIB_DIR,
+ echo "In which directory can I find the mlminidom library? (I haven't found it in the usual location $OCAML_ROOT/mlminidom)"
+ read lablgtkmathview_cv_MLMINIDOM_LIB_DIR
+ RES="Asked"
+ )
+ if test "$RES" != "Asked"; then
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+# makefile for configuring lablGTK_mathview
+# Default compilers
+CAMLC = ocamlc
+CAMLOPT = ocamlopt
+# Default installation directories
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/lablgtkmathview
+# Autoconf
+GETLIBDIR = ocamlc -v | grep "^Standard" | sed 's/^.*: *//'
+GETBINDIR = $(GETLIBDIR) | sed -e 's|/lib/[^/]*$$|/bin|' -e 's|/lib$$|/bin|'
+GETRANLIB = which ranlib 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's|.*/ranlib$$|!|' -e 's/^[^!]*$$/:/' -e 's/!/ranlib/'
+ifdef USE_GNOME
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags`" -I"`gnome-config --includedir
+GNOMELIBS = `gnome-config --libs gtkxmhtml`
+GTKGETCFLAGS = gtk-config --cflags
+GTKGETLIBS = gtk-config --libs
+configure: .depend config.make
+ ocamldep *.ml *.mli > .depend
+ @echo CAMLC=$(CAMLC) > config.make
+ @echo CAMLOPT=$(CAMLOPT) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GL=$(USE_GL) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_GNOME=$(USE_GNOME) >> config.make
+ @echo USE_CC=$(USE_CC) >> config.make
+ @echo DEBUG=$(DEBUG) >> config.make
+ @echo CC=$(CC) >> config.make
+ @echo RANLIB=`$(GETRANLIB)` >> config.make
+ @echo LIBDIR=$(LIBDIR) >> config.make
+ @echo BINDIR=`$(GETBINDIR)` >> config.make
+ @echo INSTALLDIR=$(INSTALLDIR) >> config.make
+# Luca: was
+# @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I/usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk >> config.make
+# Luca: now
+ @echo GTKCFLAGS=`$(GTKGETCFLAGS)` -I$(LIBDIR)/lablgtk >> config.make
+ @echo GTKLIBS=`$(GTKGETLIBS)` | \
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+# Luca: GtkMathView configuration
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWCFLAGS=`gtkmathview-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMCFLAGS=`minidom-config --cflags` >> config.make
+ @echo GTKMATHVIEWLIBS=`gtkmathview-config --libs` >> config.make
+ @echo MINIDOMLIBS=`minidom-config --libs` >> config.make
+# Luca: end of GtkMathView configuration
+ sed -e 's/-l/-cclib &/g' -e 's/-[LRWr][^ ]*/-ccopt &/g' \
+ >> config.make
+ cat config.make
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+open Gaux
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open GtkBase
+open GtkMathView
+open GObj
+exception ErrorLoadingFile of string;;
+exception ErrorWritingFile of string;;
+exception NoSelection;;
+class math_view_signals obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container_signals obj
+ method clicked = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.clicked obj ~after
+ method jump = GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.jump obj ~after
+ method selection_changed =
+ GtkSignal.connect ~sgn:MathView.Signals.selection_changed obj ~after
+class math_view obj = object
+ inherit GContainer.container (obj : Gtk_mathview.math_view obj)
+ method connect = new math_view_signals obj
+ method load ~filename =
+ if not (MathView.load obj ~filename) then raise (ErrorLoadingFile filename)
+ method unload = MathView.unload obj
+ method get_selection = MathView.get_selection obj
+ method set_selection (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) = MathView.set_selection obj node
+ method get_width = MathView.get_width obj
+ method get_height = MathView.get_height obj
+ method get_top = MathView.get_top obj
+ method set_top = MathView.set_top obj
+ method set_adjustments =
+ fun adj1 adj2 ->
+ MathView.set_adjustments obj (GData.as_adjustment adj1)
+ (GData.as_adjustment adj2)
+ method get_hadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_hadjustment obj)
+ method get_vadjustment = new GData.adjustment (MathView.get_vadjustment obj)
+ method get_buffer = MathView.get_buffer obj
+ method get_frame = new GBin.frame (MathView.get_frame obj)
+ method set_font_size = MathView.set_font_size obj
+ method get_font_size = MathView.get_font_size obj
+ method set_anti_aliasing = MathView.set_anti_aliasing obj
+ method get_anti_aliasing = MathView.get_anti_aliasing obj
+ method set_kerning = MathView.set_kerning obj
+ method get_kerning = MathView.get_kerning obj
+ method set_log_verbosity = MathView.set_log_verbosity obj
+ method get_log_verbosity = MathView.get_log_verbosity obj
+ method export_to_postscript
+ ?(width = 595) ?(height = 822) ?(x_margin = 72) ?(y_margin = 72)
+ ?(disable_colors = false) ~filename () =
+ let result = MathView.export_to_postscript obj
+ ~width ~height ~x_margin ~y_margin ~disable_colors ~filename
+ in
+ if not result then raise (ErrorWritingFile filename)
+ method get_font_manager_type = MathView.get_font_manager_type obj
+ method set_font_manager_type ~fm_type = MathView.set_font_manager_type obj ~fm_type
+let math_view ?adjustmenth ?adjustmentv ?font_size ?font_manager ?border_width
+ ?width ?height ?packing ?show () =
+ let w =
+ MathView.create
+ ?adjustmenth:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmenth)
+ ?adjustmentv:(may_map ~f:GData.as_adjustment adjustmentv)
+ ()
+ in
+ Container.set w ?border_width ?width ?height;
+ let mathview = pack_return (new math_view w) ~packing ~show in
+ begin
+ match font_size with
+ | Some size -> mathview#set_font_size size
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match font_manager with
+ | Some manager -> mathview#set_font_manager_type ~fm_type:manager
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ mathview
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+open Gtk
+open Gtk_mathview
+open Tags
+open GtkBase
+open Gpointer
+external mDOMNode_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option"
+external mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option :
+ Gpointer.boxed option -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option"
+let o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode node = new Ominidom.o_mDOMNode node
+let o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option =
+ function
+ | Some x -> Some (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode x)
+ | None -> None
+let mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option =
+ function
+ | Some x -> Some (x#get_dom_node)
+ | None -> None
+module MathView = struct
+ exception NoSelection
+ let cast w : math_view obj = Object.try_cast w "GtkMathView"
+ external create : Gtk.adjustment optobj -> Gtk.adjustment optobj ->
+ math_view obj = "ml_gtk_math_view_new"
+ let create ~adjustmenth ~adjustmentv () =
+ create (optboxed adjustmenth) (optboxed adjustmentv)
+ external load : [>`math_view] obj -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_load"
+ external unload : [>`math_view] obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_unload"
+ external raw_get_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_selection"
+ let get_selection obj =
+ o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (raw_get_selection obj)
+ external raw_set_selection : [>`math_view] obj -> Minidom.mDOMNode option -> unit=
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_selection"
+ let set_selection obj node =
+ raw_set_selection obj (mDOMNode_option_of_o_mDOMNode_option node)
+ external get_width : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_width"
+ external get_height : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_height"
+ external get_top : [>`math_view] obj -> (int * int) =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_top"
+ external set_top : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_top"
+ external set_adjustments : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_adjustments"
+ external get_hadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment"
+ external get_vadjustment : [>`math_view] obj -> Gtk.adjustment obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment"
+ external get_buffer : [>`math_view] obj -> Gdk.pixmap =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_buffer"
+ external get_frame : [>`math_view] obj -> [`frame] obj =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_frame"
+ external set_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_size"
+ external get_font_size : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_size"
+ external set_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing"
+ external get_anti_aliasing : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing"
+ external set_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_kerning"
+ external get_kerning : [>`math_view] obj -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_kerning"
+ external set_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity"
+ external get_log_verbosity : [>`math_view] obj -> int =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity"
+ external export_to_postscript :
+ [>`math_view] obj -> width:int -> height:int -> x_margin:int -> y_margin:int -> disable_colors:bool -> filename:string -> bool =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode" "ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native"
+ external get_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj ->
+ [`font_manager_gtk | `font_manager_t1] =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type"
+ external set_font_manager_type : [>`math_view] obj ->
+ fm_type:[`font_manager_gtk | `font_manager_t1] -> unit =
+ "ml_gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type"
+ module Signals = struct
+ open GtkSignal
+ let clicked : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_clicked f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_clicked"
+ in
+ { name = "clicked"; marshaller = marshal_clicked }
+ let jump : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_jump f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_of_mDOMNode (mDOMNode_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_jump"
+ in
+ { name = "jump"; marshaller = marshal_jump }
+ let selection_changed : ([>`math_view],_) t =
+ let marshal_selection_changed f _ =
+ function
+ [GtkArgv.POINTER node] -> f (o_mDOMNode_option_of_mDOMNode_option (mDOMNode_option_of_boxed_option node))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "GtkMathView.MathView.Signals.marshal_selection_changed"
+ in
+ { name = "selection_changed"; marshaller = marshal_selection_changed }
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+type math_view = [`widget|`container|`bin|`eventbox|`math_view]
--- /dev/null
+Summary: The LablGTK binding for the GtkMathView widget
+Name: lablgtkmathview
+Version: 0.2.2
+Release: 1
+Copyright: GPL
+URL: http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm
+Packager: Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+Requires: gtkmathview >= 0.2.2 ocaml >= 3.00 lablgtk_20001129, lablgtk-20001129_gtkmathview
+Group: Applications/Publishing
+Source: www.cs.unibo.it:/~lpadovan/mml-widget/lablgtkmathview-0.2.2.tar.gz
+The LablGTK binding for the GtkMathView widget
+make configure
+make opt
+make install
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <caml/mlvalues.h>
+#include <caml/alloc.h>
+#include <caml/memory.h>
+#include <caml/callback.h>
+#include <caml/fail.h>
+#include <gtkmathview/gtkmathview.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <wrappers.h>
+#include <ml_glib.h>
+#include <ml_gdk.h>
+#include <ml_gtk.h>
+#include <gtk_tags.h>
+#include <minidom.h>
+#include "minidom/ml_minidom.h"
+/* <CSC/>: Next row should be put in a .h of lablgtk. */
+#define GtkAdjustment_val(val) check_cast(GTK_ADJUSTMENT,val)
+#define GtkMathView_val(val) check_cast(GTK_MATH_VIEW,val)
+#define FontManagerId_val(val) Int_val(val)
+#define Val_FontManagerId(val) Val_int(val)
+font_manager_id_of_value(value v)
+ if (v == hash_variant("font_manager_gtk")) return FONT_MANAGER_GTK;
+ else if (v == hash_variant("font_manager_t1")) return FONT_MANAGER_T1;
+ else assert(0);
+value_of_font_manager_id(FontManagerId id)
+ switch (id) {
+ return hash_variant("font_manager_gtk");
+ return hash_variant("font_manager_t1");
+ default:
+ assert(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_new,GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Val_GtkWidget_sink)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_load, GtkMathView_val, String_val, Val_bool)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_unload, GtkMathView_val, Unit)
+/*ML_1 (gtk_math_view_dump, GtkMathView_val, Unit)*/
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_selection, GtkMathView_val, Val_mDOMNodeRef)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_selection, GtkMathView_val, mDOMNodeRef_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_width, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_height, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_top, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_3 (gtk_math_view_set_adjustments, GtkMathView_val, GtkAdjustment_val, GtkAdjustment_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_hadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_vadjustment, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_buffer, GtkMathView_val, Val_GdkPixmap)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_frame, GtkMathView_val, Val_GtkWidget)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_size, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Bool_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_kerning, GtkMathView_val, Val_bool)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Int_val, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_log_verbosity, GtkMathView_val, Val_int)
