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+ <title>Project Management</title>
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+ <h1>Project Management</h1>
+ <p>The Project management will be assured by the following relevant
+ roles:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Project Manager</li>
+ <li>Exploitation manager</li>
+ <li>Work-package Leaders</li>
+ <li>Technical Contributors</li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>and by the following Project Bodies:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Project Coordination Committee (PCC)</li>
+ <li>Project Exploitation Board</li>
+ <li>Work-package Teams.</li>
+ </ol>
+ <dl>
+ <dt>Project Manager</dt>
+ <dd>The mandate of the Project Manager is
+ to represent the Project, report to the Commission, monitor
+ overall performance of the project, ensure accomplishment
+ of the technical objectives, promote project visibility,
+ promote dissemination of project results in the relevant international
+ forums, promote acceptance of project results, administer
+ project resources and monitor project spending.</dd>
+ <dt>Exploitation Manager</dt>
+ <dd>S/he will be responsible for coordinating
+ exploitation activities undertaken by the Project Exploitation Board
+ (PEB) in close cooperation with the Project Coordination Committee
+ (PCC).</dd>
+ <dt>Work-package Leaders</dt>
+ <dd>They are responsible for the performance of
+ Work-packages, and they must be committed to the Work-package for at
+ least five man months per year.</dd>
+ <dt>Technical Contributors</dt>
+ <dd>Technical Contributors are specialised
+ staff provided by the partners. They could be either people active on
+ a stable basis into a Work-package, or people who contribute from time
+ to time on specific tasks related to the work-plan (external
+ contributors).</dd>
+ <dt>Project Coordination Committee</dt>
+ <dd>The PCC is chaired by the Project
+ Manager and constituted by one representative from each Partner, and
+ is the main decision body of the Consortium. It is in charge
+ of all formal decisions regarding technical direction of the work,
+ proper interrelation between Work-packages,
+ relations with IST Office, policies for promotion of results,
+ administrative arrangements. In view of minimising management overhead
+ and project costs, partners providing the Project Manager,
+ and the Work-packages Leaders are required to appoint the same
+ person as their official representative in the Project
+ Coordination Committee.</dd>
+ <dt>Project Exploitation Board</dt>
+ <dd>The PEB will be chaired by the
+ Project Exploitation Manager, and composed by the Exploitation
+ Managers of each partner. It will monitor the state of the art in
+ the domains of content-based information technologies, W3C activities,
+ Web publishing, and digital libraries. It will be responsible for
+ planning the dissemination and exploitation strategies for the
+ consortium, to be approved by the PCC.</dd>
+ <dt>Work-package Teams</dt>
+ <dd>They are constituted of the technical contributors.
+ Each team will be chaired by a Work-package Leader, and it will be in
+ charge of carrying out the technical work described in Section
+ \ref{Workpackages}.</dd>
+ </dl>
+ </body>