} elsif ($http_method eq 'GET' and $http_path eq "/getwithtypes") {
- my $do_annotate = ($cicuri =~ /\.types$/);
+ my $mode;
+ my $do_annotate;
+ if ($cicuri =~ /\.types$/) {
+ $do_annotate = 1;
+ $mode = "types";
+ } elsif ($cicuri =~ /\.ann$/) {
+ $do_annotate = 1;
+ $mode = "ann";
+ } else {
+ $do_annotate = 0;
+ }
my $target_to_annotate = $cicuri;
- $target_to_annotate =~ s/(.*)\.types$/$1/ if $do_annotate;
+ if ($mode eq "types") {
+ $target_to_annotate =~ s/(.*)\.types$/$1/;
+ } elsif ($mode eq "ann") {
+ $target_to_annotate =~ s/(.*)\.ann$/$1/;
+ }
my $filename = $cicuri;
$filename =~ s/cic:(.*)/$1/;
$filename =~ s/theory:(.*)/$1/;
my $filename_target = $helm_dir.$filename if $do_annotate;
$filename = $helm_dir.$filename.".xml";
- $filename_target =~ s/(.*)\.types$/$1.xml/ if $do_annotate;
+ if ($mode eq "types") {
+ $filename_target =~ s/(.*)\.types$/$1.xml/;
+ } elsif ($mode eq "ann") {
+ $filename_target =~ s/(.*)\.ann$/$1.xml/;
+ }
my $resolved = $map{$cicuri};
my $resolved_target = $map{$target_to_annotate} if $do_annotate;
if ($do_annotate) {
- print "GETWITHTYPES!!\n";
+ print "GETWITHTYPES!!\n" if ($mode eq "types");
+ print "GETWITHANN!!\n" if ($mode eq "ann");
print "($cicuri, $target_to_annotate) ==> ($resolved + $resolved_target) ($filename)\n";
} else {
print "$cicuri ==> $resolved ($filename)\n";
# Retrieves the annotation
if (stat($filename)) {
- print "Using local copy for the types\n";
+ print "Using local copy for the types\n" if ($mode eq "types");
+ print "Using local copy for the ann\n" if ($mode eq "ann");
open(FD, $filename);
while(<FD>) { $cont .= $_; }
} else {
- print "Downloading the types\n";
+ print "Downloading the types\n" if ($mode eq "types");
+ print "Downloading the ann\n" if ($mode eq "ann");
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "$resolved");
$response = $ua->request($request, \&callback);
- print "Storing file for the types\n";
+ print "Storing file for the types\n" if ($mode eq "types");
+ print "Storing file for the ann\n" if ($mode eq "ann");
open(FD, ">".$filename);
print FD $cont;
$target =~ s/<!DOCTYPE [^>]*>//sg;
$annotation =~ s/<\?xml [^?]*\?>//sg;
$annotation =~ s/<!DOCTYPE [^>]*>//sg;
+ my $element, $endelement;
+ if ($mode eq "types") {
+ $element = "<ALLTYPES>";
+ $endelement = "</ALLTYPES>";
+ } elsif ($mode eq "ann") {
+ $element = "";
+ $endelement = "";
+ }
my $merged = <<EOT;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cicxml uri="$target_to_annotate">