+ML_2 (gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, font_manager_id_of_value, Unit)
+ML_1 (gtk_math_view_get_font_manager_type, GtkMathView_val, value_of_font_manager_id)
+ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(value arg1,
+ value w, value h, value x0, value y0, value disable_colors, value arg2)
+ CAMLparam5(arg1,w,h,x0,y0);
+ CAMLxparam2(disable_colors, arg2);
+ char *filename;
+ FILE *fd;
+ int res;
+ filename = String_val (arg2);
+ if ((fd = fopen(filename, "w"))) {
+ gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript(GtkMathView_val (arg1),
+ Int_val(w), Int_val(h), Int_val(x0), Int_val(y0), Bool_val(disable_colors), fd);
+ fclose (fd);
+ res = 1;
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s for writing\n", filename);
+ res = 0;
+ }
+ CAMLreturn (Val_bool(res));
+value ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_bytecode (value* arg, int argn)
+ return ml_gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript_native(arg[0], arg[1], arg[2], arg[3], arg[4], arg[5], arg[6]);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_get_top (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ CAMLlocal1 (result);
+ int x, y;
+ gtk_math_view_get_top(GtkMathView_val (arg1), &x, &y);
+ result = alloc(2, 0);
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(x));
+ Store_field(result, 0, Val_int(y));
+ CAMLreturn (result);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ CAMLlocal1 (optval);
+ CAMLlocal1 (res);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ optval = Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr);
+ if (optval==Val_int(0)) {
+ assert(0);
+ } else {
+ res = Field(optval, 0);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(res);
+value ml_gtk_math_view_mDOMNode_option_of_bodex_option (value arg1)
+ CAMLparam1(arg1);
+ mDOMNodeRef nr;
+ CAMLlocal1 (tmp);
+ if (arg1==Val_int(0)) {
+ nr=NULL;
+ } else {
+ tmp = Field(arg1, 0);
+ nr = (mDOMNodeRef) Field(tmp, 1);
+ }
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMNodeRef(nr));
--- /dev/null
+*.cmo *.cmi *.cmx t1lib.log test test.opt test.ps test.o
--- /dev/null
+LABLGTK_DIR = /usr/lib/ocaml/lablgtk
+MINIDOM_DIR = ../minidom
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+ -I $(MINIDOM_DIR) -I mlmathview
+all: test
+opt: test.opt
+test: test.cmo
+ $(OCAMLC) -custom -o test lablgtk.cma gtkInit.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmo \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmo \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cma \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmo \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+test.opt: test.cmx
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -o test.opt lablgtk.cmxa gtkInit.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/minidom.cmx \
+ $(MINIDOM_DIR)/ominidom.cmx \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/lablgtkmathview.cmxa \
+ -cclib "$(MINIDOM_DIR)/ml_minidom.o" \
+ test.cmx \
+ -cclib "-lstr -L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk \
+ -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm \
+ -L/usr/local/lib/gtkmathview -lgtkmathview \
+ $(LABLGTK_MATHVIEW_DIR)/ml_gtk_mathview.o"
+.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLC) -c $<
+ $(OCAMLOPT) -c $<
+ rm -f *.cm[iox] *.o test test.opt t1lib.log test.ps
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of lablgtkmathview, the Ocaml binding
+ * for the GtkMathView widget.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * lablgtkmathview is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with lablgtkmathview; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+(* Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it> *)
+(* 25/09/2000 *)
+(* *)
+(* This is a simple test for the OCaml (LablGtk indeed) binding of the *)
+(* MathView widget *)
+(* Callbacks *)
+let jump (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("jump: " ^
+ (match node#get_attribute (O.o_mDOMString_of_string "href") with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let selection_changed mathview (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode option) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("selection_changed: " ^
+ (match node with
+ None -> "selection_changed on nothing"
+ | Some node ->
+ match node#get_name with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ | None -> "on element without name"
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ mathview#set_selection node;
+ flush stdout
+let clicked (node : Ominidom.o_mDOMNode) =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ print_string ("clicked: " ^
+ (match node#get_name with
+ | Some x -> x#get_string
+ | None -> "no name"
+ ) ^ "\n");
+ flush stdout
+let activate_t1 mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_t1;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH T1 FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let activate_gtk mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_manager_type `font_manager_gtk;
+ print_string "WIDGET SET WITH GTK FONTS\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_manager_type mathview () =
+ print_string "CURRENT FONT MANAGER TYPE: ";
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_font_manager_type with
+ | `font_manager_t1 -> print_string "T1"
+ | `font_manager_gtk -> print_string "GTK"
+ end;
+ print_newline();
+ flush stdout
+let load mathview () =
+ mathview#load "test.xml" ;
+ print_string "load: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ let selection =
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ | Some node ->
+ begin
+ match node#get_name with
+ | Some name -> name#get_string
+ | None -> "element with no name!"
+ end
+ | None -> "no selection!"
+ in
+ print_string ("get_selection: " ^ selection ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_selection mathview () =
+ let module O = Ominidom in
+ begin
+ match mathview#get_selection with
+ | Some node ->
+ begin
+ try
+ let parent_node = node#get_parent in
+ mathview#set_selection (Some parent_node);
+ print_string "set selection: SEEMS TO WORK\n"
+ with
+ _ -> print_string "EXCEPTION: no parent\n"
+ end
+ | None ->
+ mathview#set_selection None;
+ print_string "no selection\n"
+ end ;
+ flush stdout
+let unload mathview () =
+ mathview#unload ;
+ print_string "unload: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_width mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_width: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_width) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_height mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_height: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_height) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_top mathview () =
+ let (x,y) = mathview#get_top in
+ print_string ("get_top: ("^ string_of_int x ^ "," ^ string_of_int y ^ ")\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_top mathview () =
+ mathview#set_top 0 0;
+ print_string "set_top: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_adjustments mathview () =
+ let adj1 = GData.adjustment () in
+ let adj2 = GData.adjustment () in
+ mathview#set_adjustments adj1 adj2 ;
+ adj1#set_value ((adj1#lower +. adj1#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ adj2#set_value ((adj2#lower +. adj2#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "set_adjustments: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_hadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_hadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_hadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_vadjustment mathview () =
+ let adj = mathview#get_vadjustment in
+ adj#set_value ((adj#lower +. adj#upper) /. 2.0) ;
+ print_string "get_vadjustment: SEEM TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_buffer mathview () =
+ let buffer = mathview#get_buffer in
+ Gdk.Draw.rectangle buffer (Gdk.GC.create buffer) ~x:0 ~y:0
+ ~width:50 ~height:50 ~filled:true () ;
+ print_string "get_buffer: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: force the widget redrawing)\n";
+ flush stdout
+let get_frame mathview () =
+ let frame = mathview#get_frame in
+ frame#set_shadow_type `NONE ;
+ print_string "get_frame: SEEMS TO WORK\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_font_size mathview () =
+ mathview#set_font_size 24 ;
+ print_string "set_font_size: FONT IS NOW 24\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_font_size mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_font_size: " ^ string_of_int (mathview#get_font_size) ^ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ mathview#set_anti_aliasing true ;
+ print_string "set_anti_aliasing: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_anti_aliasing mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_anti_aliasing: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_anti_aliasing with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_kerning mathview () =
+ mathview#set_kerning true ;
+ print_string "set_kerning: ON\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_kerning mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_kerning: " ^
+ (match mathview#get_kerning with true -> "ON" | false -> "OFF") ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let set_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ mathview#set_log_verbosity 3 ;
+ print_string "set_log_verbosity: NOW IS 3\n" ;
+ flush stdout
+let get_log_verbosity mathview () =
+ print_string ("get_log_verbosity: " ^
+ string_of_int mathview#get_log_verbosity ^
+ "\n") ;
+ flush stdout
+let export_to_postscript (mathview : GMathView.math_view) () =
+ mathview#export_to_postscript ~filename:"test.ps" ();
+ print_string "expor_to_postscript: SEEMS TO WORK (hint: look at test.ps)\n";
+ flush stdout
+(* Widget creation *)
+let main_window = GWindow.window ~title:"GtkMathView test" () in
+let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:main_window#add () in
+let sw = GBin.scrolled_window ~width:50 ~height:50 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let mathview= GMathView.math_view ~packing:sw#add ~width:50 ~height:50 () in
+let table = GPack.table ~rows:6 ~columns:5 ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+let button_gtk=GButton.button ~label:"activate Gtk fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:0) () in
+let button_load = GButton.button ~label:"load" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:0) () in
+let button_unload = GButton.button ~label:"unload" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_selection = GButton.button ~label:"get_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:0) () in
+let button_set_selection = GButton.button ~label:"set_selection" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:0) () in
+let button_get_width = GButton.button ~label:"get_width" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_height = GButton.button ~label:"get_height" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_top = GButton.button ~label:"get_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_top = GButton.button ~label:"set_top" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:1) () in
+let button_set_adjustments = GButton.button ~label:"set_adjustments" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:1) () in
+let button_get_hadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_hadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_vadjustment = GButton.button ~label:"get_vadjustment" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_buffer = GButton.button ~label:"get_buffer" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_frame = GButton.button ~label:"get_frame" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:2) () in
+let button_set_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"set_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:2) () in
+let button_get_font_size = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_size" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"set_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_anti_aliasing = GButton.button ~label:"get_anti_aliasing" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"set_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:3) () in
+let button_get_kerning = GButton.button ~label:"get_kerning" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:3) () in
+let button_set_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"set_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:0 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_log_verbosity = GButton.button ~label:"get_log_verbosity" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:1 ~top:4) () in
+let button_export_to_postscript = GButton.button ~label:"export_to_postscript" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:2 ~top:4) () in
