(* INVARIANT: we suppose that t is not another occurrence of Meta(n,_),
otherwise the occur check does not make sense in case of unification
of ?n with ?n *)
-let delift metasenv subst context n l t =
- let rec aux k (metasenv, subst as ms) = function
+let delift ~unify metasenv subst context n l t =
+ let unify_list =
+ match l with
+ | _, NCic.Irl _ -> fun _ _ _ _ _ -> None
+ | shift, NCic.Ctx l -> fun metasenv subst context k t ->
+ HExtlib.list_findopt
+ (fun li i ->
+ let li = NCicSubstitution.lift (k+shift) li in
+ match unify metasenv subst context li t with
+ | Some (metasenv,subst) ->
+ Some ((metasenv, subst), NCic.Rel (i+1+k))
+ | None -> None)
+ l
+ in
+ let rec aux k (metasenv, subst as ms) t =
+ match unify_list metasenv subst context k t with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None ->
+ match t with
| NCic.Rel n as t when n <= k -> ms, t
| NCic.Rel n ->
(NCicPp.ppterm ~context ~metasenv ~subst t))))
| NCic.Meta (i,l1) as orig ->
- let _,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ let tag,_,t,_ = NCicUtils.lookup_subst i subst in
+ (match tag with None -> () | Some tag -> prerr_endline tag);
aux k ms (NCicSubstitution.subst_meta l1 t)
with NCicUtils.Subst_not_found _ ->
if snd l1 = NCic.Irl 0 || snd l1 = NCic.Ctx [] then ms, orig
aux () t
-let rec beta_expand hdb num test_eq_only swap metasenv subst context t arg =
- let rec aux (n,context,test_eq_only as k) (metasenv, subst as acc) t' =
- try
- let metasenv, subst =
- if swap then
- unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t' (NCicSubstitution.lift n arg)
- else
- unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context (NCicSubstitution.lift n arg) t'
- in
- (metasenv, subst), NCic.Rel (1 + n)
- with Uncertain _ | UnificationFailure _ ->
- match t' with
- | NCic.Rel m as orig ->
- (metasenv, subst), if m <= n then orig else NCic.Rel (m+1)
- (* andrea: in general, beta_expand can create badly typed
- terms. This happens quite seldom in practice, UNLESS we
- iterate on the local context. For this reason, we renounce
- to iterate and just lift *)
- | NCic.Meta (i,(shift,lc)) ->
- (metasenv,subst), NCic.Meta (i,(shift+1,lc))
- | NCic.Prod (name, src, tgt) as orig ->
- let (metasenv, subst), src1 = aux (n,context,true) acc src in
- let k = n+1, (name, NCic.Decl src) :: context, test_eq_only in
- let ms, tgt1 = aux k (metasenv, subst) tgt in
- if src == src1 && tgt == tgt1 then ms, orig else
- ms, NCic.Prod (name, src1, tgt1)
- | t ->
- NCicUntrusted.map_term_fold_a
- (fun e (n,ctx,teq) -> n+1,e::ctx,teq) k aux acc t
- in
- let argty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context arg in
- let fresh_name = "Hbeta" ^ string_of_int num in
- let (metasenv,subst), t1 =
- aux (0, context, test_eq_only) (metasenv, subst) t in
- let t2 = eta_reduce (NCic.Lambda (fresh_name,argty,t1)) in
- try
- ignore(NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context t2);
- metasenv, subst, t2
- with NCicTypeChecker.TypeCheckerFailure _ ->
- metasenv, subst, NCic.Lambda ("_", argty, NCicSubstitution.lift 1 arg)
-and beta_expand_many hdb test_equality_only swap metasenv subst context t args =
-(* (*D*) inside 'B'; try let rc = *)
- pp (lazy (String.concat ", "
- (List.map (NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context)
- args) ^ " ∈ " ^ NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
- let _, subst, metasenv, hd =
- List.fold_right
- (fun arg (num,subst,metasenv,t) ->
- let metasenv, subst, t =
- beta_expand hdb num test_equality_only swap metasenv subst context t arg
- in
- num+1,subst,metasenv,t)
- args (1,subst,metasenv,t)
- in
- pp (lazy ("Head syntesized by b-exp: " ^
- NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context hd));
- metasenv, subst, hd
-(* (*D*) in outside (); rc with exn -> outside (); raise exn *)
+let rec beta_expand_many metasenv subst context t args =
+ let tty = NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context t in
+ let argsty = List.map (NCicTypeChecker.typeof ~metasenv ~subst context) args in
+ let rec mk_lambda context n = function
+ | [] ->
+ let metasenv, _, bo, _ =
+ NCicMetaSubst.mk_meta metasenv context (`WithType tty) in
+ metasenv, bo
+ | ty::tail ->
+ let name = "HBeta"^string_of_int n in
+ let ty = NCicSubstitution.lift n ty in
+ let metasenv, bo = mk_lambda ((name,NCic.Decl ty)::context) (n+1) tail in
+ metasenv, NCic.Lambda (name, ty, bo)
+ in
+ mk_lambda context 0 argsty
and instantiate hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context n lc t swap =
(*D*) inside 'I'; try let rc =
pp (lazy(string_of_int n ^ " := 111 = "^
NCicPp.ppterm ~metasenv ~subst ~context t));
let (metasenv, subst), t =
- try NCicMetaSubst.delift metasenv subst context n lc t
+ try
+ NCicMetaSubst.delift
+ ~unify:(fun m s c t1 t2 ->
+ let ind = !indent in
+ let res =
+ try Some (unify test_eq_only m s c t1 t2 )
+ with UnificationFailure _ | Uncertain _ -> None
+ in
+ indent := ind; res)
+ metasenv subst context n lc t
with NCicMetaSubst.Uncertain msg ->
pp (lazy ("delift fails: " ^ Lazy.force msg));
raise (Uncertain msg)
| NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args), _ when not (flexible args) ->
(* we verify that none of the args is a Meta,
since beta expanding w.r.t a metavariable makes no sense *)
- let metasenv, subst, beta_expanded =
- beta_expand_many hdb
- test_eq_only false
- metasenv subst context t2 args
+ let metasenv, beta_expanded =
+ beta_expand_many metasenv subst context t2 args
+ let metasenv, subst =
unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context
- (C.Meta (i,l)) beta_expanded
+ (C.Meta (i,l)) beta_expanded
+ in
+ (* .... eta_reduce ?i ... *)
+ unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2
| _, NCic.Appl (NCic.Meta (i,l)::args) when not(flexible args) ->
- let metasenv, subst, beta_expanded =
- beta_expand_many hdb
- test_eq_only true
- metasenv subst context t1 args
+ let metasenv, beta_expanded =
+ beta_expand_many metasenv subst context t1 args
+ let metasenv, subst =
unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context
- beta_expanded (C.Meta (i,l))
+ beta_expanded (C.Meta (i,l))
+ in
+ unify hdb test_eq_only metasenv subst context t1 t2
(* processing this case here we avoid a useless small delta step *)
| (C.Appl ((C.Const r1) as _hd1::tl1), C.Appl (C.Const r2::tl2))