<!-- From now on it is unlikely that something needs to be changed -->
+ <section name="mathql_interpreter">
+ <key name="db_map">mathql_db_map.txt</key>
+ </section>
<section name="local_library">
<key name="dir">file://$(users_settings.per_user_work_directory)/objects</key>
<key name="url">$(local_library.dir)</key>
module MQGU = MQGUtil
module MQG = MQueryGenerator
-let configuration_file = "gTopLevel.conf.xml"
+(* first of all let's initialize the Helm_registry *)
+let _ =
+ let configuration_file = "gTopLevel.conf.xml" in
+ if not (Sys.file_exists configuration_file) then begin
+ eprintf "E: Can't find configuration file '%s'\n" configuration_file;
+ exit 2
+ end;
+ Helm_registry.load_from configuration_file
let mqi_debug_fun s = debug_print ~level:2 s
let mqi_flags = [MQIC.Postgres ; MQIC.Stat ; MQIC.Warn ; MQIC.Log]
(* MAIN *)
let initialize_everything () =
- if not (Sys.file_exists configuration_file) then begin
- eprintf "E: Can't find configuration file '%s'\n" configuration_file;
- exit 2
- end;
- Helm_registry.load_from configuration_file;
let output = TermViewer.proof_viewer ~width:350 ~height:280 () in
let notebook = new notebook in
let rendering_window' = new rendering_window output notebook in
let empty_map () = "", [], []
let read_map () =
- let default_map = "mathql_db_map.txt" in
- let map =
- try Sys.getenv "MATHQL_DB_MAP"
- with Not_found -> default_map
- in
+ let map = Helm_registry.get "mathql_interpreter.db_map" in
let ich = open_in map in
let pgs = input_line ich in
let rec aux r s =