+let button_t1 = GButton.button ~label:"activate T1 fonts" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:3 ~top:4) () in
+let button_get_font_manager_type = GButton.button ~label:"get_font_manager" ~packing:(table#attach ~left:4 ~top:4) () in
+(* Signals connection *)
+ignore(button_gtk#connect#clicked (activate_gtk mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_load#connect#clicked (load mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_unload#connect#clicked (unload mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_selection#connect#clicked (get_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_selection#connect#clicked (set_selection mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_width#connect#clicked (get_width mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_height#connect#clicked (get_height mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_top#connect#clicked (get_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_top#connect#clicked (set_top mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_adjustments#connect#clicked (set_adjustments mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_hadjustment#connect#clicked (get_hadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_vadjustment#connect#clicked (get_vadjustment mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_buffer#connect#clicked (get_buffer mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_frame#connect#clicked (get_frame mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_font_size#connect#clicked (set_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_size#connect#clicked (get_font_size mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (set_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_anti_aliasing#connect#clicked (get_anti_aliasing mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_kerning#connect#clicked (set_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_kerning#connect#clicked (get_kerning mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_set_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (set_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_log_verbosity#connect#clicked (get_log_verbosity mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_export_to_postscript#connect#clicked (export_to_postscript mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_t1#connect#clicked (activate_t1 mathview)) ;
+ignore(button_get_font_manager_type#connect#clicked (get_font_manager_type mathview)) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#jump jump) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#clicked clicked) ;
+ignore(mathview#connect#selection_changed (selection_changed mathview)) ;
+(* Main Loop *)
+main_window#show () ;
+GMain.Main.main ()
--- /dev/null
+<math display="block">
+ <mrow helm:xref="SELECTION OK">
+ <mo>∫</mo>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo fontstyle="italic">d</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ <mo>=</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac><mi>a</mi><mn>2</mn></mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>ln</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mo>(</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <msup><mi>x</mi><mn>2</mn></msup>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>)</mo>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>b</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi>a</mi>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mrow>
+ <mi xlink:href="JUMPS WORK">arctg</mi>
+ <mo>⁡</mo>
+ <mfrac>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>x</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <msqrt>
+ <mrow>
+ <mrow>
+ <mn>4</mn>
+ <mo>⁢</mo>
+ <mi>q</mi>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>-</mo>
+ <msup>
+ <mi>p</mi>
+ <mn>2</mn>
+ </msup>
+ </mrow>
+ </msqrt>
+ </mfrac>
+ </mrow>
+ </mrow>
+ <mo>+</mo>
+ <mi>c</mi>
+ </mrow>
--- /dev/null
+*.cmi *.cmo *.cmx test test.opt
--- /dev/null
+Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+Claudio Sacerdoti Coen <sacerdot@cs.unibo.it>
--- /dev/null
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
--- /dev/null
+INSTALLDIR = $(LIBDIR)/mlminidom
+OBJECTS = minidom.cmi minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o ominidom.cmi ominidom.cmo
+OBJECTS_OPT = minidom.cmx ominidom.cmx
+INST = minidom.o ominidom.o ml_minidom.h minidom.mli
+DIST_FILES = Makefile.in configure.in configure *.ml *.mli test.xml ml_minidom.c ml_minidom.h
+all: $(OBJECTS) test
+opt: $(OBJECTS_OPT) test.opt
+ rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ mkdir $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ tar cvfz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.gz $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ rm -rf $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+ml_minidom.o: ml_minidom.c
+ gcc -c -I$(LIBDIR)/caml/ `glib-config --cflags` `minidom-config --cflags` $<
+minidom.cmi: minidom.mli
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmo: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlc -c $<
+minidom.cmx: minidom.ml minidom.cmi
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+ominidom.cmi: ominidom.mli
+ ocamlc -c $<
+ominidom.cmo: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlc -c $<
+ominidom.cmx: ominidom.ml
+ ocamlopt -c $<
+test.cmo: test.ml minidom.cmo
+ ocamlc -c test.ml
+test.cmx: test.ml minidom.cmx
+ ocamlopt -c test.ml
+test: test.cmo minidom.cmo ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlc -custom -o test minidom.cmo test.cmo ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+test.opt: test.cmx minidom.cmx ml_minidom.o
+ ocamlopt -o test.opt minidom.cmx test.cmx ml_minidom.o \
+ -cclib "`glib-config --libs` `minidom-config --libs`"
+ if test -d $(INSTALLDIR); then : ; else mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR); fi
+ rm -rf $(INSTALLDIR)
+ rm -f *.o *.cm? test test.opt
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f configure config.log config.cache config.status Makefile
--- /dev/null
+This is the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+To compile and install:
+ ./configure
+ make
+ make opt
+ make install
--- /dev/null
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_GLIB, glib-config, yes, no)
+if test $HAVE_GLIB = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not font glib configuration script, please make sure glib (dev) is installed)
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_MINIDOM, minidom-config, yes, no)
+if test $HAVE_MINIDOM = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find minidom configuration script, please make sure minidom is installed)
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_OCAMLC, ocamlc, yes, no)
+if test $HAVE_OCAMLC = "no"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find ocamlc in PATH, please make sure ocaml is installed)
+AC_MSG_CHECKING("for the ocaml library dir")
+OCAML_ROOT=`ocamlc -v | grep "^Standard" | sed 's/^.*: *//'`
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : mDOMDoc -> mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : mDOMNode -> mDOMString -> mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+let rec node_list_of_node_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some node -> node :: (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_next_sibling node))
+let rec attr_list_of_attr_first =
+ function None -> []
+ | Some attr -> attr :: (attr_list_of_attr_first (attr_get_next_sibling attr))
+let node_get_children node =
+ (node_list_of_node_first (node_get_first_child node))
+let node_get_attributes node =
+ (attr_list_of_attr_first (node_get_first_attribute node))
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+type mDOMString
+type mDOMDoc
+type mDOMNode
+type mDOMAttr
+type mDOMEntity
+external string_of_mDOMString : mDOMString -> string = "ml_string_of_mDOMString"
+external mDOMString_of_string : string -> mDOMString = "ml_mDOMString_of_string"
+external mDOMString_eq : string -> string -> bool = "ml_mDOMString_eq"
+external doc_load : string -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_load"
+external doc_unload : mDOMDoc -> unit = "ml_doc_unload"
+external doc_new : mDOMString -> mDOMDoc = "ml_doc_new"
+external doc_get_root_node : mDOMDoc -> mDOMNode = "ml_doc_get_root_node"
+external doc_add_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> content:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity = "ml_doc_add_entity"
+external doc_get_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_entity"
+external doc_get_predefined_entity : doc:mDOMDoc -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMEntity option = "ml_doc_get_predefined_entity"
+external entity_get_content : mDOMEntity -> mDOMString = "ml_entity_get_content"
+external node_is_text : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_text"
+external node_is_element : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_element"
+external node_is_blank : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_blank"
+external node_is_entity_ref : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_entity_ref"
+external node_get_type : mDOMNode -> int = "ml_node_get_type"
+external node_get_name : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_name"
+external node_get_ns_uri : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_ns_uri"
+external node_get_attribute : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute"
+external node_get_attribute_ns : node:mDOMNode -> name:mDOMString -> ns_uri:mDOMString -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_attribute_ns"
+external node_get_content : mDOMNode -> mDOMString option = "ml_node_get_content"
+external node_get_parent : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_parent"
+external node_get_prev_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_prev_sibling"
+external node_get_next_sibling : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_next_sibling"
+external node_get_first_child : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode option = "ml_node_get_first_child"
+external node_get_first_attribute : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_node_get_first_attribute"
+external node_is_first : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_first"
+external node_is_last : mDOMNode -> bool = "ml_node_is_last"
+external attr_get_name : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_name"
+external attr_get_ns_uri : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_ns_uri"
+external attr_get_value : mDOMAttr -> mDOMString option = "ml_attr_get_value"
+external attr_get_prev_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_prev_sibling"
+external attr_get_next_sibling : mDOMAttr -> mDOMAttr option = "ml_attr_get_next_sibling"
+external attr_get_parent : mDOMAttr -> mDOMNode option = "ml_attr_get_parent"
+val node_get_children : mDOMNode -> mDOMNode list
+val node_get_attributes : mDOMNode -> mDOMAttr list
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <mlvalues.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include "minidom.h"
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+static value
+ml_some(value v)
+ CAMLparam1(v);
+ value ret = alloc_small(1,0);
+ Field(ret,0) = v;
+ CAMLreturn(ret);
+ml_string_of_mDOMString(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_mDOMString_of_string(value s)
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ CAMLreturn(s);
+ml_doc_load(value file_name)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(file_name);
+ doc_ref = mdom_load(String_val(file_name), FALSE, NULL);
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not load document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_unload(value doc)
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ mdom_unload((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_unit);
+ml_doc_new(value s)
+ mDOMDocRef doc_ref;
+ CAMLparam1(s);
+ doc_ref = mdom_doc_new(mDOMString_val(s));
+ if (doc_ref == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not create new document");
+ CAMLreturn((value) doc_ref);
+ml_doc_get_root_node(value doc)
+ mDOMNodeRef root;
+ CAMLparam1(doc);
+ root = mdom_doc_get_root_node((mDOMDocRef) doc);
+ if (root == NULL) failwith("minidom: document has no root node!");
+ CAMLreturn((value) root);
+ml_doc_add_entity(value doc, value name, value content)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam3(doc, name, content);
+ ent = mdom_doc_add_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name), mDOMString_val(content));
+ if (ent == NULL) failwith("minidom: could not add entity");
+ CAMLreturn((value) ent);
+ml_doc_get_entity(value doc, value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam2(doc, name);
+ ent = mdom_doc_get_entity((mDOMDocRef) doc, mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_doc_get_predefined_entity(value name)
+ mDOMEntityRef ent;
+ CAMLparam1(name);
+ ent = mdom_get_predefined_entity(mDOMString_val(name));
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(ent, Val_ptr));
+ml_entity_get_content(value ent)
+ CAMLparam1(ent);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_mDOMString(mdom_entity_get_content((mDOMEntityRef) ent)));
+ml_node_is_text(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_text((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_element(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_element((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_blank(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_blank((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_entity_ref(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_entity_ref((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_type(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_int(mdom_node_get_type((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_get_name(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_name((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_content(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_content((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_ns_uri(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_ns_uri((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute(value node, value name)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node, String_val(name)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_attribute_ns(value node, value name, value ns_uri)
+ CAMLparam2(node,name);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_attribute_ns((mDOMNodeRef) node,
+ String_val(name),
+ String_val(ns_uri)), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_node_get_parent(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_parent((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_prev_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_prev_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_next_sibling(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_next_sibling((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_child(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_child((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_get_first_attribute(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_node_get_first_attribute((mDOMNodeRef) node), Val_ptr));
+ml_node_is_first(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_first((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_node_is_last(value node)
+ CAMLparam1(node);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_bool(mdom_node_is_last((mDOMNodeRef) node)));
+ml_attr_get_name(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_name((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_ns_uri(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_ns_uri((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_value(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_value((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_mDOMString));
+ml_attr_get_prev_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_prev_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_next_sibling(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_next_sibling((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
+ml_attr_get_parent(value attr)
+ CAMLparam1(attr);
+ CAMLreturn(Val_option(mdom_attr_get_parent((mDOMAttrRef) attr), Val_ptr));
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ */
+#ifndef ml_minidom_h
+#define ml_minidom_h
+#define Val_ptr(p) ((value) (p))
+#ifndef Val_option
+#define Val_option(p,f) ((p != NULL) ? ml_some(f(p)) : Val_unit)
+#endif /* Val_option */
+#define Val_mDOMString(s) (copy_string((char*) (s)))
+#define mDOMString_val(v) ((mDOMStringRef) String_val(v))
+#define mDOMNode_val(v) ((mDOMNodeRef) v)
+#define mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p) (((p) != NULL) ? ml_some((value) (p)) : Val_unit)
+#define mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v) ((v == Val_unit) ? NULL : (mDOMNodeRef)Field((v),0))
+#define Val_mDOMNodeRef(p) (mDOMNode_option_mDOMNodeRef(p))
+#define mDOMNodeRef_val(v) (mDOMNodeRef_mDOMNode_option(v))
+#endif /* ml_minidom_h */
--- /dev/null
+Summary: The Ocaml binding for the minidom library
+Name: mlminidom
+Version: 0.0.1
+Release: 1
+Copyright: GPL
+URL: http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm
+Packager: Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+Requires: ocaml >= 3.00, minidom >= 0.0.1, glib, glib-devel
+Group: Applications/Publishing
+Source: www.cs.unibo.it:/~lpadovan/mml-widget/mlminidom-0.0.1.tar.gz
+The Ocaml binding for the minidom library
+make opt
+make install
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+exception Node_has_no_parent;;
+exception Node_has_no_sibling of string;;
+exception Node_has_no_children;;
+exception Node_has_no_attributes;;
+exception Attribute_has_no_sibling of string;;
+exception Attribute_has_no_parent;;
+exception Undefined_entity;;
+let option_to_exception v e =
+ match v with
+ Some x -> x
+ | None -> raise e
+class o_mDOMString (str: Minidom.mDOMString) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_string = str
+ method get_string = Minidom.string_of_mDOMString str
+ end;;
+let o_mDOMString_of_string str =
+ new o_mDOMString (Minidom.mDOMString_of_string str)
+class o_mDOMEntity (ent : Minidom.mDOMEntity) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_entity = ent
+ method get_content =
+ new o_mDOMString (Minidom.entity_get_content ent)
+ end
+class o_mDOMDoc (doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_doc = doc
+ method get_root_node =
+ new o_mDOMNode (Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc)
+ method add_entity (name : o_mDOMString) (value : o_mDOMString) =
+ new o_mDOMEntity
+ (Minidom.doc_add_entity doc
+ (name#get_dom_string) (value#get_dom_string)
+ )
+ method get_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.doc_get_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x
+ | None -> raise Undefined_entity
+ method get_predefined_entity (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.doc_get_predefined_entity doc (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> new o_mDOMEntity x
+ | None -> raise Undefined_entity
+ end
+and o_mDOMNode (node : Minidom.mDOMNode) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_node = node
+ method is_text = Minidom.node_is_text node
+ method is_element = Minidom.node_is_element node
+ method is_blank = Minidom.node_is_blank node
+ method is_entity_ref = Minidom.node_is_entity_ref node
+ method get_type = Minidom.node_get_type node
+ method get_name =
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ match Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_attribute (name : o_mDOMString) =
+ match Minidom.node_get_attribute node (name#get_dom_string) with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_attribute_ns (name : o_mDOMString) (uri : o_mDOMString) =
+ match
+ Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns node
+ (name#get_dom_string) (uri#get_dom_string)
+ with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_content =
+ match Minidom.node_get_content node with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception (Minidom.node_get_parent node) Node_has_no_parent)
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_prev_sibling node)
+ (Node_has_no_sibling "left")
+ )
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_next_sibling node)
+ (Node_has_no_sibling "right")
+ )
+ method get_first_child =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_first_child node)
+ (Node_has_no_children)
+ )
+ method get_first_attribute =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.node_get_first_attribute node)
+ (Node_has_no_attributes)
+ )
+ method is_first = Minidom.node_is_first node
+ method is_last = Minidom.node_is_last node
+ method get_children =
+ List.map (function x -> new o_mDOMNode x) (Minidom.node_get_children node)
+ method get_attributes = List.map
+ (function x -> new o_mDOMAttr x) (Minidom.node_get_attributes node)
+ end
+and o_mDOMAttr (attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr) =
+ object
+ method get_dom_attr = attr
+ method get_name =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_name attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_ns_uri =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_value =
+ match Minidom.attr_get_value attr with
+ | Some x -> Some (new o_mDOMString x)
+ | None -> None
+ method get_prev_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_prev_sibling attr)
+ (Attribute_has_no_sibling "left")
+ )
+ method get_next_sibling =
+ new o_mDOMAttr
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_next_sibling attr)
+ (Attribute_has_no_sibling "right")
+ )
+ method get_parent =
+ new o_mDOMNode
+ (option_to_exception
+ (Minidom.attr_get_parent attr) Attribute_has_no_parent
+ )
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+exception Node_has_no_parent
+exception Node_has_no_sibling of string
+exception Node_has_no_children
+exception Node_has_no_attributes
+exception Attribute_has_no_sibling of string
+exception Attribute_has_no_parent
+exception Undefined_entity
+class o_mDOMString : Minidom.mDOMString ->
+ object
+ method get_dom_string : Minidom.mDOMString
+ method get_string : string
+ end
+val o_mDOMString_of_string : string -> o_mDOMString
+class o_mDOMEntity : Minidom.mDOMEntity ->
+ object
+ method get_content : o_mDOMString
+ method get_dom_entity : Minidom.mDOMEntity
+ end
+class o_mDOMDoc : Minidom.mDOMDoc ->
+ object
+ method add_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_dom_doc : Minidom.mDOMDoc
+ method get_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_predefined_entity : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMEntity
+ method get_root_node : o_mDOMNode
+ end
+and o_mDOMNode : Minidom.mDOMNode ->
+ object
+ method get_attribute : o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString option
+ method get_attribute_ns :
+ o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString -> o_mDOMString option
+ method get_attributes : o_mDOMAttr list
+ method get_children : o_mDOMNode list
+ method get_content : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_dom_node : Minidom.mDOMNode
+ method get_first_attribute : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_first_child : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_name : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_next_sibling : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_ns_uri : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_parent : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_prev_sibling : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_type : int
+ method is_blank : bool
+ method is_element : bool
+ method is_entity_ref : bool
+ method is_first : bool
+ method is_last : bool
+ method is_text : bool
+ end
+and o_mDOMAttr : Minidom.mDOMAttr ->
+ object
+ method get_dom_attr : Minidom.mDOMAttr
+ method get_name : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_next_sibling : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_ns_uri : o_mDOMString option
+ method get_parent : o_mDOMNode
+ method get_prev_sibling : o_mDOMAttr
+ method get_value : o_mDOMString option
+ end
--- /dev/null
+(* Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of mlminidom, the Ocaml binding for minidom.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * mlminidom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with mlminidom; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, send a mail to the author.
+ *)
+let doc = Minidom.doc_load "test.xml"
+let root = Minidom.doc_get_root_node doc
+let check_attribute_ns attr =
+ Printf.printf "\n\n";
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ and attr_name = Minidom.attr_get_name attr
+ and attr_value = Minidom.attr_get_value attr
+ and parent = Minidom.attr_get_parent attr
+ in
+ match parent,ns_uri,attr_name,attr_value with
+ Some parent_node,Some uri,Some attribute_name,Some attribute_value ->
+ let attr_value = Minidom.node_get_attribute_ns parent_node attribute_name uri
+ in begin
+ match attr_value with
+ Some attr1 ->
+ Printf.printf "found the attribute with ns %s (was %s)\n"
+ (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr1) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attribute_value)
+ | None ->
+ Printf.printf "attribute not found (uri was %s)!!!!\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ Printf.printf "parent_node == NULL || uri == NULL || attribute_name == NULL || attribute_value == NULL\n"
+let print_attribute attr =
+ check_attribute_ns attr;
+ let ns_uri = Minidom.attr_get_ns_uri attr
+ in
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf " %s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri);
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ match ((Minidom.attr_get_name attr), (Minidom.attr_get_value attr)) with
+ (Some attr_name, Some attr_value) ->
+ Printf.printf " %s=\"%s\"" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name) (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_value)
+ | (Some attr_name, _) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? attribute %s has no value !!!" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString attr_name)
+ | (_,_) ->
+ Printf.printf " ??? very strange attribute !!!"
+let rec print_node n node =
+ if Minidom.node_is_blank node then ()
+ else if Minidom.node_is_element node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_name node with
+ Some node_name ->
+ begin
+ let children = Minidom.node_get_children node
+ and attributes = Minidom.node_get_attributes node
+ and ns_uri = Minidom.node_get_ns_uri node
+ and is_first,is_last = (Minidom.node_is_first node), (Minidom.node_is_last node)
+ in
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "<";
+ begin
+ match ns_uri with
+ Some uri -> Printf.printf "%s:" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString uri)
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "%s" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name);
+ List.iter print_attribute attributes;
+ Printf.printf ">\n";
+ List.iter (print_node (n + 2)) children;
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "</%s>\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_name)
+ end
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no name !!!\n"
+ end else if Minidom.node_is_text node then begin
+ match Minidom.node_get_content node with
+ Some node_content ->
+ for i = 1 to n do print_char ' ' done;
+ Printf.printf "%s\n" (Minidom.string_of_mDOMString node_content)
+ | None -> Printf.printf "??? this node has no content !!!\n"
+ end else begin
+ Printf.printf "don't know how to manage a node with type %d\n" (Minidom.node_get_type node)
+ end
+print_node 0 root;;
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<?cocoon-format type="text/xhtml"?>
+<m:math xmlns:helm="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm" xmlns:m="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
+ <m:mtable helm:xref="i0" columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>DEFINITION and_ind() OF TYPE</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i31">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i33">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i34">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:mo color="Blue">Π</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i38">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i39">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i40">P</m:mi>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="#b03060">:></m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i22">
+ <m:csymbol>cast</m:csymbol>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i23">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i24">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i25">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i26">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i27">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i28">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i29">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i30">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i31">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i32">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i33">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i34">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i35">
+ <m:csymbol>prod</m:csymbol>
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i36">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i37">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i38">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i39">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i40">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i41">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mtext>AS</m:mtext>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>__</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:semantics xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:mo>Prop</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>f</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i9">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i11">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo color="Blue">→</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i12">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:mtable columnalign="left" equalrows="false" align="baseline 1">
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mo color="Red">λ</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>a</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>:</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi xlink:href="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i16">A</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i17">B</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ <m:mtr>
+ <m:mtd>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo>.</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:mo><</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i19">P</m:mi>
+ <m:mo>></m:mo>
+ <m:mo>CASES</m:mo>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i20">a</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>OF</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi>conj</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mo color="Green">⇒</m:mo>
+ <m:mrow>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">(</m:mo>
+ <m:mi helm:xref="i21">f</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$1</m:mi>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mi>$2</m:mi>
+ <m:mo stretchy="false">)</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:mphantom>
+ <m:mtext>_</m:mtext>
+ </m:mphantom>
+ <m:mo>END</m:mo>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
+ </m:mrow>
+ <m:annotation-xml encoding="MathML">
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i1">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>A</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i2">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i3">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>B</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i4">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i5">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>P</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i6">
+ <m:csymbol>Prop</m:csymbol>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i7">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>f</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i8">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i9">A</m:ci>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i10">
+ <m:csymbol>arrow</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i11">B</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i12">P</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:lambda helm:xref="i13">
+ <m:bvar>
+ <m:ci>a</m:ci>
+ <m:type>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i14">
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci definitionURL="cic:/coq/INIT/Logic/Conjunction/and.ind" helm:xref="i15">and</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i16">A</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i17">B</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:type>
+ </m:bvar>
+ <m:apply helm:xref="i18">
+ <m:csymbol>mutcase</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i19">P</m:ci>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i20">a</m:ci>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci>conj</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ <m:apply>
+ <m:csymbol>app</m:csymbol>
+ <m:ci helm:xref="i21">f</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$1</m:ci>
+ <m:ci>$2</m:ci>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:apply>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:lambda>
+ </m:annotation-xml>
+ </m:semantics>
+ </m:mrow>
+ </m:mtd>
+ </m:mtr>
+ </m:mtable>
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HelmPot, a minimal browser for HELM.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HelmPot; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HelmPot World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/helmview, or send a mail to
+ * <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+ */
--- /dev/null
+CLEANFILES = core t1lib.log helmpot.spec
+bin_PROGRAMS = helmpot
+noinst_HEADERS = guiGTK.h
+helmpot_SOURCES = \
+ main.c \
+ guiGTK.c
+ tar cvfz ../@PACKAGE@-@VERSION@-`date|tr ' ' '_'|tr ':' '_'`.tar.gz .
+ -rm -f `find . -name "*~"`
+ @( \
+ CFILES=`find . -name "*.c"`; \
+ HFILES=`find . -name "*.h"`; \
+ wc -l $$CFILES $$HFILES | tail -n 1 \
+ )
--- /dev/null
+HELMPoT is a small plug-out for Netscape Navigator in order to
+browse the HELM library. After installing the binary somewhere
+in your hard disk, just configure a new helper application in
+Netscape associated to the text/xml MIME type. The command
+to be executed should something of the kind:
+ helmpot '%s'
+assuming that helmpot is visible in your path.
+ luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HelmView, a minimal browser for HELM.
+ *
+ * HelmView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HelmView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HelmView; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HelmView World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/helmview, or send a mail to
+ * <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+ */
+#ifndef __config_h__
+#define __config_h__
+#define PRIVATE static
+/* If defined the widget will perform a huge amount
+ * of validity checks while running
+ */
+#define DEBUG
+#define NDEBUG
+#endif /* __config_h__ */
--- /dev/null
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+ checks,
+ [ --enable-checks[=ARG] include debugging checks [default=yes]],
+ [
+ if test $enableval = yes; then
+ fi
+ ],
+dnl Automake configuration
+dnl Checks for programs.
+AC_CHECK_PROG(HAVE_COLORGCC, colorgcc, yes, no)
+dnl Checks for header files.
+dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+dnl Check for iconv with const pointer as second argument
+dnl Checks for libraries
+AC_CHECK_LIB(gtk, gtk_window_new,
+ [
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `gtk-config --cflags`"
+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `gtk-config --cflags`"
+ LIBS="$LIBS `gtk-config --libs`"
+ ],
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find GTK),
+ `gtk-config --libs`
+AC_CHECK_LIB(minidom, mdom_node_get_type,
+ [
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `minidom-config --cflags`"
+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `minidom-config --cflags`"
+ LIBS="$LIBS `minidom-config --libs`"
+ ],
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(could not find minidom),
+ `minidom-config --libs` `glib-config --libs`
+AC_CHECK_LIB(gtkmathview, gtk_math_view_new,
+ [
+ CFLAGS="$CFLAGS `gtkmathview-config --cflags`"
+ CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS `gtkmathview-config --cflags`"
+ LIBS="$LIBS `gtkmathview-config --libs`"
+ ],
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(cound not find gtkmathview),
+ `gtkmathview-config --libs`
+if test $HAVE_COLORGCC = "yes"; then
+ CC=colorgcc
+ CXX=colorgcc
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HelmPot, a minimal browser for HELM.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HelmPot; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HelmPot World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/helmview, or send a mail to
+ * <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+# include <sys/types.h>
+# include <sys/stat.h>
+# include <fcntl.h>
+# include <unistd.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
+#include "gtkmathview.h"
+#include "guiGTK.h"
+#define XLINK_NS_URI "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
+#define pot_width 16
+#define pot_height 16
+PRIVATE unsigned char pot_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x07,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0xe6, 0x2f, 0x34, 0x5f, 0xdc, 0x5f, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0xf8, 0x3f,
+ 0xf0, 0x1f, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+#define pot_mask_width 16
+#define pot_mask_height 16
+static unsigned char pot_mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x0f,
+ 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfc, 0x7f,
+ 0xfc, 0x7f, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00};
+PRIVATE GtkWidget* window;
+PRIVATE GtkWidget* main_area;
+PRIVATE GtkWidget* scrolled_area;
+PRIVATE GtkWidget* status_bar;
+PRIVATE GtkMenuItem* kerning_item;
+PRIVATE GtkMenuItem* anti_aliasing_item;
+PRIVATE GtkMenuItem* font_size_item;
+PRIVATE gchar* file_name = NULL;
+PRIVATE GdkCursor* pot;
+PRIVATE guint statusbar_context;
+PRIVATE void create_widget_set(void);
+PRIVATE GtkWidget* get_main_menu(void);
+PRIVATE void options_font_size(GtkWidget*, guint);
+PRIVATE void options_font_manager(GtkWidget*, guint);
+PRIVATE void options_verbosity(GtkWidget*, guint);
+PRIVATE void options_kerning(GtkWidget*, gpointer);
+PRIVATE void options_anti_aliasing(GtkWidget*, gpointer);
+PRIVATE void help_about(GtkWidget*, gpointer);
+PRIVATE void save_as(GtkWidget*);
+PRIVATE void export_to_ps(GtkWidget*);
+PRIVATE GtkItemFactoryEntry menu_items[] = {
+ { "/_File", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
+ { "/File/Save _As...", NULL, save_as, 0, NULL },
+ { "/File/_Export to PostScript...", NULL, export_to_ps, 0, NULL },
+ { "/File/sep1", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Separator>" },
+ { "/File/_Quit", "<control>Q", gtk_main_quit, 0, NULL },
+ { "/_Options", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
+ { "/Options/Default _Font Size", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt", NULL, options_font_size, 8, "<RadioItem>" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/10pt", NULL, options_font_size, 10, "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/12pt", NULL, options_font_size, 12, "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/14pt", NULL, options_font_size, 14, "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/18pt", NULL, options_font_size, 18, "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt" },
+ { "/Options/Default Font Size/24pt", NULL, options_font_size, 24, "/Options/Default Font Size/8pt" },
+ { "/Options/Font Manager", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
+ { "/Options/Font Manager/_GTK", NULL, options_font_manager, 0, "<RadioItem>" },
+ { "/Options/Font Manager/_Type 1", NULL, options_font_manager, 1, "/Options/Font Manager/GTK" },
+ { "/Options/Verbosity", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Branch>" },
+ { "/Options/Verbosity/_Errors", NULL, options_verbosity, 0, "<RadioItem>" },
+ { "/Options/Verbosity/_Warnings", NULL, options_verbosity, 1, "/Options/Verbosity/Errors" },
+ { "/Options/Verbosity/_Info", NULL, options_verbosity, 2, "/Options/Verbosity/Errors" },
+ { "/Options/Verbosity/_Debug", NULL, options_verbosity, 3, "/Options/Verbosity/Errors" },
+ { "/Options/sep1", NULL, NULL, 0, "<Separator>" },
+ { "/Options/_Kerning", NULL, options_kerning, 0, "<ToggleItem>" },
+ { "/Options/_Anti Aliasing", NULL, options_anti_aliasing, 0, "<ToggleItem>" },
+ { "/_Help" , NULL, NULL, 0, "<LastBranch>" },
+ { "/Help/About...", NULL, help_about, 0, NULL }
+quick_message(const gchar* msg)
+ GtkWidget* dialog;
+ GtkWidget* label;
+ GtkWidget* okay_button;
+ /* Create the widgets */
+ dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
+ label = gtk_label_new (msg);
+ okay_button = gtk_button_new_with_label("OK");
+ gtk_widget_set_usize(dialog, 300, 100);
+ /* Ensure that the dialog box is destroyed when the user clicks ok. */
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (okay_button), "clicked",
+ GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy), GTK_OBJECT(dialog));
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area),
+ okay_button);
+ /* Add the label, and show everything we've added to the dialog. */
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), label);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
+load_error_msg(const gchar* name)
+ gchar* msg = g_strdup_printf("Could not load\n`%s'", name);
+ quick_message(msg);
+ g_free(msg);
+save_error_msg(const gchar* name)
+ gchar* msg = g_strdup_printf("Could not save\n`%s'", name);
+ quick_message(msg);
+ g_free(msg);
+GUI_init(gint* argc, gchar*** argv, gchar* title, guint width, guint height, GtkFunction f, guint32 timeout)
+ GdkPixmap* source;
+ GdkPixmap* mask;
+ GdkColor fg = { 0, 65535, 65535, 65535 };
+ GdkColor bg = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ gtk_init(argc, argv);
+ window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
+ gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), title);
+ gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), width, height);
+ gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(window), "delete_event", (GtkSignalFunc) gtk_main_quit, NULL);
+ create_widget_set();
+ gtk_widget_show(window);
+ gtk_timeout_add(timeout, f, NULL);
+ source = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data (NULL, pot_bits,
+ pot_width, pot_height);
+ mask = gdk_bitmap_create_from_data (NULL, pot_mask_bits,
+ pot_mask_width, pot_mask_height);
+ pot = gdk_cursor_new_from_pixmap (source, mask, &fg, &bg, 8, 8);
+ gdk_pixmap_unref (source);
+ gdk_pixmap_unref (mask);
+GUI_load_document(const gchar* name)
+ GtkMathView* math_view;
+ GtkMathViewClass* klass;
+ g_return_val_if_fail(name != NULL, -1);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(main_area != NULL, -1);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(GTK_IS_MATH_VIEW(main_area), -1);
+ math_view = GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area);
+ g_return_val_if_fail(math_view != NULL, -1);
+ klass = (GtkMathViewClass*) gtk_type_class(gtk_math_view_get_type());
+ g_return_val_if_fail(klass != NULL, -1);
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (main_area->window, pot);
+ if (!gtk_math_view_load(math_view, name)) {
+ load_error_msg(name);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gtk_statusbar_pop(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), statusbar_context);
+ if (strlen(name) > 40) name += strlen(name) - 40;
+ gtk_statusbar_push(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), statusbar_context, name);
+ gdk_window_set_cursor(main_area->window, klass->normal_cursor);
+ if (file_name != NULL) g_free(file_name);
+ file_name = g_strdup(name);
+ return 0;
+ GtkMathView* math_view;
+ g_return_if_fail(main_area != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MATH_VIEW(main_area));
+ math_view = GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area);
+ gtk_math_view_unload(math_view);
+ gtk_main();
+options_font_size(GtkWidget* widget, guint size)
+ GtkMathView* math_view;
+ g_return_if_fail(main_area != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MATH_VIEW(main_area));
+ math_view = GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area);
+ gtk_math_view_set_font_size(math_view, size);
+options_font_manager(GtkWidget* widget, guint id)
+ GtkMathView* math_view;
+ g_return_if_fail(main_area != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MATH_VIEW(main_area));
+ math_view = GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area);
+ gtk_math_view_set_font_manager_type(math_view, id);
+options_anti_aliasing(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data)
+ gboolean aa = gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area));
+ gtk_math_view_set_anti_aliasing(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area), !aa);
+options_kerning(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data)
+ gboolean k = gtk_math_view_get_kerning(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area));
+ gtk_math_view_set_kerning(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area), !k);
+options_verbosity(GtkWidget* widget, guint level)
+ gtk_math_view_set_log_verbosity(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area), level);
+help_about(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data)
+ GtkWidget* dialog;
+ GtkWidget* label;
+ GtkWidget* ok;
+ dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
+ label = gtk_label_new("\n HELM PoT \n Copyright (C) 2001 Luca Padovani \n");
+ ok = gtk_button_new_with_label("Close");
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (ok), "clicked",
+ GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy), (gpointer) dialog);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area),
+ ok);
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), label);
+ gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);
+export_filename(GtkFileSelection* selector, gpointer user_data)
+ FILE* f;
+ GtkMathView* math_view;
+ gchar* selected_filename;
+ selected_filename = gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(user_data));
+ math_view = GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area);
+ f = fopen(selected_filename, "wt");
+ if (f == NULL) {
+ save_error_msg(selected_filename);
+ /*g_free(selected_filename);*/
+ return;
+ }
+ gtk_math_view_export_to_postscript(math_view,
+ f);
+ fclose(f);
+ /*g_free(selected_filename);*/
+save_filename(GtkFileSelection* selector, gpointer user_data)
+ FILE* source;
+ FILE* dest;
+ gchar* buffer;
+ gchar* selected_filename;
+ if (file_name == NULL) return;
+ source = fopen(file_name, "rt");
+ if (source == NULL) {
+ load_error_msg(file_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ selected_filename = gtk_file_selection_get_filename (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(user_data));
+ if (selected_filename == NULL) return;
+ dest = fopen(selected_filename, "wt");
+ if (dest == NULL) {
+ save_error_msg(selected_filename);
+ /*g_free(selected_filename);*/
+ return;
+ }
+ /*g_free(selected_filename);*/
+ buffer = g_new(gchar, 2048);
+ while (!feof(source)) {
+ size_t n = fread(buffer, sizeof(gchar), 2048, source);
+ fwrite(buffer, sizeof(gchar), n, dest);
+ }
+ g_free(buffer);
+ fclose(source);
+ fclose(dest);
+file_dialog(const gchar* title, GtkSignalFunc f)
+ GtkWidget* fs;
+ g_return_if_fail(title != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(f != NULL);
+ fs = gtk_file_selection_new(title);
+ gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->ok_button),
+ "clicked", f, fs);
+ /* Ensure that the dialog box is destroyed when the user clicks a button. */
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->ok_button),
+ "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
+ (gpointer) fs);
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (GTK_FILE_SELECTION(fs)->cancel_button),
+ "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
+ (gpointer) fs);
+ /* Display that dialog */
+ gtk_widget_show (fs);
+export_to_ps(GtkWidget* widget)
+ file_dialog("Export to PostScript", export_filename);
+#if 0
+ static GList* items = NULL;
+ GtkWidget* dialog;
+ GtkWidget* tmp;
+ if (items == NULL) {
+ items = g_list_append(items, "A4");
+ items = g_list_append(items, "A5");
+ }
+ dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
+ tmp = gtk_label_new("Paper size");
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tmp);
+ tmp = gtk_combo_new();
+ gtk_combo_set_popdown_strings(GTK_COMBO(tmp), items);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tmp);
+#if 0
+ tmp = gtk_check_button_new_with_label("Disable Colors");
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), tmp);
+ tmp = gtk_button_new_with_label("OK");
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(tmp), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(export_to_ps_get_file_name), dialog);
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(tmp), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_widget_destroy), dialog);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area), tmp);
+ tmp = gtk_button_new_with_label("Cancel");
+ gtk_signal_connect_object(GTK_OBJECT(tmp), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(gtk_widget_destroy), dialog);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->action_area), tmp);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(dialog);
+save_as(GtkWidget* widget)
+ file_dialog("Save As...", save_filename);
+selection_changed(GtkMathView* math_view, mDOMNodeRef node)
+ g_return_if_fail(math_view != NULL);
+ g_return_if_fail(GTK_IS_MATH_VIEW(math_view));
+ gtk_math_view_set_selection(math_view, node);
+jump(GtkMathView* math_view, mDOMNodeRef node)
+ mDOMStringRef href;
+ g_return_if_fail(node != NULL);
+ href = mdom_node_get_attribute_ns(node, DOM_CONST_STRING("href"), XLINK_NS_URI);
+ if (href != NULL) {
+ pid_t pid;
+ g_assert(main_area != NULL);
+ gdk_window_set_cursor (main_area->window, pot);
+ pid = fork();
+ if (pid == -1) exit(-1);
+ if (pid == 0) {
+ gchar* open_url = g_strdup_printf("openURL(%s,cic)", href);
+ gint fd;
+ close(0);
+ close(1);
+ close(2);
+ fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
+ dup(fd);
+ dup(fd);
+ execlp("netscape", "netscape", "-noraise", "-remote", open_url, NULL);
+ perror("exec failed:");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ mdom_string_free(href);
+ }
+ GtkWidget* main_vbox;
+ GtkWidget* menu_bar;
+ main_vbox = gtk_vbox_new(FALSE, 1);
+ gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(main_vbox), 1);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), main_vbox);
+ gtk_widget_show(main_vbox);
+ menu_bar = get_main_menu();
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), menu_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ gtk_widget_show(menu_bar);
+ main_area = gtk_math_view_new(NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_widget_show(main_area);
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (main_area),
+ "selection_changed", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (selection_changed),
+ (gpointer) main_area);
+ gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (main_area), "jump", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(jump), NULL);
+ scrolled_area = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
+ gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled_area),
+ gtk_widget_show(scrolled_area);
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled_area), main_area);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), scrolled_area, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
+ status_bar = gtk_statusbar_new();
+ gtk_widget_show(status_bar);
+ gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(main_vbox), status_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
+ statusbar_context = gtk_statusbar_get_context_id(GTK_STATUSBAR(status_bar), "filename");
+ gtk_widget_show(main_vbox);
+ if (gtk_math_view_get_anti_aliasing(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area)))
+ gtk_menu_item_activate(anti_aliasing_item);
+ if (gtk_math_view_get_kerning(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area)))
+ gtk_menu_item_activate(kerning_item);
+ gtk_math_view_set_font_size(GTK_MATH_VIEW(main_area), DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE);
+ gtk_menu_item_activate(font_size_item);
+ GtkItemFactory* item_factory;
+ GtkAccelGroup* accel_group;
+ GtkWidget* menu_item;
+ gint nmenu_items = sizeof(menu_items) / sizeof(menu_items[0]);
+ accel_group = gtk_accel_group_new();
+ item_factory = gtk_item_factory_new(GTK_TYPE_MENU_BAR, "<main>", accel_group);
+ gtk_item_factory_create_items(item_factory, nmenu_items, menu_items, NULL);
+ gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(window), accel_group);
+ menu_item = gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "/Options/Kerning");
+ kerning_item = GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item);
+ menu_item = gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "/Options/Anti Aliasing");
+ anti_aliasing_item = GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item);
+ /* !!!BEWARE!!! the default font size must be kept aligned with the definition
+ * in defs.h
+ */
+ menu_item = gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "/Options/Default Font Size/14pt");
+ font_size_item = GTK_MENU_ITEM(menu_item);
+ return gtk_item_factory_get_widget(item_factory, "<main>");
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HelmPot, a minimal browser for HELM.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HelmPot; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HelmPot World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/helmview, or send a mail to
+ * <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+ */
+#ifndef __guiGTK_h__
+#define __guiGTK_h__
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ /* initGUI: some initialization stuff, creates the main window, sets it with a title */
+ void GUI_init(gint *, gchar ***, gchar *, guint, guint, GtkFunction, guint32);
+ void GUI_uninit(void);
+ int GUI_load_document(const gchar*);
+ void GUI_unload_document(void);
+ void GUI_dump_entities(void);
+ /* main: this is the main event loop, to be called when the program is ready to run */
+ void GUI_run(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __guiGTK_h__ */
--- /dev/null
+Summary: A minimal browser for the HELM library
+Name: @PACKAGE@
+Version: @VERSION@
+Release: 1
+Copyright: GPL
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Source: www.cs.unibo.it:/helm/helmpot/@PACKAGE@-@VERSION@.tar.gz
+HelmView is a minimal browser for the HELM library.
+make install
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2000, Luca Padovani <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>.
+ *
+ * This file is part of HelmPot, a minimal browser for HELM.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * HelmPot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with HelmPot; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ *
+ * For details, see the HelmPot World-Wide-Web page,
+ * http://cs.unibo.it/helm/helmview, or send a mail to
+ * <luca.padovani@cs.unibo.it>
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "guiGTK.h"
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
+PRIVATE gchar app_name[64];
+PRIVATE gint sockfd;
+PRIVATE struct sockaddr_in address;
+error(const gchar* msg)
+ g_assert(msg != NULL);
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: fatal error: %s\n", app_name, msg);
+#if 0
+ printf("%s - written by Luca Padovani (C) 2000.\n", app_name);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("Compiled %s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);
+ exit(0);
+PRIVATE gboolean
+timeout(gpointer user_data)
+ static gchar file_name[BUFFER_SIZE];
+ if (recv(sockfd, file_name, BUFFER_SIZE, 0) < 0) {
+ if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK)
+ error("error receving message");
+ } else
+ GUI_load_document(file_name);
+ return TRUE;
+main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ sprintf(app_name, "HELM Pot (Plug-OuT) v%s", VERSION);
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", app_name);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: helmpot URL\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ sockfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
+ if (sockfd < 0) error("could not create socket");
+ if (inet_aton("", &address.sin_addr) < 0)
+ error("could not create address");
+ address.sin_port = 8778;
+ address.sin_family = PF_INET;
+ if (bind(sockfd, &address, sizeof(address)) < 0) {
+ if (sendto(sockfd, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]), 0, &address, sizeof(address)) < 0)
+ error("could not send message");
+ sleep(1);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0)
+ error("could not set the socket to non-block mode");
+ GUI_init(&argc, &argv, app_name, 500, 600, timeout, 500);
+ GUI_load_document(argv[1]);
+ GUI_run();
+ GUI_uninit();
+ GUI_unload_document();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#define pot_mask_width 16
+#define pot_mask_height 16
+static unsigned char pot_mask_bits[] = {
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x03, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0xe0, 0x0f,
+ 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfc, 0x7f,
+ 0xfc, 0x7f, 0xf8, 0x3f, 0xf0, 0x1f, 0x00, 0x00};
--- /dev/null
+<title>On-Line Library Configuration</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+#normal { background-color: white; font-family: sans-serif }
+td.head { font-weight: bold; background-color: #e6e6fa; color: brown }
+td.back { background-color: #e6e6fa; color: brown }
+#indent { margin-left: 1cm; margin-right: 1cm }
+#centered { text-align: center }
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../javascript/defaults.js"></script>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../javascript/prelude.js"></script>
+<body id="normal" onLoad="refreshLinks()">
+<a name="top"/>
+<table border="0" width="100%" cellpadding="4">
+<tr><td class="head" align="center"><big><big>On-Line Library Configuration</big></big></td></tr>
+<br />
+<div id="indent">
+The on-line interface will use a
+<a href="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/getter" target="_top">Getter</a> to locate and
+download documents and an
+<a href="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/uwobo" target="_top">UWOBO</a> to apply transformations
+to them.
+<br /><br />
+Here you can choose the Getter and the UWOBO to use, providing valid URLs
+to instances of them.
+<br /><br />
+To control the behaviour of them, use the apposite
+<a onClick="refreshLinks();" href="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/getter/panel/index.html" target="_top">Getter panel</a>
+<a onClick="refreshLinks();" href="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm/uwobo/panel/index.html" target="_top">UWOBO panel</a>.
+<br /><br />
+<table border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="2" align="left">UWOBO URL</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <form name="uwoboURL">
+ <script>
+ document.write('<input type="text" value="' + getInitialProcessorURL() + '" size="50"/>');
+ </script>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <form>
+ <select onChange="selectUwoboURL(this)">
+ <option value="">---</option>
+ <option value="localhost">localhost</option>
+ <option value="marcello.cs.unibo.it">marcello</option>
+ <option value="phd.cs.unibo.it">phd</option>
+ <option value="eolo.cs.unibo.it">eolo</option>
+ </select>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <form>
+ <input type="button" value="Check" onClick="top.result.location = getUwoboURL() + 'help'"/>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<br />
+<table border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th colspan="2" align="left">Getter URL</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <form name="getterURL">
+ <script>
+ document.write('<input type="text" value="' + getInitialGetterURL() + '" size="50"/>');
+ </script>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <form>
+ <select onChange="selectGetterURL(this)">
+ <option value="">---</option>
+ <option value="localhost">localhost</option>
+ <option value="marcello.cs.unibo.it">marcello</option>
+ <option value="phd.cs.unibo.it">phd</option>
+ <option value="eolo.cs.unibo.it">eolo</option>
+ </select>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <form>
+ <input type="button" value="Check" onClick="top.result.location = getGetterURL() + 'help'"/>
+ </form>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+<div id="centered">
+<h1><a onClick="refreshLinks();" href="" target="_top"><script>if (top.location.search == '') document.write('ENTER THE LIBRARY'); else document.write('RETURN TO THE LIBRARY');</script></a></h1>
--- /dev/null
+<frameset rows="75%,*">
+ <frame src="control.html" name="control"/>
+ <frame src="welcome.html" name="result"/>
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+<title>Control panel</title>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/defaults.js"></script>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/utils.js"></script>
+<script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/control.js"></script>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <b>Format</b>:
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="output" onChange="updateOutput(this,document.forms[0].format)">
+ <script>
+ var mode = getParam('mode');
+ var mode_list = mode.split(',');
+ outputOption(document, "processed", "Processed", mode_list[0]);
+ outputOption(document, "raw", "Raw", mode_list[0]);
+ </script>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <select name="format" onChange="updateFormat(this)">
+ <script>
+ var mode = getParam('mode');
+ var mode_list = mode.split(',');
+ if (mode_list[0] == "raw") {
+ outputOption(document, "cic", "CIC", mode_list[1]);
+ outputOption(document, "zcic", "CIC GZipped", mode_list[1]);
+ } else {
+ outputOption(document, "html", "HTML", mode_list[2]);
+ outputOption(document, "mml_cont", "MathML Content", mode_list[2]);
+ outputOption(document, "mml_pres", "MathML Presentation", mode_list[2]);
+ }
+ </script>
+ </select>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <script>
+ document.write('<a target="_top" href="' +
+ getParam('topurl') +
+ '?mode=' + getParam('mode') +
+ '&cicuri=' + getParam('cicuri') +
+ '&theoryuri=' + getParam('theoryuri') +
+ '&processorURL=' + getParam('processorURL') +
+ '&getterURL=' + getParam('getterURL') +
+ '" onClick="refreshReload()">Reload</a>');
+ </script>
+ <br>
+ (do it also before attempting to take a link to the current page)
+ <script>
+ top.processorURL = getParam('processorURL');
+ top.getterURL = getParam('getterURL');
+ top.topurl = getParam('topurl');
+ top.mode = getParam('mode');
+ top.cicuri = getParam('cicuri');
+ top.theoryuri = getParam('theoryuri');
+ </script>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <script>
+ var mode = getParam('mode');
+ var mode_list = mode.split(',');
+ outputCheckbox(document, "updateNatural(this)", " Natural Language", mode_list[3] == "yes");
+ outputCheckbox(document, "updateAnnotations(this)", " Annotations", mode_list[4] == "yes");
+ </script>
+ </td>
+ <td>
+ <script>
+ document.write('<a target="_top" href="../../html/index.html' +
+ '?mode=' + getParam('mode') +
+ '&cicuri=' + getParam('cicuri') +
+ '&theoryuri=' + getParam('theoryuri') +
+ '&processorURL=' + getParam('processorURL') +
+ '&getterURL=' + getParam('getterURL') +
+ '">Configuration Panel</a>');
+ </script>
+ <br>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+<html xmlns:helm="http://www.cs.unibo.it/helm">
+<title>Control panel</title>
+<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000">
+<table width="100%">
+ <td width="50%">
+ <font size="+3" face="Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif"><b>Index of <helm:getParam name="uri"/></b></font>
+ <hr noshade="yes" align="left" width="80%"/>
+ </td>
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
+ <script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/defaults.js"></script>
+ <script language="JavaScript" src="../../javascript/utils.js"></script>
+ <title>Index</script></title>
+ document.write('<frameset rows="18%,*" border="0" scrolling="no">');
+ document.write('<frame src="control.html' +
+ '?topurl=' + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + location.pathname +
+ '&mode=' + getParam('mode') +
+ '&cicuri=' + getParam('cicuri') +
+ '&theoryuri=' + getParam('theoryuri') +
+ '&processorURL=' + getParam('processorURL') +
+ '&getterURL=' + getParam('getterURL') +
+ '" name="control"/>');
+ document.write('<frameset cols="50%,50%" border="0" scrolling="no">');
+ document.write('<frameset rows="11%,*" border="0" scrolling="no">');
+ document.write('<frame src="' +
+ getParam('processorURL') + 'apply' +
+ '?keys=GP' +
+ '&xmluri=' + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + chopSlash(location.pathname) + "/header.html" +
+ '¶m.uri=' + getParam('theoryuri') +
+ '" name="theoryheader"/>');
+ document.write('<frame src="' +
+ getParam('processorURL') + 'apply' +
+ '?keys=L2H' +
+ '&xmluri=' + escape(getParam('getterURL') + 'ls?format=xml&baseuri=' + getParam('theoryuri')) +
+ '¶m.keys=L2H' +
+ '¶m.uri=' + getParam('theoryuri') +
+ '¶m.getterURL=' + getParam('getterURL') +
+ '¶m.target=theory' +
+ '¶m.interfaceURL=' + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + chopSlash(chopSlash(chopSlash(location.pathname))) +
+ '" name="theoryresult"/>');
+ document.write('</frameset>');
+ document.write('<frameset rows="11%,*" border="0" scrolling="no">');
+ document.write('<frame src="' +
+ getParam('processorURL') + 'apply' +
+ '?keys=GP' +
+ '&xmluri=' + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + chopSlash(location.pathname) + "/header.html" +
+ '¶m.uri=' + getParam('cicuri') +
+ '" name="cicheader"/>');
+ document.write('<frame src="' +
+ getParam('processorURL') + 'apply' +
+ '?keys=L2H' +
+ '&xmluri=' + escape(getParam('getterURL') + 'ls?format=xml&baseuri=' + getParam('cicuri')) +
+ '¶m.keys=L2H' +
+ '¶m.uri=' + getParam('cicuri') +
+ '¶m.getterURL=' + getParam('getterURL') +
+ '¶m.target=cic' +
+ '¶m.interfaceURL=' + location.protocol + "//" + location.host + chopSlash(chopSlash(chopSlash(location.pathname))) +
+ '" name="cicresult"/>');
+ document.write('</frameset>');
+ document.write('</frameset>');
+ document.write('</frameset>');
--- /dev/null
+<body bgcolor="white">
--- /dev/null
+TARGETS = control.js_xml defaults.js_xml utils.js_xml
+.SUFFIXES: .js .js_xml
+ @echo "<?xml version='1.0'?>" >$@
+ @echo "<script>" >>$@
+ @echo "<![CDATA[" >>$@
+ @cat $< >>$@
+ @echo "]]>" >>$@
+ @echo "</script>" >>$@
+all: $(TARGETS)
+ rm -rf $(TARGETS)
--- /dev/null
+function updateMode(i, s)
+ var mode = top.mode;
+ var mode_list = mode.split(",");
+ var res = "";
+ var j;
+ for (j = 0; j < mode_list.length; j++) {
+ if (j == i) res += s;
+ else res += mode_list[j];
+ if (j < mode_list.length - 1) res += ",";
+ }
+ top.mode = res;
+function updateOutput(output,format)
+ var theoryuri = top.theoryuri;
+ var cicuri = top.cicuri;
+ var mode = top.mode;
+ var topurl = top.topurl;
+ var processorURL = top.processorURL;
+ var getterURL = top.getterURL;
+ var mode_list = mode.split(",");
+ var new_mode = output.options[output.selectedIndex].value;
+ var dest = "?theoryuri=" + theoryuri + "&cicuri=" + cicuri + "&topurl=" + topurl + "&processorURL=" + processorURL + "&getterURL=" + getterURL + "&mode=";
+ if (new_mode != mode_list[0]) {
+ updateMode(0, new_mode);
+ if (new_mode == "raw") updateMode(2, format.options[format.selectedIndex].value);
+ else updateMode(1, format.options[format.selectedIndex].value);
+ location.search = dest + top.mode;
+ }
+function updateFormat(format)
+ var mode = top.mode;
+ var mode_list = mode.split(",");
+ if (mode_list[0] == "raw") {
+ updateMode(1, format.options[format.selectedIndex].value);
+ } else {
+ updateMode(2, format.options[format.selectedIndex].value);
+ }
+ refreshReload();
+function updateNatural(checkbox)
+ if (checkbox.checked) updateMode(3, "yes");
+ else updateMode(3, "no");
+ refreshReload();
+function updateAnnotations(checkbox)
+ if (checkbox.checked) updateMode(4, "yes");
+ else updateMode(4, "no");
+ refreshReload();
+function refreshReload()
+ var search =
+ "?mode=" + top.mode +
+ "&cicuri=" + top.cicuri +
+ "&theoryuri=" + top.theoryuri +
+ "&processorURL=" + top.processorURL +
+ "&getterURL=" + top.getterURL;
+ top.frames[0].document.links[0].search = search;
+ top.frames[0].document.links[1].search = search;
+ return true;
+function refreshcicHeader(headerURL)
+ top.cicheader.location.search = "?keys=GP&xmluri=" + headerURL + "¶m.uri=" + top.cicuri;
+ return true;
+function refreshtheoryHeader(headerURL)
+ top.theoryheader.location.search = "?keys=GP&xmluri=" + headerURL + "¶m.uri=" + top.theoryuri;
+ return true;
+function makeURL(type,uri,cicflags,typesflags)
+ var mode = top.mode;
+ var processorURL = top.processorURL;
+ var getterURL = top.getterURL;
+ var mode_list = mode.split(",");
+ var keys = "";
+ var url = "";
+ var output = mode_list[0];
+ var format;
+ if (output == "raw") format = mode_list[1];
+ else format = mode_list[2];
+ if (output == "raw") {
+ url = getterURL + "get?uri=" + uri;
+ } else {
+ if (format == "html" && type == "cic") {
+ keys = "C1,HC2¶m.processorURL=" + escape(processorURL) +
+ "¶m.getterURL=" + escape(getterURL) +
+ "¶m.keys=" + escape("C1,HC2");
+ } else if (format == "html" && type == "theory") {
+ keys = "T1,T2,E¶m.processorURL=" + escape(processorURL) +
+ "¶m.getterURL=" + escape(getterURL) +
+ "¶m.keys=" + escape("C1,HC2");
+ } else if (format == "mml_cont" && type == "cic") {
+ keys = "C1";
+ } else if (format == "mml_cont" && type == "theory") {
+ keys = "T1,E¶m.keys=C1";
+ } else if (format == "mml_pres" && type == "cic") {
+ keys = "C1,C2";
+ } else if (format == "mml_pres" && type == "theory") {
+ keys = "T1,T2,E¶m.keys=C1,C2";
+ }
+ var naturalLanguage = typesflags;
+ if (typesflags != "NO" || type == "theory") {
+ naturalLanguage = mode_list[3];
+ }
+ url = processorURL + "apply?xmluri=" + escape(getterURL + "get?uri=" + uri) + "&keys=" + keys + "¶m.CICURI=" + uri + "¶m.naturalLanguage=" + naturalLanguage;
+ }
+ return url;
--- /dev/null
+function getDefaultParam(name)
+ switch (name) {
+ case "processorURL":
+ return "http://phd.cs.unibo.it:8080/helm/servlet/uwobo/";
+ case "getterURL":
+ return "http://phd.cs.unibo.it:8081/";
+ case "cicuri":
+ return "cic:/";
+ case "theoryuri":
+ return "theory:/";
+ case "mode":
+ return "processed,cic,html,yes,no";
+ }
+ return "???";
--- /dev/null
+function getInitialProcessorURL()
+ var search = top.location.search;
+ search = search.slice(1);
+ var args = search.split("&");
+ var processorURL = "-1";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
+ var couple = args[i].split("=");
+ if (couple[0] == "processorURL") processorURL = couple[1];
+ }
+ if (processorURL == "-1") processorURL = getDefaultParam("processorURL");
+ return processorURL;
+function getInitialGetterURL()
+ var search = top.location.search;
+ search = search.slice(1);
+ var args = search.split("&");
+ var getterURL = "-1";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
+ var couple = args[i].split("=");
+ if (couple[0] == "getterURL") getterURL = couple[1];
+ }
+ if (getterURL == "-1") getterURL = getDefaultParam("getterURL");
+ return getterURL;
+function getUwoboURL()
+ return document.uwoboURL.elements[0].value;
+function getGetterURL()
+ return document.getterURL.elements[0].value;
+function refreshLinks()
+ var search = top.location.search;
+ search = search.slice(1);
+ var args = search.split("&");
+ var cicuri = "-1", theoryuri = "-1", mode = "-1";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
+ var couple = args[i].split("=");
+ switch (couple[0]) {
+ case "cicuri" : cicuri =couple[1]; break;
+ case "theoryuri" : theoryicuri =couple[1]; break;
+ case "mode" : mode =couple[1]; break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cicuri == "-1") cicuri = getDefaultParam("cicuri");
+ if (theoryuri == "-1") theoryuri = getDefaultParam("theoryuri");
+ if (mode == "-1") mode = getDefaultParam("mode");
+ document.links[2].search = "?getterURL=" + getGetterURL();
+ document.links[3].search =
+ "?processorURL=" + getUwoboURL() +
+ "&getterURL=" + getGetterURL();
+ document.links[4].href = "../html/library/index.html?cicuri=" + cicuri
+ + "&theoryuri=" + theoryuri
+ + "&mode=" + mode
+ + "&processorURL=" + getUwoboURL()
+ + "&getterURL=" + getGetterURL();
+function selectUwoboURL(ss)
+ if (ss.selectedIndex == 0) {
+ document.uwoboURL.elements[0].value = "";
+ } else {
+ document.uwoboURL.elements[0].value = "http://" + ss.options[ss.selectedIndex].value + ":8080/helm/servlet/uwobo/";
+ }
+ refreshLink();
+function selectGetterURL(ss)
+ if (ss.selectedIndex == 0) {
+ document.getterURL.elements[0].value = "";
+ } else {
+ document.getterURL.elements[0].value = "http://" + ss.options[ss.selectedIndex].value + ":8081/";
+ }
+ refreshLink();
--- /dev/null
+function chopSlash(url)
+ return url.slice(0,url.lastIndexOf('/'));
+function getParam(name)
+ var search = location.search;
+ search = search.slice(1);
+ var args = search.split("&");
+ var value = "???";
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) {
+ var couple = args[i].split("=");
+ if (couple[0] == name) value = couple[1];
+ }
+ if (value == "???") value = getDefaultParam(name);
+ return value;
+function outputOption(doc, value, content, selected)
+ doc.write("<option value=\"" + value + "\" ");
+ if (value == selected) doc.write("selected ");
+ doc.write(">" + content + "</option>");
+function outputCheckbox(doc, onclick, content, checked)
+ doc.write("<input type=\"checkbox\" onClick=\"" + onclick + "\" ");
+ if (checked) doc.write("checked");
+ doc.write(">" + content + "</input>");
--- /dev/null
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+ "top.{$target}uri='{$uri}';
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--- /dev/null
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